What the hell is wrong with me??

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Welll .....Welll.....Melissa you know as the older mother of this group I am going to just say it...

I told you that he was bringing that girl up for a reason....Men dont bring up shit like that for no reason...they hide stuff to the end...you have to pry it out of them with a tazer and a nut lock threat
I told you he says things because it is like Brag Vomit to him...He does not wish to take anything back...he loves hearing himself talk....He loves thinking he is all that!

I also told you NOT to sleep with his ass so soon!! Stop selling yourself short! You are nowhere near fat and he knows that!! He just wanted to say something that he knew would piss any woman off and that would make you go away!! And to call and ask if you are mad...Damn Straight I am mad you spineless sack of shit!!! Now I'm cursing!! So I'm mad!
You should have said...well No I am not mad that you called me FAT...we all have our preferences ...just like I personally am attracted to men who have a Prick bigger than my 9 month old sons but I suffered through it because I thought you were a nice guy....But I probably felt bigger to you because you were so small...for that I am truly sorry!! Dickhead!

Tish, I love how you tell it like it is!! Do you have any daughters or just your son?? Cause I tell you, if you did have girls, when they got older you would have NO problem telling their bf's whats what..lol...


Well-known member
The problem is...WE as women allow them to much control! WE listen to the smooth talk and fall for that crap too fast!

Also...I told you people send their representative for the first few months...the person we want to see and believe they are...after abiut 60 days the true person surfaces and most times he is no where near like the representative that we first met!! That is why I wait until the representative has left before the cookie is even allowed to be discussed!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jdechant
Tish, I love how you tell it like it is!! Do you have any daughters or just your son?? Cause I tell you, if you did have girls, when they got older you would have NO problem telling their bf's whats what..lol...

No I have a 19 y/o son and a 21 and 17 y/o stepson....And they are typical womanizers too...It is sickening....and I try to teach them to do better and love and respect women and not take advantage of them...but what can you do...Men will be men!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^ Karina I am so Mad!! What a jerk...He totally took advantage of this situation...He knew full well going in what his intentions were...He knew that he was still gaga over the news chick and he knew he did not want anything but a romp in the sack....Uggghhh If I wasn't married I would drive my ass up there and whip his ass for you! He needs a crazy black woman in his grill for real...i.e. Crazy Black woman = ME

Seriously I also thought about this..haha..Crazy Canadian kickin his ass...but I think the drive from Northern Alberta to Illinois is a little too long!! lol...


Well-known member
And....for jdechant^^^

This is why I told you girls to take this offline....Because I so knew how this would end...I knew it and I did not want it to be like this for Melissa ...That is why I stopped speaking on it and told her his mouth was Brag Vomit...and I hoped he was as nice as she thought he was...But I knew in my heart he wasn't!

Ok I'm done because I am so mad about this for real!


Well-known member
I can understand what you are saying, I just....hoped that this was different for her this time...I guess I see myself as always looking for the good in people (the one thats always cheering on the sidelines)...maybe that is a weakness for me... but I was just hoping that maybe this guy would be different for her...i dunno...i guess its a good thing I've had my bf for such a long time, cause I couldn't handle all this bull .... I would just STOP DATING.. but seriously, guys are ASSHOLES...(not all of them..just a good chunk of them)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Not to scare u or anything, but I just read ur post replying to what I said, and I hope u took the pills the way plan b told u to. Not the way the lady said. I would follow the directions. I always took my pills one, then the other 12 hours later, and plan b never failed me. I just never heard of taking them both at the same time

You actually can. As long as the pills are taken within 72 hours of the "event", you're okay. Some people just can't take a massive dose of horomones all at once and they get nauseous and vomit. Defeats the purpose of taking Plan B if you throw it back up. HTH

Dr. Girlfriend


Well-known member
^^ I love that about you...but all the warning signs were there...Guys are truly not all assholes...It is up to us to determine the good from the bad...and it's up to us to demand how we want to be treated and make our intentions and expectations known. Men only do what women allow them to do....They can only swing on as much rope as we give them.


Well-known member
Thats right...I was told the same thing, once upon a time ago..about Plan B i mean


Well-known member
I totally agree with Tish on this one. It's either one of two things...

1.) He totally had no intentions of doing anything except sleeping with you.. a conquest for lack of better words.

2.) He totally had no intentions of doing anything except sleeping with you..
and instead of being honest and maybe going and trying to hook up with some random chick at a bar. He seems narcissistic and needed to hurt someone to raise his self esteem. He built himself up by tearing you down.

Hopefully karma comes back and bites him in the ass 10 fold. You have nothing to be ashamed of. I went back to some of your FOTD's and you are absolutely beautiful.

