2008 Presidential Candidates Comparison ( Side By side)... DOn't know what to think.

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by missworld
Well my view point is expensive... So are BGM-109s but I digress.
uber-liberal diatribes? Well you clearly value money over humanity.

Other countries manage a national health system are you saying that our country could not do as well or better than they do... Interesting..


Other countries don't have the sheer size and population density that we do.
Other countries aren't full of a serious range of socioeconomic cultures like we are.
Yes, BGM-109s are expensive.

And if we didn't have them, and needed them, the question would become "Well where were they? Why didn't we have them?"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by missworld
But are you saying you would let a slacker die of cancer, because that is the ultimate point of the health care debate

i'm going to have to go with shimmer on this and say that isn't the ultimate point.

socialized medicine is the quintessential castle in the sky. there is no plan as to how we'd really fund socialized health care, there is no real plan of how to implement or control it...it seems like this wonderful thing, but there's no foundation; there's no ground work. this kind of thing you need to build from the ground up, but the politicians don't want to do that because while they're laying the foundation, taxpayers will realize how much it really costs and how minute the benefits actually are and they'll realize it just isn't worth it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
No cancer is NOT the ultimate point of the healthcare debate.
The ultimate point of the healthcare debate is:


Neither you or I will be making those financial and logistic decisions.
We can however say what kind of society we want to live in, the values it should have.

Fact: People die for lack of health care in this country and that is wrong!
It isn't pulling at the heart strings its pointing out a fact that makes your free market financed based argument be see for the cold callous system it is.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
i'm going to have to go with shimmer on this and say that isn't the ultimate point.

socialized medicine is the quintessential castle in the sky. there is no plan as to how we'd really fund socialized health care, there is no real plan of how to implement or control it...

How do we fund the police or the military?

I take it from your lack of an answer, as I though, you would not let that slacker die...

This should not be politics, this is common humanity, we can find a way for health care for everyone to work, by working together,
The insurance companies are your best answer to health care???

Originally Posted by kimmy
taxpayers will realize how much it really costs and how minute the benefits actually are and they'll realize it just isn't worth it.

Finance? Where is common humanity in this.
If you believe that, you underestimate the humanity of the America people.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
And if we didn't have them, and needed them, the question would become "Well where were they? Why didn't we have them?"

All 3,500 of them.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
I love the idea that stealing is ok as long as someone less fortunate benefits.

I know you are an intelligent person. Why attempt a scathing response? Is it necessary? Don't we have enough negativity in this world? Surely a person with a user name like, "Stargazer," so pretty) can use his/her grace & intelligence to add a bit of positivity? Sarcasm is so negative....Yes, I know you're gonna call me judgemental. I'm obviously sarcastic sometimes, too....(But I wasn't trying to be so, above, when I started this post.)

"...Stealing is ok as long as someone less fortunate benefits..."
why not? (only kidding! )

I'm coming to steal all y'alls hard earned MAC to give it to someone who can't afford it.

please? lol i can't afford it....but makeup isn't that important...
my hubby says I look pretty without it. (but he's crazy

What people are overlooking is that comparisons to Robin Hood are erroneous. Robin Hood was stealing ILL-GOTTEN GAINS to give to the poor. He wasn't ripping off people who legitimately earned money through hard work.


Be nice. It doesn't hurt. Then again, you are probably more personable face to face...I bet many of us are. (Me, I'm just as flakey in person as I am on Specktra, oh World within a World, Microcosm of the World Entire.)

I do not think the poster was trying to express the idea you express above; I believe she/he has written a metaphor of sorts....but you know that.

Pease, Ms Stargazer. Peace. xxCherfylFaithxx (too tired to spell her name correctly, or even to correct it.)



Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Well unless you make over 250K a year .....I don't see where this affects you...If you do in this day and time I salute you for a job well done!!!.

Tish :-* (love the lips)

those people making over $250K, there aren't enough of those ;-) ... so the tax increase will have to trickle down to the middle class and so forth.

to the other comments left on my statement "help those that can't help themselves", I was referring to children and the elderly.


Well-known member
At the end of the day, even if we were to institute a national health plan, or give tax credits, etc. there will still be a 2-tier system, where does that can afford a better more expensive insurance plan will have better care and access to better hospitals/doctors. We need to get to the root of the problem, not just place a bandaid on it.


Well-known member
You know what's really important in this election?

That we are this close to making Dr. King's dream REALLY come true!!! its an exciting time for all of us

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character

Amen to that!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
At the end of the day, even if we were to institute a national health plan, or give tax credits, etc. there will still be a 2-tier system, where does that can afford a better more expensive insurance plan will have better care and access to better hospitals/doctors. We need to get to the root of the problem, not just place a bandaid on it.

You know, I think one of the roots of the problem is something no one discusses.

We, as Americans or even Europeans in some cases, expect to live forever, free from discomfort and pain. Which in and of itself is fine, but we take it to the most ridiculous extremes.

