Bad Customers!


Well-known member
the other night I spent w whole bunch of time with this girl...She wanted me to try the makeup on her eyes but just eyeball it as far as which foundation,setting powder,+blush she would be... She kept putting the crease color back then changing her mind...Then after I rang her up "so how much time do I have to return this"...
So she's either planning on using it for her party and returning it or didn't have the balls to say she didn't like the makeup (and trust me, I made it clear she didn't have to buy anything. I hateee returns).

Like really? Just don't effing get anything. I'd rather make you samples and have you buy nothing than start my week off $-115.


Well-known member
Wow, you know what really sucks? Is that rude people like that (costumers) ruin it for good costumers sometimes. I remember when I was younger and would muster up the courage to even step into a MAC store, the MA's had a certain attitude about them... like "oh great, another kid who's gonna waste my time" kind of attitude. For the longest time, MAC MA's had intimidated the crap out of me. I once went to a counter to find my shade of concealer and the girl like slapped it on my face and rubbed it in with no grace or gentleness. She didn't smile at me once, and she surely wasn't friendly. But as an artist, I now completely understand haha. Most teenage kids are not how I was... considerate.

Now as freelance artist...I seriously pray when I encounter people who just want to give me a hard time... I pray that God won't let me stick a brush up their nose and leave them their. haha


Can I add people that throw tantrums when their product is out of stock?? I know it's frustrating, but I have no control over your NC40 studio fix being out... you can also keep the "this is why I never shop here, you are always out of stock of *my* things, I'm never coming back here!!!!....blah blah blah*storms off*) to yourself, because at that point I'm like... sorry about that (had you not been such a raving bitch, I would have called other counters to see if they could hold your product for you), can I help whose next!

Ahhhh... okay, I feel a little better


Well-known member
My BIGGEST pet peeve is when the counter/store is loaded with people we're all busy, people are waiting in line etc and you have that one person that always thinks they're better than to wait in line. News flash. If the person I have right now had to wait 10 minutes, than you do too. I'll never get why people think they're the only people in the world.

Second biggest would have to be when you get someone in a chair and they have friends and family all around and theres one person who feels they know way more than you and you're a complete idiot. I can't tell you how many times I've had people tell me I'm doing it all wrong, then when I asked them a question they say "You're supposed to be the professional." Ok, so if I'm supposed to be the professional and you don't want to aid me in understanding what it is that you want, than stop interupting me to tell me I'm doing it wrong.

If it weren't for our sweet customers I would go crazy sometimes.


Originally Posted by effboysinthebut
Second biggest would have to be when you get someone in a chair and they have friends and family all around and theres one person who feels they know way more than you and you're a complete idiot. I can't tell you how many times I've had people tell me I'm doing it all wrong, then when I asked them a question they say "You're supposed to be the professional." Ok, so if I'm supposed to be the professional and you don't want to aid me in understanding what it is that you want, than stop interupting me to tell me I'm doing it wrong.

Ugh, this also drives me crazy... what makes me want to scream is when the person getting the makeover actually likes their makeup, but you have an overbearing mother/sister/friend... interupting you and critiquing your every move.


Well-known member
I had someone come in the other day and when I greeted her, she looked me up and down and rolled her eyes. Uhmkay. So I go about my business and she is looking at blushes, still rolling her eyes and whispering to her friend, ignoring my questions and such. Fine, I have things I need to do anyway. THEN she gets some brush cleaner and before I can stop her starts squirting all over her hands and it's running all over the place. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. You need some help now?


Well-known member
I saw a woman yesterday in Sephora pull out her face powder from her bag, and proceed to use one of the new, unused brushes in the holders to apply her powder. She then put the brush back in the container, after pulling up the plastic to make it look new. I almost wanted to laugh, and then started thinking, "Well, what about all the customers who think they're buying brand-new, unused brushes?!" It made me a little sick to my stomach. I know Sephora's policy is meant to be very do-it-yourself, with the products all out and on display, but I think they'd be better served keeping the brushes behind a register, like MAC and the other counters.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by effboysinthebut
My BIGGEST pet peeve is when the counter/store is loaded with people we're all busy, people are waiting in line etc and you have that one person that always thinks they're better than to wait in line. News flash. If the person I have right now had to wait 10 minutes, than you do too. I'll never get why people think they're the only people in the world.

