Bimbos unite!

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How fun to have a bag photo session where we can share all our handbags in one place! I am thinking about starting a blog, but have some mixed feelings about it. Namely, keeping up with it! lol And making sure every photo is watermarked. All the thunderstorms wimped out before they reached us yesterday, so hoping for a good round today as it is hot and humid again and we are supposed to cool down for the next 10 days. I hope they mean it this time. August can be unpredictable, but on the whole if we get past the heat of July, the rest is tolerable and we even occasionally get those lovely cooler days that hint of the autumn yet to come!

Still waiting for my bag! And happy to announce that the butter London nail polish is holding strong as we start Day 5! I am amazed at how well it lasts because I have been in and out of closet, moving things around, pulling out fall stuff, etc. So far it is worth every penny! I need more!!

Interesting that you mentioned that, Lou. I need to figure out how to keep my bags. Right now they are in their boxes but they say don't keep them in there or they will dry out. Hm... Cardboard is porous. I would have though they would be okay. I have seen some with coat racks hanging all their bags on them, but without the dust bag on them, which is bad. I've seen other who have their bags in tightly sealed plastic storage boxes which is not good, but their bags look fine. Not sure what to think. Any tips, anyone?

Miss QQ~Too hot to do a FOTD. I have been keeping my MU fairly light lately with dabs of perfume, some gloss or lipstick, quick cream blush or bronzer and nails. Nothing fancy until the weather changes and I am more in the mood to experiment!


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Thanks Lou for the good wish! I did have a perfectly plain but great day! I'm glad you got share the day with your guy and get some help with housework so that you will both have relaxing after-work moments ahead!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi Debi. My weather is nothing as dramatic as you as we don't get thunderstorms, hurricanes or snow. Beyond that, it surprises me that what you are going to have is the same here. The days will be hot but cooler than July, and have cool, rainy days as autumn draws closer. However, we always get a bout of extreme high temperatures in September. But hopefully the regional haze here is not so bad this year. Every year we get hit with hazey, humid weeks in September and the air smells bad due to the burning of plantations in the Asian countries (to renew the land so they can plant new crops). My eyes, mouth, throat, lungs and skin suffer! Enjoy Butter. I so wish I can get my hands on them. I store a few of my beloved bags in dust bags and a couple even in boxes, and keep them in my cupboard. The rest I just pile them in a basket and keep it in my cupboard. I'm bad at taking care of them. I shall be patient and wait for fall to see your fotd. :)


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Our weather extremes in New England are definitely extreme. In the winter we can have many feet of snow on the ground at a single time, blizzards and Nor'Easters, temps below zero F, wind chill factors to -30F and terribly damaging ice storms. I love it. lol Spring can be rainy, warm, cool, inviting! Summer the heat goes up to over 100F with Heat Indext 106F or more, humid, dewpoints over 75 and terribly oppressive. People die of heat stroke. I hate it. I really never have loved summer at all. It was fun as a child to have school off but I actually looked forward to Labour Day Weekend and buying new school clothes and supplies and starting over again! Besides, it meant fall and I love the autumn. Blue crisp skies, cold frosty mornings, occasional rain storms, fires in the fireplace, sweater weather, comfy and fun! Beautiful foliage and the smell of wood burning or leaves mouldering. Sometimes we have snow squalls while picking apples! My favourite time is from September 1st until Jan 1st. So if you think I am already cheerful, wait until the heat is gone!!!

And on that happy note, here it is!! My lovely patent leather purse from Coach. I love it to death! It is actually nice and soft and a crowing jewel to my present Coach collection. Now I will be saving pennies for MU and a few fancier bags, but extremely pleased with this!! And soon, off to bed to read!!



Well-known member
Our weather extremes in New England are definitely extreme. In the winter we can have many feet of snow on the ground at a single time, blizzards and Nor'Easters, temps below zero F, wind chill factors to -30F and terribly damaging ice storms. I love it. lol Spring can be rainy, warm, cool, inviting! Summer the heat goes up to over 100F with Heat Indext 106F or more, humid, dewpoints over 75 and terribly oppressive. People die of heat stroke. I hate it. I really never have loved summer at all. It was fun as a child to have school off but I actually looked forward to Labour Day Weekend and buying new school clothes and supplies and starting over again! Besides, it meant fall and I love the autumn. Blue crisp skies, cold frosty mornings, occasional rain storms, fires in the fireplace, sweater weather, comfy and fun! Beautiful foliage and the smell of wood burning or leaves mouldering. Sometimes we have snow squalls while picking apples! My favourite time is from September 1st until Jan 1st. So if you think I am already cheerful, wait until the heat is gone!!!

