What the hell is wrong with me??

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yay! thats exactly how I hoped it would go

happy happy happy for youuu.


Well-known member
haha...well I seen it and was like WHAAAA...really??? I gotta message melissa.. Crazy stuff!! Anyways, so all in all your night went well?? What are your guys plans for saturday??


Well-known member
omg I just remembered I had a dream about this last night Melissa.
I dreamed you and I were on the phone and you called him to discuss plans for the night- and I was on 3 way (lol)
and you were like "yeah we can hang out and watch a movie or something, and then maybe later we can t --" and you were going to say "talk about the whole situation and see what we both think" and I like started coughing into the phone because I hadn't had a chance to tell you NOT to say that hahah.

and he's like "who's that?"

and to cover it up you're like "mom im on the phone get off the line for a sec"

I am so so lame.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
omg I just remembered I had a dream about this last night Melissa.
I dreamed you and I were on the phone and you called him to discuss plans for the night- and I was on 3 way (lol)
and you were like "yeah we can hang out and watch a movie or something, and then maybe later we can t --" and you were going to say "talk about the whole situation and see what we both think" and I like started coughing into the phone because I hadn't had a chance to tell you NOT to say that hahah.

and he's like "who's that?"

and to cover it up you're like "mom im on the phone get off the line for a sec"

I am so so lame.

HAHAHAHAHA.. omg thats the best thing ive heard in FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! I'm dieing laughing right now. My parents and my aunt and uncle are sitting in the kitchen and just stopped talking because I started laughing so hard- my aunt was like-- WHAT could be that funny on the internet????



Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
HAHAHAHAHA.. omg thats the best thing ive heard in FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! I'm dieing laughing right now. My parents and my aunt and uncle are sitting in the kitchen and just stopped talking because I started laughing so hard- my aunt was like-- WHAT could be that funny on the internet????


blindpassion could be that funny

haha yeah I laughed at myself when I woke up!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jdechant
haha...well I seen it and was like WHAAAA...really??? I gotta message melissa.. Crazy stuff!! Anyways, so all in all your night went well?? What are your guys plans for saturday??

Yeah last night went great- he was soooo sweet and nice all night I didnt even feel the need to have a "talk" with him...

Sat. I guess he is just going to come over- we'll pry finish our movie and I think he wants me to watch the Bourne Supremacy.

Last night before we turned the movie on he was like "I cant watch the news tonight" and i go "why?" and he goes "because I have a........past.... with the news anchor" and showed her to me....

Ashley McNamee : Our Team : About : WHOI HOI-19

that's her profile on the news website that he works for... I was like "ok?"

and then he told me hes going to san diego for a week next week.. which might be good because then it'll give us a chance to be away from eachother. LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
blindpassion could be that funny

haha yeah I laughed at myself when I woke up!

Only on this site would I have such good girlfriends that they would dream about my horrible hot mess of a relationship.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Yeah last night went great- he was soooo sweet and nice all night I didnt even feel the need to have a "talk" with him...

Sat. I guess he is just going to come over- we'll pry finish our movie and I think he wants me to watch the Bourne Supremacy.

Last night before we turned the movie on he was like "I cant watch the news tonight" and i go "why?" and he goes "because I have a........past.... with the news anchor" and showed her to me....

Ashley McNamee : Our Team : About : WHOI HOI-19

that's her profile on the news website that he works for... I was like "ok?"

and then he told me hes going to san diego for a week next week.. which might be good because then it'll give us a chance to be away from eachother. LOL

Pfft...she's got nothing on you!!...lol..(Now just watch her join specktra and read this...HAHAHA)

Well thats always something to think about everytime you watch the news??!! Haha...is that the only local news station in your area? Thats too funny...haha...if you guys are ever watching the game, you could be like..."you see that guy there that is pitching?...well...I have a past....with him" HAHAHAHA...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22

Last night before we turned the movie on he was like "I cant watch the news tonight" and i go "why?" and he goes "because I have a........past.... with the news anchor" and showed her to me....

