What is YOUR best feature?


Well-known member
facial: lips. lol.. They are the only ones that ALWAYS cooperate with me. lol...

and well.. My bf seems to really like my butt and my boobs. I'm only a 36B, but I guess they fit my little frame well. lol... BUT, if I could make them a bit bigger, I would!


Eyelashes ... and that's it

I guess something is better than nothing lol


Well-known member
personally, I love my cheekbones and my lips...and when they agree with me, my brows.

my guy friends always say they like my eyes and my smile,
and my girl friends apparently want my boobs.

...no good comes out of big boobs.
only back problems and weak knees...makes me feel so
old. >.>!!!


Well-known member
My hourglass figure....but even if you got it, finding clothes is a whole different question. It is so hard to find clothes that are big enough for my boobs, small enough for my waist, and then wide enough for my big hips without being big in the leg area too. When I do find clothes that work, though, they really work, and I feel confident and good about my body. Thanks for this thread idea and for giving me a confidence boost!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hdirenzo
two guys told me my eyebrows

you do have pretty sweet brows.

in the past week i've gotten compliments on my eyes and smile.

as far as body, i get complimented on my legs alot. people don't realize that extremely long, thin legs are really a pain in the ass. i can NEVER find pants that fit properly.


Well-known member
I get compliments mainly on my eyes, lips, nose and teeth.

I think my best feature are my lips.

It's hard to decide. Haha.


Well-known member
i think it's my eyes, but people tell me it's my lips more, which is ironic, weird to me b/c i also get made fun of b/c of my lips ALL the time b/c they're so big. . . but the same ppl who constantly make fun of them tell me theyre my best feature! (what gives?) lol

so eyes & lips i guess


Well-known member
I'd have to say my lips

I get compliments on my boobs and my bum, although I wish both were smaller haha


Well-known member
People say they like my eyes, they are almond-shaped and dark grey...I think they like dead fishes eyes!
I personally like my skin...it's clear and translucent.


Well-known member
my FEET! lol. but seriously, they're uber cute, i swear...

edit: ok, so i thought this was about what we thought we liked about ourselves... my b.


Well-known member
Eyelashes =)
They are super thick and long, and apparently not everyone has as nice lashes... or so say the ladies at the MAC store, I'm blessed haha.


Well-known member
hmm most people say something about my eye shape or my smile/lips
i hate my lips though they're disproportionally huge!