Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll
Originally Posted by nico
Are they only two candidates? If so why?
Actually .. here is a list of ALL the current presidential candidates
Here is a list, with the predominant party label for each, and the percentage of the voters that will see their names on the ballot:
Barack Obama, Democratic, 100.0%
John McCain, Republican, 100.0%
Bob Barr, Libertarian, 94.5%
Ralph Nader, independent, 85.2%
Cynthia McKinney, Green, 70.5%
Chuck Baldwin, Constitution, 59.8%
Gloria La Riva, Socialism and Liberation, 26.8%
Roger Calero or his stand-in James Harris, Socialist Workers, 25.0%
Brian Moore, Socialist, 21.5%
Alan Keyes, America’s Independent Party, 18.1%
Charles Jay, Boston Tea, 10.0%
Gene Amondson, Prohibition, 9.6%
Thomas Robert Stevens, Objectivist, 8.0%
Richard Duncan, independent, 4.6%
John Joseph Polachek, New, 4.3%
Jeffrey Boss, Vote Here, 3.0%
Jeffrey Wamboldt, We the People, 2.5%
Ron Paul, Taxpayers/Constitution, 2.0%
Jonathan E. Allen, HeartQuake ‘08, 1.7%
Bradford Lyttle, U.S. Pacifist, 1.7%
Frank McEnulty, unaffiliated, 1.7%
Ted Weill, Reform, .9%
George Phillies, Libertarian, .6%
There aren't just two political parties... but, I think largely because of media control most of the third party candidates never get any exposure. We've been basically positioned to choose between one of TWO ideological positions. Democrat/ Republican... yes yesss. I know thats very UNDEMOCRATIC... but you know that's the thing in america. we TRY to live up to our supposed ideals