Bad Customers!

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
attn: please keep your kids in control. please stop letting them break everything in the store. and at least be gracious enough to offer to pay, even though we wont make you. or at the very least apologize. dont just leave the broken glass like i didnt just hear it go crash.

how about a woman came in and her daughter straight up peed all over the floor. the woman went to her child ad was like "ITS OKAY, WERE GOING TO GO TO THE GAP AND BUY YOU A NEW OUTFIT. ITS OKAY!" and then just picked up her daughter and strolled out like it was nothing. leaving US to clean up her daughters piddle. not an apology, no miniscule attempt to clean it. just picked up her kid and walked out like anyone else. a) dont tell your kid its okay to pee yourself in public and tell them youre buying them new shit. now theyre gonna start peeing themselves everywhere. b) i dont get paid enough to clean up your daughters pee.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
attn: please keep your kids in control. please stop letting them break everything in the store. and at least be gracious enough to offer to pay, even though we wont make you. or at the very least apologize. dont just leave the broken glass like i didnt just hear it go crash.

how about a woman came in and her daughter straight up peed all over the floor. the woman went to her child ad was like "ITS OKAY, WERE GOING TO GO TO THE GAP AND BUY YOU A NEW OUTFIT. ITS OKAY!" and then just picked up her daughter and strolled out like it was nothing. leaving US to clean up her daughters piddle. not an apology, no miniscule attempt to clean it. just picked up her kid and walked out like anyone else. a) dont tell your kid its okay to pee yourself in public and tell them youre buying them new shit. now theyre gonna start peeing themselves everywhere. b) i dont get paid enough to clean up your daughters pee.

oh my god!!! How rude!


Well-known member
Ugh this one really bothered me...

It was mid-afternoon the other day and two girls that were about14 came up and one told me that the other wanted to get her eyes done because she was going to have pictures taken with her father. I said that I would love to do it and it would be just a minute, to go ahead and look at colors. They proceeded to try to talk to me about every 30 seconds and I explained to them about four more times that I was still with another customer and to please wait.
So I get things wraped up with my customer and go over to the girls. I get some stuff together to start on her makeup and tell her that we are rather busy and there are only two of us so I will have to step away once in a while but I will come right back to them and asked them if that would be okay, everything was cool. So then the girls friend asks me if I would do the girls whole face instead, sure no problem. The girl whose makeup I was doing was obviously very shy because her friend was doing all of the talking. I start to prep her skin and three customers come up so I had to step away. Then, someone forgot their credit card at the counter and my co-worker had to take it up to customer service so I was all alone and had to step away. I kept telling the girl that I was really sorry and would be right with her.
So she ended up waiting for about twenty minutes when her lovely mother comes storming up to the counter telling my co-worker how I just missed out on hundreds of dollars in sales besause I wasn't doing the girls makeup and now they were late because of me and blahhh blahhh blah.
So, I calmly go over to the women and say "Ma'am, your daughter didn't tell me that she had to leave at a certain time and I did explain to her that I would have to step away because we were very busy." So the lady tells me that her daughter asked me if I had time to do it and I should have told her no. So I explain to the lady that her daughter was extremely shy, didn't even speak to me and I told her that I could do it but it was going to take a while. That I was sorry for the confusion but I was not ignoring her daughter and that I did explain the situation clearly to her. The lady ended up apologizing to me but it was just such BS.
Why do people think that because they want their makeup done I should ignore every other customer that walks up during that time. Plus, don't freaking bitch at me if you apparently don't even know what the situation is. Ugh, people


Well-known member
I'm a customer, not a MA, but I witnessed a bad customer moment yesterday. I'm not as shy as some, and explicitly told the MA that she should help people, because I take a while to look at things anyway, and I could use the time she's helping others to look at other items. This woman comes up, and starts demanding service, even though the MA was already walking towards her. She then starts acting huffy, asks tons of questions (not a bad thing in and of itself), and gets mad when she found out how much some things cost. After about 20 minutes (while I'm waiting, looking at lipstick, and other people walk up and wait), she ends up just leaving, even though the MA had gotten some stuff out for her (she apparently "didn't want them" because they cost too much).

I don't understand how some people just assume that the world revolves around them. Yes, things cost money (and MAC is not that expensive, compared to a lot of brands). Yes, people can be in line before you, even if there is no line painted on the ground. Yes, people have feelings. It just makes you wonder how these people think while they're doing things like this.


Well-known member
Ok, I'm not an MA but I have to let this out because seeing idiots who try to blame others for their lack of brains annoys me.

