Bad Customers!


Active member
I'm a customer, but I was at the MAC counter a few days ago, and just as the MA was finishing up ringing my sale, some lady who obviously wanted to be helped just walked up behind the counter, and stood next to the MA at the register! I was thinking, maybe she's the manager or something, but I looked at the lady, who was standing almost directly behind the cash register, and realized she was a customer! I almost wanted to stick around to see how the MA was going to handle that one, lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lavish_habits
I'm a customer, but I was at the MAC counter a few days ago, and just as the MA was finishing up ringing my sale, some lady who obviously wanted to be helped just walked up behind the counter, and stood next to the MA at the register! I was thinking, maybe she's the manager or something, but I looked at the lady, who was standing almost directly behind the cash register, and realized she was a customer! I almost wanted to stick around to see how the MA was going to handle that one, lol.



Well-known member
i agree with you on this one!! even tho i feel that i'm skilled at putting makeup on MY face a lot of times i need the advice of the MA to help me out. especially when going in to try colors i don't normally work with or just wanting to try out a whole different look. everytime an MA does my face she/he does something with a color i like that i never would have thought to do on my own and i love that
also, not long ago i had to ask an MA to try out some new studio fix on me. i've been wearing the powder NC50 for YEARS but after moving to florida from the midwest my skin obviously changed and the powder and/or color made me start looking ashy. lol! so i went in and told the MA my situation. he took one look at me and was like, "i know exactly what will fit you" he gave me the liquid NC50 and i freakin love it but i never would have known that if he hadn't helped me
but bottom line, when i go to mac i go for makeup and advice. not to show them that i know everything because if i did i'd get my makeup and just bounce. not hang around to try and tell MA's about their job. they are trained and paid to steer me in the right direction so i will continue to let them take the wheel. ha! ;-)

Originally Posted by geeko
sorry but i don't agree with u on this point. Many people do not know what colours they are suited for...hence they need some advice from MAs who are more knowledeable of skin tones and colours. And that's part of what the MA's job provide advice on colours that suits the individual.

I disagree that all colours suit everyone...certain colours just make people with certain skin tones look wash out. As an MA, your job is to help the customer to choose the make up that is best suited for her skin. And u gotta admit it...not everyone is comfortable with experimentation of make up colours...And i don't think the customer is being rude in asking what colours they are suited for. There are just too many colours at the M.A.C counter that they are overwhelmed and hence need someone to guide them.

Anyway, in all takes both hands to clap ...
rude customer leads to bad service...gotta admit that. Some people just want to find fault. and these people deserve bad service..especially when they think they have the $$$ to throw around.

Know it alls can be irritating as well's like the customer is trying to prove to the MA that they know more than the MA. dohz...If they want to do so, go and become a MA themselves!

Anyway, in Singapore M.A.C doesn't allow us to exchange USED products (even if it's for 1 time only) unless we are allergic to it.....

aCTually it's the customer's responsbility to try out the colour before buying and not exchanging it when they don't like it. Hey...if u don't like it ...why did u buy it in the first place...-.- can always try the colour out first at the store....It's just a waste of product....M.A.C throws them away....

or u can just swap it off at ebay...think of all those items still in good condition (used 1-2 x) and being thrown away...tsk...i rather they give me those items.....haha



Well-known member
I just wanted to say I LOVE it when people leave dirty mascara spoolies in every alcohol beaker, leave grooves from a broken q-tip in half the shadows, leave dirty lip wands and broken Q-tips all over the place, and spill pigments all over the counter and floor and then track it out the door. It rocks.


Well-known member
I had such a rude bitch at my counter the other day. We are in GWP (Lancome) and we had freelancers, well their sales go on rotation. Soo I'd just gotten back from the stock room when a lady approached me w/ the bitchies tone of voice!!

Me: Hi how can I help you?
her: I have this coupon for 20% off..
Me: Actually ma'am that doesnt apply to cosmetics, it says it on the back
her: well I wanna use it on my slippers
Me: You can go to the shoe department pick out your slippers and have it applied there

her: I bought them here..