Second biggest would have to be when you get someone in a chair and they have friends and family all around and theres one person who feels they know way more than you and you're a complete idiot. I can't tell you how many times I've had people tell me I'm doing it all wrong, then when I asked them a question they say "You're supposed to be the professional." Ok, so if I'm supposed to be the professional and you don't want to aid me in understanding what it is that you want, than stop interupting me to tell me I'm doing it wrong.

If it weren't for our sweet customers I would go crazy sometimes.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
OMG one of my biggest peeves! Whenever someone tries to return something we go through the usualy questioning

Me - "Was there something wrong with the product?"
Custy - "No I just didn't like it."
Me - "Well did you try on the product before you purchased it."
Custy - "No I tried it on at home."
Me - "If you tried it on before you purchased it then you wouldn't have to waste your time coming all the way back here to return it. That's why we have all these testers and why we're all make-up artists and not sales associates, so we can help you."

I have to disagree with that. A lot of the times I'd much rather try something on at home rather than in the store. I would never want to try on a lip product that was a tester, that's just me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by doll.face
I have to disagree with that. A lot of the times I'd much rather try something on at home rather than in the store. I would never want to try on a lip product that was a tester, that's just me.

Its fine that ppl may not want to try lipstick testers on their lips but I think ppl can get a pretty good idea of the colour on the back of their hand or fingertip. If theyre still REALLY unsure then MAC have alcohol around to clean/sanitize and de-germ the lipsticks so they can be tried on the lips.

I think if retailers can make every effort to ensure full, clean testers (our lipsticks are cleaned daily) and also sanitising materials are available, the customer should compromise and try before buy - it keeps us all happy and means cust. doesnt come back for return and mac makes the sale and doesnt lose that product.

With clothes / shoes - yeah sometimes I will try at home when I dont have time to stand in fitting room queues but with cosmetics its instantaneous so why not.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
wow these stories are crazy.

I work as a shampoo girl in a salon and have had some rude things happen to me. Like the one client who thinks she owns the salon. I was cleaning up around her while her touch-up was on her head, and I was picking up the bowl that her color was in.She stopped me and said "Oh no, don't take that. I use the brush to scratch my scalp, I get itchy. So you're not allowed to take that away while I'm still here." I laughed about it but she was totally serious.

Same client, a month later: I washed her hair and was drying it off with a towel. Well apparently I was too rough and pulled a bit of her hair. So she said "ouch" and I apologized a lot. Then she was leaving, and she gave my tip to my boss. My boss told me "Oh this is from carol, she said she would've given you $5 if you didn't pull her hair." Excuse me, bitch? If thats the case wash your own damn hair, and next time don't bother tipping me. I don't need your money.

SAME client, just a couple weeks ago: I'm vacuuming and I get to the doorway of the room she's in. I see her out of the corner of my eye so I stop the vacuum. She says "oh its so LOUD!" I said "Oh, sorry." She said "Its okay just wait until I leave." And I replied, "haha, I'll be done soon." and continued to vacuum. Someone needs to tell this lady that she doesn't run shit.

Another client was complaining about her hair the whole morning. I washed her, she got cut and blow dried, and was looking at her color in the mirror to make sure it was "right" (nevermind the fact that she's been friends with the stylist for years and years, and the stylist is the best colorist I've met) So I looked at her and said "wow it looks great, I like it a lot" To which she replies "sorry to tell you hun, but you don't count."........
I don't count? Well then bitch, you and that other client can wash your damn hair together because I doubt I'll be doing it again.

I hate how clients have a problem with you but won't just tell you, they have to run to their boss. If I did something to hurt you, why would you just sit there and take the pain? Don't you think it'd be a lot smarter to tell me that I'm hurting you instead of running to my boss and telling her bad things about me?