Okay, I'm gonna wrap this up now. Hun, focus on your son and your happiness. You would be very surprised to find what comes your way when you're not looking.

Sorry this was so long. You seem like a very sweet person and definitely deserve better than his sorry ass.


Well-known member
I just got so pissed off it's ridiculous. Who the fuck says shit like that? My God. I've never heard of such an asshole in my life!!! I'd like to just cut his freaking balls off. Wtf?! I'm sorry, and don't listen to that shit. He's ugly anyway, dude... "I'm sorry but, you know... I usually date HOT guys... Sorry


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^ I love that about you...but all the warning signs were there...Guys are truly not all assholes...It is up to us to determine the good from the bad...and it's up to us to demand how we want to be treated and make our intentions and expectations known. Men only do what women allow them to do....They can only swing on as much rope as we give them.

I think every girl needs a Tish in her life


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashleyisawesome
I just got so pissed off it's ridiculous. Who the fuck says shit like that? My God. I've never heard of such an asshole in my life!!! I'd like to just cut his freaking balls off. Wtf?! I'm sorry, and don't listen to that shit. He's ugly anyway, dude... "I'm sorry but, you know... I usually date HOT guys... Sorry

I didn't find him easy on the eyes either...But I thought to each their own . Beauty is only skin deep....However, In his case Ugly goes straight to the bone!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
The problem is...WE as women allow them to much control! WE listen to the smooth talk and fall for that crap too fast!

Very trueee... You teach people how to treat you. Once you let someone do something and they realize you're not going to flip out about it, it becomes habit. :/

Girl about town

Well-known member
what a fucking twat he is!!!
You are absolutely gorgeous and in no way fat, you look petite and slim, he obviously has some major problems, being a dickhead and a commitmentphobe the obvious ones!!!!

Guys like this cannot handle relationships at all and put the girl down to build themselves up, he has obviously used you for sex and a self esteem boost!
If he texts you again don't even reply or give him the satisfaction of him thinking you are hurt......but hey i would probably try and get some dignified revenge on the sly (but thats just me).

Anyway you are a gorgeous girl and a great mum and you , don't waste another second on that idiot,and hold your head up high and laugh at him!!!

There are good guys out there but as Tish says you need to wait and find out what they are like once their representative is gone!!!! (love that its so true!!)


Well-known member
Wow...girls... I was sooo tired last night and just hung out with Adler and watched the Grinch who Stole Christmas... I needed a night alone with my little guy... went to bed and am just now checking this in class...

Thank you so much for all of your responces

Tish- you are totally right... he is a piece of shit and I have full intentions of NEVER talking to him again (unless...for some horrible reason.. that dumb pill didnt work)... I seriously cant stand him and the more I thought about it the more I wanted to just drive to the station last night and slash his tired (Chad.. HAHA.. we were totally on the same wavelength)... my friend britney is in here and is like "LETS GO SLASH HIS TIRES RIGHT NOW!!" lol.... and my way cool gay friend jared is totally in on it too.

Last night he texted me AGAIN asking me if I was feeling better and that he felt like shit for saying what he did that he did NOT mean for it to come out that way- I didnt even text him back... hes sucha prick.

I guess this is a lesson learned that from now on I will be taking things VERY SLOWLY.. I just really clicked with this kid-- I mean, I had butterflies
... now I know that I need to just.. relax about it.

I def should have listened to my specktra girls more.. esp you tish.

and jenna.. I look for the good in people all the time too... case in point- brent.

... I am feeling better now reading all your posts, guys. Now I just want to get revenge. LOL. Ive never had a guy blantantly treat me so bad. And what's weird is that his friend, Melissa told me last night she couldt BELIEVE that he acted lik tha because she has seen him scare so many girls away because he wants a relationship and not just a booty call... who knows??

I just want to go buy some MAC.. REALLY BAD!


Well-known member
Everyone needs a Tish in her life!

Forget that dumb piece of shit ASAP, guys like him are really worthless.

the doctor prescribes a little black mac bag


Well-known member
as much as you want to get revenge, its not even worth it
the way it stands right now is that hes the asshole and you just did the good thing and walked away and didnt let him fuck you over any worse then he already had.

if you go and do something douchy to get back at him, you're sinking down to the same level that hes at. Talking to him never again is good enough revenge


Well-known member
Yes just ignore him...that is the worst thing to do to a man...ask my husband!
If you do something irrational it is only gonna cause you a lot of grief and expense...You will be labeled the crazy stalker chick, etc....Just pretend he doesn't exist and don't respond to him ...Let him go be someone else's problem.
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