Bad Customers!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by l1onqueen
Ok, Im not an MA but I have a question for those of you who are. Is it too much to ask that while you are helping me (after I've waited patiently like a good girl) when a rude ass comes up and says "I need this, can you show me that?" could you please just say I'll be with you shortly, and not just leave me hanging because this idiot is screaming at the top of her lungs and feels she doesn't have to wait. I've had a few MA's who will say wait your turn or something like that, but most just handle the rude customer and make me wait. Why is that?

Sometimes telling them that you will be right with them works, sometimes not. Some people will STARE you down or give you dirty looks. It's very uncomfortable. If the impatient person just needs something quick, your MAs probably just want to get them out of their hair so they can focus on you.


Well-known member
Hmm...I never thought of it that way. I guess it could be uncomfortable for you all. And I guess I would rather have my MAs' full attention. I just hate that the person with no manners "gets" their way in the situation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by l1onqueen
Ok, Im not an MA but I have a question for those of you who are. Is it too much to ask that while you are helping me (after I've waited patiently like a good girl) when a rude ass comes up and says "I need this, can you show me that?" could you please just say I'll be with you shortly, and not just leave me hanging because this idiot is screaming at the top of her lungs and feels she doesn't have to wait. I've had a few MA's who will say wait your turn or something like that, but most just handle the rude customer and make me wait. Why is that?

OHHHH ohhhhhh, I have that answer!!!! That bitchy customer is the first one to complain that she didn't get 'good' service and is on the website 5 minutes later and my job is in jeopardy. Trust me - we wanna stay with you as you are polite and the conversation is fun. She also is loud and rude to everyone and sometimes we just wanna get her out before her head explodes and i have to clean it up.

Trust me - we are torn either way it goes. Someone is gonna be mad and want to complain but 9 times outta 10 the rude one is already threatening to call a manager or write in and sometimes it's just easier to make her go away.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
OHHHH ohhhhhh, I have that answer!!!! That bitchy customer is the first one to complain that she didn't get 'good' service and is on the website 5 minutes later and my job is in jeopardy. Trust me - we wanna stay with you as you are polite and the conversation is fun. She also is loud and rude to everyone and sometimes we just wanna get her out before her head explodes and i have to clean it up.

Trust me - we are torn either way it goes. Someone is gonna be mad and want to complain but 9 times outta 10 the rude one is already threatening to call a manager or write in and sometimes it's just easier to make her go away.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by l1onqueen
Ok, Im not an MA but I have a question for those of you who are. Is it too much to ask that while you are helping me (after I've waited patiently like a good girl) when a rude ass comes up and says "I need this, can you show me that?" could you please just say I'll be with you shortly, and not just leave me hanging because this idiot is screaming at the top of her lungs and feels she doesn't have to wait. I've had a few MA's who will say wait your turn or something like that, but most just handle the rude customer and make me wait. Why is that?

Calbear was right. TRUSTTT MEEE- we would rather be helping you than mrs.pushylady...But it's a lot easier to just try to help her and then get back to you because we know that you're a sane respectful person and won't yell at/report us for not dropping what we're doing to help them. It's not because the MA doesn't value you as a customer or because we would rather help's because we usually have our customers down to a T after working as a MA for only a month, and this type of customer is more common than you'd think.


Well-known member
well that makes me feel little better. I thought I was being taken advantage of. It always helps to hear it from all angles. You girls rock!


Well-known member
How abt when you get the girl who doesnt wear much MU but wants to wear red lipstick cos its so bold and out there for this party shes going to.

So you spend 10 mins demo-ing the perfect red lip on her and you both know it looks great... eventually there you are ringing it all through and you look up to see her wiping it off with a tissue and smearing it across her upper lip and chin and you say "aww your taking it off?!"

she replies "er yeah! I have to go out there and face the world, meet ppl y'know" - HOW IS A HOT RED LIP GONNA FRICKIN STOP YOU????????????



Well-known member
Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
How abt when you get the girl who doesnt wear much MU but wants to wear red lipstick cos its so bold and out there for this party shes going to.

So you spend 10 mins demo-ing the perfect red lip on her and you both know it looks great... eventually there you are ringing it all through and you look up to see her wiping it off with a tissue and smearing it across her upper lip and chin and you say "aww your taking it off?!"

she replies "er yeah! I have to go out there and face the world, meet ppl y'know" - HOW IS A HOT RED LIP GONNA FRICKIN STOP YOU????????????


Or they look in the mirror and you can see the horror behind their eyes, even if it looks fantastic so then you spend five minutes trying to wipe Ruby Woo off. They are not used to seeing themselves with red lips. In that case, Venetian is your friend. I always have it on hand during the holidays. It is the gateway red...ha ha ha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Or they look in the mirror and you can see the horror behind their eyes, even if it looks fantastic so then you spend five minutes trying to wipe Ruby Woo off. They are not used to seeing themselves with red lips. In that case, Venetian is your friend. I always have it on hand during the holidays. It is the gateway red...ha ha ha.

Wow, I just had this scenario. The girl wanted to try red lips because it is the holiday season. She had a pretty complexion and I applied Dubonnet on her with Venetian Lusterglass. She kept going back and forth on whether she should buy it since she's never done reds and finally other customers around had to convince her that she looks hot in it. She was actually a decent customer but it just took awhile.


Well-known member
I love the MA's @ my MAC store & I can't stand when customers get their makeup done just to walk around the mall & return everything the following day.