And on that happy note, here it is!! My lovely patent leather purse from Coach. I love it to death! It is actually nice and soft and a crowing jewel to my present Coach collection. Now I will be saving pennies for MU and a few fancier bags, but extremely pleased with this!! And soon, off to bed to read!!

i'm in love!!! the bag is beautiful and such a lovely shade too. i love all the compartments inside too - looks like you have plenty of room. and even the box looks pretty!

i'm all muddled today. i keep thinking it is monday again for some reason. i hate waking up and not knowing what day it is! lol! however i am now at work ready for a full day. i am getting my brows waxed on my lunch break. that way when i film my next lot of videos on sunday i will actually have nice brows! they have been growing out for far too long!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Debi - Gorgeous bag! Perfect for the cooler season!

Lou - It's nice that you fix the brow waxing session during lunch. Always good to save time and do some grooming during lunch break. And your comment of you and Nick getting stuck together had me giggling. :) Yeah I don't like to wake up not knowing the day too, at least you thought it was Monday but it is Wednesday, which is better! I woke up last Thursday thinking it was Saturday, so was sad that I had to go to work lol.
ETA: Lou - do you have access to YSL makeup? I saw this fall quint and I thought of you. You like green es and this quint has purples too. Stunning in the pic, but I'm not sure how it is in real. I've never tried anything from Ysl except for the touché éclat. The blushes look gorgeous ihere too! And this liberty and hello kitty makeup are available at Boots. Only uk will have it? Are you getting it? They look so cute!


Well-known member
Lou~lol You and Nick sticking together! Hehehe... But I know what you are saying and I have a fan upstairs in the bedroom even when the a/c is on. The central air thermostat is downstairs and it is nice and cool down there. But we are roasting upstairs as heat rises. We really need 2 zones and wish the house had been done that way. If we did it now, not only would it cost a fortune but we would have to have wall broken down, etc. No way! I just miss the shady pine grove my parents house was snuggled under. It was always so cool! How fun that you had the kitty for so long yesterday. How old is she now? She must be getting excited to come to her new home and I think it is so cool that you get to introduce her to both that and the other cats in a series of visits! I'll have to check your FB page for more kitty pics!

Thanks guys for the compliments on the bag. I love it so much. It is going to be perfect when I don't want to wear brown but need a big splash of colour and any other colour (like that orange one?) would really not have worked out half as well as this, so in the end this was the perfect one!! I need a whole closet for my bags. :)

I slept in. I was having a super bizarre dream when I woke and I feel like I am still partially in it! Must wake up....must wake up....


Well-known member
Lou~lol You and Nick sticking together! Hehehe... But I know what you are saying and I have a fan upstairs in the bedroom even when the a/c is on. The central air thermostat is downstairs and it is nice and cool down there. But we are roasting upstairs as heat rises. We really need 2 zones and wish the house had been done that way. If we did it now, not only would it cost a fortune but we would have to have wall broken down, etc. No way! I just miss the shady pine grove my parents house was snuggled under. It was always so cool! How fun that you had the kitty for so long yesterday. How old is she now? She must be getting excited to come to her new home and I think it is so cool that you get to introduce her to both that and the other cats in a series of visits! I'll have to check your FB page for more kitty pics!

Thanks guys for the compliments on the bag. I love it so much. It is going to be perfect when I don't want to wear brown but need a big splash of colour and any other colour (like that orange one?) would really not have worked out half as well as this, so in the end this was the perfect one!! I need a whole closet for my bags. :)

I slept in. I was having a super bizarre dream when I woke and I feel like I am still partially in it! Must wake up....must wake up....
Well the weather is still super hot and humid. I rushed into the shower when i got home because i felt so sticky - it really isn't nice! and Lily is 6 weeks old now... possibly 7 actually however it will still be about two more weeks until she can actually be ours :) And what was your dream about?! I' interested to know! lol! i'm so nosey!


