2008 Presidential Candidates Comparison ( Side By side)... DOn't know what to think.

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by valabdalnabi
yeah....back to reality? Palin failed the debate....President Obama...here we come!

not so fast my dear

We knew going in that she wouldn't win the debate, as Biden has been around washington for what now? 20 years (a real representation of CHANGE, don't you think? LOL)

Palin held her own, she made a few blunders ... expected.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
not so fast my dear

We knew going in that she wouldn't win the debate, as Biden has been around washington for what now? 20 years (a real representation of CHANGE, don't you think? LOL)

Palin held her own, she made a few blunders ... expected.

I have to agree with RED for the most part ...Except I must add McCain has been around for what over 99 years give or take a few months

But the real race is between Obama/Mccain not Biden/Palin as it seems IMHO


Well-known member
yeah Tish :-*, but McCain isnt the one going around talking CHANGE CHANGE blah blah and then picks a Washington insider


Well-known member
Well we'll just let the voter's majority decide on the type of change they want...And it's the change we'll all have to live with in the end....Whether it be Republican Change or Democrat Change...Either way it can't possibly be any worse than what we have now.


Well-known member
I must say, during the presidential debates, I was quite surprised to hear that the Obama- Biden ticket is opposed to gay marriage.

Usually the Democratic side is for same sex marriages.


Well-known member
I don't know whether it was because of being a European...But Palins comment about Obama being a terrorist was a bit below the belt?! I thought that was un called for and a very stupid move...Next day...5% drop in some polls...Who would of thunk it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
i don't think anyone is saying only the rich deserve health care, i think the point most of us are trying to get across is that it isn't fair to charge us to take care of someone else, especially when most of them are getting the assisstance fraudulently.

How can you manage to be so wrong.

Private health insurance is the current system, it doesn't make it right.

You pay taxes, some of which go to pay for the police and education etc. Services paid for by the people for the service of the people.
If you called 911 because a madman was chopping down your door with an axe, you wouldn't want to be asked 'What's your plan...?' !
But, if you or a loved one is seriously, maybe life threateningly ill, why should you have to deal with insurance companies and whether your plan covers your treatment? It's just obscene.

I guess it all comes down to what sort of society you want to live in?
An I'm alright F-you society or a society that looks after all of its members.

Insurance should be for cars and houses NOT for health!

There are merits in a combined private/public funded approach, but every human being should be entitled to health care, just as much as protection under the law, enforced by a tax funded police force.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
yeah Tish :-*, but McCain isnt the one going around talking CHANGE CHANGE blah blah and then picks a Washington insider

No, McCain is using the usual negative campaigning of someone with nothing new to offer. Fear, Uncertainty and Disinformation.

As for his pick of running mate, if you want the US turned into a Christian version of Iran she's your Gal! All done with a lipstick rottweiler smile.



Well-known member
It is not the responsibility of the government to pay for our medical expenses, along with housing & food. That's not the role of a government!
We the People are the government!!!

A government's role is to protect its citizens and create an environment where its citizens can find work at a decent salary, and these same citizens, with their own efforts, will take care of their medical, housing, food, etc.

At the same time, we need to have a social conscience, and We The People, with our taxes, need to help those that can't help themselves.

What Obama is offering, is not a tax cut, but a redistribution of wealth. The Robin Hood theory of taking from the rich to give to the poor. This may work in the short term, but in the long term it will hinder economic growth, decrease job opportunities, as firms will no longer hire, etc.. a domino effect.


Well-known member
wanted to add another thought

On Pres. Bush .... he did not serve this country well, nor did he represent the will of the people he suppose to serve. 2 wars + $700bn financial relief to Wall Street (which both candidates supported).. I mean where is all this money coming from? It comes out of the pockets of you and I, and our children.

If it wasn't for these blunders, we wouldn't be in such bad shape!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
It is not the responsibility of the government to pay for our medical expenses, along with housing & food. That's not the role of a government!

I think I missed where anybody suggested the Gov't pay for housing and food (in general, I mean.)

As for Government funded healthcare, having lived nearly 4 years in the UK,
I'd say national healthcare works very well in many situations. People also have the choice of seeing a private dr., if they prefer.
I always asked to see the dr. I chose, for a cold or any health-related issue, and if that Dr. had no openings, I was offered a later appointment, or an appointment with a different dr. (*if* I wanted to see somebody else.) In most cases, my favorite doc was available, found room in his/her schedule to see me.

National Health will provide for *anybody,* regardless of income.

In a few instances, i thought, "National Health" looks good on paper....ie I needed physical therapy for my back, and the nearest place was understaffed. I had to wait too long for too little treatment...But I believe, if I had continued to live in the UK, my issue would probably have been resolved more satisfactorily.

I had a child in England! I didn't pay for midwives, ultrasounds, or *anything* related to my pregnancy nor childbirth, including aftercare. While I was pregnant, I had a consultation with a world-renowned doc who was working in England at the hospital where my son was born. He was absolutely amazing in professionalism and Heart. But had i asked to see someone else, I could have. After my babe was born, he
was kept in the neo-natal unit for almost 2 weeks for tests, and nobody asked us for a penny.
Once my son was home, the midwives continued to visit me for at least a month, to check my blood pressure, which was still elevated, & to see how my son was doing (he was always in perfect health & thriving
, & to offer any support I might need as a new mom.
My favorite GP also paid us a home visit once.
(Love you, Dr. Mitchell!)

