TGIF, Again, ever have those days where you're tired and bleh and don't want to do anything so you wash your face, and wet your hair and restyle, put on a fresh coat of makeup and suddenly you feel like you can face the world again? I didn't wear makeup today but I washed my face tonight and quickly threw on some foundation, powder, starknaked, and used the brown side of the smokey eyed palate , and the pink lip bag and Tada I feel good part of it is looking good, part of it is the relaxation of the process, and part of it is "Yeah I feel better that I'm using these" though if the lip stuff wears off which it WILL (i'm going to dinner) I'm taking the viva glam cool lip palate to reapply after dinner. Plus that gives me a different look. Better go throw some Q tips in my purse for emergency fixes.