Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
I'm here but still feeling like sh*te. Fortunately I am still eating pretty well.

Just feeling kind of listless and do not have much to share. When I am feeling better I will be back to myself.

Take care everyone. xo


Well-known member
Hello All..My day has been super busy...1st time I have had a chance to check in. Rach...Glad you are feeling a little bit better...Hopefully by tomorrow you will be back to yourself.

Breakfast - n/a
Lunch- N/a
Dinner - LoMein Noodles & Mandarin Chicken

My husband and I rode our bikes this morning @ 5 miles ..and I feel like I am going to die still after 8 hours. I have mosquito bites in places that mosquitos have no business being. The trail we ride surrounds a big lake.

I also went to my water aerobics class today and it actually did help with some of the soreness from the bike riding.

But I am pooped!! And My Ignitor husband is driving me crazy...He must secretly really hate my weight gain, because he is pushing me just a little too hard!!!!!


Well-known member
^I can't believe how much you've exercised!
but it sure is great motivation!! Rach feel better...
...Hopefully by tomorrow you'll be fine!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
^I can't believe how much you've exercised!
but it sure is great motivation!! Rach feel better...
...Hopefully by tomorrow you'll be fine!!

Girl I am so determined now it's almost like a sickness..I am not sure what did it for me..But I am doing whatever it takes to get this weight off. Maybe it was the public calling Cheryl Burke from Dancing with the Stars HUGE when she is so in shape and toned IMO that it's unbeleivable. I can only imagine what they would think of me and my caboose!! I just have to get it done while I am motivated. Plus my husband takes me on a surprise getaway every anniversary...And he said we are going somewhere Warm this year..so I have to be able to wear a decent bathing suit by 11/22


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LittleDevil
well i havent written in here for a while. I have lost 20lbs since july 2nd. that was with very little excercise. I finally got my butt to the gym and have been walking. I went tonight and met with a personal trainer. I bought 8 sessions and tonight was a "preview" of what the workouts would be like. holy hell, she kicked my ass!!! I still cant breathe and that was 2 hrs ago, gotta find that inhaler somewhere.....anyways everyone looks like there doing great. keep it up ladies, we CAN and WILL do this!!!!!

Congrats on the 20lbs , I think that's SUPER that you got some personal training sessions I so wish I could do that! (There's no one like that where I'm at. I think that is COOL... and getting your ass kicked is awsome as long as your not hurt for real!

Originally Posted by aleksis210
full moon or half?

I just read that you lost five pounds Tish, that is awesome! So only 10 more pounds to go?

I have been eating good today, just not a lot which I do not like doing.

Yeah I know! But do you feel good about it? Celebrate the mini victories like choosing healthy food! Yeah!

Originally Posted by MzzRach
I'm here but still feeling like sh*te. Fortunately I am still eating pretty well.

Just feeling kind of listless and do not have much to share. When I am feeling better I will be back to myself.

Take care everyone. xo

Hey honey hope that you start feeling better. Its amazing that your sticking to the healthy eating even when you feel yucky.

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Hello All..My day has been super busy...1st time I have had a chance to check in. Rach...Glad you are feeling a little bit better...Hopefully by tomorrow you will be back to yourself.

Breakfast - n/a
Lunch- N/a
Dinner - LoMein Noodles & Mandarin Chicken

My husband and I rode our bikes this morning @ 5 miles ..and I feel like I am going to die still after 8 hours. I have mosquito bites in places that mosquitos have no business being. The trail we ride surrounds a big lake.

I also went to my water aerobics class today and it actually did help with some of the soreness from the bike riding.

But I am pooped!! And My Ignitor husband is driving me crazy...He must secretly really hate my weight gain, because he is pushing me just a little too hard!!!!!

Wowsa you ahve been ACTIVE. I'm in awe


Well-known member
Hey everyone.

Tish... bloody hell that is alot of bike riding. What an achievement. However, you should really be eating breakfast and lunch though. Your body will go into starvation mode and not lose any weight or when you start eating normal again... you will end up gaining weight. I have done the same thing before and i got really discouraged because of it. Even if you have some fruit and small bowl of cereal for breakfast and then salad and soup for lunch.

Hope everybody is at least eating healthy and getting some exercise in. Keep thinking about your xmas goals.

