2008 Presidential election - poll


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
In the US you start out with several possible Candidates for both parties.....Then the voters elect the cahdidates of choice....Basically the candidates with the highest votes per party are elected to compete...

So McCain had the highest Republican Votes and Obama had the Highest Democratic votes... So they were the final candidates

I tried to make this where you could understand...HTH

It's interesting that there are only two parties.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Joe the Plumber has just sky rocketed to fame hasn't he...I am watching him on CNN and last night on Larry King...wow!!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by nico
It's interesting that there are only two parties.

There are more than two. But those two the deomcrats and republicans have access to the most cash. therefore they're able to dominate media and get their messages out.



Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by nico
It's interesting that there are only two parties.

Nah, we have way more than just two. But those are the two with the most power. They over power the others quite easily.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
I was trying to embed a auto updating election chart.. but ..not working quite right

stupid bbcode



okay here we go



Now I will be looking at this darn thing all night!! Thanks!! Great job Ms Webmaster Supreme


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Joe the Plumber has just sky rocketed to fame hasn't he...I am watching him on CNN and last night on Larry King...wow!!

uhhhhh..... you know what can i say about Joe the Plumer. I think his image may be effective though especially if you know anything about psychology.

He's not very intelligent obviously. But just think about the people who like this guy.. who's real name isn't JOE and who isn't even really a plummer and who'll probably never make 250 grand in his life. He's someone alot people in those swing states can 'relate' to though on a subconscious level.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
uhhhhh..... you know what can i say about Joe the Plumer. I think his image may be effective though especially if you know anything about psychology.

He's not very intelligent obviously. But just think about the people who like this guy.. who's real name isn't JOE and who isn't even really a plummer and who'll probably never make 250 grand in his life. He's someone people in those swing states can 'relate' to though on a subconscious level.

He just got ate up on CNN...He said Look Bro...I didn't come on here for this....It was so funny!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
How many parties do you have in your country?

There were 15 party in the last election as far as I remember. But the parties which get less than 10% of the votes can't be a part of government.In the last election I had to give my vote to a party that I'm not very fond of because they were the second one in the polls against the conservative party
And I didn't want conservatives to win
Democracy doesn't work sadly


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
He just got ate up on CNN...He said Look Bro...I didn't come on here for this....It was so funny!

Nobody is focusing at my job... all anyone is thinking about is this election

I thought this was cute



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by florabundance
I don't understand the rule that you if you wear candidate endorsing attire, you'll be turned away.

That said though, i'm from London and a man from near where I live was shot for wearing an Obama shirt..the gunman made comments about "hating n*****s" and then shot him with one of those gas powered ball bearing pistols.

Is that why? Because it could lead to violence, or is that just the rule?

Your question has been answered about wearing political attire to the polls.

However, I would like to focus on your area for a moment and that racist act. What is going on over there? Is racism a problem? Wearing an Obama shirt and getting shot over it sounds very extreme.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
Nobody is focusing at my job... all anyone is thinking about is this election

I thought this was cute


Yeah I am watching that on CNN right now...weird looking!


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Just for reference, electioneering is allowed or prohibited on a STATE by STATE basis, and sometimes even district by district basis.

The attire thing is called passive electioneering and it's outlawed, in some states, in part because electioneering is seen as a form of intimidation when it is done within a certain distance of a polling place.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by Shimmer

There shouldn't be any excuse for war, but the idea of war is never going to go away, nor is the fact that it exists, and has existed, for as long as humanity has populated this earth.

Of course it's not Shimmer. Don't you know unless we eliminate the Republican party, it will be exist forever? Because it's not like Democrats sign on to or approve these wars in Congress. And seriously, Republicans have GOT to stop starting wars in places like Sri Lanka, Sudan and Somalia.

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