WHO is Jesus?

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
Indigowaters Wrote:

I like that explaination...it's a good one
I wish someone would've said that to me when I was a child, and didn't *quite* grasp the Trinity concept.

I'm seriously going to have to send that to my brother, because it's been a topic of discussion within his household. Fantastic explanation.


Well-known member
Me too! Absolutely fascinating! Three thumbs up to all my sisters in Christ who commented as true believers in Christ should....without judgement but with love. Woot woot!

BTW I read a book called "Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt" by Anne Rice a few months back. Awesome novel...it's a fictional account of what Jesus' life might have been like from the ages 7-8. Read the reviews on Amazon.com because I suck when it comes to describing books in detail

little teaser

Well-known member
this is an amazeing thread i enjoyed reading and out of all the post i would have to say that indigowater and sumthing sweet made the most sense to me and i could tell and "feel" that you two are really spirutual and not just quoteing things out of the bible just to get a point across it's like when i go to church and im still a baby in christ with alot to learn people always want to pray for you and sometimes i just dont feel gods presence when there praying and other times when someone prays i totally feel his presence it's the same when people speak of god i know true" devot christians can decern when the person is just talking or the holy spirit is leading them and anytime someone condems another that is not the holy spirit talking but thanks to you all even of other faiths it is very intresting to me


Well-known member
I am not trying to start a fight by saying this...I'm sincerely curious. What convinces all of the believers here that the Bible is more than mythology?

Personally I don't know what to believe when it comes to God. I guess I think maybe there is a creator...beyond that I don't really know.


Well-known member
It's by faith. Pure and simple. Just faith.

I mean there is some evidence but not enough to convince the modern world.

But what makes me so sure there is a creator?

Unexplainable things in my life. I should be dead but there are times in my life when I know whatever happened was no coincidence. But I think what makes me so sure is when I walk out in nature, all by myself I can feel something. It's strange because it's like you are walking through the holiest of temples and there is a presence like no other. I can't explain it. Its like you're there and all the wisdom in the world is gathered at one place.

Or at night when I look to the sky-there is no beginning and no end to the universe. It just...is. And so much happens but it all happens so logically. With the gravity and the forming of new planets and the garbage desposals of the universe (Black holes) and it's just amazing.

It's so complex but so simple at the same time.

That's how I am so sure-but to each person it's going to be different because in my belief each person comes to the Creator in their own way or the Creator approaches each person differently.

thats just how it happens for me


Well-known member
Very good explanation^^^. It's just like last night. I was coming home from a friends house around 3am (no, it wasn't like that. We were spying on people on Myspace, lol.). Anyways, I was going home and that "voice" (aka Holy Spirit) told me that the man in front of me was drunk. He all of a sudden did a U-turn from the right lane, hit the curb and started coming straight at me! I know it was only God and His angels protecting me from getting hit head on because the guys car all of a sudden straightened up while I was trying to dodge him. I don't call that luck, I call that God (and Him looking out for me).


Well-known member
Or you just have this sudden urge to go somewhere like visit a friend or something-you have no idea why there is no logical explanation but you just seriously have to go over there or you go crazy and you do and you find out that the person had a horrible day and actually *NEEDED* someone there but didn't think to call or anything.

I'm so glad someone else has this! *HUGS*


Well-known member
Wat te ell is oin on wit te letters in my keyboard...some of tem are not workin (???)...Youll all ave to bear wit tis...sorry

Anyway...I remember my usband tellin me tat wen e went to Jerusalem, tere was NO DOUBT in is mind as to te existence of Jesus C rist...e said e could just feel it!! E said e could literally FEEL tat C rist was present tere more tan a tousand years a o.

I just tout tat was really a cool tin....Sorry about avin to read tis like tis....Im livid....Since tis is a laptop, I cannot just o out and buy a new keyboard...Itd better be able to be fixed.....


Well-known member
I must say-- I was raised in a Buddhist/Protestant household and spent five years in a Lutheran school, have Catholic, Wiccan, Christian, Shinto and Tenrikyo friends (among others)-- and am not involved in a religion right now-- and I find this thread facinating. I like hearing about what people believe in and why they believe what they do.


Well-known member
Who is Jesus? A fictional character I'd say, but I have to look into it more closely.

Now, with that said, take the example of H2O. It is one element but can take on different forms for different purposes. It can be broken down into water (liquid), steam and ice. They all serve different purposes. You drink water, you steam vegetables and you use ice to cool drinks. But when they're all brought back together, you get what? One element. That's why the Trinity is called God in Three Persons, Perfect Trinity.

Oh, NOW I see. Yahweh, Jesus and the Holy Sprit are different states of God which are defined by the bonds between His molecules and the speed at which they travel. Which one exists for any particular sample of God is based on the combination of temperature and pressure.
I'm sorry, but to me this analogy sounds nice, but doesn't make sense.

If Yahweh, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are all one but have different purposes, I'd say a better analogy is the human brain. God is the brain, Yahweh can be the cerebrum, Jesus the cerebellum and the Holy Ghost the brainstem. Or the body. God can be the human, Yahweh the skeletal system, Jesus the respiratory system, and the Holy Ghost the digestive system. Or an ant colony. God is the colony, Yahweh is the queen ant, Jesus the soldier ant, and the Holy Ghost the worker ant. Parts of a greater whole that each serve a different purpose.