Surely enough I check she had gotten then rung up under my name, I never take anything but cosmetics cus it messes up my numbers and you cant apply the coupon because it will do it to the entire purchase.

her:Look here, you are just being a lazy bitch and I want my discoutn now.
Me: ok can I have the slippers..
her: for what/
Me: I need to do a return/re-buy so you can get your discount
her: I dont have time to deal with your shit, i will just return everything
Me: Ok you do have that option
her: YOu know what? I dont need your shit, i dont have to deal with this
Me: neither do I.

and I walked away. gosh dude, i was surprised she didnt report me or anything. but the Freelancer that helped her said that she had HUGE attitude with her too.

ugh I wanted to punch her straight in her buck toothed mouth.


Well-known member
^^ Do you work at Macy's (jw, as we're in Lancome GWP also). If that's the case, actually, the backs of all those coupons say that they don't apply to prior purchases
And at least at my store, even the managers have really cut back on letting customers use those coupons on their prior purchases.

I'm just sick of managers doing whatever a customer wants no matter what without even letting the customer know that the associate was following the policy (Mam, I'm sorry we can't take back your used worn eyeshadow, that judging by the color was discontinued over 2 years ago, especially since you don't have a reciept or a box and our return policy as clearly stated is 180 days... Manager comes over and says "Go ahead") so I love it when a manager actually follows a policy LOL.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
I had such a rude bitch at my counter the other day. We are in GWP (Lancome) and we had freelancers, well their sales go on rotation. Soo I'd just gotten back from the stock room when a lady approached me w/ the bitchies tone of voice!!

Me: Hi how can I help you?
her: I have this coupon for 20% off..
Me: Actually ma'am that doesnt apply to cosmetics, it says it on the back
her: well I wanna use it on my slippers
Me: You can go to the shoe department pick out your slippers and have it applied there

her: I bought them here..

Surely enough I check she had gotten then rung up under my name, I never take anything but cosmetics cus it messes up my numbers and you cant apply the coupon because it will do it to the entire purchase.

her:Look here, you are just being a lazy bitch and I want my discoutn now.
Me: ok can I have the slippers..
her: for what/
Me: I need to do a return/re-buy so you can get your discount
her: I dont have time to deal with your shit, i will just return everything
Me: Ok you do have that option
her: YOu know what? I dont need your shit, i dont have to deal with this
Me: neither do I.

and I walked away. gosh dude, i was surprised she didnt report me or anything. but the Freelancer that helped her said that she had HUGE attitude with her too.

ugh I wanted to punch her straight in her buck toothed mouth.

Wow, that's awful. You can refuse service to a customer, you just have to have a good reason and she gave you plenty of good reasons to not do it.


Well-known member
...I feel like it's getting to that time of year where this should be bumped.
((sorry for those of you who this is old news to))


Well-known member
Oh, hell yes. How bout the crazy who yelled at me for making her use the credit card digital signature thingy because THIS HAS GERMS! GET ME SANITIZER NOW!

Oh, or the woman with open meth sores who walks around tweaking and digs both hands into jars of our perfumed body creams or anti-aging lotions and smears them everywhere- so we get to clean up the mess and throw away the testers?

I'm glad I have some fantastic customers, otherwise I'd say humanity was screwed based on some of our nutcases.


Well-known member
^ vommmm!! I just really heart this topic, so I'm posting 2 of my most recent special customer experiences:

-I posted my story about the lady who called me stingy a million times because after spending my time answering her questions regarding what eyeshadow to wear with one she had at home, a sample that would last her at least a weeks worth of applications was absolutely unacceptable.

-Also, the other day I had somebody ask me if I was color blind. Well, no I'm not color blind. However, you're trying to cover darkness. And a great GREAT deal of darkness that you're having an issue with is coming from your moustache. So please, do not insult me. Because if I were to run into you after I was off the clock- you have NO idea how badly I LOVE to tell you that. But instead I'll just smile. Oh and for your information, up until I was about 5-6 I was legally blind. Am I going to tell you that and make you feel like a dickhead? No. Why? Because you my dear are bitchy enough for the two of us.

WooHoo everyone, Black Friday's comin' up. Repeat after me- "No, we don't have any sales. We sell makeup. Not furnature. Not Clothing. Makeup. Try CVS."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kim.
Since they have testers I thought they could use them for that after they sanitized or did whatever to the returned product.

