Bad Customers!


Well-known member
I like the ones who have no input on what look they are trying to achieve- hello, do you want to look natural, do you want to look like you're heading to the club, do you want an office look, a wedding look, WHAT THE F DO YOU WANT? And the snotty prom girls who say things like "Do what you think will look best, but don't make me look like a hooker." My manager gave me permission to say "I'm sorry, hooker makeup is the only style I know!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
What's squat and spray?

It's what you all thought it was...the customer squats (like the exercise), and then...sprays. I am thankful to have never actually seen it happen but well...fragrances are not really supposed to be used in "that area".

Continuing on with the bad stories...we are Bath and Body Works. We are not The Body Shop. I had two people in my three hour shift today ALONE try and return stuff from there-lipglosses, that orange shower gel, you name it.

Also do NOT tell me how to do my job. That goes without saying, but customers who tell me how to do my job..."Oh you weren't really looking", "Oh you didn't look hard enough (and in that case, another associate AGREED (!!!) with the customer)", "I'm paying for _____, and getting _____ free".

Here's a classic from right before Mum's day last year: we had this one lady who came in with a snooty tone and was looking for one of our hand soap scents (Crisp Citrus Herb) that we discontinued and only bring out at our Half-Yearly sales. When I told her the deal with it, she started asking me "Why?" and all these questions, in aforementioned snooty tone, and I gave her the answers the best I could, to try and be truthful ("the company takes a look at the items that are not selling as well as others, and they discontinue them in order to make room for new items" or something like that), but it wasn't good enough for her. All I was supposed to be doing was stocking those soaps. Well she picks out a soap and goes to the register and it was for a gift and she's dealing with our associate who NEVER loses her cool. The customer wanted it wrapped in a cello bag, but she was saying that it was not good enough. We told her about the gift bags and boxes we sell, but she said "Oh I don't have that kind of money". A few minutes later, she had the lotion and soap wrapped up and walked out. Here is the clincher though: the lotion she bought was one of our silk lotions-the lotions that retail for around $18.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
I like the ones who have no input on what look they are trying to achieve- hello, do you want to look natural, do you want to look like you're heading to the club, do you want an office look, a wedding look, WHAT THE F DO YOU WANT? And the snotty prom girls who say things like "Do what you think will look best, but don't make me look like a hooker." My manager gave me permission to say "I'm sorry, hooker makeup is the only style I know!"


Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
The other day I was helping these 2 really rude women. Well, I was helping one, the other one kept making comments behind me back about how I was doing everything. Her friend who I was helping kept looking at her & smirking. The friend that I'm helping goes "I need an eyeliner to match my skin." BTW, can I say how much I hate it when a customer wants a color product (other than foundation) to match their skin. If it matched their skin, what would be the point of wearing it? So anyway, I figured she wanted a natural colored eyeliner. So I go on to show her the 2 sided Heatherette pencil 1 side is brown the other is a shimmery beige. I ask her if you would like me to apply it to her eyes, she tells me that she is in a hurry & has to pick up her kids. So I swipe the colors on her hand, her friend starts making comments that I should have put it on my hand & not hers. When I explain to her that I put it on her hand because she has a totally different skin tone than me & I want her to see how the colors look against her skin, she actually shut up for the first time since she came to the counter. But, they continued exchanging little smirks & mocking me behind my back like 2 childish girls, these are two grown middle aged women BTW. I am really getting annoyed at this point & with every whisper my blood starts to boil a little more. But, I keep it profesional & try not to show my frustration. So next the lady tells me she wants a blush, I show her the beauty powder blush & ask her what type of color she is looking for. She walks up really close to me until she is just inches from my face & goes "You know what, I don't mean to insult you. But, I have been in the fashion industry for 15 years & when someone comes into my store I don't ask them what they are looking for. I just dress them! When I come to your counter I expect you to not asking me what I am looking for. I want you to tell me what I need to wear!" Her friend is sitting there the whole time nodding in agreement & then they both storm off. I'm left standing there half wanting to cry & half wanting to follow them outside & tear their hair out. All the customers who saw what was going on came over & told me they couldn't believe how those women had treated me, but that I did the right thing in keeping my cool. Needless to say they ruined my day.

