Bad Customers!


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Retail and customer service is the most underrated and overlooked occupation
As I've been working in retail for 3 years now, I try to do my best to not be one of those bad customers.


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i worked at the lingerie dept at a major department store for about 4mo....i would have stayed longer but i couldnt handle the influx of boobs in my face on a daily basis.

the one that takes the cake.....

an 80something year old lady comes up to me with no visible boobs. she tells me she hasnt worn a bra in 25 years, so i look to her midsection and HELLO...there they are!! so i measured her to the best of my ability and guessed her cup size...which happened to be right!! i led her to the fitting room and went back on the floor. 7mins later she comes back to me and unzips her the middle of the floor mind you, and asks me if it fit her. i awkwardly asked her how she felt, she said good, i said "okay! thats the one for you!" and told her when she was ready that i would ring her up.

my second favorite....i handed another elderly lady a bra after measuring her...and she stopped dead in her tracks, gave me the evil eye, and with a shrill voice said to me "aren't you coming with me?! you need to adjust me!!" ughh... so i went into the fitting room with her...i had to handle her nasty old boobs....and i ran out.


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Originally Posted by blueyesdancing
I have never ever heard of the squat and spray. wtf???

Me neither, but if it is what I think it is then YUCK!


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Dear Horrible Customer,

It is not my fault that you failed to read the print on your promotional materials. Just because you "drove 20 minutes to get here", I will not be giving you a GWP a week before it actually begins. It clearly states on the promo card in your hand that it WILL NOT begin until that date. No, you may not keep your receipt from today, bring it in next week, and receive a GWP without making another purchase. IT IS CALLED GIFT WITH PURCHASE FOR A REASON. YOU GET A GIFT IF YOU MAKE A PURCHASE WITHIN THE CORRECT TIME FRAME. And the free sample card from two months ago? It also says "While supplies last". After two months, we are going to be out.

And while we're at it, why does it strike you as appropriate behavior to fling said promotional materials at my chest and shriek "THIS IS CRAP! THIS IS CRAP!" while your young daughter watches? What kind of person would like her to grow up to be? Hopefully she'll be nothing like you, you nasty cow.

Seriously, sometimes I wonder why I do this job.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dani
(I work in a shoe store)

Attention customers: If your child has to throw up, it's ok, we understand. That's what the garbage is for. Even if you can't find a garbage in time and you have to use a bag, that's ok too! Just PLEASE, throw the bag out and DON'T put it on one of our clearance racks for me to pick up later.

EWWWW >_< grossgrossgross

You poor, poor soul. I would have fainted.



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whenever i go to the MAC counter in my local mall, i try to be as kind as possible -- if the MA suggests something i know i'm not going to like, i'll usually say "well, i really go for x-y-z instead of a-b-c-", instead of letting them put something on me that i hate only to ask them to do something else. but i never give attitude..........

............except for the one MA (who no longer works there). a snarky gay guy, he would always comment when i came in (which is about once a week LOL) on how pale i was and would say to the other MA's (when he thought i wasn't listening) that "damn that girl needs to get some sun". well, truth be told i don't tan because A.) i don't like how i look tan, B.) i'm irish, so i usually go right to sunburnt, and C.) i have alot of freckles and birthmarks, so my dermatologist told me that avoiding sun would help prevent them from possibly tuning cancerous. oh, and beyond all that, i just don't like the idea of looking like aged leather when i'm 50. it pissed me off all the time that they think they can comment on someone's appearance without knowing why they choose (or are forced to, you know) look a certain way. so i'd give him attitude right back. oh, and suggesting that i use bronzer? i say no thanks, and he pushes it anyways. i say "i don't like bronzer for myself, i feel like i look silly" and he continues to tell me how i don't know anything about makeup and i need to listen to him. needless to say, i've seen him do countless makeovers on people, only to leave them looking like hookers with day old caked on makeup. no wonder he's not there anymore............

but that being said, i really never want to be a "problem customer". i see so many women go to the MAC counter and say "i want this look", and the MA gives them what they ask for, and then the customer isn't happy because the liner isn't right, or the lipstick is too dark -- hey, you can see what they are about to do to you, why not just say (politley) "you know, i think that shade is too dark for my personal tase. do you have something lighter/sheerer/etc?". i think most MA's would appreciate that more than someone who just bitches without giving any input.

but, i love the new MA's at the local MAC counter. i give them info about what i'm looking for, my usual taste, what my fave products are, and let them give suggestions based on that. usually, i wind up discovering something great that i never would have tried on my own -- but it takes two to tango, you know? if you cooperate with them (politley, of course), they'll cooperate with you.

the moral of the story, kids, is that MA's are there to help you -- but they can't do it alone! be proactive and give input, and they will hook you up


Well-known member
oh, and on a similar topic -- i worked customer service for an insurance carrier for 3 years. you wouldn't believe some of the ridiculous situations i got involved in with unhappy subscribers.............long story short (see my above post, i talk too much!), i had a guy who wanted a refund for something he paid for out of pocket, which was clearly not covered by the plan (a cosmetic procedure), and when i denied him (i hated to do it, but it was my job) and referred him to the union hall (it was union insurance, very tricky to deal with, but the union hall sets the rules for what's payable and what's not), he threatened me, saying that i was keeping his money. in the end, he showed up at the office and tried to kick in the door to get to me, saying that he was going to kill me (i am NOT even kidding. this is exactly what happened!). cops were called, restraining orders were placed............and needless to say, no members were EVER allowed to have the address of our facility. and all for something that i had no control over. some people are just nuts.


