Weight Loss Group


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Originally Posted by rbella
Thanks, Mzz. Depression sucks so bad. I sometimes don't even want to get out of bed. I can't stand it.

I know, it is horrible. I know exactly what you are feeling.



Well-known member
Ditto....It takes over your whole mind set and way of thinking...Depression is a horrible disease and it's hard to overcome..people that say just snap out of it..have never walked in your shoes or have any idea the hold it has on you.
Big Hugs...


Well-known member
Ok when really hungry for something sweet...Chew GUM!! But what happens if you go through a pack of gum a day??? I think I just did


Well-known member
post lost blah...

rbella - thoughts are with you, hope you start feeling better soon.

Tish you're doing so good - I've done that with gum too... dentyne ice addiction!

Me, I worked out not too hard or anything just 20 minutes walk/light jog on the treadmill and then 15 minutes on the elliptical I really need to push harder but .. just moving is a start.


Well-known member
PS why do you always feel fatter when you're trying to lose weight, I don't know I feel like suddenly i SEE and feel how fat I am and its hard to deal with. Maybe its just because I'm so big and eating use to make me numb to it?

Oh and December/Christmas Challenge... lose 25 lbs from my starting weight. I think that's reasonable for my current size. I'll just need to step up the activity a whole lot after this weak of 'easing in' .


Well-known member
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
PS why do you always feel fatter when you're trying to lose weight, I don't know I feel like suddenly i SEE and feel how fat I am and its hard to deal with. Maybe its just because I'm so big and eating use to make me numb to it?

Oh and December/Christmas Challenge... lose 25 lbs from my starting weight. I think that's reasonable for my current size. I'll just need to step up the activity a whole lot after this weak of 'easing in' .

Ok if you agree to do at least 20-30 mins of vigorous walking on the treadmill everyday...I will too...even if I ride my bike I will still commit to the treadmill... What do you say....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
PS why do you always feel fatter when you're trying to lose weight, I don't know I feel like suddenly i SEE and feel how fat I am and its hard to deal with. Maybe its just because I'm so big and eating use to make me numb to it?

Oh and December/Christmas Challenge... lose 25 lbs from my starting weight. I think that's reasonable for my current size. I'll just need to step up the activity a whole lot after this weak of 'easing in' .

I completely understand. I feel much bigger now than I did before I looked at my habits (and uhealthy weight range.)
I think its because I have forced myself to acknowledge whats going on by addressing it and losing weight, instead of avoiding the issue.


Well-known member
Rbella - Hugs to you. I know what you are going through. I have suffered depression on and off since i was 16... over 18 years now. It is horrible to be depressed... the only thing i can remember is just like this weight on me pushing me down... i am sad everyday and near tears. I can barely think straight. I have hated myself for so long in my life and made so many wrong choices in my life that i regret now. It does get better. I have come out of it... i am truly happy for the first time in my life. I don't hate myself... i am trying to make changes in my life to get what i want. If i can do it... you can as well. You are such a funny and kind person. If you ever need to talk, pm me.

Snow - I think it is because you become more aware of everything you are eating and the way you look. It does go away though... i am feeling thinner and thinner everyday. I still have loads of weight to lose but I am happy with myself. Don't look at yourself as fat or ugly but focus on areas that you like... or that you see changes. I noticed the other day that my legs are getting thinner... instead of focusing on my flabby arms (I HATE THEM).

I did great yesterday. I didn't go over and even had a few WW chocolate swiss rolls. They are so yummy. I love that WW makes their own sweets... most of them are really nice. I was so craving chocolate yesterday.

Today I am having... cereal and 1/2 croissant for brekkie, salad & soup for lunch, and chicken stir fry with noodles for dinner.


