Weight Loss Group


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Speaking of bad things we like...lol....I thought it might be fun just to list what our biggest weaknesses in food are: Do not feel obligated to play!*just sort of nice to not talk about dieting for a sec!*
Krispy Kreme(I think this is everyone's downfall lol)
Cheese Cake
Tres Leche(if you have never tried this...do not start now...LOL)
digiorno stuffed crust pizza
Cookies and Cream milkshakes(from Chik-fil-A..omg...)
Pringles..any flavor...anytime...once you pop... you know the rest
Chinese(from the mall) aka "fake chinese" lol
Southern/soul food..damn you Paula Deen!!

*just for fun my strengths are
Greek/italian medditeranean food (a la Giada de laurentis)
Asian food...sushi..and any of the soups!


Well-known member
Just back from Shoe shopping YEAHHH!! Do I feel better NO!!!
But I did buy a couple of pair...Forgot to get my Jamba Juice so I have still not eaten all day.

My favorite foods

Lorna Doone Cookies
Grandy's Fried Chicken
Dairy Queen's Tacos
Dairy Queen's Onion Rings
A&W Rootbeer
Saltgrass - Onion Loaf
Bennigan's - Shrimp & Spinach Salad
Chili's - Spinach Dip
Chick-Fila - Chicken Sandwich
Blue Bell - Pralines and Cream Ice Cream
Blue Bell - Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
Krispy Kreme Raspberry Filled Donuts - Been about 5 years tho since I had one


Well-known member
Ho girls... I'm the queen of bad food

My weekness are :
A&W Onion rings
Chicken burgers
Bacon... Do not even mention Bacon in front of me
Prosciutto, Hongrese Salami...
Cheese... CHEESE. I love Brie, Camembert, Triple creme...
Fresh pastas
Chocolate, caramel, Jelly Bellys (I bought a bag, my shame)
Dips... DIPS and sauces

Dammmnnn I love to eat

Finally went for a long walk with my man, about 2h, I ate sushis. And now my feet hurts, but I don't care, I did good!

Tomorrow we're going to my parent's place to babysit the stupid dog lollll
My mother is giving us some money to go out for diner, I think we'll go to Baton Rouge - Restaurant & Bar - Splash
So I wont eat too much in the morning.

Ok, I have to stop annoying you girls with my life story


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
Speaking of bad things we like...lol....I thought it might be fun just to list what our biggest weaknesses in food are: Do not feel obligated to play!*just sort of nice to not talk about dieting for a sec!*
Krispy Kreme(I think this is everyone's downfall lol)
Cheese Cake
Tres Leche(if you have never tried this...do not start now...LOL)
digiorno stuffed crust pizza
Cookies and Cream milkshakes(from Chik-fil-A..omg...)
Pringles..any flavor...anytime...once you pop... you know the rest
Chinese(from the mall) aka "fake chinese" lol
Southern/soul food..damn you Paula Deen!!

*just for fun my strengths are
Greek/italian medditeranean food (a la Giada de laurentis)
Asian food...sushi..and any of the soups!

Aleksis good idea - maybe if we post it all out we can see how horrible it all is and not want to eat it........
Well, one can wish, right?

I LOVE mediterranean food. I could eat my body weight in hummus and falafel! Although that is probably NOT a good idea.......and would then become not a good thing!

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Just back from Shoe shopping YEAHHH!! Do I feel better NO!!!
But I did buy a couple of pair...Forgot to get my Jamba Juice so I have still not eaten all day.

My favorite foods

Lorna Doone Cookies
Grandy's Fried Chicken
Dairy Queen's Tacos
Dairy Queen's Onion Rings
A&W Rootbeer
Saltgrass - Onion Loaf
Bennigan's - Shrimp & Spinach Salad
Chili's - Spinach Dip
Chick-Fila - Chicken Sandwich
Blue Bell - Pralines and Cream Ice Cream
Blue Bell - Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
Krispy Kreme Raspberry Filled Donuts - Been about 5 years tho since I had one

Pralines and Cream ice cream. Oh yes indeed. I have no idea what Blue Bell is but I have no doubt it is yummy.

Originally Posted by Willa
Ho girls... I'm the queen of bad food

My weekness are :
A&W Onion rings
Chicken burgers
Bacon... Do not even mention Bacon in front of me
Prosciutto, Hongrese Salami...
Cheese... CHEESE. I love Brie, Camembert, Triple creme...
Fresh pastas
Chocolate, caramel, Jelly Bellys (I bought a bag, my shame)
Dips... DIPS and sauces

Dammmnnn I love to eat

Finally went for a long walk with my man, about 2h, I ate sushis. And now my feet hurts, but I don't care, I did good!

Tomorrow we're going to my parent's place to babysit the stupid dog lollll
My mother is giving us some money to go out for diner, I think we'll go to Baton Rouge - Restaurant & Bar - Splash
So I wont eat too much in the morning.

Ok, I have to stop annoying you girls with my life story

Willa - I love hearing about your life. It's not annoying at all. I like it.

OK, so here's my "bad food" list, by no means complete, just a random sampling:

Graham Crackers - I know this is weird, but I have a big problem with these. I can seriously eat a whole box in a day. That is just WRONG.

Another cheese lover here. Expecially New York Extra Sharp Cheddar and really good parmesan.

Crusty San Francisco sourdough bread. I could have a loaf of good sourdough, a bottle of red wine, and a nice wedge of parmesan, and call that dinner.

