what deodorant do you use?


New member
I love Tom's of Maine deodorants.
But when it's very hot in the summer I have to switch to stuff like Mitchum.


Active member
i use secret platinum clear gel in powder fresh but i dont like that it seems to bleach all my black shirts...


Active member
Dove is my HG. I used to use secret but it wrecked havoc on my armpits and it stung after I shaved, now they're as smooth and soft as the rest of me and no stinging
and of course no problems with sweat stains or BO. Perfect!


Well-known member
I sweat like a dude, and the best deo I've used is Mitchum Cool Dry Hydro Solid in Powder Fresh. It has the highest concentration of aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly that almost all drugstore-brand deo's use. I read a bit about Certain Dri that's for excessive perspiration or Hyperhidrosis, with aluminum chloride, so I might try that this summer!


Well-known member
I use gillette clear stick for men...I like the smell better and it doesn't make a white or sticky mess (I wear black literally everyday)..and it stays longer so i don't have to work about it throughout the day...not that I'm super active...hahaha.

Angelic Me!

Active member
I use dove in the day
at night befor i go to bed
i use lamonid + baby bowder+ICE
use the lamonaid first untill it`s dry then use the ice afterthat use the babybowder.


Well-known member
I use various Secret deodorants (all of them work well with me), but if I have to use something else then Dove works okay for me too.


Well-known member
Lady Speed Stick SUCKS ASS!!!! I started sweating with it right away and it left a heavy coating on my skin.

I love the Adidas women's deodorant, it really keeps me dry.
Originally Posted by Pink_minx
I used to use deoderant, but my mom told me that using it can make your underarm smell even more. And I would never go without it but whenever I sweat I could still smell the bad odor ugh! so one summer I decided to stop using it...and the smell got odorless and even less odor. So I dont use deoderant. For some reason it makes me smell even more and sweat even more when using deoderant.

I go to school with a girl who told me the SAMMEE thing! I couldn't ever stop wearing deodorant.. I have sweating problems.. lol.


Well-known member
You are going to laugh! I stole some Men's Mitchum unscented (which really does have a nice subtle scent) from my husband and I loved it! The best deoderant ever! So yeah, I am a Mitchum (wo)Man! Hee hee hee!

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