2008 Presidential election - poll


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by couturesista
^^^TISH, XOXOXOX^^^ Im dying to get the Holiday Brush Sets!

Me too girl...It looks hot, right!! I can't wait to see it in person!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I am still undecided! I agree with about half of each major candidate's campaign, liking certain things from each. I'm a swing voter who hasn't been swayed one or the other just yet! But I DO intend to cast my vote in November.....just don't know who it will be for yet!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

^^^Right there with ya! I don't know what to do. McCain is basically a half-liberal and I don't agree with Obama's taxing or healthcare plan. I wish Ron Paul were in it.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by missworld
No, it is not.
The other thread was started with anti-Obama propaganda and quickly degenerated into a partisan battle.

Originally Posted by missworld
am not going to get into debate in this thread, that was never this threads purpose.

The previous quoted statement clearly indicates otherwise. The previous thread was simply a thread to discuss the various candidates' stances. The OP of that thread was seeking clarification and to be educated so that when she went to vote, she would be able to make a fully informed decision. And in case you missed it, there are plenty of anti-McCain statements within that thread - many posted by you. You clearly latched on to anything in that thread which was not in line with your personal views and which you deemed "incorrect". When you toss around words like "propaganda" and "partisan", it really seems like you're picking another fight.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I am completely decided on behalf of the Small Business owner. It's easy to be an arm chair quarterback & think it should be this way or that. However, when you are a small business that actually is responsible for providing work for others like myself, my husband, & my son - there simply is no other decision than to side with someone who does NOT feel that our hard work wealth is theirs for the taking.

Last week, my husband was securing work for several other small business owners as well as personally providing opportunity for a man & his wife that really needed income - at my husbands own expense. His choice - not a government mandate. I found out that on the same day, my son is contracting work for a father & son that desperately needed work. His choice - not government & again, at my son's own expense.

These choices can only be implemented when the small business owner has Their Own Capital to work with. To be taxed more would only cause the opposite employment affect.

Stealing is wrong (if you have a conscience) if it be by a gun, a pen (forced tax code) or by registering to vote or voting more than once.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
I think AJ should be forced to trade lips with me..Thats all though because as much as I love kids...I would be even more
than I already am if I had to deal with that many in almost the same age ranges.

Why, your lips are more proportioned. Her lips arent even full you can see where shes starting to crack around near the top of her mouth b/c shes constantly trying to "push" the top lip out to match the bottom one. Now if you want lips Id say go for L Boogie's now those are some lips. Yes Ive stated who I will most certaintly be voting for, quite a few of my international friends keep saying the same person who they would vote for too...strange


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by PMBG83
Why, your lips are more proportioned. Her lips arent even full you can see where shes starting to crack around near the top of her mouth b/c shes constantly trying to "push" the top lip out to match the bottom one. Now if you want lips Id say go for L Boogie's now those are some lips. Yes Ive stated who I will most certaintly be voting for, quite a few of my international friends keep saying the same person who they would vote for too...strange

I have always been infatuated with her lips...I try to poke mine out like hers sonetimes.....I asked my husband one day how I looked (as my lips were in the AJ pose) he said like either you want me to kiss you or like an old woman that just took her dentures out! Yep my dh...I would hate him if I didn't love him so!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I know makeup was mentioned for a small sec, so couturesista I have to say your hair and you avatar as a whole looks fierce! Something about you screams paris chic, I just cant seem to put my finger on it.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
I have always been infatuated with her lips...I try to poke mine out like hers sonetimes.....I asked my husband one day how I looked (as my lips were in the AJ pose) he said like either you want me to kiss you or like an old woman that just took her dentures out! Yep my dh...I would hate him if I didn't love him so!

Really b/c they remind me of a bunched up pillow kinda like lisa rena(the other actress cant remember her name). Now depending on who Im around my lip "status" will change. Now most of my friends (heck family for that matter) knows I have pretty pitiful lips(my hair is usually my striking feature). So a while back I went shopping out near a shopping center that is somewhat close to a scandanavian community, and this guy stops me and says you have the prettiest fullest lips. Now granted I laughed my a** off on the inside and had to tell him that my lips actually werent that full. He proceeds to say well Im white yada yada yada so i guess im not use to that. Weird day that was indeed.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Lisa Rhinna ... Yeah...But her's are store bought
I can't afford that upkeep...You know how it is...we all want what we don't have. I'll just stick with what I got and keep poking them out to my dh's dismay!


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Lisa Rhinna ... Yeah...But her's are store bought
I can't afford that upkeep...You know how it is...we all want what we don't have. I'll just stick with what I got and keep poking them out to my dh's dismay!

Now ya see I didnt even know they were store bought, I usually just looked at them and cringed. I just caught a glimpse of ya girl one time when her mouth got a lil tired of the perm pout(the kids were wearing her out i guess) and the top lip said itd be right back
. I was like huh?


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I know I know shes kool. Um are those to simulate were swatting each other with purses? If so thats like hella funny.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I'm voting for McCain, its no secret

and I will tell you why, giving examples :

Let’s look at the facts once again…
I know liberals have a really hard time with this while spewing propaganda and talking points…
1) Obama is going to raise taxes but is being dishonest about who will be paying those taxes
He wants to repeal the Bush tax cuts, which is a de facto tax increase on EVERY tax payer.

By raising taxes on the top wage earners and businesses (he claims only on those making 250K or more), the increased taxes get passed down into the price of the goods and services provided by said companies. Everyone pays those taxes in the form of higher prices.