Well-known member
lol Lou! My dream was weird and I don't remember it all now (Inception, yes?) but my husband, MIL and I were attending a wedding reception at a brides parent's home, which was this huge mansion. Everyone was dressed to the hilt and the bride's side of the family was super snobby. Apparently the groom's side was somehow related to my MIL. Anyhow I didn't recognize anyone else! I was sitting in a rocking chair in a back room that led out to a veranda, pool, swath of yard and the ocean (yeah, I dream up really nice places!!) and was looking at the ceiling. The room was supposed to have once been a family room for the kids, now grown up, and on the ceiling were colourful post-it notes with scribbles all over them, darts, balloons and photos. I wondered to myself if it had been done on purpose or if the parents never noticed it in their very fancy "everything in it's place" mansion. Then the lady next to me asked me some questions and people started pulling out these little packs that had fuzzy blankets of all sorts of colours and prints and started wrapping themselves in them because the doors and windows were open and the breeze off the ocean was cold. My husband asked me if I wanted one (they were being referred to as "pop-outs" lol) and I said no, you know me. I prefer to be cool rather than warm. So there we all were, supposedly in some mansion, dressed all fancy, wrapped in fuzzy blankets of leopard prints and pink pastels or paw prints, and I woke up!

I am probably coming down with something. lol I always dream weird when I eat cheese in the evening, have cramps or am getting sick! Hmm....


Well-known member
lol Lou! My dream was weird and I don't remember it all now (Inception, yes?) but my husband, MIL and I were attending a wedding reception at a brides parent's home, which was this huge mansion. Everyone was dressed to the hilt and the bride's side of the family was super snobby. Apparently the groom's side was somehow related to my MIL. Anyhow I didn't recognize anyone else! I was sitting in a rocking chair in a back room that led out to a veranda, pool, swath of yard and the ocean (yeah, I dream up really nice places!!) and was looking at the ceiling. The room was supposed to have once been a family room for the kids, now grown up, and on the ceiling were colourful post-it notes with scribbles all over them, darts, balloons and photos. I wondered to myself if it had been done on purpose or if the parents never noticed it in their very fancy "everything in it's place" mansion. Then the lady next to me asked me some questions and people started pulling out these little packs that had fuzzy blankets of all sorts of colours and prints and started wrapping themselves in them because the doors and windows were open and the breeze off the ocean was cold. My husband asked me if I wanted one (they were being referred to as "pop-outs" lol) and I said no, you know me. I prefer to be cool rather than warm. So there we all were, supposedly in some mansion, dressed all fancy, wrapped in fuzzy blankets of leopard prints and pink pastels or paw prints, and I woke up!

I am probably coming down with something. lol I always dream weird when I eat cheese in the evening, have cramps or am getting sick! Hmm....
I want to live where you dreamed! it sounds awesome! all very weird though. i hope you stay healthy though :( and yes i have heard cheese at night is a bad idea... but i love cheese so much at any time of the day! lol!

today the rain has come! however it is welcomed from me because i am hoping it will cool things down. i was actually sweating while stood still for goodness sakes! gross!!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Debi - Yeh your dream is nice. I wouldn't mind going to the wedding. I hope you aren't getting sick. Rest well!

Lou - It rained all day today too, which I agree it is pleasant because it cools us down. I love rain actually. I love the sound and the smell of rain. I just don't enjoy rushing to a place in the rain and getting my feet all wet, which is what happened this morning as I got to work. Thankfully it wasn't too heavy so my limbs were dry. Sometimes it rains so heavily that with an umbrella, I can be soaked to my skin just walking 10 minutes. I'm thinking of getting the YSL quint myself. As for the HK makeup, I need a CP. :p
I thought I posted the link to the Ysl quint swatch yesterday but I didn't. I saw it and love it. Not sure if it will look like this on my warm skin tone.


Well-known member
Oh my. That quad is gorgeous! I love that dark green! You don't see that very often. Ooh...I want this! lol Shame on me.

Last night we went to the mall and I picked up a few goodies from Nordstrom's and Victoria's Secret. They really have some good quality MU and specials when you hit it right. The place was fairly quiet, but some were starting to buy for school, so I expect it will start getting busier as the month goes along. Still no luck in selling decks. Not sure why. They are gorgeous, perfect condition and priced low. Hopefully soon. :( I have 5 boxes up right now. Not a single bite. Grrrr... Time to eat brunch. I slept in. Hehehe..


Well-known member
Oh my. That quad is gorgeous! I love that dark green! You don't see that very often. Ooh...I want this! lol Shame on me.

