Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
lol thanks. She's going to glow and that's awesome.
We were discussing how big her wedding party is going to be and uh. O.O Yeah.
Now all we need is him to come home safe from the deployment and we can do this thing right.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
lol thanks. She's going to glow and that's awesome.
We were discussing how big her wedding party is going to be and uh. O.O Yeah.
Now all we need is him to come home safe from the deployment and we can do this thing right.

Amen to that! Here's to his safe return.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by snowflakelashes
hey girls, leaving love and support!

Grabbed it...Keeping it...Not sharing....Gone with it


Well-known member
I am here, sort of limping along. Trying to make better eating decisions every day. I am trying. Will keep trying.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
I am here, sort of limping along. Trying to make better eating decisions every day. I am trying. Will keep trying.

Honey, if I can, YOU can

Today I'm not having lunch because I'm leaving my job earlier. Me and my sister are going to a concert and it's 2h away from Montreal, so we're going to eat sandwichs for diner... Try to make the best lunchs I can, I bought some baba ganouj to eat with carrots and cucumbers.

I also bought (shame on me) Doritos for her, and some Pringles sticks. Girls, STAY AWAY from these. The honey & butter ones... It taste like HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
I am not even trying today! I'm going to be honest!! I know it will be a long day today because I am working at the campaign site later this evening ...So I am sure I will grab junk food here and there....But I will make up for it tomorrow!! Everyone have a great day!!

If you haven't voted...get out there today and make your voice heard!

Have a great day ladies!!


Well-known member
Oh yeah I almost forgot that today is THE day
Lets hope fot the best, some change...!!!!!

The Obama Train!


Well-known member
Can I tell you ladies I picked up the best book lol

It's called Skinny Bitches and while reading it i have decided Shimmer must be the "Skinny Bitch" b/c i can simply picture her saying half the stuff that i have read...

For example :

"Soda is liquid satan ......... ( getting to diet soda).. Now don't go patting yourself on the back if you drink diet soda. That stuff is even worse....( scientific talk).... When methyl alcohol enters your body, it turns to formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is toxic and carcinogenic ( cancer causing). Lab scientists us it as a disinfectant or preservative. They don't fucking drink it. Perhaps you have a lumpy ass b/c you are preserving your fat cells with diet soda."

That made me think of the board b/c we were asking why diet soda was bad... I left out a lot of the technical stuff but it had me cracking up . I've heard that once you read the section on meat... you won't eat it anymore lol ... Maybe the section on sweets will curb my appetite .


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
Can I tell you ladies I picked up the best book lol

It's called Skinny Bitches and while reading it i have decided Shimmer must be the "Skinny Bitch" b/c i can simply picture her saying half the stuff that i have read...

For example :

"Soda is liquid satan ......... ( getting to diet soda).. Now don't go patting yourself on the back if you drink diet soda. That stuff is even worse....( scientific talk).... When methyl alcohol enters your body, it turns to formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is toxic and carcinogenic ( cancer causing). Lab scientists us it as a disinfectant or preservative. They don't fucking drink it. Perhaps you have a lumpy ass b/c you are preserving your fat cells with diet soda."

That made me think of the board b/c we were asking why diet soda was bad... I left out a lot of the technical stuff but it had me cracking up . I've heard that once you read the section on meat... you won't eat it anymore lol ... Maybe the section on sweets will curb my appetite .

Yeah I have this book...one of my clients gave it to me...she lives by it and says it is the best diet she has ever been on...she says she has more energy and just feels better overall. I have yet to read it...But she said it cuts out all sodas, refined sugars, etc...right?


Well-known member
^^^^ I'm not sure , I'm still in the first chapter, but its crackin me up =D I mean it makes a lot of sense cut out the things that are bad for you and you will lose weight .


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
^^^^ I'm not sure , I'm still in the first chapter, but its crackin me up =D I mean it makes a lot of sense cut out the things that are bad for you and you will lose weight .

Yeah Makes perfect sense...Just sounds so horrible for me


Well-known member
Thanks Tish, for mentioning those Healthy Choice Steamers - I picked some up on sale today and had one for the first time today. Really quite good!

Going to go back and stock up while they are on sale. Definitely better than your average frozen/microwave meal thingy.

Hope everyone is doing OK!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
Thanks Tish, for mentioning those Healthy Choice Steamers - I picked some up on sale today and had one for the first time today. Really quite good!

Going to go back and stock up while they are on sale. Definitely better than your average frozen/microwave meal thingy.

Hope everyone is doing OK!

They are delicious...which one did you try?


Well-known member
^^ the one I had today was Grilled Chicken Marinara. Quite good!

The other one I got is Chicken Margharita. Which ones are your faves?


Well-known member
OMG the Chicken Marinara is me and my dh's fav...he eats 2 at one time...PIG!!!

But I like them all...Perfect portion size and they don't taste like frozen dinners...you know what I mean ..They were on sale at Krogers here 2/$5 I stocked up...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa

I had no idea you were in Montreal???

Yeah I take a poutine sometimes at the restaurant but it's rare because it's really greasy.

Tonight after diner at my family's place, a friend of mine wants me to join her at Electric Avenue on Crescent, I don't know how I feel about going out. It's been years, and the club scene isn't really my style nowadays, but I think i'm going to give it a try since it's a 80's theme club and the crowd is 25 and older...

Bought a super cute shirt this week, how do you like it girls?

Hey its been since fall of 2001 that I moved back home (Nunavut) from montreal, but I went to McGill for four years, I was a bit of a hermit for most of the time but I still loved the city for what is was. Did you go to Electric Avenue. I only went there once in my four years when we went it was QUIET, we were the youngest people there (was 21 at the time) and the only ones into dancing, the music was great though. love 80's hits. So fun! Hope you had fun rocking the cute shirt :-D

Hope everyone is well this week, ha ven't been able to check in a LOT going on I want my life to be QUIET. I won't talk about it on the internet but can I PLEASE have my boring super quiet life back, please? Boring is GOOD!!! Tonights the first night I worked out since monday, didn't do that great, only 10 minutes on bike and then 20 on treadmill I just didn't feel so great... Have plans with a friend tomorrow night so probably won't make it to the gym I'll have to force myself saturday I guess.


Well-known member
Good Morning Ladies! I hope everyone has been doing well this week...
This week was a total wash for me...
Monday and Tuesday I was so busy campaigning...No Exercise - Eating was pretty Good though

Wed- Today - I have been mentally sick...Again Eating was good...No exercise that amounted to anything.

I had a pap last week and it came back on Tuesday that I have signs of Cervical Cancer AGAIN..I originally had an excision of the abnormal cells about 6.5 years ago...It was detected when I was delivering my son...I think this time we are going to look at Conization initially and depending the results from the biopsy I am really leaning towards Radical Trachelectomy - which I almost prefer for piece of mind - I am no longer able to bear children anyway so I think just finalizing this in my mind would be better for me mentally. My husband wants me to think about Labor Vaporization....But I know in my mind I will always be fearful of it still coming back if my cervix is still there...

So basically...This week has sucked for me and I don't care about fitness! I do...But not really...Hopefully next week I will be back on track. My fuses are very short right now.

Hopefully everyone else is going great !! Have a great weekend Ladies!