Ashley McNamee : Our Team : About : WHOI HOI-19

that's her profile on the news website that he works for... I was like "ok?"

and then he told me hes going to san diego for a week next week.. which might be good because then it'll give us a chance to be away from eachother. LOL

I really see no point in a guy bringing up this fact....So just dont watch the news or watch another channel...why mention it...Most real men do not bring up these type topics when there is no purpose or it or without being asked...So just because she is an old g/f he can't watch...that only means he must still have some sort of feelings for her...why else would he care about seeing her on the news or mention it...

I guess I just don't get it...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jdechant
Pfft...she's got nothing on you!!...lol..(Now just watch her join specktra and read this...HAHAHA)

Well thats always something to think about everytime you watch the news??!! Haha...is that the only local news station in your area? Thats too funny...haha...if you guys are ever watching the game, you could be like..."you see that guy there that is pitching?...well...I have a past....with him" HAHAHAHA...

EXACTLY!!! who brings that kind of shit up????


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jdechant
Pfft...she's got nothing on you!!...lol..(Now just watch her join specktra and read this...HAHAHA)

Well thats always something to think about everytime you watch the news??!! Haha...is that the only local news station in your area? Thats too funny...haha...if you guys are ever watching the game, you could be like..."you see that guy there that is pitching?...well...I have a past....with him" HAHAHAHA...

HAHA no joke! Because I DO have a past with two guys-- one that plays for the red sox and one that plays for the Red's.. no sex just.. making out. LOL. So there. And that's a past? Right? Maybe I will do that-- I mean really.. it was REALLY weird.

And no.. we have TWO OTHER local network stations in this area.. and WHOI is abc news and its not that big as like... WEEK (NBC).. so who cares? And not only was he like "oh I cant watch the news tonight"... when I asked him why he goes.. "ell the anchor.... I have a....past with her".. and then proceeded to let me see who she was.

What the freakin hell???

Originally Posted by TISH1127
I really see no point in a guy bringing up this fact....So just dont watch the news or watch another channel...why mention it...Most real men do not bring up these type topics when there is no purpose or it or without being asked...So just because she is an old g/f he can't watch...that only means he must still have some sort of feelings for her...why else would he care about seeing her on the news or mention it...

I guess I just don't get it...

Dont worry.. I dont get it either. I think it mightve been because I was wearing a white sox shirt (podsednik baby- its old school from lk 3 years ago) and he was like "is podsednik your faveorite player?" and I was like "he used to be.. now he plays for the rockies." and he goes "oh I was thinking pierzynski" (who is actually my avatar! haha)... and I go "oh yeah.. i adore Pierzynski.. I have like 4 Pierzynski shirts" and he got really quiet and was like "really? Maybe I'll just go lock myself in the closet or something" ... and then he started laughing so I assumed he was just kidding around.

BUT, Ive come to find, girls, that he has a really hard time of expressing himself-- which is something that both donnie and melissa have told me.. that he says things and then is like "oh wait.. foot in mouth." He has a slight stuttering problem too(VERY slight.. and its actually kinda cute)... like 3 times around me he's said something and then gotton super red and been like "oh... wait.. thats NOT how I mean it.. Im so sorry."... not big things but- I think that he has a case of word vomit.


Well-known member
^^ Haha..I think the stuttering comes from him being nervous...I bet that once he gets really comfortable with you, the stuttering will stop. I dont know about the whole mentioning about the other girl thing. Maybe he told you because this relationship ended not that long ago...or maybe he told you because he works there and felt that you should know about it sooner then later (because eventually you would of found out) I don't know if he was doing it to be a jerk..OMG I know soooo many guys that have a bad case of word vomit...INCLUDING MY BF...its soo annoying cause there is numerous times that he has made me RAGING mad cause he says something before thinking about what he is actually saying...grr..haha...


Well-known member
Lol..I always thought the avatar of yours was a cop..lol..NEVER looked at it that closely until now..haha IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW *lightbulb moment* hahaha....


Well-known member
HAHAHAH...CATHER gear, Jenna! LMAO!!!!

and yeah- brag vomit lol.