Last night we went to the mall and I picked up a few goodies from Nordstrom's and Victoria's Secret. They really have some good quality MU and specials when you hit it right. The place was fairly quiet, but some were starting to buy for school, so I expect it will start getting busier as the month goes along. Still no luck in selling decks. Not sure why. They are gorgeous, perfect condition and priced low. Hopefully soon. :( I have 5 boxes up right now. Not a single bite. Grrrr... Time to eat brunch. I slept in. Hehehe..
i am sending positive thoughts to you! i am sure somebody will buy your lovely decks very soon :) i have been naughty and just ordered the urban decay aniversary palette! it wasn't mean to be released until next month so when somebody said it was on the site now i had to order! i shall be eating very little for lunch to make up for it! lol! if i have small and cheap lunches i can get the money back that way :)

Chanel Rouge Byzantin - please check out the blog post today. i am seriously in love with this lipstick!!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Debi - If you get the ysl quint you have to let us know the review! There is not ysl counter here, but I probably can get someone to buy it at the airport for me. I hope there are buyers for the decks soon!

Lou - The promotion at boots during the holiday season is great. I'm not sure when the HK collection is launched but there is a comment in the post that says February. Don't know.. Congrats on ordering the UD palette. When will you be receiving it? I know what you mean about having cheap lunches, it all adds up at the end of the month and you will save quite a sum. I'm spending more for lunches now because my workplace is located in town. I felt the pinch initially but now I have to accept it, and try to save in other ways. I have sort of talked myself out of the UD palette (without seeing it) and also Naked palette. I may change my mind when I see the annieversary palette in person. But I'm still very excited to read the review and watch the video!


Well-known member
Debi - If you get the ysl quint you have to let us know the review! There is not ysl counter here, but I probably can get someone to buy it at the airport for me. I hope there are buyers for the decks soon!

Lou - The promotion at boots during the holiday season is great. I'm not sure when the HK collection is launched but there is a comment in the post that says February. Don't know.. Congrats on ordering the UD palette. When will you be receiving it? I know what you mean about having cheap lunches, it all adds up at the end of the month and you will save quite a sum. I'm spending more for lunches now because my workplace is located in town. I felt the pinch initially but now I have to accept it, and try to save in other ways. I have sort of talked myself out of the UD palette (without seeing it) and also Naked palette. I may change my mind when I see the annieversary palette in person. But I'm still very excited to read the review and watch the video!
awww i hope we don't have to wait until Feb for HK!! And yeah that is my issue. I work in the city centre and things are so pricey. I have taken to buying bread and such to make my own sandwiches which is cheaper than buying pre made ones. But whenever a work mate goes out for their food they always end up bring back other things like chocolate which is not good!!

And i am hoping the palette will arrive monday or tuesday next week. as soon as it comes i shall do a blog post and the next time i film a video i shall film one on all my ud palettes :) i always bulk film videos so every other sunday i film about 4-5 which keeps me going for 2 weeks. that's why it looks like i am always wearing the same clothes! i film them at the same time!


Well-known member
So quiet in here! What is happening with everyone? I've spent the past 2 days with semi cramps, puttering around the house, playing online games (one nearing the end so trying now to rush through it) attempting to sell decks but no takers, in spite of some fabulous deals and rather frustrated because I had hoped this would be done by the end of the month. Not looking good. Also, one of my friends got banned for standing up against some anti-semetic remarks and so the place is once again very negative. Each time something like this happens the place goes downhill even faster. I am so glad I didn't wait any longer to start selling. I just need to figure out what I want to do with the last few bunches. I have 6 up now, possibly a few more and I am done for good. Grrr!

On the MU side of life, I am in love with lip gloss. Dior mostly. I bought a few Bobbi Brown ones but only a few actually have any worthwhile colour to them. Then they showed me Dior. I have the Dior Addict lipsticks...the ones in the thin packaging, but the glosses are amazing. I instantly fell in love with three. One I bought, the other is being sent to me and on its way and the 3rd one is no longer made. Then I slithered around to VS and found some goodies there, too. I told hubby to fill my stocking with MU this year! And gift certificates to places! That would be fun!! Too bad it is so far away! lol

Last night we watched The King's Speech again, and tonight we watched Inception. I love both movies and now I will be wide awake for an hour or so trying to wind down from Inception. It is as bad as caffeine!