Well-known member
I'm speechless! People really come in and demand you do their make-up because they're going out that night? And you have to do it? Is this just a US thing or are all MAC artists obliged to do this? I think that's outrageous!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amber_j
I'm speechless! People really come in and demand you do their make-up because they're going out that night? And you have to do it? Is this just a US thing or are all MAC artists obliged to do this? I think that's outrageous!

oh yeah! and they get pissed if they have to be put on the walkup list. and then when we tell them they have to stay at the counter while they wait for us to call their names, they get furious! we aren't a restaurant that gives you a pager that goes off when a seat's available. we aren't gonna page you or track you down when its your turn. if you aren't at the counter when your name is called, you get bumped off the list. thankfully at my counter a $50 purchase is required on the weekends, even if you have to wait an hour or more


Well-known member
Ohhh i got one-------

scenario - super busy day, customer asks to borrow a brush - which i usually don't agree to since that's how your brushes come up missing. But i say ok. I walk back in a few minutes to check on her and she does not have the brush.

I ask where it is - she gives me the blank stare. I ask again and she responds that she threw it away. I say 'WHAT?!!?' in my best i think i'm bout to smack you voice. She repeats that she threw it away and looks down at the garbage can - the look that says that i'm supposed to dive in and get it.

I look to the high heavens and ask for strength as i'm about to open up a can of whoop a$$.

She kinda gets that i'm slightly crazy as i start reciting the passage from The Color Purple from Miss Sophia 'all my life i had to fight' and goes diving into the garbage for the brush. She hands it back - no 'I'm sorry' nothing - just hands it to me and walks away.


Well-known member
Oh I hate customers like that, they really do think they have the right to talk in such a patronising manner to SA's. It really makes my blood boil. I'm 21 and have had so many people talk to me in that way- I work for a clothes store rather than a beauty counter and I totally agree, it definietly ruins your day but it's nice when customers come up to you and defend you or try and make you feel better. I've had people demand me give them huge discounts like 50% just because something doesn't fit them properly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
The other day I was helping these 2 really rude women. Well, I was helping one, the other one kept making comments behind me back about how I was doing everything. Her friend who I was helping kept looking at her & smirking. The friend that I'm helping goes "I need an eyeliner to match my skin." BTW, can I say how much I hate it when a customer wants a color product (other than foundation) to match their skin. If it matched their skin, what would be the point of wearing it? So anyway, I figured she wanted a natural colored eyeliner. So I go on to show her the 2 sided Heatherette pencil 1 side is brown the other is a shimmery beige. I ask her if you would like me to apply it to her eyes, she tells me that she is in a hurry & has to pick up her kids. So I swipe the colors on her hand, her friend starts making comments that I should have put it on my hand & not hers. When I explain to her that I put it on her hand because she has a totally different skin tone than me & I want her to see how the colors look against her skin, she actually shut up for the first time since she came to the counter. But, they continued exchanging little smirks & mocking me behind my back like 2 childish girls, these are two grown middle aged women BTW. I am really getting annoyed at this point & with every whisper my blood starts to boil a little more. But, I keep it profesional & try not to show my frustration. So next the lady tells me she wants a blush, I show her the beauty powder blush & ask her what type of color she is looking for. She walks up really close to me until she is just inches from my face & goes "You know what, I don't mean to insult you. But, I have been in the fashion industry for 15 years & when someone comes into my store I don't ask them what they are looking for. I just dress them! When I come to your counter I expect you to not asking me what I am looking for. I want you to tell me what I need to wear!" Her friend is sitting there the whole time nodding in agreement & then they both storm off. I'm left standing there half wanting to cry & half wanting to follow them outside & tear their hair out. All the customers who saw what was going on came over & told me they couldn't believe how those women had treated me, but that I did the right thing in keeping my cool. Needless to say they ruined my day.

Oh, you could have had a lot of fun with


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Oh, you could have had a lot of fun with

i was thinking the same thing!

i would have started LMAO like you wouldn't believe if someone said that to me! then see what their response was.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Oh, you could have had a lot of fun with

I would pay good money to have customers like that...I would have SOOOOO much fun with them...he he....