Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Is it usual to have earthquakes in Texas?
Because here in Quebec we don't have many...
I guess we have one or two per 10 years


Well-known member
It's Halloween =D. My little Gobblin isn't up yet but it's a busy busy say ! I have a test this morning that I may or may not be prepared for , but then we get to make a two hour drive to the hometown and then drive to ever family member's house where we have to repetedly refuse chocolates and other candies ....


I am looking forward to going to the mall this evening and seeing all the little ones dresses up! I will def get some exercise !


Well-known member
I am going to start phasing diet soda out of my routine. I have heard many times that it is just not good for you and also compromises weight loss. After the reminder from Shimmer, I'm going to give it a go.

It's during the week at the office that it's going to be hard. We have a free soda machine and I normally drink 1-2 diet pepsis per day.

Wish me luck

Hope everyone is doing well - feel better, Lizzie!! I've been doing OK, the last week I have been PMSing badly, but other than that, OK.

Onward and upward.

BTW - Shimmer, it's nice to see you in this thread.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Eh...we've had 3 or 4 in the past 4 or 5 years but it's still kinda freaky.

Yeah it must shake more than here...
We actually cannot really feel it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
I am going to start phasing diet soda out of my routine. I have heard many times that it is just not good for you and also compromises weight loss. After the reminder from Shimmer, I'm going to give it a go.

It's during the week at the office that it's going to be hard. We have a free soda machine and I normally drink 1-2 diet pepsis per day.

Wish me luck

Hope everyone is doing well - feel better, Lizzie!! I've been doing OK, the last week I have been PMSing badly, but other than that, OK.

Onward and upward.

BTW - Shimmer, it's nice to see you in this thread.

You're going to feel like ass for a day or three. The HFCS and caffeine in the drinks is something your body will crave.
After a month of not drinking cokes you'll not want them anymore, and trying to drink one will make you gag.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You're going to feel like ass for a day or three. The HFCS and caffeine in the drinks is something your body will crave.
After a month of not drinking cokes you'll not want them anymore, and trying to drink one will make you gag.

See Rbellas post at the begging of the thead and how hard it was for her to quit Dr. peppers.... Miss Rbella how are you doing with the D.P.'s now? Shimmer get your mind out of the gutter

(That still cracks me up, i went back and read all of the covo's replacing Dr. pepper with your DP and it was entertaining


Well-known member
Happy Halloween! Tish, have you tried Crystal Light water flavoring in Cherry Pomegranate? Ohhh my lord, it is amazing. You'll feel like you're cheating on your diet, except that they're only 6 calories. Flavored with aspartame though, so moderation is key..when I drink too many packets, my throat burns. Today it's going to be hard not to cheat, since our caf is having a huge Halloween themed dinner, but I'll be getting tons of exercise getting my grind on at the pub tonight
I wonder, do any of you know much about the calories/fat in alcohol? I drink straight gin and chase with orange juice, how bad for my diet is that?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by revinn
Happy Halloween! Tish, have you tried Crystal Light water flavoring in Cherry Pomegranate? Ohhh my lord, it is amazing. You'll feel like you're cheating on your diet, except that they're only 6 calories. Flavored with aspartame though, so moderation is key..when I drink too many packets, my throat burns. Today it's going to be hard not to cheat, since our caf is having a huge Halloween themed dinner, but I'll be getting tons of exercise getting my grind on at the pub tonight
I wonder, do any of you know much about the calories/fat in alcohol? I drink straight gin and chase with orange juice, how bad for my diet is that?

Alcohol is bad anyway because it just jacks with your system.

That said, I love a cold beer.

I just pay for it a little extra the next day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
See Rbellas post at the begging of the thead and how hard it was for her to quit Dr. peppers.... Miss Rbella how are you doing with the D.P.'s now? Shimmer get your mind out of the gutter

(That still cracks me up, i went back and read all of the covo's replacing Dr. pepper with your DP and it was entertaining

My detox from fast food was like that. It was awful. You have no idea how addictive that shit is until you stop eating it. Ugh.
I would rather eat a falafel sandwich and some hummus than a cheeseburger and fries. The idea of greasy food kind of grosses me out to be honest...ugh.

By no means am I saying I don't partake, but I do try to pretty much avoid it now. If I have something, it's not an adult portion and I can't eat the whole thing. I'd rather eat bell peppers and low fat cream cheese (it's an indulgence...) than some of the crap I used to eat.

You can rework your palette, it just takes some commitment.


Well-known member
I am going to try just drinking plain water...Honestly after trying several times...The artificial sweetners in the packettes always gives my dh and I a sore, scratchy like throat. We thought it was all in our minds...But everytime we quit drinking them it goes away...And when we start back the throat ache comes back after only a day or so of drinking them...This even happens with diet soda so I really need to just cut them all out completely and learn to love pure H20 because it's what my body needs. My grammy only drunk plain water all her life and if she had not have gotten Cancer I swear she would have lived to be a 100 instead of dying at 86 y/o. Not to mention she had the prettiest skin EVER when she passed not one wrinkle and don't say "Black don't Crack" She was white

It's great having Shimmer here..It's like having Jillian from the Biggest Loser!!! You hate her in the present ...But you know you will love her in the end because she is right. Even though she seems so wrong and she is known as the board meanie
over there >>>>>


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You live close enough to come enjoy a bit of the gym.

I'm scared of you!!

I will come ONLY if you promise not to tell everyone How out of shape I am relative to hard core endurance!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Everything I would have you doing is essentially explosive dynamic movements, and is fairly short.

Ok we'll make a date for one day next week ... or whenever you are available


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Ok we'll make a date for one day next week ... or whenever you are available


Shoot me a PM and we can work something out for Wednesday or Friday a.m.


Well-known member
Awww... I wish I had someone go to the gym with me! I have a gym buddy...err had... Now she never wants to go. Too bad the gym is in her apartment complex.

I drank entirely too much last night. Although, I was good about drinking water between each drink, so I'm not paying for it too much today. Actually, it's kinda taking my mind off of my congestion. I'm going trick or treating with some friends because MY BF HAS NEVER GONE IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE! So, I feel like he has to take candy from strangers at least once haha.

Off to tidy the apartment. We're having a horror fest in here tonight and I want the movies to be the scary thing, not the dishes in the sink.