Hey GIrlies
So last check in before I go. Ate veggies for lunch clothes are just finishing drying. And then throwing in the suitcase.
Ended up packing, Painterly PP for a base, a body shop blush. my Unagaro shadows , tempting quad and auto de blue and jade way and feline liners. . more makeup than I could EVER need for a weekend. But the pigments are just 1/4 tsp samples I made from my full jars so that doesn't worry as much the QUAD is going in my purse, thanks! That I can not lose.
Seriously I'm only gone for 3 days lol thats more than enough makeup haha. But I needed to know I'd have the choice to do something different. Tempting does that for me, theres the neutral way to wear it leaving out sharp or BOLD wearing the sharp. The Unagaro shadows can be combined afew ways so I have flexibility. Not to mention I will probably BUY makeup at merl norman LOL
Okay gotta go pack the clothes... this is SO backwards, I only packed makeup in a ziplock bag last night and not my clothes haha
(i had to let them dry though... thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
Talk to you all on monday or tuesday hope you have GREAT weekends (happy thanksgiving to any other canadians out there!)