The other day I went into the Bay to take a look at the MAC counter and I went there and didn't really see what I was looking for and I was just looking at all the stuff so overwhelmed and then there was this lady and her friend or mom (I'm not sure) who was getting her makeup done and the lady not doing anything was freaking out because the mall was testing the fire bells or something and they kept going on and off (it was pretty loud). The MUA who was doing the ladies makeup had to stop and try and calm the other lady down and they were asking her if she wanted a coffee and to make small talk with her but this lady would not shut up she just kept freaking out over how loud the bells were. I walked away and went to look at other stuff but I felt so bad for the MUA because she was trying and the lady was being ridiculous.

I have to say I get panicky with fire alarms, or any loud noise.
It's like a phobia of mine.
So I understand why that lady must have been panicked.
I can't help that I get super nervous.


Well-known member
One that never fails to get me cracking up in laughter at work -

Our appointment diary is FULL every single saturday, usually booked weeks in advance, our counter is quite renowned for of of the busiest appointment diaries in our region, obviously customers dont realise this but, SO often we get the phone call

customer - Hi im just wondering if i can book in to get my make up done on saturday?
MAC - we're fully booked for saturday Im afraid
customer - Oh... is there nothing around 6pm?
MAC - No sorry its fully booked all day
customer - so you dont even have anything in the morning?
MAC - no, sorry, people book them weeks in advance
customer - (always goes quiet for a few seconds)... so theres nothing?

ERRR NO!!are you not listening!?

honestly this happens every week its crazy, its like people think we are lying or that we cant actually read a diary properly its hilarious!


Well-known member
OMG hearing these stories makes me NOT miss working in retail. I worked at Macy's for awhile in shoes and then as a lead for their Junior's department... the worst thing I ever had to deal with was a woman who tried to return a pair of red pants (that were wet) and a fluffy sweater that was once white, but at the time was a pinkish color. She clearly washed the two together. After insisting for a good 5 minutes that I could NOT take the clothing back, she asked for a manger, who of course said "just do the return." Ugh.

I worked in Customer Service for an insurance company too (call center), and people were even worse over the phone. I think it's easier to be rude to people when you don't see them standing in front of you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by s0_fam0us
I worked in Customer Service for an insurance company too (call center), and people were even worse over the phone. I think it's easier to be rude to people when you don't see them standing in front of you.

I don't think the standing in front of them part has much to do with it. I really think some people just believe that you are being paid to take their crap right along with servicing them. I've worked at a grocery store, a hotel as a guest service rep, and at Macys in the shoe dept. And I've come to the conclusion that some customers honestly think you are supposed to A) wait on them hand and foot, B) believe any and everything that they say, C) smile while they talk to you like a dog. Guess what? I do not have to do any of those things. And if you don't like it, feel free to speak to the manager. As a matter of fact, here's the number and address to our corporate office. Feel free to file a formal complaint while you're at it b/c I am 99% positive that I am doing my job correctly. Thanks.

I once had a customer and a "lady friend" i.e. lady of the night, check into the hotel only to return to the counter 2 hours later ready to check out. I asked if there was a problem with the room, and he said no, but that he wanted a refund. I say well sir you have been in the room for 2 hours and you yourself said there was nothing wrong. The cleaning staff has left for the day, so I can't clean that room and reuse it tonight. Therefore, I have to charge you for a night's stay, so you are more than welcome to stay the night. He got all huffy and started yelling about me lying and that I know I could at least partially refund him b/c he didn't even use the room that much. Ummmm.... clearly you came in here to have sex w/ this prostiture and now want me to give you your money back? NO!

I knew he was lying so I lied and said well sir, i can go up and inspect the room. And if everything is ok, I can leave a message with the manager to issue you a refund tomorrow. I cannot however give you any back tonight. Only the manager is authorized to issue refunds in these situations.

When I mentioned going up to the room to check, he quickly changed his mind and said "Oh... uh.... nevamind. " and stormed out.

I mean, we are not an hourly motel. That's just nasty.