So the store where i work was about to close. It's in a mall, and the policy is that we lower the gate halfway down at 9:25. So I lowered it and I'm cleaning up in the front of the store. All of a sudden I hear a BANG and OW i look to see what happened and this lady is holding the side of her face looking at me like it's all my fault. So I asked her if she was okay and she continues giving me that dirty look with one eye. This is my fault how? She was with 2 other people who went before her! And were fine! ugh. So she just walk away still looking like she is about to kill me. I told my coworker what happened and she just shook her head. So then her comes in asking for a tissue. We give it him, he leaves. End of story right? no

Bitch comes back the next morning saying that my coworker and I were rude to her, saw her bleeding and didn't help! WTF and she said that her son came in asking for help, told us that she was bleeding and we didn't do anything! Are you fucking kidding me?



Well-known member
Ugh, I had no idea how some people treat the MAs at the stores and counters! If I ever acted like some of these teens or little girls did... my mom or dad would beat the crap out of me! No manners! I mean, first thing they teach you in school is to be polite, have respect, and WAIT YOUR TURN IN LINE. I'm painfully shy when I'm in a MAC store.. and I love it when the MAs greet me... because I usually won't break the ice then. But once the ice is broken I usually know what I want.
I really give props to what you MAs have to put up with because the MAs who have helped me out have been absolute angels to me. =)

My most recent dealing was during Halloween. Just the nicest and sweetest MA ever who helped me try out so many things from the Antiquitease line and that's why I bought so much from her! I wish I had gotten her card! Silly question, but is there a way to look up which MA has rung up your purchase for you? I'd so like to come in on the days she's working again. =) I really wanted to purchase a lipliner from her badly too.. (but my mom was there and was giving me this look like.. "Do you seriously need to buy so much make-up?") Grah.

And the whole trying to get an MA the same race as you is SO silly.
A really nice MA recommended the Viva Glam VI lipglass to me when (silly me) I wanted to try on some weird light pink, blue toned lipglass, and she let me try it on (lightning I think from Blue Storm?). I think she saw how I didn't like how it looked on me, and she was like.. "Try this one, it just came out. I think it'll look pretty on you." And it was gorgeous! =) Moral of the story? I'm Asian, the MA was African American. She was lovely and I wish I had known her name at least as well! She was so happy to see my face break out into a smile after I tried on Viva Glam VI! In my personal experience, the MAs are wonderful, and you girls (and guys!) totally deserve the space to rant every once in awhile.

This is not related to retail or being an MA in anyway, maybe it is, but there's rude and nasty people everywhere! My bf teaches at a martial arts school.. and there are ALWAYS people complaining that the workout or drills are too hard! (uhm, hello, it's a martial arts school!) It's ridiculous because they never tell him to his face! They always crawl back to his MOTHER(!) of all people (because the school is family owned)! And those people have the nerve to always say they love the class he teaches! It just drives me up the wall! Because I've taught classes there before as well (which are majority male), and since I'm female... you can imagine how the men (especially the older ones) have some kind of attitude like I shouldn't even be teaching a class just because I'm a girl! But then I put them through an intense workout and keep up with them and it just shuts them up! I think that's related in a way to killing them with kindness.


I work at Lush currently, but I've been in retail of one sort or another for nearly five years.

We've had some weirdos at our store, including one man who kept asking me (loudly and aggressivley, I might add) 'who buys this crap?' 'why is this so expensive?', etc. Why are you letting your wife shop here, then, if you think it's so horrible?

There's also the ladies who come in and want ten huge samples of soap, get pissed at me because the pieces I cut are too small, and then buy one lipgloss. Attention: not only are you being rude with the soap, you are ruining my average sale! (Not that the customer should be expected to know's just sort of a let-down.)

My all-time favorite rude customer requires a little backstory. At Lush, almost everything we have has a 'face sticker' on it. The face sticker is a picture of the person who made the product, the date they made it and the date it is good until. A lot of the product in our store is made by an African American gentleman named Nic. I went to show a lady a pot of moisturizer and flipped it over to read the ingredients to her. She goes, very loudly, and in a crowded store: "Why is there a black man on it? Is it made for black people?" Bear in mind that she was 40-something and white. I almost dropped the pot.

In regards to MA's at MAC counters, I have to say that I love everyone who works at my local counter. I came in as a total newbie, and they have taught me so much. None of them have ever been rude, or condescending, and they all took the time to help me and make sure I was doing okay even if the store was busy. Two of them have even hugged me, which I think is totally cool.

Much love for everyone who works with people and has to put up with crazies!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Altair
I work at Lush currently, but I've been in retail of one sort or another for nearly five years.