Well-known member
So quiet in here! What is happening with everyone? I've spent the past 2 days with semi cramps, puttering around the house, playing online games (one nearing the end so trying now to rush through it) attempting to sell decks but no takers, in spite of some fabulous deals and rather frustrated because I had hoped this would be done by the end of the month. Not looking good. Also, one of my friends got banned for standing up against some anti-semetic remarks and so the place is once again very negative. Each time something like this happens the place goes downhill even faster. I am so glad I didn't wait any longer to start selling. I just need to figure out what I want to do with the last few bunches. I have 6 up now, possibly a few more and I am done for good. Grrr!

On the MU side of life, I am in love with lip gloss. Dior mostly. I bought a few Bobbi Brown ones but only a few actually have any worthwhile colour to them. Then they showed me Dior. I have the Dior Addict lipsticks...the ones in the thin packaging, but the glosses are amazing. I instantly fell in love with three. One I bought, the other is being sent to me and on its way and the 3rd one is no longer made. Then I slithered around to VS and found some goodies there, too. I told hubby to fill my stocking with MU this year! And gift certificates to places! That would be fun!! Too bad it is so far away! lol

Last night we watched The King's Speech again, and tonight we watched Inception. I love both movies and now I will be wide awake for an hour or so trying to wind down from Inception. It is as bad as caffeine!
sorry you have had cramps again but at least you have watched some awesome movies! both are excellent and although very different, but very entertaining. and sorry your friend got banned from the forum! that's never nice when something like that happenes :(

i was very busy last night because we brought Lily Moo home! for good this time! she had her check up at the vets and got the ok :) I always hate the first night with a new pet because Dylan and Annie were crying all night and did all kinds of crazy things. So Lily got off to a good start - she was eating and drinking ok, no crying and having fun having cuddles. However when it got to about 2am she decided she was tired of sleeping in her own bed and kept crying to come into ours. I felt bad so i took her in bed and let her sleep by my feet. Sadly i then woke up at 6am to find she had actually peed in the bed :( so that wasn't the best way to start my morning!


Well-known member
Cool that the kitty is now in her new home but bummer about her peeing in your bed. :( Icky and smelly! But she is still young. With my two cats I went the opposite way. Both I kept in my bedroom at the time and made the room totally cat proof. Their food was in there and their box in the adjoining master bath, so they had plenty of room to play and get acquainted with noises, people, toys, until we started to let them out on the first floor and then both floors until they were ready to investigate everything. We only needed one box (had the cats at different times) but made sure I kept bringing them into the bathroom downstairs (where the box eventually ended up) and they knew where everything was.

Happiness! I sold 150.00 worth of tarot stuff today. Yay! But the forum isn't working well, so let's hope they fix that problem fast. Figures, just when I am trying to make sales it is slow and feels like it is about to crash. :( Grrrr.....


Well-known member
P.S.~Extra yippee! Went to the nursery and antique stores, had a quick supper and went to see HP7 part 2. I loved it. I teared up a lot! Hormones! Best part was watching the professors finally strut their stuff to protect Hogwarts with magic. Watching the Weasley twin corpse was not anywhere near as emotional as Diggory's death in Goblet of Fire, which just made my heart sink. I think the first half was the better half, actually, of the movie, since I knew what was coming anyhow. So glad I went before it left the theatres. Not too many people there and only a few showings a day now, so it won't be there much longer and I doubt the DVD will be out before Christmas, so really glad we got the chance to see it! Yay!


Well-known member
P.S.~Extra yippee! Went to the nursery and antique stores, had a quick supper and went to see HP7 part 2. I loved it. I teared up a lot! Hormones! Best part was watching the professors finally strut their stuff to protect Hogwarts with magic. Watching the Weasley twin corpse was not anywhere near as emotional as Diggory's death in Goblet of Fire, which just made my heart sink. I think the first half was the better half, actually, of the movie, since I knew what was coming anyhow. So glad I went before it left the theatres. Not too many people there and only a few showings a day now, so it won't be there much longer and I doubt the DVD will be out before Christmas, so really glad we got the chance to see it! Yay!
yay! i am so happy that you managed to see it! i agree that when one of the twins died it wasn't as powerful as when Diggory died (i still find it amusing that the guy who played him is now edward in twilight!) and yes that was great that it was very quiet - i hate going when the theatre is packed out! :)

i hope everybody has a lovely relaxing sunday no matter what you are doing. i shall spend my morning with nick and watching some tv shows and then my afternoon will be spent filming specktra videos :) in between all of this i will no doubt be distracted from the lovely Lily Moo :)
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