Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
Willa : For me I always have to have some kind fo protein or i'm never satisfied blah, i could eat the whole fridge worth of fruit and still be hungry unless i add either a non fat yoghurt for the dairy a d bit of cheese or some nuts. And bread too...
Feeling wierd ad the moment I know that "size" doesnt' matter but I just took a look at my modestly sized makeup collection and had that thought, you know the ones that you're not suppose to admit. My multicolored makeup is something that a pretty girl would own, I feel like i'm pretending. Okay again with the hunger/lack of junk food making me nuts I think i really really really miss whatever chemicals that junk use to release in my brain the 'happy' ones (dopamine for starters haha) . :-D ah well I go away this weekend, hence why allll my makeup was out i'm trying to decide what to pack...its hard I want to bring everything b/c I don't know what I'll be in the mood to wear but at the same time... I think its a little ridiculous for me to take it all AND I worry about it getting damaged /lost in transit.
I completely understand. For a couple of months there before I began on my weightloss journey I had stopped putting effort into my hair, and even stopped wearing makeup altogether (!).
I felt at the time it was all a farce- what was the point in trying to make myself look nice when ultimately whatever I did I would still be unnatractive.
That was a horrible way to think about myself and I must say I am not proud of wallowing in self pity like that. And no inner demons will stop me from wearing makeup anymore!
The weather here is getting really great- soon it will be the beginning of summer and i'll be looking hot!
Ahh, the snuggling issue. It's actually a source of a few arguments with my boyfriend and myself. When I want to, he never does. And on the rare occassions he does want to, I could take it or leave it!