I used my pedometer for the first time yesterday... i walked 4.75 miles, 13000 steps, yesterday. I didn't think i did that much walking but was very pleased. I stayed within my points yesterday.

Today i am having...
Brekkie... cereal and an apple
Lunch... going out w/ work, Gammon steak, Eggs, and chips
Dinner... Chicken soup w/ a pastry on top
Snacks... 2 clementines and 250ml orange juice


Well-known member
Mel, I know you are 100% right..I try so hard to eat 5-6 small meals a day normally but it just has not been working out for some reason I have lost all my appetite. I am going to stop this morning and get some bananas and some yogurt and try to make sure I eat at least one of those items every v=few hours or so. Thanks for your concern. Yes I knaow I am overdoing my exercise but I am so motivated now I can't control myself!!!! I am an extremist!

On my way to ride now...Have a good day ladies!!!


Well-known member
Ok I just had my dh go crazy for me on the Red She Said line
We ordered the following

SilverStroke Fluidline - Not sure why?
Inter-View Shadow Trio
Danger-Zone Shadow Trio
Pomposity Lipstick
Quiet, Please Lipstick
Red, She Said Lipstick Not sure why..I am not a Red l/s girl
Enough Said Blush
Stark Naked Blush


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Mel, I know you are 100% right..I try so hard to eat 5-6 small meals a day normally but it just has not been working out for some reason I have lost all my appetite. I am going to stop this morning and get some bananas and some yogurt and try to make sure I eat at least one of those items every v=few hours or so. Thanks for your concern. Yes I knaow I am overdoing my exercise but I am so motivated now I can't control myself!!!! I am an extremist!

On my way to ride now...Have a good day ladies!!!

Brilliant tish... just concerned about you. I know you haven't been feeling that well the last few days.

Have a good ride. I think the exercise is great... i wish i could ride for that long. Hopefully, once i get a more fitter i can do that much.

I didn't even know it was out yet. OMG... don't know what to get now. Gone off makeup a bit.


Well-known member
Hello girls

I am soooooooo tired this morning, it's crazy
It's my second energy drink and still my eyes are heavy!

I've been good for the last days
Today for lunch I'm having pastas with tomato/pesto sauce

I'm maaaaaad has hell because the Conservatives are being re-elected, wich s*cks bad,

This weekend is gonna be my mother's b-day.
Since I'm always the cook for the family meetings, I don't know what to cook that will be as healthy as fun... I told you before that my mother and her sisters are... HEAVY. So, making healthy food would be no fun for them, you see the point


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Hello girls

I am soooooooo tired this morning, it's crazy
It's my second energy drink and still my eyes are heavy!

I've been good for the last days
Today for lunch I'm having pastas with tomato/pesto sauce

I'm maaaaaad has hell because the Conservatives are being re-elected, wich s*cks bad,

This weekend is gonna be my mother's b-day.
Since I'm always the cook for the family meetings, I don't know what to cook that will be as healthy as fun... I told you before that my mother and her sisters are... HEAVY. So, making healthy food would be no fun for them, you see the point

Happy Mother's Day in advance!! My mom is on WW so she always cooks the normal foods for the rest of the family and just makes herself small portions of a healthier version of most of the dishes or of just what she wants to eat. She doesn't make the rest of the family suffer so she heps us get fatter
while she remains thin!! Hummmm


Well-known member

Yeah I was thinking about playing a trick on them, without their notice. Cooking something not toooo fat, that they could serve more as they like to.


Well-known member
Thanks Tish - I am feeling OK, not great, but a little better.

In other news, I got on the scale this morning and I have dropped 2 pounds. I'll take it. Nice to see the numbers moving in the right direction.


Well-known member
Rach that is great about the weight!!! I surely hope you get to feeling better soon...make sure you are drinking plenty of liquids so that you don't get dehydrated and prolong your recovery!! Get Better soon!!


Well-known member
Great...I had a banana...and I am about to grab a yogurt because I am craving something sweet. Hummmm Taco Bell sounds good! But I always pay for that later..so I will pass on that thought!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
Tish - I love your new avatar and siggie!

Thanks!! Could you tell I was bored!! This stay home thing is starting to bother me...