Weight Loss Group


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Tish... I don't know what to say but to say if you want to change you can do it. If you love your husband, you will be willing to change and he will be willing to compromise on somethings.

Hugs to you girl!!!!!!


Well-known member
Tish. I'm so sorry.
We are all here. You are a great person, I can't imagine you are not a wonderful wife as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Thanks, Mzz. Depression sucks so bad. I sometimes don't even want to get out of bed. I can't stand it.

I will be contacting you!! Count on it!! Most likely manana, as hubby needs the computer to work. again.

I am so sorry to hear about that Hun. If you need any help with your Re pro issues give me a shout. I may be able to dig up some contacts in that area and help you out :). Or at least recommend somewhere good!

If you need someone to talk to I am here. Sometimes depression is aided by eating good things. I know lots of fruit helps sometimes. And also just taking a daily walk by yourself will help to clear your mind and get your heart going and you will feel mentally better.

I know its hard with depression and I wish I could put myself in your stilettos to understand better. :) But keep your chin up and I am sure all the girls on here would agree, we are all here for you no matter what!

Try letting all emotions out in a journal, or by going CRAZY with make up. Or by going to do something different, like a free evening class or joining a local club where you can meet new people and make new friends!

I really hope your doing well soon! And I personally hope to see you doing something like this ----->


Well-known member
Aw, Tish! I hate that you are having a shitty day!!! I am having a horrible day too, what is going on with today?!! I feel absolutely miserable for some reason. I am in a really bad place in life right now, so I'm hoping going to the store and buying a new coffee maker will make me feel better!
Feel better Tish, I'll be checking in on every1 when I get back from the store, wish me luck!


Well-known member
I'm sorry you're having a bad day, Tish. Have you tried talking to your hubby about how you're feeling? :hugs:

I'm joining MzzRach in sending out good vibes and warm fuzzies to everyone! Can you feel it?

Hugs and kisses to everyone!

I'm going to try to go to the gym tonight. I haven't gone all week, so I'm feeling a bit sluggish. So far I've had a bajillion grapes, a pear, and lemon tea. I probably wont have time to eat anything else but we're having chicken "burritos" for dinner. I put it in quotes because it's never the same when I make em at home as when I get them at a taqueria. Ahh, well.. that should take up the rest of my calories anyway hahaha

I hope everyone has a great day!


Well-known member
I'm a little better!! I did talk to my dh and I told him that I was going to try to be a better wife...He said well I love you just as you are...But if you will snuggle with me tonight I would appreciate it...So girls I will be snuggling tonight not Specktra'n..well at least until he starts snoring then I can sneak out of bed for a few threads!! Thanks so much ladies..I know we will all get thru these crazy phases of life!!


Well-known member
Thanks for all the warm fuzzies you 2!
So far today I've had 6 spicy salmon rolls...and I think in a few min. I'll be having my first cup of coffee in like 2 months! I found a coffee maker on sale at target for 12.99 orignally 19.99..baaarrrgain lol p.s. tish your husband's so cute for saying that!!


Well-known member
Oh yeah the food...I have had nothing today! WOW just realized that!! Not even a coffee!! I was depressed!!

I'm gonna go eat some grapes and a banana just because

Leftover chicken and rice for dinner!


Well-known member
Tish, when you're done snuggling your DH, you should come snuggle me! haha
My bf is not a cuddly sleeper :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lizzie
Tish, when you're done snuggling your DH, you should come snuggle me! haha
My bf is not a cuddly sleeper :p

Well me and him would do great
...Because neither am I really!! But we do what we must...I like my own side....ALONE...no snuggling...No feeling warm breath on my neck!! Yep I'm such a romantic!!!


Well-known member
Hahaha I told my bf the same
I don't like to ''spoon''
Only on sunday mornings

Tonight I'm taking some time alone
I was thinking about going downtown to check out a new boutique called Micabella Cosmetics but I'm afraid I'll buy too much... haha

Sooo I guess I'm gonna go to the library get some books and relax a little. Something like that. I can't really go for a walk because it's cold and rainy outside
And for diner I don't know yet, I just don't wanna fall into fast food.