You know how you always learn NOT to talk about past relationships with guys because no guy wants to hear about it?? Ive fallowed that rule to a damn T.... except a brief 2 minute convo in the car letting him know that Adler's father lived in Boston and never bothered me and all our stuff went through lawyers (I wanted him to know htat if we did end up together that he wouldnt have to deal w/ baby daddy drama w/ Erik.)

I havent talked about my exes at ALL.... oh wait- take that back. I did say "Ive been to spring training 4 years in a row" and he said "really? why?" and I said "I just dated someone in the cubs farm system".. and that was it. no elaboration, no chatting... no "oh ryan this, erik this, matt this.." you know?

I mean- he doesnt go on and on about it but there are times where Im like "dude really? dont want to hear about your ex right now."

but whatev. The way he said it.. I dont think that he was trying to be a jerk.. I just think he was saying it just.. to say it. Word Vomit.


The morning after I stayed the night with him, he was like "well.. I havent had sex since June.. and I didnt want to take you back here to have sex with you- but I thought you wanted to so I was like- what the hell I might as well let her." ... I just sat up and looked at him and he goes "OH MY GOD.. NO.. thats NOT the way I meant it.. omg.. it totally came out the wrong way.. what the fuck is wrong with me???" I was like "wow.. Brent.. fucking cute." and the WHOLE DAY he was like "are you mad at me? I didnt mean to say that... Im so sorry.."

That's what made me mention something to melissa-- and she was like "dude brent says things.. and they come out and everyone is like- wtf?... but he doesnt mean them the way they come out... he just.. doesnt think before he opens his mouth."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22


The morning after I stayed the night with him, he was like "well.. I havent had sex since June.. and I didnt want to take you back here to have sex with you- but I thought you wanted to so I was like- what the hell I might as well let her." ... I just sat up and looked at him and he goes "OH MY GOD.. NO.. thats NOT the way I meant it.. omg.. it totally came out the wrong way.. what the fuck is wrong with me???" I was like "wow.. Brent.. fucking cute." and the WHOLE DAY he was like "are you mad at me? I didnt mean to say that... Im so sorry.."

HAHA..yah, see ..thats exactly what I'm talking about...stupid shit like that...Jason says it ALL THE TIME...but really, they don't mean harm..it was just the way that they were brought up i guess..or wern't brought up..hahaha... But that is definitely something that you need to learn to love about him..cause it will give you the
and then you'll be doing
But I think that once he is more confortable with you, the word vomit wont happen as much.. (fingers crossed)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jdechant
HAHA..yah, see ..thats exactly what I'm talking about...stupid shit like that...Jason says it ALL THE TIME...but really, they don't mean harm..it was just the way that they were brought up i guess..or wern't brought up..hahaha... But that is definitely something that you need to learn to love about him..cause it will give you the
and then you'll be doing
But I think that once he is more confortable with you, the word vomit wont happen as much.. (fingers crossed)

hahaha good to know. Jeeze Jenna we are so damn alke its not even funny... lol!.. And that really is the look I have on my face when he says things like that..

and I think he just gets nervous and talks.. because we were watcing the movie last night and he kept reading off everything that came on the screen.. like it would say "CIA" and ehe would go "CIA... Central Intelligence Agency." I was like.. wtf? I can read-- really. Promise.

Totally off topic jenna but do you wear Hyperreal??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
HAHAHAH...CATCHER gear, Jenna! LMAO!!!

Haha...Catcher gear, Cop hat...Haha..can you tell I don't watch much baseball??


Well-known member
Yuppers, I'm a hyperreal girl!!! The only bad thing is that I am NC40, but since I slowed down on my tanning, its getting just a wee bit dark for my face..hahah...BUT I got a tanning apt. at 1:15 today!! (one more hour) yah, I'm soo excited....do you use hyperreal?? Do you love it??


Well-known member
Uhm im slightly obsessed.. Im super tan and almost out of my NC300- which i had to go down to because i stopped tanning for a bit.. but now i have to use mad bronzer to make it lok better... im ordering some new here next week in NC400... but IVe also found that the HR foundation tends to oxidate darker than what it is in the botle..

but i seriously. would die. without it. Im so annoyed that i have to order it pro now... but at least that will give me an excuse to get some pro pallets.
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