I hate people.

That's so awful! I'm always so flattered and thankful when ANYONE in the salon says my new color/cut/whatever looks nice. I've been going to the same salon for awhile and I could never imagine saying "you don't count" to anyone! Gosh, that is just SO rude.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
Its fine that ppl may not want to try lipstick testers on their lips but I think ppl can get a pretty good idea of the colour on the back of their hand or fingertip. If theyre still REALLY unsure then MAC have alcohol around to clean/sanitize and de-germ the lipsticks so they can be tried on the lips.

I think if retailers can make every effort to ensure full, clean testers (our lipsticks are cleaned daily) and also sanitising materials are available, the customer should compromise and try before buy - it keeps us all happy and means cust. doesnt come back for return and mac makes the sale and doesnt lose that product.

With clothes / shoes - yeah sometimes I will try at home when I dont have time to stand in fitting room queues but with cosmetics its instantaneous so why not.

Yeah, I understand what your saying but MAC does offer returns. I feel like if they really, really didn't want to get used makeup back, they wouldn't offer returns.

Plus, I really don't trust most MAs, especially at the counters around here. Most of them are so snotty and don't pay attention to anything. I could see them not giving two shits if someone double dipped.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I don't work at a counter, but it annoyed me today when these two girls cut in line in front of me and then stood there, looking at me and giggling while talking in some foreign language (something East European is all I could tell from the accent).

You should've told them to get to the back of the line! I HATE when people cut in front of me and I'll tell you right now, it's NOT going to happen. You're not going to cut in front of me on line at the grocery store, MAC counter, or when we're driving (unless of course I realize it's going to be a dangerous situation). Not today buddy!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Yeah, customers are getting really physical lately. In the last few months it's gone from people walking right up behind me when I'm engaged with someone else and shouting at me for product/directions/whatever, to people grabbing my arm or shirt and trying to spin me around.

That and customers are getting really verbally abusive. I've lost count of how many times I've been called a bitch/cunt/whore/whatever because I don't have a brand you're after, I'm not sure where shops A, B and C are in the shopping complex, something is out of stock, I don't speak Indian/Chinese/Korean/Arabic, etc etc etc.

We're not your punching bags, please.

That's one thing I would NEVER tolerate. If someone put a hand on me, I'd politely tell them not to. That's WRONG. You can't just put your hands on someone else like that!

If people start to get verbal, I'd ask them to please calm down or else I can't help them. I just started a new job in customer service so I'm sure, eventually, I'll get some bananas customer. It's true though. How are we supposed to help you if you're name calling?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by doll.face
That's one thing I would NEVER tolerate. If someone put a hand on me, I'd politely tell them not to. That's WRONG. You can't just put your hands on someone else like that!

If people start to get verbal, I'd ask them to please calm down or else I can't help them. I just started a new job in customer service so I'm sure, eventually, I'll get some bananas customer. It's true though. How are we supposed to help you if you're name calling?

I've found that some really horrible customers count on that. Like, "if I act crazy enough they will give what I want just to shut me up".
I've seen it happen way too many times. You can usually tell b/c all the drama will stop instantly once they get what they want. SMH


Well-known member
A costumer at my counter tried the loose mineralized powder on with the sponge-thing in the lid while I was helping someone else. And she used the sponge from the DEEP DARK powder to apply LIGHT! xD
When I told her to use a clean sponge she went "ohh, THAT'S why the powder looks so much darker on my skin than it does in the container!"

...she wasn't so much a "bad" costumer but kinda funny :b


Well-known member
Ok, Im not an MA but I have a question for those of you who are. Is it too much to ask that while you are helping me (after I've waited patiently like a good girl) when a rude ass comes up and says "I need this, can you show me that?" could you please just say I'll be with you shortly, and not just leave me hanging because this idiot is screaming at the top of her lungs and feels she doesn't have to wait. I've had a few MA's who will say wait your turn or something like that, but most just handle the rude customer and make me wait. Why is that?