What is YOUR best feature?


I get complimented on my nose a lot. I personally dislike it because I have the asian nose, flat and fat.

My lips.


Well-known member
I wish it was my skin, but I gotta say eyes/eyelashes!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
Used to be my skin and hair...now just hair. My face has gone insane since I've been pregnant. INSANE!

awwww......I feel your pain. Same thing happened to me with both my pregnancies. I had PERFECT skin before I got pregnant.... I mean PERFECT! It has never been the same since

The best thing you can do is keep it clean, you may want to switch to an oil free moisturizer if you aren't already using one, get yourself a water based hydrating mask (Aveda has a good one), make sure to exfoliate regularly and try steaming your face every once in a while to clear any junk out.... it's very relaxing and feels really good!

Anyhoo... back to the question at hand. Before I would have said cheekbones, but I have gained so much weight you can hardly find them anymore! LOL I'll go with eyebrows/brow bones.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hdirenzo
two guys told me my eyebrows

lol same! I really like my eyebrows though so it's all good. I also get complimented on my eyes and my hair.


Well-known member
nice thread..

I wish I could say my skin...jajaja, but nooottt

but always my hair and my eyes, and ...my eyebrows...


Well-known member
My eyes always get compliments, but I have had other odd compliments about various features....

My dad randomly said that I had a nice nose while we were in the middle of eating dinner.

Best compliment though has been when my oral/facial surgeon said that ppl pay for bottom lips like mine. Haha...

That and then all the compliments I get on my hair whenever I have it weird colours...


My skin,i have never had a spot EVER i drink water and dont use to much crap on my face as i think sometimes less is more.Oh and ALWAYS remove my make up no matter how drunk i am.hehe



Well-known member
it use to be my smile but i dont smile much so that went away

now its my eyes,hair,waist,legs,and my skin

never got one on my chest..i think thats cause i am small and my eyebrows eek there getting better


Well-known member
oh yeah...as for body:

Hands, feet and BOOBIES!!!!
Many ppl have told me I have nice feet, and that I have cute hands...

I actually had this guy who kept adding me to msn who had a foot fetish who would just try to get me to talk about my feet...it was creepy and I blocked him...

I love my boobs, and many ppl compliment them...haha mainly my boyfriend though...38F/DD so yeah...