What the hell is wrong with me??

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^ ^ your right. the few times ive taken plan b its always been both pills at once
and they never failed me.


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Lol..I am going to say that it was probably the Wall-E shot that did it for ya...hmm..lime juice + whipped cream = Gotta equal trouble..lol...I'm glad your friend called him out on his shit..haha..


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i went over to his apt this morning before class to get my coat because i left it @ banana's last night... and he told me we needed to talk...

so we sat down and he told me he didnt think that he wanted us to talk anymore... and we could be friends but he wanted to take the physical aspect out of everything because he really didnt like me,...

and when i asked if it was just that he didnt like me in general- or if it was something specfic... he told me its bcause he normally goes for "tall, SKINNY" girls.

Might as well have punched me in the stomach.. I told him i had to go, grabbed my shit.. he walked me to the door and tried to give me a hug and i told him "no. its fine." and walked away
he texted me while i was driving and said "How are you feeling? I hope you're not mad at me and I hope you're ok"

and i texted him back and said "you know what. im not upset that you dont like me. if you dont then you dont.. ive been there.. its fine. What upsets me is your comment about not being skinny.. i know im not perfect but i just had a child and ive battled an eating disorder for 4 years... i do what i can. That just knocked me down and made me feel disgusted with myself."

and he texted me back and said "im sorry i didnt mean to hurt your feelings and i truley think you're beautiful. you are NOT overweight... i wish i could take that stupid comment back but i cant."

Fucking sweet. You know-- I wouldnt have even been THAt upset if he had just called things off... it would have been better than wondering... but to say what he said.. where do guys get off saying things like that? I feel disgusting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
i went over to his apt this morning before class to get my coat because i left it @ banana's last night... and he told me we needed to talk...

so we sat down and he told me he didnt think that he wanted us to talk anymore... and we could be friends but he wanted to take the physical aspect out of everything because he really didnt like me,...

and when i asked if it was just that he didnt like me in general- or if it was something specfic... he told me its bcause he normally goes for "tall, SKINNY" girls.

Might as well have punched me in the stomach.. I told him i had to go, grabbed my shit.. he walked me to the door and tried to give me a hug and i told him "no. its fine." and walked away
he texted me while i was driving and said "How are you feeling? I hope you're not mad at me and I hope you're ok"

and i texted him back and said "you know what. im not upset that you dont like me. if you dont then you dont.. ive been there.. its fine. What upsets me is your comment about not being skinny.. i know im not perfect but i just had a child and ive battled an eating disorder for 4 years... i do what i can. That just knocked me down and made me feel disgusted with myself."

and he texted me back and said "im sorry i didnt mean to hurt your feelings and i truley think you're beautiful. you are NOT overweight... i wish i could take that stupid comment back but i cant."

Fucking sweet. You know-- I wouldnt have even been THAt upset if he had just called things off... it would have been better than wondering... but to say what he said.. where do guys get off saying things like that? I feel disgusting.

can i just say - WHAT A FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!
he truly showed how absolutely shallow he is with that comment and that he was a DEFINITE waste of your time anyway.

sweetie, don't let him get you down. you battled the e.disorder for 4 years, don't let a jerk like that send you back down that path. you're beautiful regardless of what he thinks (i've seen your other pic so i'm not just saying that. lol!)

he actually did you a favor.
and that attempted hug???? FOR WHAT??!! he tried to give himself too much credit with that bullshit. as if your world just came crashing down because of the "void" he thought he was going to leave in your life.
no bitch it was the DAMN COMMENT that's upsetting!
and what's the fucking point in apologizing??!! what, he really thought that was an okay comment? he clearly didn't think that one through.....



Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
i went over to his apt this morning before class to get my coat because i left it @ banana's last night... and he told me we needed to talk...

so we sat down and he told me he didnt think that he wanted us to talk anymore... and we could be friends but he wanted to take the physical aspect out of everything because he really didnt like me,...

and when i asked if it was just that he didnt like me in general- or if it was something specfic... he told me its bcause he normally goes for "tall, SKINNY" girls.

Might as well have punched me in the stomach.. I told him i had to go, grabbed my shit.. he walked me to the door and tried to give me a hug and i told him "no. its fine." and walked away
he texted me while i was driving and said "How are you feeling? I hope you're not mad at me and I hope you're ok"

and i texted him back and said "you know what. im not upset that you dont like me. if you dont then you dont.. ive been there.. its fine. What upsets me is your comment about not being skinny.. i know im not perfect but i just had a child and ive battled an eating disorder for 4 years... i do what i can. That just knocked me down and made me feel disgusted with myself."

and he texted me back and said "im sorry i didnt mean to hurt your feelings and i truley think you're beautiful. you are NOT overweight... i wish i could take that stupid comment back but i cant."

Fucking sweet. You know-- I wouldnt have even been THAt upset if he had just called things off... it would have been better than wondering... but to say what he said.. where do guys get off saying things like that? I feel disgusting.

ummm what a fucking dick.
you are a BEAUTIFUL woman! gorgeous!

As far as I'm concerned, him saying that, as insulting as it is, it just shows you what a terrible person he is. Coming from his mouth it has no credibility and you shouldn't think for a second that it does.

When you meet a guy that fits with your personality and makes you happy, it will be easier and happier and more fun then this is. This is just a waste of your time and you deserve better.

