2008 Presidential election - poll


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by AlarmAgent
The fact of the matter is, almost every other industrialized nation in our economic tier has the same sort of progressive tax system. It has proven to be the best way for a government to tax it's people. Governments need money to fund our roads, our wars, and our basic social programs. If you really resent paying taxes, may I recommend a move to a place where you won't need to pay them; space, for instance.

The wealthy should pay more, because they earn more. It's not at all punishment; after all, what country gave them the chance to make all that money? It doesn't matter how hard they worked for it, a person works hard for 40k a year, too. How hard you work doesn't factor in to your taxes, if it did, physical laborers wouldn't have to pay a red cent.

Once I start seeing throngs of small business owners and surgeons starving in the streets because of the progressive tax system, I'll start to pity the 250k+ bracket. Until then, I'm sorry they'll have to put off buying a new speedboat on one of their thirteen credit cards.

As an aside, trust that our tax money is not primarily going to "welfare", nor was it ever. Take a look at military spending, during peacetime or war. We have the most bloated figures of any nation (aside from Russia during the Cold War) in regards to our military, we could easily cut the defense budget and still be top dog. If you support this war, I most certainly do not want to hear you complain about a tax hike--because one surefire way to alleviate some of our economic problems as of right now is to end the conflict in Iraq. You want to keep it going, fund it with a smile on your face.

edit: If it isn't made implicit by my post, my vote is for Barack Obama. To think, I'm one of those good people grown in a small, Pro-America town! How did I ever get mixed up with these elitist, terrorist, Muslim snobs?

First, the argument isn't about who should pay or not pay or who works the hardest or doesn't. The argument is what kind of system is best for economic growth. The fact is that jobs come from those who have money and are able to start a company. As a company grows, it hires people. As those people's standard of living increases, so too, do their incomes and their abilities to invest and to also possibly begin their own business.

The income tax system, which was put in place in 1913, is not a pro-growth system and is also the most complicated in the world. Our corporate tax rate is the second highest in the world and translates into the economic necessity of having to import cheaper goods in order to bring prices down.

Economies grow by minimizing the costs of production. Since our tax system is not set up to promote economic growth, but to penalize those who earn (50% of wage earners pay 97% of all federal income tax and the bottom 50% pay just 3% of the tax burden and 40% don't pay anything).

In order to properly discuss what the government needs or doesn't need, one has to first define what the proper role of government is. Should the government simply be there to protect your rights and to be the risk taker of last resort, or should government actively promote extending you rights commensurate with your desires. Our founding fathers believed something profoundly different than anywhere else in the world -- that your rights do not come from the government but are given to you by our creator. Government's role is to protect those rights and to defend them.

One must also understand where jobs come from. Jobs do not come from the government. They come from individuals and by extension companies. By making it more difficult for companies to do business, they either go where it is cheaper, lay people off, don't expand or hire illegals

What you want government to do is to shape the tax system to make America an attractive place to do business, so foreign companies will want to come here and open up factories, thereby employing thousands and to also allow America to be competitive.

John F. Kennedy said it best (and I paraphrase) the best way to increase revenue to the government is to lower the tax rates.

If you want to economy to grow, get rid of the income tax, corporate tax, capital gains tax and the estate tax and replace it with a consumption tax. Let people keep all the money they earn and the freedom is theirs to choose how they want to pay their taxes by being taxed on what they consume. That type of tax will spur investment and is the most pro-growth tax policy that would sure as hell boost the economy like a rocket ship.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by red
If you want to economy to grow, get rid of the income tax, corporate tax, capital gains tax and the estate tax and replace it with a consumption tax. Let people keep all the money they earn and the freedom is theirs to choose how they want to pay their taxes by being taxed on what they consume. That type of tax will spur investment and is the most pro-growth tax policy that would sure as hell boost the economy like a rocket ship.

I <3 the consumption tax concept. I'd vote for the candidate who presents that as part of their platform, regardless of what party they belong to.

But, we're a democracy. “People get the government they deserve.” And our people would rather a plan looked good on paper than think it through enough to have one that's a success in action.

But on topic: I never thought that I'd be thisclose to my first Presidential election and still be wholly undecided. I'm leaning towards one more than the other, but in my opinion both major parties really scraped the bottom of the barrel with these options.

ETA: When I say I'm leaning more towards one than the other, I mean I'm considering ALL parties not just the two major ones. But I still think that both major party candidates are less than desirable.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by red

John F. Kennedy said it best (and I paraphrase) the best way to increase revenue to the government is to lower the tax rates.