I didn't know that you're supposed to be psychic.

What a bitch; I bet those women are powerless in their lives and in the alleged fashion industry work (they could be lying), and they live for being assy. Don't let them get to you too much


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I didn't know that you're supposed to be psychic.

What a bitch; I bet those women are powerless in their lives and in the alleged fashion industry work (they could be lying), and they live for being assy. Don't let them get to you too much



Well-known member
OMG when customers pull that "you tell me what looks best on me" crap and they truly get mad when you're trying to figure out what they like I mess with them so bad. I literally just pick out anything and usually it's a lipstick like Morange haha. When they look shocked I tell them "well you said to pick out what I think would look good on you so this is one of the MANY different colors that would look good on you. now can you tell me what type of color you'd like?"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
OMG when customers pull that "you tell me what looks best on me" crap and they truly get mad when you're trying to figure out what they like I mess with them so bad. I literally just pick out anything and usually it's a lipstick like Morange haha. When they look shocked I tell them "well you said to pick out what I think would look good on you so this is one of the MANY different colors that would look good on you. now can you tell me what type of color you'd like?"

Ha ha! I do that with Electric Eel.


Well-known member
Got another not cosmetic related one, but a bad damn customer.

A man, his wife, and daughter walked in at around 9:05pm, I know this because I checked the clock before I went outside to smoke. I saw them walking in. My manager got their beverages, and they look at the menu for awhile. We decide it's time to cut the floor, and the women whose section it was is now done for the night. So I pick up the table. From the time they sat now to the night I went over and asked if they wanted to order, had been probably five minutes. Still after nine o'clock.

My restaurant allows kids to eat free from 3-9pm. She pitched a fit because "she sat down at nine, and that she should have the discount." Her daughter was 13 and therefore NOT ELIGIBLE ANYWAY.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Ha ha! I do that with Electric Eel.

when i ask them what colors they wanna try, and they say "i don't know, you pic", i tell them that i'm gonna put hot pink shadow on them. that makes em pic a color real fast!


Well-known member
So today a co-worker of mine (at MAC) had this girl come up and ask for a full application. She told her that it would be a $50 purchase. The girl said she didn't want a full application, she wanted a demo of foundation, concealor, powder, eyes and lips. She told her it'd be $50.

So um, what exactly is the different between a full application and a "demo" of everything ever? Aren't they the same? I mean seriously, get out of here.

So she said she would pass and left. An hour later, she came back with her mom and friends and said that it was okay. So after the other artist told the mom about the $50 purchase. The mom complained for a good 10 minutes about how we made that up and that none of the other counters do that. Yeah, but we do. Go to the other counters if you don't want to pay!!

The mom then complained about how her daughter's NW40-ish skin was deff NC25, for sure. They finally left unsatisfied because they were CRAAAZZZY. Jeeeeeez. I was so mad, but I felt bad for my girl that had to deal with them!

Also, do you ever get people that like, are really rude about when you try and clarify or explain things? All the time I get people who want to buy Beauty Marked, and I just like to warn them that it is much darker than it looks in the pot. I say like, "This particular color is actually much deeper than it appears. Is that okay?" And they're all, "Yeah I know. Give me it." Then when I swatch it on my hand while they're being a bitch to me, they realize that it is BLACK and that they need to TRY stuff before they take it home. I think Beauty Marked is one of our most returned items because people are too silly to try a swipe on their hand just to see how it applies.


Well-known member
Moms please watch your kids...
I can' tell you how many times we have kids tangled into our necklaces, throwing stuff all over the floor... crawling underneath doors into the fittingrooms (while people try on clothes), crying- trying to find their mommy while she tries on shoes and doesn't even know where her kids are... wth?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
Also, do you ever get people that like, are really rude about when you try and clarify or explain things? All the time I get people who want to buy Beauty Marked, and I just like to warn them that it is much darker than it looks in the pot. I say like, "This particular color is actually much deeper than it appears. Is that okay?" And they're all, "Yeah I know. Give me it." Then when I swatch it on my hand while they're being a bitch to me, they realize that it is BLACK and that they need to TRY stuff before they take it home. I think Beauty Marked is one of our most returned items because people are too silly to try a swipe on their hand just to see how it applies.

