AU Colour Story Release Dates


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
You don't need to! It is all mine
and I haven't even bought the ticket yet..



Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
PB has close up pics of BBR collection:
» Blog Archive » Brunette Blonde Redhead Collection Images
Grrr.. I want all of the lipstuff (as usual), Blonde & Redhead MSFs, Henna e/s and Frech Cuff e/s. What about you guys?

ohhh myy........ seriously, i want everything... T_T

those stuff are too pretty...
but since i'm not a Trump i think i'm going to get :
- What a ‘Do! l/s or Marquise d’ l/s
- Soft Wave l/g or Peroxide l/g
- Henna e/s
- Top Knot e/s
- 100 Strokes e/s
- Brunette MSF
- Blonde / Redhead MSF
- either #165 or #226 (i haveee to pick one)

i hope this collection will be released on different month from HK collection.. cause i budget myself $200-$300 for makeup per month.... >.<


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cassandra-ellen
We should totally do a mac new years eve! Lol.
I really wanna have a mac day/party with my friends. Go to as many mac stores/counters, shop then go back at night to do makeovers and etc!

ohhhhh this is going to be fun..... but i'll just stand there and watch you guys have some fun cause i'm pretty much broke atm....

Originally Posted by sambibabe
Visiting just one store does enough damage to my account.. Actually now I think about it, I don't even need to go to a store.. Damn Internet shopping is too convenient. Different story, if I win $30 million this Saturday.. Then I will be touring MAC stores all over the world!

if there is someone (or something in this case) to blame for myy 'financial problem' (= broke), that's online shopping!!!! >.<


Well-known member
Yeah, im pretty much broke atm too! Lol. Just went and brought a new palette and some eyeshadows.
I am in love with the items from the 'hair' collection!! Everything looks amazing!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by myystiqueen
i hope this collection will be released on different month from HK collection.. cause i budget myself $200-$300 for makeup per month.... >.<

Yeah, BBR is coming out on early Feb and HK will be out in March.


Well-known member
I have the dates:

Dame Edna: Jan 12th
Chill: Jan 12th
BBR: Feb 2nd
Hello Kitty: March 16th (can't forget this coz it is my birthday lol)
HK couture will be available at the Pro store


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
I have the dates:

Dame Edna: Jan 12th
Chill: Jan 12th
BBR: Feb 2nd
Hello Kitty: March 16th (can't forget this coz it is my birthday lol)
HK couture will be available at the Pro store



Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
I have the dates:

Dame Edna: Jan 12th
Chill: Jan 12th
BBR: Feb 2nd
Hello Kitty: March 16th (can't forget this coz it is my birthday lol)
HK couture will be available at the Pro store

aaarggghhh.... yeepeeee!!!! ^^
thanks for the info..

btw.... march 16th is also myy father's and myy bff's birthday.... lol ^^


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Paramnesia
I went to school with both a girl and a guy born the same day as me and the same year lol.

Wow, freaky!! Not only one, but two people!
Originally Posted by miss_bailey
Will HKK be available online aswell?

I think so! Just like Monogram?


Well-known member
i'm getting someone to do a CP for the upcoming BBR collection.... but i'm not going crazy cause i'm not sure how they will swatch like in person..... ^^

can't wait for dame edna.... what time do they usually come in?