Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia from girly_face


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Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

They are indeed all fake but probably represent an updated set of fakes about to flood the market as they have fewer of the tell tale signs previous fake pigments have.


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

gosh..this is bad news...

All this copycats should be shot to death!!! Better don't buy any of the full sized pigments from ebay .........


Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Thats right...just getting better and better all the time and unfortunately alot of the sellers are clueless as they claim authenticity.


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

To be honest, I'd be surprised if the seller didn't know these were fakes. Many sellers of fakes declare their items to be genuine in their listings. Sellers of counterfeit products aren't known for their honesty.


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Isn't MAC going to do anything about all this counterfeit sellers?


Active member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Dohhh! i only found this posting AFTER i bought from this seller...
im new to Spektra n didnt even know this forum even existed!

i usually hang out in the tutorial section wh i tink is just faaabulous!
anyway, i'm waiting to receive products i bought from this seller - not piggies thank goodness, but shadows. I also only just saw the earlier thread about tellin the diff rbtwn real n fake-as-fake shadows so will be interesting to put the products to the test. The thing is, seller has super feedback too wh is y i bid:confused: :confused: *cross fingers n hope i'm one of the lucky ones*
ALso, i cant believe ppl r floggin FAKE MAC on ebay!!! its so wrong!!!!
PS - does anyone know of any genuine MAC eBayer's in Australia??
TY all


Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

this seller (girly_face) is selling fakes?

I got a couple items (after I read this!)
a coco pigment (with the code A06, never made??!) that looks nothing like the sample coco I have, the printing on the packaging is bad


a black tied e/s with a code A94 - so it's obviously very old or fake..?
I'm not sure what old packaging looks like, but compared to a new e/s, some of the font and text layout is a bit different. The pot itself looks very similar, though the lid is very loose (doesn't sit open if you leave it) and the plastic is smoother/shinier.


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

DOH! I bought 6 Full Size MAC Pigments from this seller! She seems nice but now that I know she's selling fakes... IT'S NOT FAIR!! Should we file a dispute with her???
I'm in such a pissy mood right now! Just when I thought I stumbled upon a bargain (several in fact)! She was selling them at $15 for a full size MAC Pigment!!!

What can I do now? I just left her 3 POSITIVE feedbacks before I started to look at websites (this is the BEST one I've come across!!!
) which is helpful with the authetication of MAC Pigments. *sighs*

I took some pics of the MAC Pigments I purchased and another REAL MAC Pigment from another ebay seller, linda.and.rosie

The MAC Pigment on the right hand corner (Marine Ultra is the authentic one) and the other 3 are FAKES!

Bottom of jars - Notice the stickers?
Top of box - Notice the position of the colour labels?
Front of box - See how inconsistent the printing is?
Back of box - Once again, see the inconsistent printing
Barcodes - Spot the difference! Compare the 3 to the authentic 1!
__________________________________________________ _________
The MAC Pigments that I purchased the first time, received and got a refund are:
Pink Vivid
Golden Olive
Dark Soul

The MAC Pigments that I purchased the second time, did not receive (because I found out they are counterfeits, informed seller and items were not posted) and got a refund are:
Golden Olive
(Added info - 15/04/2007)
__________________________________________________ _________
Originally Posted by bec
this seller (girly_face) is selling fakes?

I got a couple items (after I read this!)
a coco pigment (with the code A06, never made??!) that looks nothing like the sample coco I have, the printing on the packaging is bad


a black tied e/s with a code A94 - so it's obviously very old or fake..?
I'm not sure what old packaging looks like, but compared to a new e/s, some of the font and text layout is a bit different. The pot itself looks very similar, though the lid is very loose (doesn't sit open if you leave it) and the plastic is smoother/shinier.



Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Hahaha That is so cute of you to answer one of the questions!

I unfortunately don't have the authentic Golden Olive/Pink Vivid/Dark Soul/Coco to compare with the fakes.

They're actually not too bad. I currently have the Pink Vivid, Golden Olive and Dark Soul (still waiting for Coco to arrive) at the moment. They're ok as they hang on to the skin very well. The colours are not bad too!

Here's the pic of what it looks like on my skin.

Gotta teach me how to do the swatches lol I have NO idea how it's done! I'm a newbie to all these things!

ps: Glad I'm a bit of help!

pps: BTW, other things to look out for..

1) Fonts on the colour labels are not consistent and not as professional-looking compared to the authentic one.

2) Fakes have barcodes PRINTED on the boxes. The authentic one has a STICKER bar code on.

3) Colour labels and stickers under the jars were stuck on poorly. I detected some leftover sticker residue under the jar, which may mean the previous sticker was ripped off and replaced with the ones in pictures shown in the previous (Post #9)

4) Ummm.. yea, colour labels on top of the boxes are stuck on the bottom left corner rather than top right corner (Look at the pics and you'll know! Post #9!)

Originally Posted by astronaut
All the fakes have the same barcode! I've always wondered how fakes look like quality wise. Would you mind swatching them? Thanks! lol


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
DOH! I bought 6 Full Size MAC Pigments from this seller! She seems nice but now that I know she's selling fakes... IT'S NOT FAIR!! Should we file a dispute with her???