The super-garlicky spinach dip available at the deli of one of my local gourmet grocery stores. Add sourdough bread. There you go. Basically a giant calorie-fest.

I'm not really a fast food person, but I have been known to hit up Jack in the box for the Super Tacos. It's been a long time, years, really since I have had one. And I'm aiming to keep it that way.


Well-known member
MZZ Rach you have not lived until you have tasted Blue Bell Ice Cream...Rbella will back me up on this one!!


Well-known member
Another cheese addict here. I can't think of cheese I don't like.
Also, I love carbs! White rice and crusty bread! MMMM!
Oooh.... and fried chicken. And so many filipino foods I can't even count...

So I just came back from costco and we got wine and I was paying and I DIDN'T GET CARDED! WTH? Aren't they supposed to card if you look under 50 or something???!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lizzie
Another cheese addict here. I can't think of cheese I don't like.
Also, I love carbs! White rice and crusty bread! MMMM!
Oooh.... and fried chicken. And so many filipino foods I can't even count...

So I just came back from costco and we got wine and I was paying and I DIDN'T GET CARDED! WTH? Aren't they supposed to card if you look under 50 or something???!!!

You're so funny and it's 21 and damn it you don't look a day over 20 1/2
Those bastards!! Maybe they saw you had on such great makeup and knew only a over 21 y/o could afford it!!


Well-known member
LOL willa I drown my food in sauces...Tish I'd have to be starving to eat a piece of chocolate. Funny thing though, I like chocolate flavored things, Oreos, chocolate munchkins from DD, lollipops etc. Just not the actual thing. I forgot nutter butters, beef jerkey, and french onion soup from applebees from my list lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
OMG sourdough bread...mzzrach at least you don't load cream cheese onto your crackers like I do lol

Now now, I made it clear my list wasn't complete.

I have been known to do just that and much worse!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
LOL willa I drown my food in sauces...Tish I'd have to be starving to eat a piece of chocolate. Funny thing though, I like chocolate flavored things, Oreos, chocolate munchkins from DD, lollipops etc. Just not the actual thing. I forgot nutter butters, beef jerkey, and french onion soup from applebees from my list lol

OH yes!! Applebee's Onion Soup and Bennigans too!!! Ditto on the chocloate..I like the vanilla oreos...I must be in a state of confusion because Nothing is making me hungry...Maybe GOD is showing me mercy!!!

I like Kroger's bakery Peanut Butter cookies...OMG they are so GOOD!!


Well-known member
Hmmmm let's think about food that I like. It may be quicker to write foods i don't like, lol.

- Lindt Chocolate Balls. I used to buy them everytime i went to the supermarket and devour them before i had even gotten to my car.

- Cheese. Camembert, Brie, Sun Dried tomato....Australia has some FANTASTIC cheeses. With some linseed crackers...mmmm.

-Turkish Bread loaded with hommus, pesto, and capsicum with cashew pesto.

-Tomato based pasta....oh gnocchi how i love thee.

-Butter Chicken.....i only recently discovered butter chicken, with naan bread...so delicious!

Wow. Didn't realise I was such a savoury food fan.


- I love Vietnamese Pho and all kinds of Asian quisine, which makes it pretty easy to get healthy takeaway for tea.

-I dont really like creamy pastas.

-I never really crave anything.....i wouldnt say i ever think of a food and really want it. My problem is more about if i can actually see the food and its in front of me, then im very likely to indulge.

-I dont drink soft drinks- I dont really like them. Can't stand coke.

-I dont drink coffee- Once again dont like it. Im more of a green tea fan.

-I love love love veggies!


Well-known member
^^^ Like you, I think it would be easier to list foods that I don't like.

My fav foods...

Home-made nachos... i can devour a whole plate of theses.
Krispy Kremes
Fried Chicken
Mexican Food... i can eat every day.
Spanish Food... I love home cooking.
Italian Food... love Lasagna & all pastas with creamy sauces
Galaxy choc bar... i am chocolate lover
McDonalds... I know it is bad for you but i love McDonalds. Their breakfast and chicken burgers and fries.... yummy.
Cream Teas... OMG... i am obsessed with these. Whenever, I go on holiday i will have one every day.

There are loads more but can't think right now. I am getting hungry just making the list.


Salad... could eat it everyday
Veggies... i always eat loads of veggies
Cola... i already drink diet because of my diabetes.


Well-known member
Ho girls... I shouldnt have come to read your food listing
I'm HUNGRY right now

I can't sleep anymore, I hate it when it happens because during the week I would sell my soul to sleep more in the morning, but on w-e I just CANT sleep longer than past 8 am. If I go back to bed I'll turn around for hours, and Mr F (my man) won't like me...

About cheese, the only thing that stops me is the price
They can be soooo expensive sometimes, it hurts to see a small piece of brie being around 8$!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Ho girls... I shouldnt have come to read your food listing
I'm HUNGRY right now

I can't sleep anymore, I hate it when it happens because during the week I would sell my soul to sleep more in the morning, but on w-e I just CANT sleep longer than past 8 am. If I go back to bed I'll turn around for hours, and Mr F (my man) won't like me...

About cheese, the only thing that stops me is the price
They can be soooo expensive sometimes, it hurts to see a small piece of brie being around 8$!!!

Haha sorry about that. You're right, cheese is expensive. But so good!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lizzie
I AM 20 and a half

Damn it...Either you are impressed that I nailed it..Or you're gonna kick my a$$ ... I pray you are impressed with my psychic skills