Well-known member
I friggin' hate snuggling. Isn't that weird? Well, let me correct that. I like to snuggle when I feel like it. I need to be better in that area as well, TISH. My hubby goes to bed every night and I'm like, "See ya". It never occurs to me that he might want to spoon. Although it should b/c as soon as I get into bed, the spooning begins. And then I sweat, get uncomfortable and annoyed while he snores in my ear. But, I love him nonetheless.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I friggin' hate snuggling. Isn't that weird? Well, let me correct that. I like to snuggle when I feel like it. I need to be better in that area as well, TISH. My hubby goes to bed every night and I'm like, "See ya". It never occurs to me that he might want to spoon. Although it should b/c as soon as I get into bed, the spooning begins. And then I sweat, get uncomfortable and annoyed while he snores in my ear. But, I love him nonetheless.....

That's my exact problem too...My guy loves it and I'm a bit mad so I always have a mental list of jobs to do, eg, walk dog, take out trash...
And I'm like "I don't have time and I get sweatyyyy!"

And then we argue....Oh and the snoring in your ear....I think were on the same level, natural wax earplugs are awesome!
And I adore/love/admire my guy like crazy too! What us girlies go through...Lol! :)

And TISH! *Huge huge hug*
Things always improve, even on the darkest days mornings always come =) Im here for ya girl


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
That's my exact problem too...My guy loves it and I'm a bit mad so I always have a mental list of jobs to do, eg, walk dog, take out trash...
And I'm like "I don't have time and I get sweatyyyy!"

And then we argue....Oh and the snoring in your ear....I think were on the same level, natural wax earplugs are awesome!
And I adore/love/admire my guy like crazy too! What us girlies go through...Lol! :)

And TISH! *Huge huge hug*
Things always improve, even on the darkest days mornings always come =) Im here for ya girl

Thanks Girl...yeah the snoring, I don;t share my pillow with anyone!!! I HATE being HOT..I sleep with the a/c, a box fan and a ceiling fan...And I don't know WHYYYY no one has mentioned...the main reason...IT IS... I can't stand in the middle of the night when you are so close that they are breathing there less than fresh breath right in your face!!! WTF is that about...MOVE OVER!!!
before you singe my eyelashes closed!! UGGGHH.. We deserve metals for the torture we endure sometimes...God Love them...But come on...We're married now...the mushy crap ends at engagement
My husband said he must have fell in love with my representative..Because I am not the same person he first met LOL ....Ahhh NO and I don't remember this morning breath thing either!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chameleonmary
Hi all,

Sorry been out of action the last couple of weeks. Uni has been killing me and getting me down
the weight loss has kind of plateaued so once my exams are over I will be adding a few boxing classes to my schedule.

How has everyone been? How do you guys deal with a plateau?


I don't know mel sounds like she has good advice. I'm easing slowly into my program so I have room to kick it up a notch... but i'm sure i'll be asking for advice when that happens i have to start actually losing weight before I plateau right? I'm so scared for our weight in next week at work. After our thanksgiving long weekend. That should be ineteresing. I think the boys are doing well but us girls are struggling.

Originally Posted by melliquor
You can either decrease your calories or increase your exercise. You can also change the exercise that you are doing. If you are running, maybe change to swimming.

WW is really good because everytime you get into a new range of weight, you reduce the amount of calories you can have. It always keeps your system going for you will lose.

Hope this helps.

I think thats the hard part for me, knowing that i'll continually have to reduce what I eat lol. I love food entirely too much!

Originally Posted by TISH1127
That is what I have done...when I plateau I change my aerobic activity. I am now doing water aerobics versus running. I am still riding my bike because I love it...But you have to switch up your calorie burning activity because your body has gotten used to what you are currently doing. At least that is what my trainer told me..He recommends I alternate my activities so that my body doesn't plateau. So I am doing water aerobics 3x wk and running 2x week and riding a lot because it's my stress reliever and more for enjoyment. I am also doing weights 4x a week.