We let doctors and pharmaceutical companies invent conditions and diseases and then wander down to the MD for a script after diagnosing ourselves from a commercial.

My MIL is like this. She is constantly being diagnosed with another condition or disease. Every single morning, my FIL lays out 63 pills for her to take. One wonders if she'd feel a whole lot better if she stopped taking 63 pills twice a day...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
You know what's really important in this election?

That we are this close to making Dr. King's dream REALLY come true!!! its an exciting time for all of us

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character

Amen to that!!!


This is the first thing I saw this morning and I would like to personally thank you for making me smile and cry all at once!! You are so correct...I think that is why this subject is so dear to my heart. Not only can I just tell my son he can be whatever he wants to be..I can actually show him that he too can be a candidate for President...And with his own eyes he can see and not just think it one day to be possible.

Thank you Darling for this message!!!! You have made my day so much brighter..

I'm gonna go ride my bike now...that will surely make me cry unhappy tears!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by missworld
How do we fund the police or the military?

Flawed logic. Security and defense of the nation (whether via military or civilian means) is guaranteed- military via the Constitution and civilian via states' rights. Health care is not guaranteed, thus there is no guarantee for funding.

But even if we, hypothetically, did fund health care in a similar way that we fund defense there would still be problems with it.

Doing it on a Federal level would be a nightmare, just as funding our military is a nightmare. I'm sure you've heard of stories from the initial invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq where some of our troops (granted, not a large number) didn't have adequate gear. What if a hospital didn't have adequate medial equipment? What if the gov't could only afford 2 million crash carts, but hospitals had a demand for 3.5 million? We've told our military "oh well- we can't do it" on several occasions; don't you think they'd tell that to patients too?

Or if it's funded on a state scale- that means everyone's taxes will increase whether it's via income or sales taxation. That means everyone's cost of living will rise because the state budget will rise. Even in places like NY where everything is heavily taxed, we can't afford gas for our police patrol cars right now. Smaller cities are cutting back their police coverage because they can't get the gas contracts like NYC can and have to pay market prices.

Now what happens if the state falls into a budget crunch? Take the NY market again for example. We're facing a huge budget problem right now- we can't afford much. We're cutting back on absolutely everything- would we be okay cutting back on health care? We've decreased the number of cops in some areas, we've forced other areas to rely on purely volunteer fire fighters. Would we be as agreeable to all volunteer nurses and doctors? Then where is the incentive to spend time and money to become a nurse or a doctor? Iirc, Canada is facing a nursing shortage worse than we are. Would we be willing to close clinics to balance a budget? What happens when there is no alternative for heath care for the people who live there?

And this is only the tip of it. I assure you, our public servants are not treated as they should be; I don't want my health care providers to become public servants.

This should not be politics, this is common humanity, we can find a way for health care for everyone to work, by working together,
The insurance companies are your best answer to health care???
Finance? Where is common humanity in this.
If you believe that, you underestimate the humanity of the America people.

When it is funded by our budget, starting in the House and working its way up, how is it not political? Nobody wants to see someone else suffer, but there's also a very realistic side to this: it's never been tried on this large and diverse of a scale. We've got ~300M people (correct me if I'm wrong), China has 1B people. That's also the place where SARS originated and the Chinese have no primary care facilities- only places that we would consider hospitals. How well do you think that would go over in the US, especially in rural communities where the nearest hospital can be over an hour away? What if there's an epidemic like SARS that starts in the US, and we can't get them to a hospital in time? Plus, with the absurd number of flights that leave from the US, it would travel even faster. Could we contain it in time? The Chinese couldn't.

The logistics of this are mind-boggling, especially when you consider that California is already facing a budget problem as is NY and a multitude of other states. And there is so much more to this issue- really, I've found that most people haven't taken all of the sides of it into consideration. Emotional knee-jerk reactions are dangerous in politics, a realistic pragmatic approach is far more important. As much as health care is a problem that deserves to be addressed, now, unfortunately, is not the time to do it. And despite our politicans's promises to the contrary, I'll guarantee that this is not a high priority problem to our government right now. They're not treating it as such and I don't see that changing anytime within the next year.

Other countries manage a national health system are you saying that our country could not do as well or better than they do... Interesting..

Frankly, no. I think it'd be an epic fail.

There's too much of a difference in the populations of most countries serviced by UH and our population. We'd have problems that they wouldn't dream about and our gov't is far more cumbersome and bureaucratic than most of theirs. Our gov't is designed to be as slow as possible to allow for evaluation and debate, and we deliver that in fine fashion. But I'd much rather have the control over my health care that I do now than the control over my taxes that I do now (which, for the record, is zilch).