But these are still flawed because the confusing aspect of the Trinity is caused by God's mind, so any effective analogy has to involve minds as well. People are distinct because they don't share minds. The Trinity implies three "people" by giving them different personality traits, names and abilities. Yet it insists they are all one person, because Christianity is a monotheistic religion. So do they share one mind? Or do they all have different thoughts? The Bible leads one to believe it's the latter, in which case God could be likened to a human with three heads (and thus three minds/people) and perhaps telepathy (so they can read each others thoughts). Yet I have a feeling Christians wouldn't be satisfied with this, because it would really be polytheism but with the gods' "bodies" fused together.


Well-known member
I don't believe I was talking to you. I came here to explain who He is to me and help others, not argue. I think the only board you don't argue on are your own FOTDs but I don't go there, so how would I know?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
Very good explanation^^^. It's just like last night. I was coming home from a friends house around 3am (no, it wasn't like that. We were spying on people on Myspace, lol.). Anyways, I was going home and that "voice" (aka Holy Spirit) told me that the man in front of me was drunk. He all of a sudden did a U-turn from the right lane, hit the curb and started coming straight at me! I know it was only God and His angels protecting me from getting hit head on because the guys car all of a sudden straightened up while I was trying to dodge him. I don't call that luck, I call that God (and Him looking out for me).

Ive always been taught that its not luck its just a blessing by the lord himself


Well-known member
I don't think Eorapter was arguing Indigo...maybe I'm wrong. The trinity is a confusing concept...3 seperate entities, but one God. I've never been able to wrap my mind around it. I agree though...it would have to be 3 parts that make up a greater whole. Maybe analogies are impossible for it though.
Lets all keep in mind that its a delicate subject...we all get to believe what we want and voice our opinion...it doesn't mean we are attacking others beliefs or trying to rob faith. Personally, I don't know what to believe, but I do think that people's religious beliefs can be quite beautiful and inspiring.


Well-known member
No. He comes on boards that have to do with religion telling people that what they believe doesn't make sense. Then he has to give a "logical" reason why he doesn't believe. But in the meanwhile no one else can give their opinion without it being torn down or us getting waaaay off subject.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
For me, I believe there is a god/gods, if only because something/someone had to create the first whatever. As much as I believe in science, I think the supernatural or supreme beings or whatever you wish to call it has to kick in sometime.

As for Jesus, yes, I believe there was a man who existed, did Jesus's deeds for the most part, etc. I don't know if he was God's son and if all the stories are true, but I do think he existed and tried to help people.


Well-known member
I don't believe I was talking to you. I came here to explain who He is to me and help others, not argue. I think the only board you don't argue on are your own FOTDs but I don't go there, so how would I know?

No. He comes on boards that have to do with religion telling people that what they believe doesn't make sense. Then he has to give a "logical" reason why he doesn't believe. But in the meanwhile no one else can give their opinion without it being torn down or us getting waaaay off subject.

When you post here, you're talking to every member on Specktra. Questioning things is an excellent way to learn, and thus an excellent way to teach. Teaching is one of the best ways you can help others. If no one ever criticized each other, it would take much longer to learn and improve. And that's true of any topic, from makeup to religious views. If you saw one of my FOTDs, you'd notice I generally ask for criticism. It's what helped me improve my makeup skills in such a short time.

I felt your analogy didn't illuminate the confusing aspect of the Trinity, but I didn't just tear it down. I explained what was missing, and offered no less than four alternative analogies of my own. Three using the principle you found most important, and one which came closest to my understanding of the Trinity. If we want to learn more about the Trinity, you could explain what flaws exist in my analogies. In this way we may all improve our theological understanding.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Eoraptor
Who is Jesus? A fictional character I'd say, but I have to look into it more closely.

Oh, NOW I see. Yahweh, Jesus and the Holy Sprit are different states of God which are defined by the bonds between His molecules and the speed at which they travel. Which one exists for any particular sample of God is based on the combination of temperature and pressure.
I'm sorry, but to me this analogy sounds nice, but doesn't make sense.

You wrote this ^, I didn't. The board is talking about Jesus, yet when the very ones who follow Him, talk about Him, it doesn't make sense. It seems like free speech is only brought up by those who are trying to hush the voice of others who don't believe what they do.


Well-known member
Some people don't take religion as seriously as others. Keep that in mind. I was always taught to be respectful of other's religious beliefs and not criticize others based on their personal faith. Live and let live...but I do think that its good when other's challenge what we think or believe...it gives you an opportunity to THINK about why you believe what you believe and come up with good reasons for backing it up...which reinforces or faith or lack of faith, and I think that is beneficial. You don't ever want to be mindless when it comes to what you believe...or its pointless. I was raised in a very strict Christian household...and I am ETERNALLY grateful to a certain professor at my University, who opened up a whole new world for me...he taught me to think for myself and make my own decisions about what I believe, which ended up being quite different from my parent's beliefs. Like I said, even if someone doesn't change your mind about what you believe, you get the chance to reevaluate the basis of your beliefs.
Again...not trying to piss anyone off...just my 2 cents
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