Well-known member
I just read most of this thread and there should seriously be a movie about all the stuff that happens to you guys!
My goodness!
If I ever go into a MAC store and see any of this stuff happen I'll walk myself over to them and tell them everything the MA wishes they could tell them!
Why do people think that because they are the customer that they can treat employees who are helping THEM like crap?!?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jaclynashley
I just read most of this thread and there should seriously be a movie about all the stuff that happens to you guys!
My goodness!
If I ever go into a MAC store and see any of this stuff happen I'll walk myself over to them and tell them everything the MA wishes they could tell them!
Why do people think that because they are the customer that they can treat employees who are helping THEM like crap?!?!

because they:
-think we're dumb
-think they know more about the products than we do
-feel like being a giant d-bag to somebody and know that we can't fight back.
-are old jealous biatches. ((it's true sometimes...sorry))
-read something somewhere a million years ago about some rule and you're going against it. (("well i'm a spring so i'm not supposed to wear this color. you clearly have NO idea what you're talking about!!"))


Well-known member
I can't believe how many people cut in line and stormed off today...what in the world did they expect coming to the mall on the day after x-mas? To the people who were patient, thank you. I went to grab a bite to eat at the foodcourt and the guy behind the counter was almost in tears.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
I can't believe how many people cut in line and stormed off today...what in the world did they expect coming to the mall on the day after x-mas? To the people who were patient, thank you. I went to grab a bite to eat at the foodcourt and the guy behind the counter was almost in tears.

Thank you thank you! I was trying on foundation on a customer today, and this lady came between us and asked me to help her find her foundation color. I said" Sure, I'll be right with you, I'm just going to finish with my customer!"
So I continued trying on the foundation on the poor girl, and the lady was litterally staring at me for like a full 2 minutes, and then stormed off.
What are you like expecting I put down the sponge and stop helping her so that I can help you Miss Majesty??

But today was very crazy at MAC! There were alot of people who wanted to purchase products with the giftcards they received at Christmas.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
Thank you thank you! I was trying on foundation on a customer today, and this lady came between us and asked me to help her find her foundation color. I said" Sure, I'll be right with you, I'm just going to finish with my customer!"
So I continued trying on the foundation on the poor girl, and the lady was litterally staring at me for like a full 2 minutes, and then stormed off.
What are you like expecting I put down the sponge and stop helping her so that I can help you Miss Majesty??

But today was very crazy at MAC! There were alot of people who wanted to purchase products with the giftcards they received at Christmas.

It was nuts! We had quite a few customers storm off. I had one girl who had been waiting FOREVER...and when I went to ring her up, she stepped up to the cash wrap, in front of a girl who had been standing there for about a minute. The girl who had been standing there for a minute was like, "Uhm....OOOOOOOkkkkkkkkay!". My patient customer apologized and asked her if she wanted to get ahead of her. She said, "NO! You just go ahead!"


Well-known member
So I got a lady who wanted to returned a B2M lipstick. I told her "Im sorry but since you received this at no cost for your recycling, I cannot exchange or return it. It is final purchase" and she INSISTED "But its because I bought 6 lipsticks and brought them empty" well no s**t but you could have easily thrown away the package and gotten diddlysquat for them. So again, I politely tell her, "Im sorry but we cannot do anything for you because again it was free, and final purchase" she says " I don't want to return, just exchange it." seriously?? What part of no you didn't pay for it and its an incentive, which we let you know its FINAL purchase. So in the end she was like "fine!" and left.

I seriously don't understand this. Why are people like that? Not only do you get something free for your trash, but trying to abuse it? Hmmm.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
So I got a lady who wanted to returned a B2M lipstick. I told her "Im sorry but since you received this at no cost for your recycling, I cannot exchange or return it. It is final purchase" and she INSISTED "But its because I bought 6 lipsticks and brought them empty" well no s**t but you could have easily thrown away the package and gotten diddlysquat for them. So again, I politely tell her, "Im sorry but we cannot do anything for you because again it was free, and final purchase" she says " I don't want to return, just exchange it." seriously?? What part of no you didn't pay for it and its an incentive, which we let you know its FINAL purchase. So in the end she was like "fine!" and left.

I seriously don't understand this. Why are people like that? Not only do you get something free for your trash, but trying to abuse it? Hmmm.

I've seen that a few times. Because so many companies bend over backwards for people, and they start to expect it everywhere. You know the saying, "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile."

Oh, and I KNEW this thread would be resurrected during/after the holidays!
I don't know about y'all, but I need a stiff drink.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
I've seen that a few times. Because so many companies bend over backwards for people, and they start to expect it everywhere. You know the saying, "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile."

Oh, and I KNEW this thread would be resurrected during/after the holidays!
I don't know about y'all, but I need a stiff drink.

Oh yeah dude, I have SOOO many. SO many. But I try to just let it go lol This one however was the straw that broke the camels back! Its like, seriously?? You got a free damn lipstick lady!!

Ok, just one more rant. On 3 different occasions during holidays I was asked my nationality. Once I told them I was Mexican they all said "No way! You're so beautiful" umm well thanks is that a compliment or an insult? Seriously.
Now I just play dumb. When they ask me "where are you from?" Ill just say my city, or if they ask "what country?" I say oh, here America lol. The nerve of some people.


Active member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Oh yeah dude, I have SOOO many. SO many. But I try to just let it go lol This one however was the straw that broke the camels back! Its like, seriously?? You got a free damn lipstick lady!!

Ok, just one more rant. On 3 different occasions during holidays I was asked my nationality. Once I told them I was Mexican they all said "No way! You're so beautiful" umm well thanks is that a compliment or an insult? Seriously.
Now I just play dumb. When they ask me "where are you from?" Ill just say my city, or if they ask "what country?" I say oh, here America lol. The nerve of some people.

haha, I did the same thing to a lady that asked me where I was from. I told her the city & she gave me a weird smile & quickly became quiet. I can see why people would wonder why it's such a big deal to get asked that question, but I totally understand your situation b/c it's just gets asked way too much sometimes. Sometimes it's also funny to ask them where their from & then say me to!