Active member
rbella - BIG HUGS to you! I also have repro issues but was truly blessed when I fell pregnant with and safely delivered my beautiful daughter. There are so many medical marvels out there these days that almost everything is possible and yes I mean that! I never used to believe it and was at the stage where u are now.. (minus the ptr not wanting) I was so depressed and so down and out that I shut myself off from everyone.. which of course made it all the more worse and made the ttc even harder and less likely to happen.

If you ever want to chat about anything to do with that pop me a pm because I know the heartache, I was there for 3 years! 3 years of constant ttc, dr visits, pills, tests and feeling very very useless!

In relation to weight loss, I cant recommend it enough as a means to help you to feel better about urself. Not only does walking/ exercise make you feel better on the inside becuase of the endorphins etc but U will start to feel more confident with you on the outside too!!!

Take care of urself hun


Active member
I agree Snow... we become that much more aware because we are so focused on what we are eating and what we are doing that it truly just is THERE in ur face ALL the time! Especially when you constantly weigh urself etc ... hang in there hun!! ull see results and will be motivated by them!


Well-known member
rbella : me and my man argued more than one about having kids.
I'm 28 years old... when I was younger it was clear to me that I wanted kids about around 26 years old and before 30... But now I guess I changed my mind because I love him.

He's also younger than me, he's 24, and we're not at the same point yet about kids. He wants them, but wants to be financialy (sp??) ready.

God must hate me right now, because with all the recession coming (to canada it's not thaaaaattt badddd ''yet''), and as an investor, he's really not ready.

So I totally understand how you feel my sweet and cuty rbella.
About kids and about overeating. Monday I had one of those days, it was terrible how much I ate. Beurk...

As for today I'm eating for lunch leftovers of the chicken I made last night. It was DELICIOUS!!! It was also my first oven roasted chicken hahaha.

Brought some mints and Melba toasts to help me with my cravings at work.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X_cinderella_X
I completely understand. I feel much bigger now than I did before I looked at my habits (and uhealthy weight range.)
I think its because I have forced myself to acknowledge whats going on by addressing it and losing weight, instead of avoiding the issue.

I feel the exact same way
...I have no idea what I'll eat this morning, I'm just super pissed that my coffee machine isn't working and there really isn't anything healthy to eat, I guess it's to the grocerey store for me....****p.s. has anyone else had this happen to them b4?...you live with people that eat whatever they want....you go out and buy 'diet' foods, which are normally more expensive because they are 'specialty' items or they're fresh, you look in the pantry a couple of days later.."Who the hell is eating my fill in the blank?!" It's like, okay, you go from eating that ice-cream to my sugar-free cookies?? ummm NO. lol


