2008 Presidential election - poll


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Yeah! I am so glad I early voted....I imagine the lines will be crazy!!
And for the greedies like me...Take a snack and water to drink! Shush Shimmer!!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by MissChievous
I'm not trying to get involved in this thread about McCain and Obama, but honestly I had to respond to this.

You're of course forgetting a huge point: there is a huge proportion of people who do not believe in Christianity, and want absolutely no part of any Church organization or services. I'm not American so I guess things are diff over there, but that would be my personal nightmare, where I had to rely on the Church, of all places, for absolutely essential things such as social programs and welfare. There goes secularism right out the window!!! Believe what you want and pratice whatever faith you desire, but leave religion out of public life and politics. Well, I guess I'm speaking from an outsiders perspective, but even in Europe secularism is under threat and it is freaking scary!

Did you know they now have a form of court system in Britain that practices sharia law? Scary, scary thought!! People need to speak up against the encroachment of religion into secular life, if it doesn't stop, I think the western world and its democracy will be gravely under threat.

I am not against religion, but it should have absolutely no part of public and state life, that way everyone will be absolutely free to do and believe what they want. A secular society is the only free society!

I never said that the organization had to be a religious organization. I'm talking about people being spurred into action. How do you spur people into action. By appealing to the things that are important to them. I know what Christianity says about these issues. That is the perspective I speak from.

I'm not asking Christians to form a Proposition or government wing to get these things done. All I'm stating is that Christian doctors can provide free services at existing clinics or that a stay at home mom can go to the soup kitchen or wealthy Christians can donate to programs that help foster kids coming into the workforce with things like scholarships and lifeskills, etc, etc. I didn't want to limit the idea of what it could look like. There is no government regulation needed and absolutely no government involvement in these types of actions.

A small portion of people who claim to be Christians are actively involved in the community. My point is that if you claim to be a Christian, get out there and get involved. The more involved we are as humans in our communities, the less government funds need to be allocated to these programs. Also, government is really impersonal, it's all checklists. People invest more into each other.

Honestly, my political stance is I want as little government involvement in my life as possible (yes, I understand the need for the government and services), but I feel most of the time the government is more of an impedement to assistance than anything else.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Ugh all this waiting, (taking a page out of martin's "momma's" book) DAMN DAMN DAMN SCREAMS(um yall know what Im talking about). Also thank you to msw and lp I will be thanking you two manually from now on. Moving on.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by Shimmer
Yes really, yes, you do.

Regarding the polls tomorrow...y'all who are going and are expecting long lines etc. may want to bring a book or do what my sister (she's 12) advised:
Grab a Nintendo DS and a Brain Age or similar game and play it while you're waiting. Beats the heck out of standing there staring off into space.

Also, it's not just presidential election day, there are a number of local (to the individual) elections going on, check your local news station's website for an overview of the candidates for all of the elections, and the propositions you'll be voting for.

Luckily where I vote is really slow, so I usually am able to get in and get out (plus it's just around the corner from where I live


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by BohemianSheila
Luckily where I vote is really slow, so I usually am able to get in and get out (plus it's just around the corner from where I live

Thats great...because I didn't think there was a slow voting post in the US at this time ...


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Thats great...because I didn't think there was a slow voting post in the US at this time ...

I just waited for an hour in line...which I was expecting, but the worker told me 15-20 minutes! Good thing I had my iPod


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

^^^ I know!! I was there during Early voting 1/2 hour before they opened and still was behind 50 people...


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I think the whole world will be glued to the TV during the election results. How long does it normally take til a winner is announced? Barring that debacle 8 years ago...

I'm also really apprehensive to see the results, as the rest of the world is too, I'm sure.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by MissChievous
I think the whole world will be glued to the TV during the election results. How long does it normally take til a winner is announced? Barring that debacle 8 years ago...

I'm also really apprehensive to see the results, as the rest of the world is too, I'm sure.

All night when the race is this close.....I would say about 9pm Central time we will have a pretty good idea....Hope fully before then!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Dang I'll probably be asleep. Oh well, it will be all over the papers the next day


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Everyone knows I am an Obama Supporter....
So with that being said..I am so sad that his ailing Grandmother passed today and was unable to witness whether or not he became President of the US. I am so glad he took the time despite great criticism to go spend a few days with her before her passing. Having lost a grandmother a few months ago I know how precious time spent with them in their final days can be. I know this must be a difficult day for him...filled with both grief for today and Hope for tomorrow!


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

well i am definately going to be glued to the radio tomorrow @ work!

Good luck and goooooooooooooooooooooobama!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by rbella
Are we there yet? I need to go to the bathroom.


Rbella I


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
well i am definately going to be glued to the radio tomorrow @ work!

Good luck and goooooooooooooooooooooobama!

And thank you mami!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Everyone knows I am an Obama Supporter....
So with that being said..I am so sad that his ailing Grandmother passed today and was unable to witness whether or not he became President of the US. I am so glad he took the time despite great criticism to go spend a few days with her before her passing. Having lost a grandmother a few months ago I know how precious time spent with them in their final days can be. I know this must be a difficult day for him...filled with both grief for today and Hope for tomorrow!

I know and I hated that! I just wish she couldve held on a little bit longer.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I'm not American but I'm interested in the election because the result will affect the whole world.I hope Obama wins because Republicans bring nothing but war.It has always been like this.I don't want to see another war being started just to enrich oil companies and weapon manufacturers.Republicans create fear and use religion to get votes.It's also ridiculous that they keep saying abortion isn't moral,it's murder etc. when they are pro-war.How many babies and children died in Iraq because of them