We've had some weirdos at our store, including one man who kept asking me (loudly and aggressivley, I might add) 'who buys this crap?' 'why is this so expensive?', etc. Why are you letting your wife shop here, then, if you think it's so horrible?

There's also the ladies who come in and want ten huge samples of soap, get pissed at me because the pieces I cut are too small, and then buy one lipgloss. Attention: not only are you being rude with the soap, you are ruining my average sale! (Not that the customer should be expected to know's just sort of a let-down.)

My all-time favorite rude customer requires a little backstory. At Lush, almost everything we have has a 'face sticker' on it. The face sticker is a picture of the person who made the product, the date they made it and the date it is good until. A lot of the product in our store is made by an African American gentleman named Nic. I went to show a lady a pot of moisturizer and flipped it over to read the ingredients to her. She goes, very loudly, and in a crowded store: "Why is there a black man on it? Is it made for black people?" Bear in mind that she was 40-something and white. I almost dropped the pot.

In regards to MA's at MAC counters, I have to say that I love everyone who works at my local counter. I came in as a total newbie, and they have taught me so much. None of them have ever been rude, or condescending, and they all took the time to help me and make sure I was doing okay even if the store was busy. Two of them have even hugged me, which I think is totally cool.

Much love for everyone who works with people and has to put up with crazies!

I hear ya! we regularly have customers complaining about the price. i understand that we live in east germany and standard of life isnt as high as in west germany and blabla but if you cant afford it, im sorry, but i cannot change the prices for you. end of story. so stop complaining to me, how ridiculously high our products are priced. it isnt even close to the REAL upscale brands in the cosmetic sector.

i especially like it, when these customers have bags of either Douglas (big drugstore chain in germany, lots of the upscale perfume/make-up brands sold there) or Karstadt (warehouse, also lots of upscale brands, in fact the place where i get my MAC), both located right next to us. so we are expensive, but the stuff you get next door is priced alright because the ads and the pretty packaging tell you so?

the stickers also cause a lot of confusion, mostly because of the gender. "Oh, there is a man on the bottle. this means its a product spcifically for men, right?" no. read. the. text. on. the. sticker.

oh yeah, people who tell you rudely they dont need advice because they can read for themselves, and then try to wash their hands with the solid massage bars. "this is all soaps youre selling, huh!?!" i wait for the day we can have big signs out the front door "Not just a soap shop!"

and the most demanding person i saw last holiday season. she was older and with her daughter (who was approx 50 years old) and the daughter bough a tiny piece of soap. the shop was crowded, but the woman wasnt satisfied with any soap chunks we had on display and demanded a piece of the size not more than 50g, which is something your average sale wont like. so we cut it for her ("Smaller!!"), packed it for her, labelled it according to wishes ("no, no price, its a gift!!!") trying to be nice, and when my colleague cashed her, the mother bitched "and what about the free samples?!?!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
Ugh this one really bothered me...

It was mid-afternoon the other day and two girls that were about14 came up and one told me that the other wanted to get her eyes done because she was going to have pictures taken with her father. I said that I would love to do it and it would be just a minute, to go ahead and look at colors. They proceeded to try to talk to me about every 30 seconds and I explained to them about four more times that I was still with another customer and to please wait.
So I get things wraped up with my customer and go over to the girls. I get some stuff together to start on her makeup and tell her that we are rather busy and there are only two of us so I will have to step away once in a while but I will come right back to them and asked them if that would be okay, everything was cool. So then the girls friend asks me if I would do the girls whole face instead, sure no problem. The girl whose makeup I was doing was obviously very shy because her friend was doing all of the talking. I start to prep her skin and three customers come up so I had to step away. Then, someone forgot their credit card at the counter and my co-worker had to take it up to customer service so I was all alone and had to step away. I kept telling the girl that I was really sorry and would be right with her.
So she ended up waiting for about twenty minutes when her lovely mother comes storming up to the counter telling my co-worker how I just missed out on hundreds of dollars in sales besause I wasn't doing the girls makeup and now they were late because of me and blahhh blahhh blah.
So, I calmly go over to the women and say "Ma'am, your daughter didn't tell me that she had to leave at a certain time and I did explain to her that I would have to step away because we were very busy." So the lady tells me that her daughter asked me if I had time to do it and I should have told her no. So I explain to the lady that her daughter was extremely shy, didn't even speak to me and I told her that I could do it but it was going to take a while. That I was sorry for the confusion but I was not ignoring her daughter and that I did explain the situation clearly to her. The lady ended up apologizing to me but it was just such BS.
Why do people think that because they want their makeup done I should ignore every other customer that walks up during that time. Plus, don't freaking bitch at me if you apparently don't even know what the situation is. Ugh, people