If you want to economy to grow, get rid of the income tax, corporate tax, capital gains tax and the estate tax and replace it with a consumption tax. Let people keep all the money they earn and the freedom is theirs to choose how they want to pay their taxes by being taxed on what they consume. That type of tax will spur investment and is the most pro-growth tax policy that would sure as hell boost the economy like a rocket ship.

Taxes have been a reality in this country since it's inception. this world you speak of with no taxes will never be.

Certain situations call for higher taxes. If this were not the case I'm sure George H. W. Bush wouldn't have RAISED taxes during his administration. And even McCain admitted this to be necessary in the clip i posted earlier.

I'm not a one issue voter, but, i just don't see how you guys can know the financial challenges our government.. OUR COUNTRY is facing. How do you finance an empire. who pays for the military bases and the wars. Who pays for the nations crumbling infrastructure. Who pays for that woman diagnosed with breast cancer who is too sick to work but needs medical care to keep her living. Who pays for our troops to live I mean the vast majority of tax revenues goes to defense....
The fact is .. right now we're borrowing money from China and I'd think that'd be considered a national security issue!
If we don't pay.. our children will
that is the bottom line.
and you guys know that you use government services right.
I mean .. if you've ever gotten laid off and needed to draw unemployment, thats money you've paid in taxes!

you guys keep referencing the founding fathers i mean.. if you want a 1776 way of governing then I'd assume a 1776 way of living would be fine with you as well. Because everything evolves .. nothing stays the same.

Military, health and interest on the debt consume two-thirds of every income tax dollar.


The median income family in the United States paid $3,736 in federal income taxes in 2006 . Here is how that amount was spent:
Military $1,014 Interest on the Debt (Military) $340 Interest on the Debt (Non-Military) $385 Health $779 Income Security $224 Education $169 Veterans' Benefits $125 Nutrition $98 Housing $70 Natural Resources $57 Job Training $11 Other $463


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
Taxes have been a reality in this country since it's inception. this world you speak of with no taxes will never be.

She doesn't speak of a world without taxes; she speaks of an environment where taxes aren't a hindrance to growth.

Companies don't pay taxes, they pass that off to the consumer. What Red and I reference is a consumption tax- you don't get taxed twice then, it's a flat rate that's out in the open. That creates a more potential for a very different economic climate.

Certain situations call for higher taxes.

No, situations first require the budget to be redistributed accordingly THEN taxes to be raised. Historically, programs were suppose to be axed before any significant tax hikes. We've been skipping this step for many years (even before the Bush administration. Our economic problems stem from ~20 years ago- that includes the Clinton administration adding to our troubles).

I'm not a one issue voter, but, i just don't see how you guys can know the financial challenges our government.. OUR COUNTRY is facing. How do you finance an empire.

1. I know the financial challenges- I've worked and interned in various capacities for the gov't for the last three and a half years along with studying it. 2. Financing an empire isn't a problem, maintaining the empire is the real issue. Power, which is what is needed to create an empire, is never created or destroyed. It switches hands.

The problem isn't finances, per se, but rather the fact that economic legislation created during the 90s when we were the sole superpower in the world just isn't going to work in a climate where there will soon be multiple superpowers. THIS is my problem- nobody is addressing the fact that the political landscape of the 90s are long gone. Some people (not necessarily you, just general) have a nostalgia for the 90s Democrat controlled executive branch that wasn't a result of a party or a person, but rather a serendipitous course of events.

That will never happen again in our lifetimes for America. Just as the economic highs of the postwar boom after WWII was more than likely a one time fluke.

who pays for the military bases and the wars. Who pays for the nations crumbling infrastructure. Who pays for that woman diagnosed with breast cancer who is too sick to work but needs medical care to keep her living. Who pays for our troops to live I mean the vast majority of tax revenues goes to defense....

Truthfully, my generations' kids will pay for most of this. Our infrastructure is largely a result of the post WWII economic boom. The Cold War began, we needed a way to transport the majority of our essential resources from the coasts to the heartland, and our population if need be. Highways were the easiest route. They've not been maintained properly due to a multitude of reasons; but a big part is because they were never meant to be used as they are. Our subway system and our transit systems were NEVER meant to hold this many people or be used as frequently as they are. Necessity is the mother of invention, and we just don't have that necessity (or motivation) anymore.

As for bases- take a look at the economic profile of some of these bases. In some places, if the bases were to close, you'd have towns disappear because there would be no jobs and no way to earn a living. Why do you think closing bases is such a hot button issue? And that no congressman in their right mind would make an effort to close a base willingly? These towns and their livelihood depend on our bases whether they like the fact that the base is there or not.