Yes, they're definitely fakes and you should file a dispute with eBay - item not significantly as described. She knows she's selling fakes so you should get eBay involved from the start. Nothing less than a full refund including postage and packing costs is acceptable. She is committing a criminal offence by selling counterfeit goods.

You should also consider contacting your local consumer protection department as they will no doubt have procedures for dealing with counterfeit products. In the end, it's only when consumer protection and law enforcement get involved that the sellers get stopped for good.


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

As for swatching fakes, please be very careful. You have no idea what ingredients are in the fake pigments and other counterfeit products have been found to fail safety tests. NEVER use them on your face and if you swatch them on your hand (which I personally wouldn't do) then wash them off very quickly as soon as you've taken the picture.


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Originally Posted by caffn8me
As for swatching fakes, please be very careful. You have no idea what ingredients are in the fake pigments and other counterfeit products have been found to fail safety tests. NEVER use them on your face and if you swatch them on your hand (which I personally wouldn't do) then wash them off very quickly as soon as you've taken the picture.

Whoa! They're THAT bad??


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Originally Posted by astronaut
Whoa! They're THAT bad??

Well, they might contain just about anything, like rat poison, there's no way of knowing [without some professional chemistry] and people who make these probaby don't give a crap if someone goes blind or something, they just want your money.


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Thank you so much for the help and support, chickadees! I've messaged the seller and demanded a full refund. Let's see if she'll reply. If not, I'll file a dispute. *sighs*

Anyway, I had a look through and found the need to take pictures for the comparison AGAIN! Fascinating! I should join caffn8me as a detective or something! hehe

As usual, the authentic Matte Marine Ultra is the one on the top right corner. The rest are CRAP.

Plastic Lids - The authentic Matte Marine Ultra has a 4 digit number (3251 or so) on it whereas the fakes have NOTHING on them. There is also a 2 digit number (12) with Colt-ainer III under the lid.

Base of jars - The authentic Matte Marine Ultra has a 4 digit number (located on top left of pictured jar, INSIDE the base) and a 2 digit number (located on top right of pictured jar, OUTSIDE on the jar). There is also a word (Colt-ainer III) under the colour label of the jar.

*phew* That was quite a thorough research!

Unfortunately you can't really tell with the pictures provided by the thieves on ebay unless you request for a "closer inspection" pictures from them.

PS: I just had a read through of her payment method, "we do not accept Paypal at this time"...


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
PS: I just had a read through of her payment method, "we do not accept Paypal at this time"... Thief Thief Thief!!!

Oh shoot! Did you not pay her through paypal? It seems like the seller knows about paypal disputes, thus avoiding it altogether. Shady! I'm sorry about all this! I've dealt with some shady sellers before, not with counterfeit products, but still shady nonetheless.


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Ok, I manage to get a reply from her:

"hi, we have been assured these are not fake pigments by our supplier. However we are always fair to our customers and if you are unhappy we will surely try to resolve the problem.
what did you order and when did you pay for it? are the items you wish to return unused? thanks t"

This is my reply:


I ordered the MAC Pigments twice. 29/03/07 - Golden Olive, Pink Vivid and Dark Soul. 03/04/07 - Golden Olive and 2 x Coco. I'm still waiting for the 2nd batch to arrive. None of them are used and they will be returned all at one go when I receive the other 3 items. Thanks."

Am I too nice or what?? :/ I've also warned some buyers about the products she sells/sold AND I've reported her to eBay about her selling the fake MAC Pigments. Am I right to do warn buyers and report her to eBay?

Also notice the crappy glue job on 2 of the covers. :S


Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Nah, I paid her through Direct Deposit. I've learned my lesson so next time I'll do an extensive research before I purchase anything, especially cosmetics! Nasty business it can be when it's counterfeit products!

Thanks for being so empathic!

ps: I hope you girls are not sick of me going on about this and adding more pictures to show the "counterfeit-ness" of the MAC Pigments! hehe

Originally Posted by astronaut
Oh shoot! Did you not pay her through paypal? It seems like the seller knows about paypal disputes, thus avoiding it altogether. Shady! I'm sorry about all this! I've dealt with some shady sellers before, not with counterfeit products, but still shady nonetheless.



Well-known member
Re: Wholesale Mac Pigments on eBay Australia

Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
Ok, I manage to get a reply from her (girly_face):

"hi, we have been assured these are not fake pigments by our supplier."

and if you believe that, you'll believe anything. If an eBay seller admits the products they are selling are fake then they are admitting to a criminal offence.

She knows full well the products are fake. With a name like "T. Lee" it's more than likely she's ethnic Chinese sourcing these pigments from friends and relatives in China. As a nation, the Chinese have no concept of intellectual property. This isn't being racist, it's a cultural observation. In China, the tradition is to copy the master's work. The master will always hold back something so that their apprentices can't achieve the same level as the master. Copying is endemic in China. A friend who is a professor at a Hong Kong university tried to fail a degree student because they had copied their entire thesis. She was overruled and the student got a degree.

I would still urge you to take up the matter with consumer protection.