Well-known member
oooh god Lancome GWP.
Working at that counter has honestly made me realize just how damn cheap everyone is.
Okay so I just gave you a free gift along with a tote bag, and you have the nerve to ask me for several samples? Really?

And the other day a lady came in and bought an eye cream ($75) and a waterproof liner. I gave her a gift and a tote, and then she stood there and demanded that I give her another gift, because she has three daughters and needs to give them to them, and she spent quite a bit of money etc etc blah blah blah.
REALLY? DO I CARE? We have customers who drop 300$ and don't even ask for two gifts. It's your choice to buy from our line, it SAYS 1 PER CUSTOMER on every single freaking poster, it's not my problem you have three daughters and you spent OMG 103$ at our counter. Good for you. I'm 17 years old and I spend more money at counters than you, and never am I stingy about it.
Plus, I would be pretty pissed if I was one of her kids and I ended up with the tote bag while the others got makeup in theirs. What a shitty gift.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mello
oooh god Lancome GWP.
Working at that counter has honestly made me realize just how damn cheap everyone is.
Okay so I just gave you a free gift along with a tote bag, and you have the nerve to ask me for several samples? Really?

And the other day a lady came in and bought an eye cream ($75) and a waterproof liner. I gave her a gift and a tote, and then she stood there and demanded that I give her another gift, because she has three daughters and needs to give them to them, and she spent quite a bit of money etc etc blah blah blah.
REALLY? DO I CARE? We have customers who drop 300$ and don't even ask for two gifts. It's your choice to buy from our line, it SAYS 1 PER CUSTOMER on every single freaking poster, it's not my problem you have three daughters and you spent OMG 103$ at our counter. Good for you. I'm 17 years old and I spend more money at counters than you, and never am I stingy about it.
Plus, I would be pretty pissed if I was one of her kids and I ended up with the tote bag while the others got makeup in theirs. What a shitty gift.

So she spend a hundred bucks on herself, and you were supposed to provide gifts for her kids? Lovely. At least she didn't bring them with her, she probably would have expected you to watch them too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shorty
One that never fails to get me cracking up in laughter at work -

Our appointment diary is FULL every single saturday, usually booked weeks in advance, our counter is quite renowned for of of the busiest appointment diaries in our region, obviously customers dont realise this but, SO often we get the phone call

customer - Hi im just wondering if i can book in to get my make up done on saturday?
MAC - we're fully booked for saturday Im afraid
customer - Oh... is there nothing around 6pm?
MAC - No sorry its fully booked all day
customer - so you dont even have anything in the morning?
MAC - no, sorry, people book them weeks in advance
customer - (always goes quiet for a few seconds)... so theres nothing?

ERRR NO!!are you not listening!?

honestly this happens every week its crazy, its like people think we are lying or that we cant actually read a diary properly its hilarious!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by mello
oooh god Lancome GWP.
Working at that counter has honestly made me realize just how damn cheap everyone is.
Okay so I just gave you a free gift along with a tote bag, and you have the nerve to ask me for several samples? Really?

And the other day a lady came in and bought an eye cream ($75) and a waterproof liner. I gave her a gift and a tote, and then she stood there and demanded that I give her another gift, because she has three daughters and needs to give them to them, and she spent quite a bit of money etc etc blah blah blah.
REALLY? DO I CARE? We have customers who drop 300$ and don't even ask for two gifts. It's your choice to buy from our line, it SAYS 1 PER CUSTOMER on every single freaking poster, it's not my problem you have three daughters and you spent OMG 103$ at our counter. Good for you. I'm 17 years old and I spend more money at counters than you, and never am I stingy about it.
Plus, I would be pretty pissed if I was one of her kids and I ended up with the tote bag while the others got makeup in theirs. What a shitty gift.

Omg I feeeel your pain, I worked there for almost a year..."I've spent a lot, don't you think I deserve a little something??" UMMMM no one makes you spend your money, greedy bitch. lol I really don't know why people that shop at lancome are so effin rude.


Well-known member
God save me from people who get a m/over, purchase their minimum spend of products and then return it three weeks later because they need to pay off their credit card.

Your lack of planning doesn't constitute a valid reason for a return.