***All under National Health.****

Ironically, we were not struggling financially in England, nearly as much as we are struggling right here in my native NY State, in a house of 2 professionals and a young child who has special needs.
Much of this has to do with the fact that I am a stay-at-home mommy at the moment, as my son is still quite young, & I don't wish to leave him with strangers until it's absolutely necessary...

We the People are the government!!!

Since returning to NY State in 2005, with my little family, I haven't felt this was the same country in which I was born.
Your statement above is the way we are *supposed* to be..

At the same time, we need to have a social conscience, and We The People, with our taxes, need to help those that can't help themselves.

I'm afraid people may take offense at the last 8 words of your sentence. Forgive me if I misunderstood you, but those words sounds condescending...they sound condescending to *my* ears...

What Obama is offering, is not a tax cut, but a redistribution of wealth. The Robin Hood theory of taking from the rich to give to the poor.

Yaaaaay! .... &....Wasn't Robin Hood a good guy?
(I suppose it's subjective.)



Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
It is not the responsibility of the government to pay for our medical expenses, along with housing & food. That's not the role of a government!
We the People are the government!!!

Housing and food were not mentioned.
Lets stick to the issue.

Health care.

The government does not pay for anything, we do, the tax payers.

In the first Gulf war the US Navy fired 288 Cruise missiles at a cost of $163,872,000 to the tax payer. Your fine with those numbers but you balk at the thought of spending tax payer dollars to treat someone whose life is threatened by cancer?

Originally Posted by red
A government's role is to protect its citizens and create an environment where its citizens can find work at a decent salary, and these same citizens, with their own efforts, will take care of their medical, housing, food, etc.

Do you understand the point of a democracy?
The government's role is to carry out the wishes of the people.
To quote:Abraham Lincoln
"..and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth"

I can understand, after 8 years of the George Bush regime it could be easy to forget that.
If the majority of people find it reasonable that no-one should seek to make profit from the illness of others, then we could divest ourselves of the leeches that are the insurance companies and provide care for all, paid for by all.

Originally Posted by red
At the same time, we need to have a social conscience, and We The People, with our taxes, need to help those that can't help themselves.

And who decides who is eligible for assistance and who is not, maybe poor cancer patients can line up in some welfare office to have their cases assessed.

Originally Posted by red
What Obama is offering, is not a tax cut, but a redistribution of wealth. The Robin Hood theory of taking from the rich to give to the poor.

Obama and Robin Hood = Heros

Bush, McCain and the Sheriff of Nottingham = Villains

I can't agree more!

We need Obama, and to quote Abraham Lincoln again he described our country, in a message to Congress in 1862, as the "last best hope of earth."



Well-known member
Yes, please...let all my 7 years of college and hard work be fettered away by those that just don't feel like getting a job. It's OK, I'll just continue working my ass off, because THEY deserve it.


Well-known member
No....But compared to some ...please consider yourself blessed to have been affored the opportunity to go to college. Not even an option for some families only a dream.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by missworld
How can you manage to be so wrong.

my opinion isn't wrong, it's an opinion.

Originally Posted by kayteuk
But Palins comment about Obama being a terrorist was a bit below the belt?!

i'm not condoning what she said, and it was an embarassment to the gop, BUT...
Originally Posted by missworld
All done with a lipstick rottweiler smile.

this kind of verbal abuse is what she's been putting up with from the democrats since she was announced. remember the pig in lipstick comment? i suppose she just chose to fight fire with fire.

Originally Posted by missworld
If the majority of people find it reasonable that no-one should seek to make profit from the illness of others, then we could divest ourselves of the leeches that are the insurance companies and provide care for all, paid for by all.

it wouldn't be paid for by ALL...that's precisely the problem.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
No....But compared to some ...please consider yourself blessed to have been affored the opportunity to go to college. Not even an option for some families only a dream.

Yes, and I understand that I am fortunate in that respect. I just don't feel that I should be penalized by paying a higher percentage in income taxes because I may happen to have a higher income. I already have a mortgage's worth of student loans to pay back, I don't need to add a higher tax burden on top of that.


Well-known member
I love the idea that stealing is ok as long as someone less fortunate benefits.

I'm coming to steal all y'alls hard earned MAC to give it to someone who can't afford it.

What people are overlooking is that comparisons to Robin Hood are erroneous. Robin Hood was stealing ILL-GOTTEN GAINS to give to the poor. He wasn't ripping off people who legitimately earned money through hard work.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Yes, and I understand that I am fortunate in that respect. I just don't feel that I should be penalized by paying a higher percentage in income taxes because I may happen to have a higher income. I already have a mortgage's worth of student loans to pay back, I don't need to add a higher tax burden on top of that.

Well unless you make over 250K a year .....I don't see where this affects you...If you do in this day and time I salute you for a job well done!!!.
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