What is YOUR best feature?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mzkrizzlerocks

Don't be so modest...We've all got a lil' something


Well-known member
Lips, eyes, and skin. Once got told I had a 'blowjob mouth'. I was drunk, so I took it as a compliment.


Well-known member
from guys i get i have very nice thick legs, they love my lips, and my toes
(they are kind of long like monkey fingers, but they are still pretty)


Well-known member
From girls- my eyebrows! They are always asking me where I get them done. I do them myself =) And also my boobs.

From guys- probably thinking "boobs" but they say smile and eyes.


Well-known member
The most common compliment I get from everyone is my eyes. Everyone says they are super blue.

Guys always compliment my rack and my booty.
Girls always compliment my eyebrows and hair
And my guy always brags about my hips and legs....and everything else. He's my biggest ego-boosting cheerleader. Haha.

So whats the weirdest compliment anyones ever gotten?

I had some guy in Wal-Mart compliment my clavicals and some lady once said I had nice ears. Lol.


Active member
My cheeks and lips. Someone once came up to me just to tell me that I had such a "happy face" when I smiled.
Made my day.


Well-known member
My chocolate complexion
My almond shaped eyes
My lips
My eyebrows

People admire my ability to wear such a large array of makeup colors against my complexion. Many sales associates at numerous makeup counters are amazed at my ability to wear colors.


Well-known member
I get most compliments on my body shape, hair, and eye shape. But what I like about myself are my lashes and eye shape. My face skin is terrible!!


Well-known member
All my friends say I have great boobs. I like them now but I'm sure in 10 years when they sag so much that I can throw them over my shoulder I wont be saying that. I guess since my lips are big people say they're nice. And my skin. but thats it!


Well-known member
Probably the color/texture of my hair, my ribcage ( I know, that sounds weird, but it's true ) and maybe my eyelashes.