Words or phrases people say that drive you insane?


Well-known member
I posted a thing on deep thoughts because #1 it was funny and #2 it waswhat we were talking about but with all the bruhaha going on I didn't want to put it on here but maybe I can get shimmer to delete it-

There is this thing that Neil Boortz did with his buddy Royal Marshall.

It's funny as hell because you have one woman talking like a lot of americans do and then you have royal, a very articulate (spelling?) man reapeating the exact same thing she said- just in a very calm manner.

Called Boo Got Shot
I'm sorry this is so funny. I'm so going to hell for this.
But I laughed so hard at this.
You MUST listen to ALL Of it.

From Boortz:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
Called Boo Got Shot
I'm sorry this is so funny. I'm so going to hell for this.
But I laughed so hard at this.
You MUST listen to ALL Of it.

From Boortz:

Sweet jesus. Speaking of words or phrases that drive you nuts, it sounds like she has nuts in her mouth. No, not that kind sickos! The "poli"???? That was hilarious.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I really hate that.
I also hate when people say "Oh shes 37 Months old!".. you can stop counting in months after the first year in my opinion.

I heard George Carlin complaining about that...
" When I ask how old your toddler is, I don't need to know in
months. "27 Months." "He's two," will do just fine. He's not a cheese.
And I didn't really care in the first place "


Well-known member
Good lord, that audio was the funniest thing I've ever heard. I guess if I believed in hell I'd burn right there with you! LMAO!


Well-known member
Oh lord, i hate it when people write prolly when they mean probably.


Well-known member
I'm guilty of that whole 'ending sentences with prepositions" thing. I actually didn't know I was even doing it until I read about it somewhere online. It's a midwest thing, and that's where I'm at.
(I couldn't resist.)

My boyfriend says "I seen" all the time. Like, "I seen a dog yesterday.". It grates on my nerves! You saw the dog, you didn't seen it.

I also have a friend who routinely mispronounces words. I think she uses the words to appear more intelligent, but it backfires.
I hate when people do that. I've learned to not correct them, because when I do, I come across like a supreme bitch. Ehhh. Just this week she has mispronounced 'ingenue', 'empathy', and 'mentality'....or in her case, 'in-jen-you', 'ihmpatty', and 'mantality'. I cringe.


Well-known member
Ending sentences with propositions is actually a part of perfectly acceptable modern English. It's a 'rule' left over from when linguists were hell-bent on making English conform to Latin grammar rules, even though English follows a completely different set of grammar patterns.

You'd be hard-pressed to find a modern English language expert who believes that propositions are still a sin; mostly the rule is thrown around by grammar nazis who haven't updated their knowledge.


Well-known member
now I feel loved. I've just been called a grammer nazi

now i will have to call my professor up and tell him he's a grammer nazi too


Well-known member
That was hilarious.

Good lord, that audio was the funniest thing I've ever heard. I guess if I believed in hell I'd burn right there with you! LMAO!

The funniest part in all this is apparently the radio station got a huge response from it about how hilarious it was but there was a few who started screaming that Boortz and Royal were racist etc.

Well Boortz mentioned it on the air and he said that it was hilarious because those people throwing the huge fit- well- Royal actually is black and so the people had no ground to stand on. LOL

I love Royal- he is HILARIOUS


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
The worst?

"How are you today?"
"I'm good"

No, you're not. You're WELL! I work with people who have their Ph.Ds and I come across this every single day.

You can be good at *something*, but I hate when people say, "Ugh...I don't feel good." Ok, so you are lacking in your tactile sensations. Poor thing.

Why can someone not be good? I don't get this one..

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It's a moral thing. You can be "good" or "bad." It's also an adjective vs. adverb thing.

Technically, you can account for yourself that way, although most people mean that they're doing well.


Well-known member
I just thought of another one that makes me want to claw my eyes out:

"I quitted my job."

"She was casted in the musical"

NO! You quit your job, she was cast in the musical!

Just looking at that fills me with incredible, white hot rage.


Well-known member
My grandma has a habit of calling the Endocrinologist the Indoctrinologist...my mom and I like to joke about what grandma will be indoctrinated on today.

There are also some Southern phrases that drive me crazy such as:
"Love on" ie my cat is loving on me, said to me by my now husband, I didn't want to ask exactly what he and the cat were doing)

"Fixing to" (ie I'm fixing to turn 8 or I'm fixing to go to the store, both phrases I have heard...You aren't fixing to do anything, you are actually going to do it!)

"Cut" (ie cut the lights on or cut left at the stop sign...what?!?!). I'm from Illinois and we don't say crazy things like that.

I also have to second sexypuma on the prolly thing...that irritates me more then I can say. As does aks, libarry, and mixing up good and well.
My most over used pointless phrase:

"...you would."


"... oh my God you would."

My friend and I were goint to get plates so hers said "OMGAWD" and mine "U WOULD" so when we parked next to each other... haha. Yeah, we are dorks.



Well-known member
I have not heard most of these. I am getting quite an education. Here is mine:

Preggers. As in "we are preggers." Folks, we are adults. "We are pregnant." or "I am pregnant". The latter is my favorite as it saounds like the woman still has an identity away from her husband.

Besides, a post with alot of internet jargon (already mentioned) not much else makes me insane.


Well-known member
VE-HI-cle ( I work in a car dealership and i hear them say that all the time)
gon' ( as in gon do it- gon get it- )
Originally Posted by macslut
I have not heard most of these. I am getting quite an education. Here is mine:

Preggers. As in "we are preggers." Folks, we are adults. "We are pregnant." or "I am pregnant". The latter is my favorite as it saounds like the woman still has an identity away from her husband.

LOL. I will admit to having used the word preggers- which eventually evolved into Prego, much like the spaghetti sauce?

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