Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
I though about it, I wrote about it, I had my share of bad situations because of it... I know I have a good personality, a good sense of critisism, I know how to have good people around me... I guess I'm scared that being thin, people will act differently with me and I wont know how to deal with it.

The fact is, I've a spoiled girl all my life, my parent's gave me anything I wanted because they we're having their problems too, so they bought my love, you see it?

And now, I wanna lose weight, and it looks like the Everest in front of me, because it can't be done in a day/week. Feels like it'll never end! But I keep on keeping on, slowly, day by day.

I love you girls, you are very helpfull to me, understanding too (the language barrier). Thanks


Well-known member
We love you too Willa....Loosing weight and staying in shape is a Lifestyle Change. You didn't gain it overnight nor will you loose it overnight.
I know you can do this and you will!! Just hang in there and enjoy the process because it's something you are going to have to do daily for the rest of your life. If you hate it...you won't do it...so find things you enjoy doing and it makes it so much easier. Big Huggs Honey Bunny!!

Just keep saying...Nothing tastes as Good as Thin feels!!

One day at a time girl...One step at a time...Before you know it...you will look in the mirror and go WOW!! Look who just creeped up on me!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I though about it, I wrote about it, I had my share of bad situations because of it... I know I have a good personality, a good sense of critisism, I know how to have good people around me... I guess I'm scared that being thin, people will act differently with me and I wont know how to deal with it.

The fact is, I've a spoiled girl all my life, my parent's gave me anything I wanted because they we're having their problems too, so they bought my love, you see it?

And now, I wanna lose weight, and it looks like the Everest in front of me, because it can't be done in a day/week. Feels like it'll never end! But I keep on keeping on, slowly, day by day.

I love you girls, you are very helpfull to me, understanding too (the language barrier). Thanks

Remember, we are in this together. We can do this.



Well-known member
I posted when this thread first started, and haven't since, so I hope it's not too late to jump back on the bandwagon!

I'm trying to lose thirty pounds..I don't really have a strict time for when it needs to be off. Yesterday, I ate:
Breakfast: slept through it.
Lunch: Chicken on a pita w/ lettuce
Snack: Peach Yogurt
Supper: Grilled Salmon
& I worked out for two hours. Today, I've had half a whole wheat bagel and some yogurt, and I plan on hitting the gym later on! I live on res, so losing weight is extremely difficult, but I'm prettttty motivated. It sucks going to parties and feeling like the biggest girl there.. So yes, I'm off to do a midterm, but I'll post in later
I've been reading this thread daily, you girls are such motivation!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by revinn
I posted when this thread first started, and haven't since, so I hope it's not too late to jump back on the bandwagon!

I'm trying to lose thirty pounds..I don't really have a strict time for when it needs to be off. Yesterday, I ate:
Breakfast: slept through it.
Lunch: Chicken on a pita w/ lettuce
Snack: Peach Yogurt
Supper: Grilled Salmon
& I worked out for two hours. Today, I've had half a whole wheat bagel and some yogurt, and I plan on hitting the gym later on! I live on res, so losing weight is extremely difficult, but I'm prettttty motivated. It sucks going to parties and feeling like the biggest girl there.. So yes, I'm off to do a midterm, but I'll post in later
I've been reading this thread daily, you girls are such motivation!

Never too late!! Come on in!! Sounds like you are off to a good start!!


Well-known member
I used to be so thin and in shape. Now I'm not. And, I can tell you that the unknown is scary b/c I never thought I would know what it is like to be overweight. Well, now I do. But, I am dealing with it. Just think, dealing with being overweight is a much more difficult burden with regard to how you view yourself in society than having to deal with yourself as a skinny/in-shape person.

I'm here if you ever need to talk.

I still hate shimmer for being perfect. But, I love her for who she is.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I still hate shimmer for being perfect. But, I love her for who she is.

If you really loved me you'd come run sprints with me.
Then do dips, traverse, pinch pullups, and core work.


Well-known member
That's horrendous. How in the hell do you do it? Seriously, I have trouble getting through the day. Do you get up at the ass crack of dawn to workout? I love to sleep, so there lies a huge problem: motivating my fat-ass to get out of bed before work so I can go work out. YUCK!!!


Well-known member
Dear God no I refuse.
I'd rather do mine after I get off work.
But I work in a gym.

It took...a LONG time...to get my extra weight off. At my heaviest (not pregnant) I was 167 lbs. That's easily 30lbs of overweight, and at 137 that's still too heavy for my frame (barring musculature).
I can tell you, beyond a doubt, how to kick start your metabolism.
I can tell you how to get the weight off.
I can tell you how *I* felt not having to buy size 15 jeans anymore.
I can tell you how fucking ecstatic I am that my size 8 jeans are not even close to snug anymore. I'm going to have to go jeans shopping. Again. I hate jeans shopping.
I can tell you how long it took me to STOP buying oversized clothes (I still do it) because I'm used to buying for a larger size.

But none of that is as important as telling you that MY motivation was purely superficial and shallow. I wanted to be able to wear short skirts, I wanted to be able to wear little cute Firebird t-shirts. I wanted to be able to wear this kick ass bikini. I wanted to enjoy a level of superiority when I see my classmates (and trust me, I fucking revel in it).
My motivation, how I 'do' it...
It's ego.
I'm vain. I'm shallow. I want to look good. I want to be healthy, but I'd rather look good.


Well-known member
^^^Puhlease. I'm about as vain as it gets, which is my motivation. I just haven't had any real reason to use vanity to kickstart me. I would love to wear a pair of jeans and not have a tire hanging over the waistband, and I would kill to be able to wear a shirt and not worry that people are going to think I'm pregnant. I used to love walking into a store, restaurant, etc. and knowing that men would look at me. Now, I know they have no clue I exist...

I am working on my motivation, I will get there...You are definitely helping. Thank you!


Well-known member
I think the biggest challenge for me is to learn how to eat well, what to eat, when, portions.

The though (sp??? damn it I hate this word, can't spell it right) of writing down what I eat everyday is also scary, but could be a very good motivation for me. To see at the end of the day what I ate, how I could improve. Let me tell you that right now the only good meal I eat is at home with my man, because he's watching me (with my overeating problem), and he obligates me everynights to add vegetables to the meal, I don't eat enought of them. Actually I think I eat about one or two portions each day max... wich s*cks... I know.

There's no lack of motivations around me, I wanna me thin so I can be confortable in my body, in my mind, so I can leave this boring secretary job I have and pursue my dream of becoming a MUA... The weight barrier.

I didnt know you one weighted 167 Shimmer...
Stories like this one are always inspiring


Well-known member
I did. I clock in at 150 now when I'm training, but that's muscle. I'm still a size 6...it's just a beefcake 6

I don't think there are any pics of me back then because I destroyed them all.


Well-known member
Ho don't let me start on pictures...

I have THE picture, you know, the one you wanna take for the ''before'' shot. It's safely hidden in my online mail box. Nobody except me can see it. It's HORRIBLE


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
If you really loved me you'd come run sprints with me.
Then do dips, traverse, pinch pullups, and core work.

I'm going to go let Shim work my ass off literally!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I'm going to go let Shim work my ass off literally!!!

LOL you'd hate me because pushing you is pushing me.