I know this is going to sound absurdly insensitive and rude, but the truth that nobody's saying is, do we want to sacrifice the decent health care that 84% of our country has so we can give 100% of our country crappy health care? I think we can come up with a better alternative for that without making the majority suffer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
I know you are an intelligent person. Why attempt a scathing response? Is it necessary? Don't we have enough negativity in this world? Surely a person with a user name like, "Stargazer," so pretty) can use his/her grace & intelligence to add a bit of positivity? Sarcasm is so negative....Yes, I know you're gonna call me judgemental. I'm obviously sarcastic sometimes, too....(But I wasn't trying to be so, above, when I started this post.)

"...Stealing is ok as long as someone less fortunate benefits..."
why not? (only kidding! )

please? lol i can't afford it....but makeup isn't that important...
my hubby says I look pretty without it. (but he's crazy


Be nice. It doesn't hurt. Then again, you are probably more personable face to face...I bet many of us are. (Me, I'm just as flakey in person as I am on Specktra, oh World within a World, Microcosm of the World Entire.)

I do not think the poster was trying to express the idea you express above; I believe she/he has written a metaphor of sorts....but you know that.

Pease, Ms Stargazer. Peace. xxCherfylFaithxx (too tired to spell her name correctly, or even to correct it.)

Someone please enlighten me as to the point of this post.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
At the end of the day, even if we were to institute a national health plan, or give tax credits, etc. there will still be a 2-tier system, where does that can afford a better more expensive insurance plan will have better care and access to better hospitals/doctors. We need to get to the root of the problem, not just place a bandaid on it.

Indeed there will, and at that point in time, when the private health care policy holders are facing shorter wait times, better quality of care, etc. why should they be punished for having the ability to provide for themselves?

Yes, health care needs to be revamped, no one's saying it doesn't. YES insurance companies need some kind of kick in the ass, no one's saying they don't.

But a national health care plan has yet to be submitted or laid out that would provide GOOD care for EVERYONE, and certainly, the funds for it have to be procured, earmarked, and budgeted.
We're talking about a group of people coming from a privileged background, who have accountants handling their books, who have no IDEA how to form and stick to a budget. We're talking about a group of people who live in and embody excess on a large scale, people who haven't the faintest CLUE what it's like to stare at a computer screen every other day and balance their quicken and take care of their retirement and savings and kids' college funds.
We're talking about people who are guaranteed the best medical care they could possibly ask for for the rest of their lives...people who don't know what a two week wait to h ave their shoulder MRI'd looks like, or what it's like to spend 12 hours in an ER.

Those are the people we would have creating a plan for us? People who don't even know who we are or how we live?


And no one sees any kind of logical fallacy with that??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_cinday
So just because he's from Hollywood its predictable and annoying? Is he not allowed to give his opinion when asked about the upcoming elections like you and I just because he is from Hollywood? And what advice was he giving? From the video I didn't hear any advice I only heard that he wanted to get more info about her. Yes, his comments on her being a hockey mom and believing dinosaurs were here not that long ago shouldn't have been said. It just seems to me your saying he shouldn't get into politics just because he's from Hollywood, do the elections and the outcome of the elections not affect him?

Sure, they affect him. Sure, he is allowed to give his opinion, but when celebrities take their media access (as garnered by acting) and use it to relay political messages (as garnered by zero time in gov't), I personally think it is a little slimy and insidious. When actors give up their multi-million dollar lifestyles to work in gov't or join the military, then I think their political-focused media exposure is warranted.

By stating that Palin is a "disaster", he is giving advice. That advice is don't vote for Palin's party. He doesn't need to flat out say it. It is clearly the message. After all, who would say, "Vote for Palin. She's a total disaster."?

And yes, it is most often predictable and therefore annoying as to how Hollywood sways in their political leanings. It just comes off as cultish, completely motivated by peer pressure and a means to further one's acting career. Image is everything in Hollywood, don't you know.

I find it funny that some people bag on candidates for being too wealthy and out-of-touch with the common man, yet people buy into Hollywood's spin on the race. Same concept people, only worse.


Well-known member
there's no logic Shimmer, those we've elected to protect our interest are so out of touch.

oh yeah ... the government's bailout of AIG, you know .. .$85 bn of tax payers money ... and those same executives that ruined AIG, just got back from a retreat, spa treatments, golf & the works.

no one's minding the store here


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dizzy

I know this is going to sound absurdly insensitive and rude, but the truth that nobody's saying is, do we want to sacrifice the decent health care that 84% of our country has so we can give 100% of our country crappy health care? I think we can come up with a better alternative for that without making the majority suffer.

I wanted to click my thank you button 5 times for this lol. This is my issue , look at the government run healthcare systems that are in place now, they are subpar at best.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
there's no logic Shimmer, those we've elected to protect our interest are so out of touch.

oh yeah ... the government's bailout of AIG, you know .. .$85 bn of tax payers money ... and those same executives that ruined AIG, just got back from a retreat, spa treatments, golf & the works.

no one's minding the store here

They also got double digit million dollar bonuses, i was so mad !
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