MAC - Holiday 2010 A Tartan Tale Discussion


Well-known member
Today I used Black Swan and I love it! Going to back this one up for sure! Also, today is my birthday!!
Hope it's amazing!


Well-known member
Wearing black line today.. Love how it goes on. Also wearing TFG, I've been wearing it a lot even though it doesn't do a ton for my pigmented lips.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by saouri

Me too,
I read "retro" and I was like.. hmmmm... Mayyyybe I need this????? but then again, retro can mean anything - I guess the 80s and 90s are already considered retro nowadays right?? It's not always cool...

Very true! Heheh. I think I'll skip then. Have to have some willpower with makeup sometime.


Well-known member
I'm Scottish, live in Edinburgh, and have just been told that the tartan bear WON'T be avalible in Scotland!! Major fail MAC!!
This and bad experiences I've had with MAC recently have put me off buying anything from MAC!!
Aw I wonder why that is ? You can get Sir Teddy on the MAC site I ordered him yesterday x


Well-known member
Are mac pearlglides anything like Urban decay 24/7?

I agree with dxgirly that they are similar but pearlglides are softer. Pearlglides are also cheaper in price. To me they are also more shimmery. Which I love.

Happy Birthday Glam!
I hope you have a great day!


Well-known member
Oh no... it seems like I'm now wanting TFG and Cut a Caper. Darn! I have pigmented lips.. and hardly any nudes work on me but I'm so determined to find my HG it's not even funny.

Btw I'm wearing TFC today.. just quietly on the lid, with Spiced Chocolate to blend. It's smokey and work safe. I wanted glitter but I had to tame that down a bit. TBH it's not as pretty as Moonlight Night but since I've never owned any pigments before, TFC will stay definitely. It was really pretty though! Oh and I'm wearing Blackline too.. love love love!

eta: Oh and I need Courting Lilac too.. and Deepest Wish.. and Full Fuschia lol. In short I need all the LIPPIES. My wallet fails.


Well-known member
happy birthday glamqueen!

Does anyone else get "dry lips" feeling from TFG?
Why are my lips so dry?
I don't wanna know how would a matte lipstick feel


Active member
So, I went back to the MAC counter for Follow your Fantasy today and tadaaaaaaa: they miraculously had all the lip bags in today - I guess something got messed up yesterday!

So, my haul is now complete, with:

- Dazzle the Lads (Baron's Rose is beeauuuuutiful!!!)
- Follow your fantasy (as I said: I don't find that colour payoff is huge - at all - but I really do love the sparkle and shimmer of these single eyeshadows! And I find the sheerness actually works quite well, surprisingly! But it's a definite No if you expect an Oomph of colour I guess)

- Undercurrent and Black Swan
- Twists of Tartan
from yesterdays haul

I am super happy with what I got! I wore Black Swan, My Highland Honey and TFG today - I am an absolute fan of both blushes and TFG
. (I think tfg has great potential to become my hg for nude lips!) I am also getting inspirations from the looks on the mac website, I think they are quite nice!

So, this should be about it for me - unless I happen to go back for something "crazy" like Full Fuchsia or Deepest Wish.
Oh, and I definitely plan to get something from the Kids Helping Kids part of the collection - maybe Sir Teddy, if I still can (I need to give my wallet a little break though first)


Specktra Bestie
Happy birthday GlamQueen!! May you have your most glamourous and colourful (in all senses) birthday ever!