OMG one of my biggest peeves! Whenever someone tries to return something we go through the usualy questioning

Me - "Was there something wrong with the product?"
Custy - "No I just didn't like it."
Me - "Well did you try on the product before you purchased it."
Custy - "No I tried it on at home."
Me - "If you tried it on before you purchased it then you wouldn't have to waste your time coming all the way back here to return it. That's why we have all these testers and why we're all make-up artists and not sales associates, so we can help you."


Well-known member
My biggest pet peeve so far is when customers don't want you to clean the lipstick! What the hell!? You tell them ''Here let me disinfect that for you'' and they're all like 'No.'' I once went on to explain to this lady that it's better if I sterilized the color because a virus can spread easily, and she GLARED AT ME all pissed off because I told her that. She was holding it tightly in her hands and went on to try it on. Again, what the hell?
...And then they come back with a huge ass herpes cold sore type of virus on their lips complaining to speak to the manager!
Working in anything customer related makes you realize up to what point people are effed up.


Well-known member
You know those accessories towers we have at the register? Isn't it cute when kids like to spin it around really fast like a propeller and watch as eyelash curlers, packages of sponges, travel bottles, and sharpeners fly all over the place while his mom just stands there oblivious and his little sister has to grab his hand and tell him to stop?


Well-known member
If you book in for a make-over, shouldn't you have a vague idea of what you want to try/look like/purchase? I had a chick on Saturday who was just so non-responsive that I started to fray around the edges. This was a booked event as well and my appointments were back to back and super-tight; I couldn't waste time dicking around with this chick.

Lara: So what's he go today? Was there anything special that you want to aim for today?
Client: Dunno.
Lara: Well, tell me if there was anything that you're really interested in and I can show you some great tips and tricks for that product. Do you need a new eyeliner, lipstick, maybe a foundation...?
Client: *shrug*
Lara: ...okay. Are you going out after this? Maybe we can try a nice smoky eye or some vibrant eyeliner for a nice evening look, or I can show you some nice neutral day looks instead with our new eyeshadow range.
Client: Whatever.
Lara: Do you actually want me to put anything on you? I'm happy for you to browse around instead; my next appointment is here already and I won't be bored. If you don't want the appointment I'm sure we can make other arrangements. *smiling on the outside, grinding my teeth on the inside*
Client: I want a make-over.
Lara: ...
Client: I guess I like your eyeshadow.
Lara: (OH THANK GOD.) Ok, let's do that!

Then she stayed in the store for an hour angsting over what to spend their minimum purchase on. I moved three people through my chair in the time it took her to decide on an eyeliner and a lipgloss. If you don't want to do the make-over, just ring up and cancel next time!


The day before that I had the rudest teenage brat who sulked through the entire make-over and asked for the most hideous make-up. Seriously, i was mortified that people were walking past and thinking that I'd chosen to do this girl up like that. She was as pale as I am but asked for the darkest bronzer we have applied really skunkily, the chalkiest pale pink lipstick applied really solidly, foundation crazy caked on, powdered off like a ghost and then the thickest rings of black eyeliner.
Horrible, just horrible. She was a little shit as well; she grabbed the eyeliner and bronzer when my back was turned and drew them both on darker, then whinged that I wasn't doing her make-up exactly the same as she does it at home (why pay for a make-over then?).
By this time I'd been doing back-to-back make-overs for six hours and was in no mood to deal with this shit when I could be turning and burning more clients, so I got her out the chair in record time. Her friends were very sweet though; they came up to me afterwards and apologised for her awful behaviour. I guess there's some hope left.


Well-known member
Dear Lady,

If you approach a counter and have been greeted, it's likely that the person working is not going to pause a transaction mid ring so you can find a lipstick NOW. Just sayin'. I think it was a wise decision to stomp off before the employee could put the other customer's (the one that was there BEFORE you) items in the bag as I don't think it would have been possible to please you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
You know those accessories towers we have at the register? Isn't it cute when kids like to spin it around really fast like a propeller and watch as eyelash curlers, packages of sponges, travel bottles, and sharpeners fly all over the place while his mom just stands there oblivious and his little sister has to grab his hand and tell him to stop?
