WHO is Jesus?

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Well-known member
Lalli Wrote: Quote:
"Your nation is made of people from all around the world..You're not all 'true' Americans."

MAC Whore Responded: Quote:
What do you mean by this? What is the purpose of this statement?

Thanks for the stereotype! Really big of you. Your tops in my book.

IDK for sure...but I think she may have meant that not all of us (save for true Native American Indians) are "true" Americans...as in, our great-grandparents, grandparents, maybe even our parents or our own selves all at one point came from other countries and integrated into America...We all have different ethnic blood running thru our veins...Irish, German, French, Saudi Arabian, Brazilian...etc. etc. etc. Not one of us (again, save for N.A. people) is truly what you can ethnically call "American"; that's why they call it the "melding pot"...(now, we may be American in heart, and this is our country...no doubt about it...but I'm strictly speaking about ethnicity here
). Not only that, but every year literally thousands of people come to America from other countries to live..adding to our mix of ethnicities. Lalli...correct me if I'm wrong (which I very well may be...it's just how I personally interpreted that statement)...but I think that may have been what she meant


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli

are you native americans? America is made up of french, spanish, german, english, irish, pakistani, indian, bengali, chinese, japanese, australians, koreans. Purpose of my statement is that,

why yes, I am native American.
Specifically Texan.
I'm half Cherokee, and my family has been in America since the late 1700s.
Yes. I am native American. Thanks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
right so me walking down the street quietly my views kept within me is a reason for a scutty tramp to tell me to go back where i come back from, im 19 and work harder then most of these racists nobs who have nothing better to do, so dont say to me the way im acting is a reason for people to be hostile towards me. BULLSHIT.

*shrug* as ye sow, ye reap.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
*shrug* as ye sow, ye reap.

you come accross as arrogant and think you can intimidate anyone, like i said my opinion is my opinion, just because i voice it doesnt mean im prone to hostile behaviour, dont knw what impression you have of me,but im not a extremist, ive loads to learn about my own religion but if u cnt respect my views i wont respect urs


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
Lalli Wrote:

MAC Whore Responded:

IDK for sure...but I think she may have meant that not all of us (save for true Native American Indians) are "true" Americans...as in, our great-grandparents, grandparents, maybe even our parents or our own selves all at one point came from other countries and integrated into America...We all have different ethnic blood running thru our veins...Irish, German, French, Saudi Arabian, Brazilian...etc. etc. etc. Not one of us (again, save for N.A. people) is truly what you can ethnically call "American"; that's why they call it the "melding pot"...(now, we may be American in heart, and this is our country...no doubt about it...but I'm strictly speaking about ethnicity here
). Not only that, but every year literally thousands of people come to America from other countries to live..adding to our mix of ethnicities. Lalli...correct me if I'm wrong (which I very well may be...it's just how I personally interpreted that statement)...but I think that may have been what she meant

thats what i meant, im african/pakistani, just because i live in Britain dont make me british, born and bred so what, i have my own culture and my own religion which i wish to follow without being steretyped and alot of people in this thread have stereotyped muslims as being extremits and violent people which is uncalled for


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
you come accross as arrogant and think you can intimidate anyone, like i said my opinion is my opinion, just because i voice it doesnt mean im prone to hostile behaviour, dont knw what impression you have of me,but im not a extremist, ive loads to learn about my own religion but if u cnt respect my views i wont respect urs

You voice it, because you CAN. Where you're at.

Go voice it in Saudi. Or in Iraq, in the more fundamental areas. Go voice it in Iran.
Go voice it where there AREN'T laws protecting women.

Find out what happens to you there, when there are religious backings for retribution to women who speak up.
Find out who helps you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
You voice it, because you CAN. Where you're at.

Go voice it in Saudi. Or in Iraq, in the more fundamental areas. Go voice it in Iran.
Go voice it where there AREN'T laws protecting women.

Find out what happens to you there, when there are religious backings for retribution to women who speak up.
Find out who helps you.

ive always been outspoken, if i had the chance to voice my opinions i would, im not scared to back down from what i belive, regardless of whether or not any Law is protecting me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
ive always been outspoken, if i had the chance to voice my opinions i would, im not scared to back down from what i belive, regardless of whether or not any Law is protecting me.

Then pack your happy ass and go where those laws don't protect you and speak out.

Let us know how THAT goes for you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Then pack your happy ass and go where those laws don't protect you and speak out.