And as someone who spent part of their life as a military brat I can't be impartial and I can't say that I mind paying for the salaries of our troops. Nor do I mind paying the salaries of cops, firefighters, of the civil servants of my state/local gov't, or the federal gov't, etc. Whether anyone likes it or not, these people are all essential personnel. We need them much more than any of them need to have a job where they are horribly underpaid, under appreciated and under a whole lot of unnecessary stress.

and you guys know that you use government services right.
I mean .. if you've ever gotten laid off and needed to draw unemployment, thats money you've paid in taxes!

I use not a single government service. I've supported myself for the last five years without a dime from my government. It's not easy, but nobody promised me a rose garden. I'm not in favor of guaranteeing one for someone else at the expense of myself. I'm selfish, I admit it.

you guys keep referencing the founding fathers i mean.. if you want a 1776 way of governing then I'd assume a 1776 way of living would be fine with you as well. Because everything evolves .. nothing stays the same.

Not a 1776 way of living. But rather what was intended- a small federal government and a larger state government. Why? It's much easier to adequately address problems on a smaller scale than it is to address them on a national scale. What works in Kansas will not necessarily work in Michigan. And really, I can't understand why a Floridian would want a Washingtonian making decisions for them. THAT is what our forefathers wanted- people have a bigger voice when there are less people to share the forum with. That is a government FOR the people and BY the people.

What we have now is a bastardized ruin of a democratic republic. Not what as intended.

[/font][/size][/color]WHERE DO YOUR TAX DOLLARS GO?
Military, health and interest on the debt consume two-thirds of every income tax dollar.


The median income family in the United States paid $3,736 in federal income taxes in 2006 . Here is how that amount was spent:
Military $1,014 Interest on the Debt (Military) $340 Interest on the Debt (Non-Military) $385 Health $779 Income Security $224 Education $169 Veterans' Benefits $125 Nutrition $98 Housing $70 Natural Resources $57 Job Training $11 Other $463

So then I don't see any reason to support the status quo, which is what both major party candidates are doing. Same plans, different rhetoric.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by missworld

So who would/will you vote for? Note, You don't have to post to vote and no-one will see who you voted for!

I hope everybody feels free to vote in this anonymous poll.
You needn't post in the thread.

I believe a vote in this poll was what the Original Poster mainly suggested.

Also, I do hope newcomers feel free to share their opinions here.
I would feel so sad if I thought *anybody* felt intimidated about posting,
regardless of your views,
even if your choices of candidates were not listed in the poll.

My position is no mystery, so I am being uncharacteristically brief
(plus I have a bandaged right index finger, making typing cumbersome.)




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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

i don't know why no polictians ever propose a flat tax. i would totally vote for that guy whether he was democrat, republican or whoozit or whatzit. if the government wants 10% of my income, cool. i'll hand them a check on december thirty first of every year and i'll do it with a smile.

but start in on me by taking 40% of my income and then barring me from any deductions because i don't have children or a home loan to pay off and my support for the system dwindles pretty damn rapidly.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by kimmy
i don't know why no polictians ever propose a flat tax. i would totally vote for that guy whether he was democrat, republican or whoozit or whatzit. if the government wants 10% of my income, cool. i'll hand them a check on december thirty first of every year and i'll do it with a smile.

but start in on me by taking 40% of my income and then barring me from any deductions because i don't have children or a home loan to pay off and my support for the system dwindles pretty damn rapidly.

Steve Forbes for President!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by aleksis210
I agree, just make sure you do your research and vote for who you think represents you the most! I vote for Angelina Jolie! Oh she's not running? oh..

I agree with the research part, whoever is elected has a big job ahead of them and it affects not just the USA but the world.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by Paramnesia
I agree with the research part, whoever is elected has a big job ahead of them and it affects not just the USA but the world.