"THE MOM" situations are completely ridiculous!
There are so many adolescent girls who can't phrase what they want, or who can't manage to get a refund, or who are caught stealing, that run to mommy dearest as soon as they realise that their bratty mannerisms don't stand at chance at the MAC counter.
And then, THE MOM comes barking in to the rescue, and always ALWAYS looks ridiculous doing so.
The girl can bring in her whole family if she wants to, however we MAC artists know our way around the bush


Well-known member
My Saturday:

Slow...slow...slowwwwwwww...something is wrong this holiday season people!


I had a woman come in at 10pm on saturday (we closed at 11 that night) who was muttering and slurring into her cell phone...when she got off the phone it was to loudly exclaim that she wanted her MU done because shes mad at her soon to be ex husband and blah blhablah....

anyway. The woman couldnt keep her eyes open for longer than 5 seconds at a time. When I would ask her to open...she couldnt. She also was on the phone talking about getting some oxy and adavan. This woman was on drugs...and it had to be one of the msot uncomfortable situations ever....


Well-known member
neotrad;569285I was sooo surprised that you accept returns cosmetics products that have even been used/tested there! I really feel they should change their return/exchange policy&rules in the near future. Unless customers are not allowed to try/test cosmetics at stores.[/quote said:
I totally agree Im from Denmark and here the products have a label on and if that's broken they don't do refunds.. No product that have been used is to be refunded.


Well-known member
wow these stories are crazy.

I work as a shampoo girl in a salon and have had some rude things happen to me. Like the one client who thinks she owns the salon. I was cleaning up around her while her touch-up was on her head, and I was picking up the bowl that her color was in.She stopped me and said "Oh no, don't take that. I use the brush to scratch my scalp, I get itchy. So you're not allowed to take that away while I'm still here." I laughed about it but she was totally serious.

Same client, a month later: I washed her hair and was drying it off with a towel. Well apparently I was too rough and pulled a bit of her hair. So she said "ouch" and I apologized a lot. Then she was leaving, and she gave my tip to my boss. My boss told me "Oh this is from carol, she said she would've given you $5 if you didn't pull her hair." Excuse me, bitch? If thats the case wash your own damn hair, and next time don't bother tipping me. I don't need your money.

SAME client, just a couple weeks ago: I'm vacuuming and I get to the doorway of the room she's in. I see her out of the corner of my eye so I stop the vacuum. She says "oh its so LOUD!" I said "Oh, sorry." She said "Its okay just wait until I leave." And I replied, "haha, I'll be done soon." and continued to vacuum. Someone needs to tell this lady that she doesn't run shit.

Another client was complaining about her hair the whole morning. I washed her, she got cut and blow dried, and was looking at her color in the mirror to make sure it was "right" (nevermind the fact that she's been friends with the stylist for years and years, and the stylist is the best colorist I've met) So I looked at her and said "wow it looks great, I like it a lot" To which she replies "sorry to tell you hun, but you don't count."........
I don't count? Well then bitch, you and that other client can wash your damn hair together because I doubt I'll be doing it again.

I hate how clients have a problem with you but won't just tell you, they have to run to their boss. If I did something to hurt you, why would you just sit there and take the pain? Don't you think it'd be a lot smarter to tell me that I'm hurting you instead of running to my boss and telling her bad things about me?

I hate people.


Well-known member
I got really pissed with a customer yesterday. She came and asked for my help to choose a perfume, I asked what she usually wears, why she wants the new perfume, what does she want to feel when she wears the perfume etc. She looks at me like I'm a nutcase for asking all these questions to start with.
Then we go through 4, I won't go through more because most peoples nose stops smelling them properly. Out of 4, she liked 3. She then mentions it's weird that I needed to ask the questions, and thinks maybe I just guess what perfumes to spray. (It's odd, but if someone is looking for a new perfume for themself, I want to help them find something perfect. I'm good at it, it's the only part of my job I still like.) So I spray one on her skin, because I explain to her it changes on everyones skin and she will need to smell it after about 20 mins to see if she likes this smell as this is what she will be dealing with. She said after 10 minutes she cant smell perfume, it doesn't last. So I recommend a body lotion alongside it (we don't have a shower gel for it), and she says it's a waste of money. So I proceed to demonstrate on her other arm with the body lotion then the fragrance on top, to show her the difference when you are layering. She says I'm talking rubbish, have no idea what I'm talking about, and she can't smell her difference. I tell her to wander around and tell me what she thinks of the fragrance later on. She comes back, says it's great on the arm with the body lotion, but she's comparing prices and she's not gonna buy it from me because it's £1 more expensive here. But she's gonna buy the body lotion from the other place as well.
£1. For all the help I gave her and crappy attitude I put up with, the fucking courtesy buy would have been nice. Such a bitch. I won't help her again.
(I'm not on commission, it's just I do have targets to reach and she took the piss out of me.)


