What the hell is wrong with me??

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^^ Haha..I am with you on that one!! Maybe we should get together some time and do a BIG pro order..haha...sell them out of the NC400 Hyperreal...get a bunch of pro pans..call it a day..lol..I know, I am all out of the MAC bronzer that I had a while back too..gotta get that on my list!! I have the gold deposit msf..but I find if I use it anywhere but my cheeks, it makes me look all robotic and shiny..kinda like a tanned robot..hahaha..wasn't a good experiment!


Well-known member
^^ haha..its probably close to the same idea...I love love love msf's for my cheeks..but thats the only place i can pull them off!! Dude, how is refined bronze?? I had the step below "golden" and I don't think it was dark enough for me! Damn!! I just looked online and refined bronze is sold out!! Grr...I could probably call the store and get them to send me one though..Do you find that one to be a good shade for you?? Obviously if its sold out online, it must be a gooder!


Well-known member
^its by far my HG bronzer.. its def better for NC400 than NC300.. I used to be SUPER dar (almost darker than NC400) and I used to just put that bronzer on my face and thats it. LOL.


Well-known member
^^ Good to know, yah, i've totally left the house in a hurry with just some bronzer on...haha..that stuff does wonders! Soo...now im confused cause there is two bronzers..one is refined golden..and the other one is refined bronze (which is the darkest one) which refined one is it?? Lol...


Well-known member
Would it not be easier for you guys to IM each other


Well-known member
^^ haha..well if you want to be all technical and what not! Haha...whats wrong tish?? I thought you liked to read our thoughtless gibberish...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jdechant
^^ Good to know, yah, i've totally left the house in a hurry with just some bronzer on...haha..that stuff does wonders! Soo...now im confused cause there is two bronzers..one is refined golden..and the other one is refined bronze (which is the darkest one) which refined one is it?? Lol...

Uhm. I dont remember. Andi m too lazy to get out of bed and look. LMAO
I think Refined bronze. not golden. I def dont remember a golden ever.

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Would it not be easier for you guys to IM each other

Common Tish- you friggin adore it

So Brent asked me to rent Wall-E tonight lol. How cute is that??
We're going to watch it tomorrow because hes coming over to make me dinner. But not til after 8 because I dont want him to meet Adler. Im so anal about guys meeting my son lol... even though he doesnt remember and wont remember any of these guys.. the mom in me is like.. theres NO NEED for him to meet any guys until it gets semi-serious...


Well-known member
^^ Awww..look at him posing on the bed!! Soooo sweet...that hairbrush looks HUGE sittin next to him!! lol...Wall-E is a cute movie! Jaelyn looovvess it! haha..


Well-known member
hahah I sent him like 9 options and he REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to see wall-e... so that's what I got
lol! I cant wait for him to come make me dinner bc im hungry. LOL.

And yeah Adler friggin poses like that ALL THE TIME ... hahahha. he ust does it.. he'll be playing and thats how he lays on his side and plays with his toys lol.


Well-known member
^^Wow A guy that can cook!! Thats a plus! My man can MAYBE make mac and cheese (on a good day) lol....Do you know what he is cooking you?? You will have to tell me how the rest of wall-e was...


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Okay I dont think Im going to be making that big of a an effort to talk to him anymore.. last night was great and he was super sweet as always... but we were talking last night while we were watching sportscenter... and he was like "the reason I didnt ask you to come over last night is because Ashley was there" (the girl I told you about that works @ the news station with him) and I was like "okay?" And he goes "well.. it was just kinda awkward because she was there and some other girls that work at the station that Ive known for a while.. there was like one other guy there and.. I didnt want you to feel awkward"

I was just like "Its fine. I wasnt really expecting you to invite me over. I know it was a work think and I hung out with some girlfriends anyways."

And he was like "well.. this is why Im so nervouse about starting a new relationship.. is because all my friends are girls and girlfriends always think im cheating even though id never ever lie... and Id never ever cheat.. but my friends are girls and that always seems to be a problem."

I told him that I didnt really give a shit.. that most of my friends were guys and if he didnt like that then he'd have to get over it as well... that I understand that members of the opposite sex have to co exist in a work environment together-- and that they pry always go out together too because you hang out with your friends from work mostly when you're single..

And it ended up going back to Ashley and I was like "you still have a thing for her dont you?" and he was like "no.. not really... kinda but not really. We work together so it wouldnt work out.. but we'd pry be together if we didnt work together."

I was like.. wtf? Cute.

Then he was telling me how he was at the discovery children's museum today for work filming a story and he couldnt stop thinking about how he wants to take me and adler there. and that he really really likes me and blah blah..

but I dont know- the whole Ashley thing is throwing me off.... I just feel weird.

I dont think im going to get ahold of him unless he decideds he wants to get ahold of me... I just dont think I'm emotionally mature enough to handle another guy being stuck on a girl he fooled around with months and months ago..

I just really really hope I get my damn period next week


Well-known member
So now we know why he really can't watch the news!!
I think you need to spend time with yourself, meaning alone, not with a guy. I think you should try and really figure out what you want and need, and not just company from the opposite sex. JMO


Well-known member
Not to scare u or anything, but I just read ur post replying to what I said, and I hope u took the pills the way plan b told u to. Not the way the lady said. I would follow the directions. I always took my pills one, then the other 12 hours later, and plan b never failed me. I just never heard of taking them both at the same time


Well-known member
^^Hey, the nurse told me to just take them both at the same time- that you could take them either way but people forget to take the 2nd one a lot so you can just take both of them at the same time... that its the same amount of hormones.... taking one and then taking one 12 hours later just gives your body a small break in hormones.

So I went to banana's last night... because I got into work yesterday and callee (my friend) was like ...dude I saw brent @ cam's last night @ like 12:30... i was like- wow that's cute.. considering i asked him if he was going out and he told me no, that he was going home to go to sleep... I dont care if he goes out but thats nice that he lied to me.........

So we went to banana's... and Callee flat out in front of him goes "Brent.. I saw you at cams last night and you didnt even say hi!"... and he just looks at her, and looks at me... and was like "yeah uhm... donnie was drunk so he asked me to come down and drive him and i ended up just staying.. it was dumb..." and 10 minutes later came around the bar and sat down next to me and was like "... I think I told you I was going to go home and go to bed last night.. Im sorry. I wasn't planning on going out and donnie kinda just convinced me.." and I looked at him and I go "Brent. I dont give a shit what you do. stop explaining yourself to me." (but secretley I was relishing in the fact that I had caught him and he felt bad about it. haha

Well. I dont know what the hell happed but by like.. 10:30 I was pukeing in the bathroom (oh yeah, I remember.. I had 9 shots in the time span of an hour and 1/2)...and went to my friend's car and slept in her back seat until 12:30... then she drove me home. LOL.

I'm supposed to be @ brent's @ 11am this morning...because he doesnt work until 2.

And hmmm... Ashley McNamee just came on HOI news while I'm watching GMA to do a weather update.. and im sorry but she sounds like a man.

BTW.. for anyone who has seen wall-e.. my friend callee and i made two shots called the "wall-e" and the "eve-a"

Watermelon pucker
Squeeze of lime
Whipped creame on top.

Blue caraco
Sweet and sour
Sugar rim.

The walle isnt very good but it would have been with apple pucker.. but they were out.
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