(saving you from her huge, crazy post novels, due to bandaged finger)



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by Miaroze
I Certainly don't make more or near 250,000 a year, But in my opinion, people who do make that amount have done something smart and have worked hard to reach that amount of income... I don't understand why a presidential Candidate would want to raise taxes on people who have worked hard, just to give more money to people on welfare who can't or won't work that hard in the first place. Just because they can afford more than the average person, means they should bail out those who cannot bail themselves out? And why is it that ALL the celebrities who indorse Obama are the ones who obviously make more than 250k? Do they know they will be paying massive amounts of taxes... Way more than they do now! HMMMM... I don't think a lot of people know what they're in for...

thats hartless i can understand the part about "people who wont work " but people who cant work i fall under thats statistic and believe me it sucks if i could get a job i wolud have my behind there every day but mentaly i cant focuse in the real world let alone in my own house .the little $630.00 i get all goes to bills im not lieving a dream life on ssi im sturgling .and if i was rich i would happly give to ssi and others becouse i know mothers who cant buy food afther paying bills that rich people created in the first place .now gas is costing more i pay $20.00 a week so i stoped driving and ride the bus now :/ .so dont assume every one is living fun and happly shoping spree lives just becouse its free mony im happy for the help but i wish they would come up with a plan to force bosses to hier scitzos so i could work agin .

now for the people who do get ssi and benifits and live a "ghetto fab life "meaning they work also thats who you sholud focuse on they piss me off too. i know to meany people like this in the ,here i am doing the right thing but cant buy gas or extras with getting a amscot advance but they have 3 cars a big house and money to buy drugs and name brand cloths and bail they loser boyfriend out of jail all while they get ssi and benifits its not fare at all.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I'm worried about my husband's business. If his revenue goes over $250,000 we are screwed. We will face the possibility of having to turn down business in order to keep from being "taxed to death" or we won't be able to hire any help, which would be nice both for our business and someone who might need a job.

I don't want to have to manage a balancing act just to make sure we aren't successful by making $250K+. What sucks the most about that is most people think "Oh, your company makes $250,000 +, you're fine, you need to 'spread the wealth'". Well, no actually, we make a very low salary off of that revenue and spend a majority of it on advertising and putting it back into the business and hiring contractors. If this taxation goes into effect, our lives (mine and my husbands') will be very much screwed. It is very frustrating to think that the 70+ hours a week my husband works will be spent paying for so many others. Perhaps he should just slow down a bit then and say "fuck it". I guess the large amount of money we donate to charities, organizations and time we spend helping the homeless doesn't mean squat because we need to actually share the money from our paychecks/businesses, it seems.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

^^^Exactly!!! And...$250,000 is not a lot of money for a small business that needs to upgrade, pay employees, buy supplies etc.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

^^^I know. It sucks and my husband is so stressed out about going out of business. The fact is, if we go above $250K, we actually have LESS money to do what we need to in order to have the business thrive and be successful. It is so depressing it makes me sick. After 8 years of working his ass off to be able to have a somewhat stable business, we are looking at the possibility of having to close up shop. It's a shame.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Vote for whomever the hell you want, and I'm going to vote for whomever the hell I want. I don't care who you vote for and you shouldn't care who I vote for. That's all I'm going to say.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

You guys are really confident that even if McCain won under the current economic crisis we face... that HE wouldn't raise taxes? Uhhh we just bailed out the banking industry.. even mccain is talking about buying bad mortgages ANDDDDD very soon we'll be bailing out the auto industry as well. My question is .. where do we think all this money to finance this is going to come from?


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by NicksWifey
Vote for whomever the hell you want, and I'm going to vote for whomever the hell I want. I don't care who you vote for and you shouldn't care who I vote for. That's all I'm going to say.

I agree with that.. politics is like religion.. it's very personal


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

^^^I agree with the buying out the mortgages. That seriously pisses me off. I honestly don't know what to do. I'm so stressed out. I just know that under Obama, our small business has a chance of failing.

But, I will say again, I am not pro-McCain either. I think he is making some dumbass choices and to be honest, I think this election just plain sucks.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
I agree with that.. politics is like religion.. it's very personal

I agree with what you are saying too.

And BTW, what I said was not directed towards anyone on this thread in a personal, attacking manner, just stating my 2 cents that's all


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

The other thing that ticks me off...Obama made a statement (to a group of young people) that we should pay for college for other people.

No one paid for our son to go to college. He worked 3 jobs! while he earned several degrees graduating Summa Cum Laude each time. Plus he earned scholarships for academic achievements & found ways to earn extra money by simply writing essays which most kids didn't do - because they were too lazy or busy partying. Good heavens, our son still works 2 jobs. He is a Professor & owns his own business.

I've been through that stage of my life during our job transitions & I certainly don't want to pay for anyone else's children now.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by rbella
^^^I agree with the buying out the mortgages. That seriously pisses me off. I honestly don't know what to do. I'm so stressed out. I just know that under Obama, our small business has a chance of failing.

But, I will say again, I am not pro-McCain either. I think he is making some dumbass choices and to be honest, I think this election just plain sucks.

I do agree...ALL Politicians right now just have me totally pissed off too!