Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll
I'm voting for McCain, its no secret
and I will tell you why, giving examples :
Let’s look at the facts once again…
I know liberals have a really hard time with this while spewing propaganda and talking points…
1) Obama is going to raise taxes but is being dishonest about who will be paying those taxes
He wants to repeal the Bush tax cuts, which is a de facto tax increase on EVERY tax payer.
By raising taxes on the top wage earners and businesses (he claims only on those making 250K or more), the increased taxes get passed down into the price of the goods and services provided by said companies. Everyone pays those taxes in the form of higher prices.
By punitively taxing individuals and families who make over 250K – many small business fall into that category since they are taxed as individuals. That prevents them from growing and dissuades people from even forming a small business to begin with.
In order to pay for his massive increase in spending that he is proposing, he will have to raise taxes on everyone else. There just aren’t enough “rich” people to tax.
Remember, when Bill Clinton ran for President in 1992, he promised to only raise taxes on the “rich” and to give a middle class tax cut – but when he got into office, he passed the largest tax increase on the middle class in history.
Also, since Obama has shown that he is not trustworthy (he did promise to take public campaign financing if McCain would also – and then when McCain did, Obama refused), how can you trust him to keep his word on taxes.
2) Obama promises to “cut” taxes for 95% of workers
40% of workers pay NO federal income taxes at all. He’s talking about redistributing wealth – taking from those who earn and pay and giving it in the form of a check to those who do not.
That is welfare – not a tax cut.
you can take this to the bank baby ;-)
I'm out of this discussion.