I think the confusion comes because the bullet just says Amplified and the box says Amplified Creme. I don't they were implying what you shared was not believable or not. I feel like some of the information you shared should be on MAC's website. That is information that people new to MAC or looking to try a new formula would be interested in knowing. Do the people who work for MAC Chat and MAC's telephone CS have to go to updates and what not like the instore artists are required to? I feel like they would be better equipped to answer the barrage of questions they get every collection if they did or at least if their line manager did.
I wonder the same thing. All of a sudden NC42 Studio Finish Concealer was back ordered and I have a ton of Somali clients who (specifically/culturally ask for that kind of coverage) and, as we all know MAC's track record with randomly discontinued products no one knew about until it's too late, I freaked out that they'd done away with that specific color. I hopped on MAC Chat and asked because MAC hadn't sent anything out about a discontinuation, but sometimes when a product is out of stock for a long time.. It turns out it was just discontinued without an official announcement. Anyway, the person was courteous and matter of fact, but it was clear that they were working from a script and knew no more than I did.
I can't help but think part of the CS ignorance is due to little or no sales pressure. These days, to keep your job at MAC, you
have to meet your revenue "goals." If you don't, you're officially documented. Plain and simple. Revenue has just completely taken over the company, which I think pertains to
@montREALady's comment below.
Originally Posted by
And for MAC chat/cs and artists/professionals not to be on the same page is ridic. MAC cs shouldn't be thought of as non-professionals, they should be just as reputable as any other MAC artist. That baffles me.
MAC rarely advertises in magazines etc. (they used to brag about how they didn't at all... but that's no longer true) because so much goes into keeping artists trained and up to date. Update and Basic Training are very expensive, they're time employees are paid for while not generating revenue for the company. It's hard for me to believe that MAC would put that kind of money into a faceless CS employee. I hope that's untrue, but I don't think it is.
Quote: Originally Posted by
Then again I'm the one who thought you bhad to submit a portfolio of some sort to even work at MAC...what do I know??