By punitively taxing individuals and families who make over 250K – many small business fall into that category since they are taxed as individuals. That prevents them from growing and dissuades people from even forming a small business to begin with.
In order to pay for his massive increase in spending that he is proposing, he will have to raise taxes on everyone else. There just aren’t enough “rich” people to tax.

Remember, when Bill Clinton ran for President in 1992, he promised to only raise taxes on the “rich” and to give a middle class tax cut – but when he got into office, he passed the largest tax increase on the middle class in history.

Also, since Obama has shown that he is not trustworthy (he did promise to take public campaign financing if McCain would also – and then when McCain did, Obama refused), how can you trust him to keep his word on taxes.

2) Obama promises to “cut” taxes for 95% of workers
40% of workers pay NO federal income taxes at all. He’s talking about redistributing wealth – taking from those who earn and pay and giving it in the form of a check to those who do not. That is welfare – not a tax cut.

you can take this to the bank baby ;-)
I'm out of this discussion.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by red
I'm voting for McCain, its no secret

and I will tell you why, giving examples :

Let’s look at the facts once again…
I know liberals have a really hard time with this while spewing propaganda and talking points…
1) Obama is going to raise taxes but is being dishonest about who will be paying those taxes
He wants to repeal the Bush tax cuts, which is a de facto tax increase on EVERY tax payer.

By raising taxes on the top wage earners and businesses (he claims only on those making 250K or more), the increased taxes get passed down into the price of the goods and services provided by said companies. Everyone pays those taxes in the form of higher prices.

By punitively taxing individuals and families who make over 250K – many small business fall into that category since they are taxed as individuals. That prevents them from growing and dissuades people from even forming a small business to begin with.
In order to pay for his massive increase in spending that he is proposing, he will have to raise taxes on everyone else. There just aren’t enough “rich” people to tax.

Remember, when Bill Clinton ran for President in 1992, he promised to only raise taxes on the “rich” and to give a middle class tax cut – but when he got into office, he passed the largest tax increase on the middle class in history.

Also, since Obama has shown that he is not trustworthy (he did promise to take public campaign financing if McCain would also – and then when McCain did, Obama refused), how can you trust him to keep his word on taxes.

2) Obama promises to “cut” taxes for 95% of workers
40% of workers pay NO federal income taxes at all. He’s talking about redistributing wealth – taking from those who earn and pay and giving it in the form of a check to those who do not. That is welfare – not a tax cut.

you can take this to the bank baby ;-)
I'm out of this discussion.

You know .. McCain was against the Bush tax cuts. he called them irresponsible ESPECIALLY in a time of war.

With all of the challenges facing this country, I find it very hard to believe people don't think their taxes will go up regardless who becomes president! No need to clam up though or be defensive. This is america right. you have a right to your opinion and a right to vote for who you want to.

YouTube - John Stewart Pwns McCain on Socialism


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by red

By raising taxes on the top wage earners and businesses (he claims only on those making 250K or more), the increased taxes get passed down into the price of the goods and services provided by said companies. Everyone pays those taxes in the form of higher prices.

By punitively taxing individuals and families who make over 250K – many small business fall into that category since they are taxed as individuals. That prevents them from growing and dissuades people from even forming a small business to begin with.
In order to pay for his massive increase in spending that he is proposing, he will have to raise taxes on everyone else. There just aren’t enough “rich” people to tax.

I don't know why it is so hard to except the truth of the above facts for some people, other than you refuse to accept the truth of business & taxes, or you are on the take & want a handout.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by AlarmAgent

Once I start seeing throngs of small business owners and surgeons starving in the streets because of the progressive tax system, I'll start to pity the 250k+ bracket. Until then, I'm sorry they'll have to put off buying a new speedboat on one of their thirteen credit cards.

That is just an uneducated, & unfortunate statement based in class envy. The person that buys that "speedboat" supports a small business that sells boats & that small business in turn makes money for those who make parts/jobs for that boat.

About 30 minutes from where I live, there is a small area where people live around a lake & there is a small business owner that sells those "boats & speedboats" - in turn it provides employment in that small area. It also, because of the boat shop, supports another small business next to it - a restaurant where those who buy boats come to eat. That small business restaurant employs people. Those who supply that restaurant also make money. It also supports a gift shop that orders from other small businesses & employs people.

The wealthy actually help employment because of what they buy. Why is that such a hard concept to understand. I'm not unsympathetic to those in need - but they don't provide jobs for people.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have." – Thomas Jefferson

It’s very simple. The American economy is the strongest and greatest in the history of the planet because it is build on the very fluid and dynamic winds of market forces. People who are in the bottom of the economic ladder, in time move up the ladder. Many who are on top of the ladder move down the ladder as well. Economic growth is based on the individual, not the government. By keeping the costs of production low and taxes low, people open up small businesses and in turn, since taxes are low, they are able to grow those businesses and as they grow they hire more and more until they become large companies.

If you keep the costs of production high and taxes high, then you deter people from starting a small business and you also desensitize them from growing, since if they grow, they will be punished. What you then get is a very static and non-fluid economy, where those who are at the bottom, stay the bottom and there is very little economic movement at all, because the government decides what is excess profit and what needs to be “spread around”. That is what Obama is in favor of. His policies are not pro-growth policies. He is promising systemic changes and doing away with what makes this country the amazing and economically vibrant country that it is.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll


That is where my family started...the bottom. After 5 job losses/transitions, we basically pulled our jobs/businesses out of thin air creating them ourselves - not the government. Had we accepted anything from the government, we would not have persisted until we grew the successful businesses that we run now.

Government does not create - it only spends.