Originally Posted by missworld
I am probably a little to the left of Obama politically.
Believe it or not, I used to be considered far left as well. Then I started working (interning) in politics and my experiences changed my views completely. I don't identify with the political spectrum anymore, I simply consider myself a realist.
Originally Posted by missworld
The constitution is amendable.
This amendment would never get past Congress. Oh hell, I can tell you from experience working in Congressional offices in DC and NY that no Congressman in their right mind who wants to keep their job would pass it at this juncture or at any time in the near future. It's on the ten foot pole list.
And truthfully, I can't understand why one would think that this is something that should be in our Constitution. The Constitution is the primary foundation of governance here, it is
purposely vague and relatively brief to keep federal power consolidated and states powers protected. If any sort of UH is to be passed in the US, it will be a state prerogative not a federal one. IMO, it'd probably be far more successful that way.
Actually I agree, a national health system would have problems and may not be the best solution for the US!
But the current system doesn't work either, too much power in the hands of the insurance companies. |
I don't think anyone would espouse that our current method is the best, but it's better than any proposed alternatives at this time, including any proposed by our presidential candidates.
I am sure the best minds in this country could resolve the issue.
For a start if employers did not have to contribute to there employees health care they could pay higher wages! |
Like the nice CEOs at Lehman's are going to share their billions with their employees? Or give up their bonus packages so their secretary can afford to feed her kids with that raise? History doesn't suggest this to be the case. A nice idea, but not realistic.
Don't even get me started that they used my taxes to do it in the first place. I can't afford my bills, but apparently I can afford to give enough so they can continue to live in the lap of luxury after practicing faulty business practices a la Fannie Mae.
What if a state provide the option of a state insurance plan, and contracted it out to the insurance company that put in the best bid.
The state would have the buying power and the insurance companies would then serve us while still making a reduced profit. |
Okay, but what happens when the state is teetering on the edge of insolvency as CA is right now? Health care would be the first thing cut, no doubt. Behind salaries, I'd guess that it's the biggest expense in the CA budget (though I admit I haven't read the most recent one). The biggest expenses are always the first to get the axe. Then what happens?
I'm not saying all of this to proverbially beat you over the head, that's not my intention. But in the circles that I've been privy to, which are admittedly limited to those of my Congressman and state legislature, these are the questions that are asked. This would be a massive undertaking, one that's been decreed simply not feasible in our current climate. Everything is all talk and, in my estimation, will stay that way.
There are alternatives. But, in my estimation, this is a frozen issue.
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
and please correct me if I'm wrong , but isn't the Medicare system on the verge of Collapse? If the Government can't manage that and Social Security in an efficient manner, can we trust them to manage a system for ALL Americans? I would prefer not to chance it, at least not until they get the first 2 straightened out .
Last I read, Medicare is set to run out of funding by 2018. Some states' CHIPS programs (health care for otherwise uninsured kids) are running belly up, though they try to bury this fact behind pages of boring and utterly useless crap in order to keep the taxpayer stupid and happy.
And really, our gov't couldn't run a successful brothel, we can't run our DMVs and we can't even figure out how to get a decent working public transit system in most states. After taking a look around me, these are not the folks I want deciding my health care. Maybe in a different time and a different political landscape, but not now.