Well-known member
My Depression/Drama Story... Sit back it's long !!!
My 1st love and 1st husband died of Prostate Cancer when he was 32 y/o Yep Prostate Cancer... I was told for years you can not have children without medical intervention...Which at the time when he was alive we could not afford. 5 years later I am in a relationship with a guy that was okay...nothing that I ever wanted to be a future or long term commitment...
I get terribly sick...Go to my Dr..He said you have the flu....Ok...1 week later still sick...Go to my Dr again...Runs tests...You have a viral infection...Ok after 3 weeks of this crap..I decided to randomly pop into one of those Care Now offices...She said well just let me run a urine test...Shows abnormal but nothing specific...So she said lets do a blood test to be on the safe side...She comes back...Says Congrats...Congrats?? Yes, Mrs Mozeke you are pregnant..I said It's Miss and you have got to be kidding!!! She said No..Ok I left cried for a week or two or 10...Told my going no where boyfriend and he was happy...not sure why......Then made my mind up I would not marry him because I was pregnant because I didn't want to before this event. So after years of being told you will not get pregnant here I was pregnant, unmarried and miserable...with a less than ideal father figure sperm donor. Here comes the Drepression...
After 4 months broke up with the boyfriend...After 5 months went on bedrest due to complications with my back...6 months pregnant and I am fat, depressed, lonely and 9/11 occurs....Could my life just please end now...
No, Thank God it did not..My closest relative is 1,000 miles away..I just wanted my Mommy..I was a 34 y/o mess!! My bestfriend stepped in..You know the guy that always liked you but he was not your type so you remained friends but you knew he always thought that one day you would wake up and love him for more than just a friend ..Ok that never, ever happened.....He was this really pale, goofy white firefighter dude named Kenny...But he was my friend and he did care about me, but we were just complete opposites....He was there when I went into labor..Unlike my deadbeat sperm donor. ..I had my son...Named him Christian..because this was truly God's divine intervention. When he was born...All the nurses and doctors kept looking at Kenny going Oh My...we were wondering where Christian got his complextion and eyes from..he is going to look just like you...And Kenny would just stand there and smile giving them affirmation that he was the father...NOT and AS IF!! I lay there in misery thinking..Why is he making people think that I would actually sleep with him..But what he said he was doing was trying to save me from the embarrassment that he thought I must be feeling for not having my son's father there. Hummm...Ok whatever...Wasn't really feeling that..But we'll go with that theory!
Ok I struggled with being a new single mother for 2 years until I decided to move from OH to TX to be closer to my family. I met my now husband after a year of being here..and he has since adopted my son...My life is great and my husband and son are perfect..But Yes, I still get depressed..WHY, who knows...no one plans depression it just happens and it's hard to deal with. But after many meds ..I have learned the best medicine for me is counseling, prayer and a good support system. Meds only left me feeling medicated... But everyone has to find what works for them...
Rbella..I know you and your husband will get thru this..Because he loves you...What is there not to love about you. Just take one day at a time...Concentrate on your health and everything else will work itself out. I too eat when depressed..I am an emotional eater...But we will all get thru this and be better for it!! We are here for you!!
But thru all of this ..the pics below is what came out of my drama..and I am so blessed!!
His father was black..However still to this day...My mom asks me ...Is there something about you and Kenny that you would like to tell me...MOM, I never slept with Kenny...She says, Okay baby, but if you ever want to confess I am here...and she just laughs...Uggghhh Poor Kenny!!

Ok Now everyone say AHHHHHHH





Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127


*cries* This is one of the most beautiful photos I have ever seen! My god it is just so precious. You and your gorgeous boy!


Thank you so much for sharing your story. xoxo


Well-known member
OK, so I got on the scale this morning so I can properly gauge my progress.

F*CK. Enough said.

This was so difficult but I must admit it is a powerful motivator. That would be understating it.

Game ON. This weight is coming OFF.

I am so lucky to have the support of this wonderful group. We will do it together and we will get there, one step, one bite at a time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
OK, so I got on the scale this morning so I can properly gauge my progress.

F*CK. Enough said.

This was so difficult but I must admit it is a powerful motivator. That would be understating it.

Game ON. This weight is coming OFF.

I am so lucky to have the support of this wonderful group. We will do it together and we will get there, one step, one bite at a time.

You can do it!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
Thank you Tish for sharing with us. Your son is beautiful!!!

She said it. Thank you for sharing

Your son is soooooooo cute

MzzRach : Last time I weighted myself I had gained weigt...
I'll stay away from that thing untill I feel that I lost a good amount of weight.

Bring it on, stupid fat.


Well-known member
I'm not gonna lie, but for awhile I literally felt like I was the only one struggling with my weight...I started dieting back in mid June and have so far lost 22lbs
but I'm stuck at 175. I've committed myself to doing at least 30-45mins of cardio 5 days a week and stick to eating healthy and only eat 1200 calories per day (doctor said it that was a good amount to eat for my size). But what really bugs me is that my dad is dieting too and he's dropping pounds left and right. I really don't like that most men can lose weight so easily, ugh!
Oh well, I've just come to fact that I am going to have to work harder.

I really would like to lose another 10-15lbs by the time Thanksgiving comes around...Any suggestions?

Thanks ahead of time ladies...And BEST of LUCK to all of you out there