Hard for me to find variety, no pool here. I wish there was so I could add swiming to my rotation but no year round pool for us, too cold.

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Yes, But I just started this this week because I early retired from work..Lots of free time...Yeah I love my treadmill so much!! It even has a dvd screen for movies ...It was my 40th birthday present to myself...If you can walk for 25-40 mins you can run for 20...I do not run fast..My running is equivalent to a brisk walk...I jog...If you slowly run it will build up everyday to a faster pace. I use to walk 10 mins then run for about 2-5, then walk 10..until I was able to build up to straight running...Just start putting in 1-3 mins in the middle of your walking to build up your endurance..and don;t try to run fast just a slow easy pace...I promise you will be running the entire time within 2 months...

Wowsa I'm jealous your treadmill sounds freaking AWESOME!

Originally Posted by aleksis210
Aw, Tish! I hate that you are having a shitty day!!! I am having a horrible day too, what is going on with today?!! I feel absolutely miserable for some reason. I am in a really bad place in life right now, so I'm hoping going to the store and buying a new coffee maker will make me feel better!
Feel better Tish, I'll be checking in on every1 when I get back from the store, wish me luck!

Hope you start feeling better soon too! How did the coffee maker purchase go?

Originally Posted by MzzRach
*sends positive vibes out to everyone*





Originally Posted by Lizzie
I'm sorry you're having a bad day, Tish. Have you tried talking to your hubby about how you're feeling? :hugs:

I'm joining MzzRach in sending out good vibes and warm fuzzies to everyone! Can you feel it?

Hugs and kisses to everyone!

I'm going to try to go to the gym tonight. I haven't gone all week, so I'm feeling a bit sluggish. So far I've had a bajillion grapes, a pear, and lemon tea. I probably wont have time to eat anything else but we're having chicken "burritos" for dinner. I put it in quotes because it's never the same when I make em at home as when I get them at a taqueria. Ahh, well.. that should take up the rest of my calories anyway hahaha

I hope everyone has a great day!

Hope you have a good workout and a good rest of the day.

No activity yet, eating was okay, chopped up carrots and celery and pepers at lunch and took them along with chopped fruit. was suppose to be for a coworkers birthday but he wasn't there this afternoon. Good healthy snacks anyhow to keep me mostly out of trouble :-D

Supper I chopped up bock choy, the veggies fromt he office that were left over and boiled/stirfried them, w/ a little chicken. salty which is bad but otherwise healthful...

trying to drum up motivation to go to the gym... but I should also call my friends and feeling demotivated right now lol


Well-known member
I use the indoor pool at the gym..we have a pool at our condo but it's too chilly in the mornings.


Well-known member
Snowflakelashes, you had a really healthy day today!! The coffee maker works wonderful, i put a little too much creamer in my coffee though(haven't made it in SO long!) I am actually feeling much better, thank you for asking..
Oh and put me on the anti-cuddle list, my bf and I always kiss eachother good night but then we roll over to our own sides...I'm going to share this story, I think everyone will have a nice laugh at....especially since we all are so anti-cuddling. So i went with my Friend and her new bf (who are now broken up) to get sheets for their new bed @ macy's. Well we got into the topic of bed size and I mentioned that when I'm older and have my own house I want the biggest bed they make. This is because me and my bf need a lot of room because we don't like to be right on top of eachother, they look at me strange and say "well we want the biggest bed too, but we love to cuddle!"(barf) Anyway, I was like oh okay that's great, whatever.Then I thought I would share a funny story with them about how the last time my bf and I cuddled he elbowed me in the eye in his sleep lol(hurt so bad!) My friend's boyfriend looked me dead in the eye and says "I wouldn't let that happen to her".
Oh really?! Because you can control your bodily motions in your sleep?! LMAO I didn't say anything because I literally could not believe he just said that...
OHHHhhh new couples, they can be so ignorant lol...Thought you girls would enjoy that...haha.