What do YOU want for xmas 2007?


Well-known member
the title says it all! what do you all want?

i want a treadmill, TONNES of makeup from different brands, clothes, shoes, a silk playboy leopard duvet set, some cute stuff for both my bedrooms, lots of costume jewelry and just mainly stuff i'll use

then its my 18th on December 31st and i think im getting a car! [i hope so!]


Well-known member
I just want money because I'll be travelling in December =] and a new music player and a hair straightener. That's enough for me lol.


Well-known member
typically I'd name off a bunch of materialistic stuff...now? I just want to not be pregnant at Christmas time!


Well-known member
Money and gift certificates to Mac. Does Mac have gift certificates?
If not, money to buy Mac!


Well-known member
mac. or sephora.
not really anything else...maybe some money. But i know the only person that will get me something is my boyfriend and maybe my mom. so i'm really not expecting much.


Well-known member
Enough extra x-mas cash to buy an Iphone ( yeah I played with it and became addicted)

My birthday is Jan 31 so Im saving my money to buy myself a bday present... a Mustang gt ! I can't wait!!


Well-known member
Too funny... Yes MAC has gift cards....

Originally Posted by MACATTAK
Money and gift certificates to Mac. Does Mac have gift certificates?
If not, money to buy Mac!



Well-known member
The only thing I really really want for Christmas is to see my boyfriend. I miss him.
Other than that, I don't really want anything... My parents will probably get me some books, which will be cool but I could live without them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
The only thing I really really want for Christmas is to see my boyfriend. I miss him.

Me too. My boyfriend was supposed to move up here from Florida next month, but yesterday my work told me that they're sending me somewhere for training for 3 months... I'm so bummed out!


Well-known member
Stuff. Mostly clothes and shoes, haha.

One of the main things on my list is a bra makers' manual. I want to learn how to sew bras (because finding pretty bras in my size that aren't ridiculously expensive ($80+) is impossible, much less finding a regular one).


Well-known member

MAC giftcard
LEICA C-LUX 2 - this is a total lust item; if my parents got me one, they'd get something more practical for less money (Panasonic or Canon)
Frye boots
Sex and the City complete season
Birkenstock Gizeh sandals

These are just off the top of my head. I'm more looking forward to seeing my mom and dad (haven't seen either for awhile being at school in a different state than both of them!)


Well-known member
Sex and the City complete season
A cat!!!! ( my fiancee is getting me a kitty!! adopting of course)
something from tiffanys!


Well-known member
1. A new camera (a Nikon D40 to be exact)
2. A car (yeah...right)
3. $10,000 to move back to NYC in Jan. ( I can dream, can't I?)


Well-known member
- A man! Not just any man though (I have a list)
- MAC of course
- Louis Vuitton Damier ANYTHING!
- Vacation to New York
- Money!
- Mac Book Pro with current Photoshop installed
- Canon EOS Rebel XT, XTi or Nikon D80


Well-known member
-To graduate!!
-MAC Gift Certificates (to use on the December 26 collection, haha)
-Wacom Intuos 3 Special Edition Tablet
-More software (Lightwave, Painter, + Parrales)
-Sewing machine
-Dark chocolate, mmm

-Happy + Healthy New Year!