2008 Presidential election - poll


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by nico
I'm not American but I'm interested in the election because the result will affect the whole world.I hope Obama wins because Republicans bring nothing but war.It has always been like this.I don't want to see another war being started just to enrich oil companies and weapon manufacturers.Republicans create fear and use religion to get votes.It's also ridiculous that they keep saying abortion isn't moral,it's murder etc. when they are pro-war.How many babies and children died in Iraq because of them

Great question.
Now ask, "How many babies and children are receiving vaccinations, food, education, and basic health care in Iraq because of them?"


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Just a few more hours y'all!!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^ Shug...Your post is not coming thru

I was trying to embed a auto updating election chart.. but ..not working quite right

stupid bbcode



okay here we go




Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by Shimmer
Great question.
Now ask, "How many babies and children are receiving vaccinations, food, education, and basic health care in Iraq because of them?"

what education are you talking about.Most of the schools are closed in Baghdad because the city is not safe. Everything is in terrible conditions after the occupation.People can't even go out in Baghdad because of the bombs that kill at least 10 people every day.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by nico
what education are you talking about.Most of the schools are closed in Baghdad because the city is not safe. Everything is in terrible conditions after the occupation.People can't even go out in Baghdad because of the bombs that kill at least 10 people every day.

You mean the ones that the insurgency are launching, right? Because generally speaking, our military doesn't run through the city spraying lead and shrapnel.
Just saying.
As far as education, you can disregard that portion of the question if you feel the need to, but that doesn't change the overall question.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

This is so exciting! Sadly, I registered to vote in September and never got my voters registration card...I figured it would come but it never did, and by the time I realized this, it was too late.

I am very very upset that I am not able to vote in this historical election....but thats life I guess. I did try to register, and thought Id be able to vote, but Im not exactly sure why my papers werent put through.

This is extremely exciting...I wonder what time we'll find out. Ill be at work til about 10pm


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
This is so exciting! Sadly, I registered to vote in September and never got my voters registration card...I figured it would come but it never did, and by the time I realized this, it was too late.

I am very very upset that I am not able to vote in this historical election....but thats life I guess. I did try to register, and thought Id be able to vote, but Im not exactly sure why my papers werent put through.

This is extremely exciting...I wonder what time we'll find out. Ill be at work til about 10pm

Did you go online to check..I never use my registration card...I just show my ID...you can online to see if you are registered and able to vote


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I don't understand the rule that you if you wear candidate endorsing attire, you'll be turned away.

That said though, i'm from London and a man from near where I live was shot for wearing an Obama shirt..the gunman made comments about "hating n*****s" and then shot him with one of those gas powered ball bearing pistols.

Is that why? Because it could lead to violence, or is that just the rule?


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by panther27
When are the results for President released?

they'll start making predictions when the last polling place closes on the west coast


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by florabundance
I don't understand the rule that you if you wear candidate endorsing attire, you'll be turned away.

That said though, i'm from London and a man from near where I live was shot for wearing an Obama shirt..the gunman made comments about "hating n*****s" and then shot him with one of those gas powered ball bearing pistols.

Is that why? Because it could lead to violence, or is that just the rule?

Thats part of the reason.and it is illegal to campaign within 100 feet of a voting poll. If you are wearing candidate specific attire it is considered campaigning.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
they'll start making predictions when the last polling place closes on the west coast

Yeah polls close at 8pm on the west coast...But I think as far as CA...the results are pretty much solid at this point and it holds 55 Elecs


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by Shimmer
You mean the ones that the insurgency are launching, right? Because generally speaking, our military doesn't run through the city spraying lead and shrapnel.
Just saying.
As far as education, you can disregard that portion of the question if you feel the need to, but that doesn't change the overall question.

Would they need so much health care if there wasn't a war at all? Plus the hospitals are in terrible conditions.
There shouldn't be any excuse for war.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Did you go online to check..I never use my registration card...I just show my ID...you can online to see if you are registered and able to vote

Yes, do this.
You don't have to have your card with you when you go in, just have your driver's license.

Please check, just to be sure.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by nico
Would they need so much health care if there wasn't a war at all? Plus the hospitals are in terrible conditions.
There shouldn't be any excuse for war.

Would they need things like vaccinations, health care, and basic medical necessities? Are you really asking me that?
Those are things that the general populace, the poor populace that aren't in Baghdad, they didn't get.
Of course the hospitals are in terrible conditions, they keep getting bombed and shot.

There shouldn't be any excuse for war, but the idea of war is never going to go away, nor is the fact that it exists, and has existed, for as long as humanity has populated this earth.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by nico
Are they only two candidates? If so why?

In the US you start out with several possible Candidates for both parties.....Then the voters elect the cahdidates of choice....Basically the candidates with the highest votes per party are elected to compete...

So McCain had the highest Republican Votes and Obama had the Highest Democratic votes... So they were the final candidates

I tried to make this where you could understand...HTH


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by nico
Are they only two candidates? If so why?

Actually .. here is a list of ALL the current presidential candidates

Here is a list, with the predominant party label for each, and the percentage of the voters that will see their names on the ballot:

Barack Obama, Democratic, 100.0%
John McCain, Republican, 100.0%
Bob Barr, Libertarian, 94.5%
Ralph Nader, independent, 85.2%
Cynthia McKinney, Green, 70.5%
Chuck Baldwin, Constitution, 59.8%
Gloria La Riva, Socialism and Liberation, 26.8%
Roger Calero or his stand-in James Harris, Socialist Workers, 25.0%
Brian Moore, Socialist, 21.5%
Alan Keyes, America’s Independent Party, 18.1%
Charles Jay, Boston Tea, 10.0%
Gene Amondson, Prohibition, 9.6%
Thomas Robert Stevens, Objectivist, 8.0%
Richard Duncan, independent, 4.6%
John Joseph Polachek, New, 4.3%
Jeffrey Boss, Vote Here, 3.0%
Jeffrey Wamboldt, We the People, 2.5%
Ron Paul, Taxpayers/Constitution, 2.0%
Jonathan E. Allen, HeartQuake ‘08, 1.7%
Bradford Lyttle, U.S. Pacifist, 1.7%
Frank McEnulty, unaffiliated, 1.7%
Ted Weill, Reform, .9%
George Phillies, Libertarian, .6%

There aren't just two political parties... but, I think largely because of media control most of the third party candidates never get any exposure. We've been basically positioned to choose between one of TWO ideological positions. Democrat/ Republican... yes yesss. I know thats very UNDEMOCRATIC... but you know that's the thing in america. we TRY to live up to our supposed ideals



Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

And even if you are more confused...There is no chance at this point for any presidetial candidates except for McCain and Obama

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