Well-known member
I got a winner today.

Custy - "Can I get a Frost A86?"
Me - "Huh?"

What I really wanted to say was "REALLY? REALLY?! You can't read the name in between the texture and the batch number? You know the one that sounds like it would be a name for a lipstick?!"

I never understand why customers can totally over look the name of a lipstick or eyeshadow but remember the batch number. And THEN they act like I'm lieing to them when I tell them that they just told me the batch number and the texture but I need to know the actual NAME!!!

The other good one was this guy who came in with his friend, she wanted a make-over so I sit her down and bust out a quick eye demo on her. He's giving his suggestions on the make-up while telling me how he just got hired at the MAC store in the Beverly Center in LA - which happens to be the same store one of our freelancers used to work for before she moved up here and became a freelancer. When I tell him and introduce him to her he "corrects" me and tells me he only interviewed there and then he stopped being the opinionated friend.

Chrissi Star

Active member
I'm a new MAC MUA, and its probably that I'm new that not too much bothers me. I'm in love with my job and everything about it. I just kinda laugh all the crazies off. My favorites so far are the "older" women who are all "I need an eye shadow, but I'm 50, so I can't wear it like you young girls, so don't do it like yours" like I would just naturally put super dark, bold smokey eyes on a 50 yr old unless she asked for it. I'm like, I know! You just said you wanted natural! Like they're scared of me because I wear what they consider "young" makeup, and I coulnt posisbly understand that they wouldn't want their makeup to look like mine. Lol!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
...To which she replies "sorry to tell you hun, but you don't count."...

Are you kidding me?

What a raving, insane, self-centered, queen-of-the-world BIOTCH.

I have no more words for this... I'm close to speechless.


Well-known member
I like to accept returns on products people dropped. That makes me happy. Oh, wait: no, it doesn't.

Someone here once said "if you drive the car off the lot and get in an accident, the dealership isn't going to give you a new car." But apparently, if you throw your eyeshadow to the ground in a fit of pique, Nordstrom and MAC would be glad to replace it. I can't believe having the nerve to even attempt to return that.

Oh, but better yet: We had a woman return close to $75 worth of Barbie Loves MAC a few weeks ago (um- in November) because she'd changed her hair color and those shades didn't work for her anymore.


I have to assume she also returned all of the sweaters and shirts and earrings she bought when she was a blonde, now that they don't "go" with her new brunette look?

But since it's Nordstrom and MAC- we took it back with a smile on our faces.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
I like to accept returns on products people dropped. That makes me happy. Oh, wait: no, it doesn't.

Someone here once said "if you drive the car off the lot and get in an accident, the dealership isn't going to give you a new car." But apparently, if you throw your eyeshadow to the ground in a fit of pique, Nordstrom and MAC would be glad to replace it. I can't believe having the nerve to even attempt to return that.

Oh, but better yet: We had a woman return close to $75 worth of Barbie Loves MAC a few weeks ago (um- in November) because she'd changed her hair color and those shades didn't work for her anymore.


I have to assume she also returned all of the sweaters and shirts and earrings she bought when she was a blonde, now that they don't "go" with her new brunette look?

But since it's Nordstrom and MAC- we took it back with a smile on our faces.


I am surprised at how often that happens. I've seen people return things that were a couple of years old because "they didn't really use them" or because it shattered when they dropped it.
I have a friend who is a self-proclaimed klutz and has almost no plates left. I should tell her to start saving the shards of glass so she can get new ones.


Well-known member
Something I heard someone once say in retail to a customer who was being rude and thought I'd love to have said :

"I'm so sorry, but I'm going to have to leave it there because I'm loosing respect for you."

I work for Benefit and we get some very odd people as well! It's easy to say 'don't let rude customers get to you' , but I find it can really put a damper on my day when someone is rude. There is just know need to vent frustrations out on salespersons. I try and be as helpful to each customer as possible. It takes a lot to rattle my patience. And I always try to think about how the customer feels. Sometimes I hear a lot of them say that they felt too intimidate to ask for advice but they are glad they did! Isn't it sad that customers feel too intimidated to ask for help! I think make up companys should do more to make customers feel more at ease.