You are a great person, a great mom, a great friend - and the filth that comes out of his mouth shouldn't even concern you.

Soon you will find someone who is right for you - but this guy just wasn't it.


Well-known member
Ok I'm totally irritated...

What a lame ass excuse... he goes for "tall, skinny girls"? I'm sorry, but I have a "type" too, but you know what? Ironically the guys I've dated haven't necessarily been my type. It's what's on the inside too, you know... and you guys have spent enough time together for him to know that you're beautiful on the inside too. My thoughts, honestly... I think it's this thing he's still got for his co-worker. ITA with you though that it's not a "breakup" (I say that 'cause it's not really a breakup, but it is the ending of a relationship of sorts) that's so much upsetting, but his asshole comment. At least you know now that he is NOT worth your time at all. You need a MAN. I'm just so frustrated for you... you are not fat at all, and if you weren't his type, then why did he bother dating you at all if he knew he didn't like it? Ugggh. Don't let him bring you down, and especially don't let him affect your body image. I've suffered from an ED too, and I love when people make dumb comments like "I like a girl with some meat on her bones." Oh really? Then how bout you go find one? Or my personal favorite: my ex told me the last time he saw me that I was "too skinny"... I hadn't lost any weight since I'd seen him last, so I called him on it, and he said he didn't say anything to be polite. WTF? Boys.

Anyway HUGS to you!!


Well-known member
OMG ..I can't believe that I am reading this!!! Do you know what Melissa, Fuck him!! Seriously..he is exactly what you were afraid he was going to be...I guess that warning from his "roomate" really wasn't all that incorrect at all...Ugghh..and don't even think for ONE SECOND that you are anything less then what that skum bag said you were...You are Gorgeous, very caring kind friend, and BY FARRRRR nowhere near overweight..in fact, YOU ARE SKINNY!! What makes it even more crazy is that you look sooo GREAT even though you just had a baby, like seriously, I have to give you 150% credit for that because I know what its like to have a kid and have to worry about taking off the pregnancy weight....Man oh man....I hope one of your friends chew him out over this...he needs a good "bitch slap"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
he told me its bcause he normally goes for "tall, SKINNY" girls.

I think the appropriate response to that is "and I normally go for guys who aren't douche bags."

Sorry to hear about all your drama. Sounds incredibly frustrating. :/


Well-known member
what a shallow, inconsiderate asshole! Seriously I feel angry for you, the guy needs a slap in the face followed by a some sort of manual on how to be a man. I haven't read the rest of this thread but wow he is a dick, and the fact that he lead you on like that even after he knew how you felt about letting guys into your life because you were hurt in the past yet he still did what he did. He's a douche bag and you deserve way better than him.
Please don't think any less of yourself you are beautiful, and no where near fat. I've seen your pictures and you look stunning, especially after having a baby and all. It's sad that there are guys like that out there who are so full of themselves and so shallow.


Well-known member
what.a.PRICK! Take it from one curvy mama to another girl ... tell that asshole to kiss your ass and take his tall and skinny and stick it where the sun don't shine.

You deserve better ... and so does that gorgeous little baby.


Well-known member
Maybe this is a sign to take things more slowly in the future. You thought he was a nice guy, and now it turns out he's an asshole. The point is you can't always tell right away and you don't deserve to have someone treat you like that.
Don't worry about him, he's history. Just focus on yourself and your little guy, and what you want for your future.


Well-known member
I am soo sorry that you had to hear that asshole run his stupid mouth...I know you had feelings for him at some point so my apologies and no offense but if all that weird shit just "pops" out of his mouth all the time I'm glad you know this now...Sooo not worth your time! In a way its good that you didnt have a full on sack session with him, and it ended where it did, for me that would have complicated things a million times over...
I actually want to go back to your original post at this time, if nobody minds?
I totally have the same question!! any help is welcome...


Well-known member
Welll .....Welll.....Melissa you know as the older mother of this group I am going to just say it...

I told you that he was bringing that girl up for a reason....Men dont bring up shit like that for no reason...they hide stuff to the end...you have to pry it out of them with a tazer and a nut lock threat
I told you he says things because it is like Brag Vomit to him...He does not wish to take anything back...he loves hearing himself talk....He loves thinking he is all that!

I also told you NOT to sleep with his ass so soon!! Stop selling yourself short! You are nowhere near fat and he knows that!! He just wanted to say something that he knew would piss any woman off and that would make you go away!! And to call and ask if you are mad...Damn Straight I am mad you spineless sack of shit!!! Now I'm cursing!! So I'm mad!
You should have said...well No I am not mad that you called me FAT...we all have our preferences ...just like I personally am attracted to men who have a Prick bigger than my 9 month old sons but I suffered through it because I thought you were a nice guy....But I probably felt bigger to you because you were so small...for that I am truly sorry!! Dickhead!


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Originally Posted by blindpassion
daaamnnn Tish. I wish you were my mama.
You know whats up.

For real.
Wanna adopt a couple grown kids?


Well-known member
^^^ Karina I am so Mad!! What a jerk...He totally took advantage of this situation...He knew full well going in what his intentions were...He knew that he was still gaga over the news chick and he knew he did not want anything but a romp in the sack....Uggghhh If I wasn't married I would drive my ass up there and whip his ass for you! He needs a crazy black woman in his grill for real...i.e. Crazy Black woman = ME
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