Let us know how THAT goes for you.

i dont need to tell YOU anything, if i want my opinions voiced i will do so, and you may pack your happy ass and go fight a pointless war
each to their own


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
i dont need to tell YOU anything, if i want my opinions voiced i will do so, and you may pack your happy ass and go fight a pointless war
each to their own

LOL Been there done that darlin.
Remember, I was a soldier too.

I see, then. It's okay for the nation to be that way, and to have that oppressive regime, as long as you're not the one who has to live under it.

Good to go darlin. Glad to see where your priorities are.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
LOL Been there done that darlin.
Remember, I was a soldier too.

I see, then. It's okay for the nation to be that way, and to have that oppressive regime, as long as you're not the one who has to live under it.

Good to go darlin. Glad to see where your priorities are.

i didnt say its ok for them to live like that, a conflict which has been there since the begining of Islam which is like 14,000 years ago now, how can it be eradicated so easily.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
i didnt say its ok for them to live like that, a conflict which has been there since the begining of Islam which is like 14,000 years ago now, how can it be eradicated so easily.

By saying "stay out of it" "let them fix it" you ARE saying it's okay.

No one has said it would be eradicated easily. God knows that.
But by saying "I don't care, it's been going on forever..." you're saying it's okay.

If that were the way the world worked, then my dear, blacks would still sit at the back of the bus and they would still hang for disrespecting white women, because that's the way it was...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
By saying "stay out of it" "let them fix it" you ARE saying it's okay.

No one has said it would be eradicated easily. God knows that.
But by saying "I don't care, it's been going on forever..." you're saying it's okay.

If that were the way the world worked, then my dear, blacks would still sit at the back of the bus and they would still hang for disrespecting white women, because that's the way it was...

but just because of some ignorant people who think blowing themselves up is the answer to everything, pisses me off, everyday you hear theres a car bomb or a blast in a market and innocent people are dying because these people dont wana change, and use islam and tarnish it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
But you're saying that it's okay.

ur misinterpreting everything i say, ofcourse its not ok, unless you can take the whole of the iraqi nation and move them into a private unknown location violence will still occur


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
ur misinterpreting everything i say, ofcourse its not ok, unless you can take the whole of the iraqi nation and move them into a private unknown location violence will still occur

You ARE saying it's okay.
By saying "It's not going to change, just let it happen" you're saying you condone it because in your mind nothing can be done about it.

Indifference to human suffering is as bad as committing the atrocities personally.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
You ARE saying it's okay.
By saying "It's not going to change, just let it happen" you're saying you condone it because in your mind nothing can be done about it.

Indifference to human suffering is as bad as committing the atrocities personally.

blah blah blah blah just because ur an ex soldier doesnt mean ur miss knw it all. after your comment in the other thread i refuse to even acknowledge what you say, you may think im young and have no experience and blah blah but after making an assumption an associating the scum of this earth as my brethrens i refuse to acknowlegde anything to say, your "experience" and "knowledge" seems to get you far so carry on with it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
blah blah blah blah just because ur an ex soldier doesnt mean ur miss knw it all. after your comment in the other thread i refuse to even acknowledge what you say, you may think im young and have no experience and blah blah but after making an assumption an associating the scum of this earth as my brethrens i refuse to acknowlegde anything to say, your "experience" and "knowledge" seems to get you far so carry on with it

I never claimed to know it all.
Now you're back to responding like a teenager.
Fact is, whether you like it or not, there are people who claim your faith, who use your holy text, as substantiation for violence. They follow the Muslim/Islamic doctrine, etc. These people are not just random dudes on the street, these people are in teaching and governmental and leadership positions.

I don't like that there are people using my faith and holy text for substantiation for violence, I can only HOPE that the people who share my faith but not those ways will eventually overcome those who use violence.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
are you offended? its not nice being stereotyped. now you probably know how it feels to see a large group being stereotyped and because of minorites within in them

Why would I be offended by asking you what you meant by "true american"? Seriously, I just wanted to know what you meant. In regards to the rest of your statement, I don't "now know how it feels", as your statement makes no sense to me. It is not very clear.

Originally Posted by Lalli
I dont think little of the UK gvt when did i say that? just because i dont agree with Blair licking Bush's ass dnt mean im disrespecting my beliefs, what are you exactly trying to imply, my parents work damn hard and pay taxes which are wasted on wars when people around the world desperatly need help regardless of race and color

I don't care if your parents work or are unemployed or pay taxes or don't pay taxes. None of my f**king business.


Well-known member
^^no need to respond to an immature response like that, i dont give a fuck whethere you think my response was clear or not
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