Words or phrases people say that drive you insane?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Corien
I hate all the text speak going on on some boards. For example:

lmao i find it hard 2 read im sure evri 1 does bt no1 can get enuf lmao

I actually copied that from another board, so I didn't make this up

I read that just fine =( lol

srsly, learn2text...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
"I'm going to the Walmarts."

How many Walmarts will you be visiting?

My dear husband is in the habit of calling Subway 'Subways'. How many sandwich bars will we be visiting today, dear?

One of my in-laws refers to her mobile phone (cell for those playing along in the US) as her mobil phone, as in the petroleum company. It drives me up the freakin' wall.


Well-known member
when drawling = drawing. THERE IS NO 'L' IN DRAWING!


I have a friend from Omaha who says "mines." Ex. "Yea I have to go to mines Dad's house real quick" I've also heard "yourns" for "yours"

I really hate when people say "I don't know what to tell you" after a convo.
Just because I'm telling you a story or something doesn't mean I expect you to give me advice. Can't I just share?

edit to add: My cousin pronounces "peel" like "pill." feel = fill. it goes on. ick.


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" Are you having fun yet?"



Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
One of my in-laws refers to her mobile phone (cell for those playing along in the US) as her mobil phone, as in the petroleum company. It drives me up the freakin' wall.

This one is funny because American pronounciation of "mobile" is just like "Mobil" while the the Brit/Aussie version is more like "moh bayhl". Plus we have a Mobile, AL which is pronounced differently as well.


Well-known member
My big beef lately is "premature aging". How the hell does one prematurely age? You're the age you are.

Misusing "good" and "well", "poor" and "bad", and "few" and "less". Saying "poor optics" instead of "it doesn't look good", and "you don't have all the facts" to replace "I don't have an argument to counter your points." Yes, those last two are media/politics related, and make me want to lunge into my television set to eviscerate the person uttering such phrases.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Deirdre
My big beef lately is "premature aging". How the hell does one prematurely age? You're the age you are.

Usually it's in reference to looks. You can look like your "prematurely aging" by looking older than you actually are.

Smoking can cause it, along with certain illegal drugs, too much sun/tanning, and anything that can harm the skin.


Well-known member
When I worked at NORDSTROM, I hated to hear people say NORDSTROMS. I would always hear, "I work at NORDSTROM'S.." I would look at them like
, "NORDSTROM'S St. John Dept.? MAC Counter? What?" The store's name is NORDSTROM. People would do the same thing to Lerner, before it bacame NY&CO. There's no "S", people.
I hate WalMark, Credick...and all the other random t-turned k-ended words.
I had a co-worker that used to say "Sephoria" instead of "Sephora".
I used to hate hearing the NOPD spokesman describe criminal attacks...."The suspect then produced a weapon, believed to be a glock and began firing." It just irked me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
When I worked at NORDSTROM, I hated to hear people say NORDSTROMS.

OOHHH!! what about "Victoria secrets" ....its like...You idiot read the freaking sign! you have the S in the wrong place!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
OOHHH!! what about "Victoria secrets" ....its like...You idiot read the freaking sign! you have the S in the wrong place!!


Another one....my mama would always order from the fast food restaurant like this, "Can I please get a cheesburger and a large fry?"...
I would always tell her, "One day, they're going to give you one, long French fry."


Well-known member
I forgot about this one until I was in costco just now... "My bad." Ugh it just bugs me! I heard an older gray haired gentleman of all people say it. Grrr.


Well-known member
LOL Ladybug, I must drive you crazy!
I was never good with spelling.

I really only have a big problem with people confuse words. Or do something I always do on here- end a sentence with a preposition.

Let me find where he is at.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
When I worked at NORDSTROM, I hated to hear people say NORDSTROMS. I would always hear, "I work at NORDSTROM'S.." I would look at them like
, "NORDSTROM'S St. John Dept.? MAC Counter? What?" The store's name is NORDSTROM. People would do the same thing to Lerner, before it bacame NY&CO. There's no "S", people.
I hate WalMark, Credick...and all the other random t-turned k-ended words.
I had a co-worker that used to say "Sephoria" instead of "Sephora".
I used to hate hearing the NOPD spokesman describe criminal attacks...."The suspect then produced a weapon, believed to be a glock and began firing." It just irked me!

HAHA, I say that one. Although I can make the distinction that it actually isn't spelled that way.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
LOL Ladybug, I must drive you crazy!
I was never good with spelling.

Occasional words never really bother me. I have to look words up sometimes to make sure I'm spelling them correctly. But when I really can't figure out what a majority of the words are supposed to be, I just don't even try. It gives me such a headache.


Well-known member
"Are you asleep yet?" - now what if I answer with yes?!

I dont know if it counts, but I hate it when people type lIKe ThIs aLL ThE TiMe... THAT COUNTS FOR CAPS, TOO.

when people type "your" when they actually mean "You're"
"your stupid"
"Is that you're new purse?"- grrrrrrrr.
I am not english nor american, lord knows I misspell lots of things (as a matter of fact I write most of my posts with a dictionary by my side) but still - it's not like you have to be Einstein to know the difference.


Well-known member
The worst?

"How are you today?"
"I'm good"

No, you're not. You're WELL! I work with people who have their Ph.Ds and I come across this every single day.

You can be good at *something*, but I hate when people say, "Ugh...I don't feel good." Ok, so you are lacking in your tactile sensations. Poor thing.


Well-known member
Ha..My husband is always saying Ex-presso. This really drives me mad...I try to tell him "No...it's ES-PRESSO!!! It never helps.

One thing I am always wanting to correct is when someone says "boughten"...Example: "I had boughten three dresses for the show". NO. It's BOUGHT...You BOUGHT three dresses...

I also hate when I read text, and (among many other grammatical/spelling error which drive me crazy) the person whose text I am reading doesn't space after the end of a sentence..Ex: "I went to MAC today.I looked around but could not find what I needed." Please, space twice at the end of every sentence....

Let's face it; everyone from time to time makes errors in spelling/grammar, etc...But don't the people who make the worst errors ALL THE TIME
see that they are wrong when reading other people's posts/documents, etc? That always kills me...I guess they don't care, or don't pay attention...Oh well...gives us all something to complain about


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
The worst?

"How are you today?"
"I'm good"

No, you're not. You're WELL! I work with people who have their Ph.Ds and I come across this every single day.

You can be good at *something*, but I hate when people say, "Ugh...I don't feel good." Ok, so you are lacking in your tactile sensations. Poor thing.


I am doing well today, by the way.


Well-known member
This kind of thing drives me crazy. I just got this email at work:

"That’s fine with me, Dave not here today so please help your self."

Where do I start?

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
The worst?

"How are you today?"
"I'm good"

No, you're not. You're WELL! I work with people who have their Ph.Ds and I come across this every single day.

You can be good at *something*, but I hate when people say, "Ugh...I don't feel good." Ok, so you are lacking in your tactile sensations. Poor thing.

(hangs head down in shame) My son corrected me on this last week.

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