Bad Customers!


Well-known member
Sorry if this isnt the place to ask....

but what would you think if someone asked to get foundation matched and then asked to go look outside in the natural light to see what it looks like? because its always pretty dark inside...

I don't wanna go home and see its the wrong color and have to return super pale and have my doubts that any shade will match to begin with.

so would saying/doing that, result in the MA being annoyed/pissed? I dont wanna be a huge annoyance. I def. would be coming back and not just leave with out saying anything (and....i do plan on buying more than just foundation.) Though I'd imagine they'd prob. just think I'm leaving for good....

But MAs, what would you think/do/say if some one did this??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kitiara
Sorry if this isnt the place to ask....

but what would you think if someone asked to get foundation matched and then asked to go look outside in the natural light to see what it looks like? because its always pretty dark inside...

I don't wanna go home and see its the wrong color and have to return super pale and have my doubts that any shade will match to begin with.

so would saying/doing that, result in the MA being annoyed/pissed? I dont wanna be a huge annoyance. I def. would be coming back and not just leave with out saying anything (and....i do plan on buying more than just foundation.) Though I'd imagine they'd prob. just think I'm leaving for good....

But MAs, what would you think/do/say if some one did this??

I always tell them I have to look by the window or just outside. I'm pale too and absolutely need to see everything in natural light!

No one ever minds.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Ok, just one more rant. On 3 different occasions during holidays I was asked my nationality. Once I told them I was Mexican they all said "No way! You're so beautiful" umm well thanks is that a compliment or an insult? Seriously.
Now I just play dumb. When they ask me "where are you from?" Ill just say my city, or if they ask "what country?" I say oh, here America lol. The nerve of some people.

I think that's so bloody rude! If you're attractive, you're attractive, what's your country of origin gotta do with it?! It's not as if the stupid woman can fly to Mexico and reinvent herself into a hottie....lawd some people are just so idiotic! I take my hat off to you guys in retail. I don't have the tact or patience to deal with ignorant women asking dumb questions all day long. I'd get fired for telling a customer about themselves!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kitiara
but what would you think if someone asked to get foundation matched and then asked to go look outside in the natural light to see what it looks like? because its always pretty dark inside...

But MAs, what would you think/do/say if some one did this??

No problem at all, we also want you to go home with the right shade. Ask away.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Blushbaby
I'd get fired for telling a customer about themselves!

Me too hahahaha


Well-known member
Ok, this lady wasnt a 'bad' customer but just a little odd.

She wanted a foundation, in her 20s, pretty good skin, nw20, she wanted good coverage (i was thinking SFF or select until she said she had pretty dry skin and wanted it to look really natural) so I picked mineralize satinfinish.

I demo-d it, with 190 brush after removing her MU and after applying P&P. I made sure I patted it on well to ensure there were no streaks.
So anyway I told her to have a look at it and she puts her face RIGHT up nose-to-mirror and doesnt say a thing.

So i ask her how it is and she rudely says '' i think it looks awful'' and begins to wipe it off her face. I was baffled, I thought wow Ive applied the most lightest natural foundation on you and I can barely tell its there.
So I'm like, right OK, what do you NOT like about it?

She continued ''it looks dreadful, i can, i can.... SEE it"

I didnt know whether to laugh or cry, I really wish ppl would get over the fact that if they are going to put something on their face, ITS NOT NATURAL I.E. ITS NOT YOUR SKIN.

How can someone positively say i want good coverage and then whinge that they can see it? Of course youre gonna see it with your nose up to the mirror like that. Step back and look at it like a normal person looking at you would.

anyway i asked if she wanted to try another foundation but she stormed off. LOL, 10 mins later... guess what - she comes back to the counter and apologised and asked if we could try again.
It was like jekkyl and hyde, she was a completely diff girl, more friendly and chatty and ended up buying select & bronzer in the end. I think a trip to one of the other counters didnt prove fruitful...

but why be rude, just say you wanna see how you get on with it or have a little think... i wont bite you if you dont buy?!?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
Ok, this lady wasnt a 'bad' customer but just a little odd.

She wanted a foundation, in her 20s, pretty good skin, nw20, she wanted good coverage (i was thinking SFF or select until she said she had pretty dry skin and wanted it to look really natural) so I picked mineralize satinfinish.

I demo-d it, with 190 brush after removing her MU and after applying P&P. I made sure I patted it on well to ensure there were no streaks.
So anyway I told her to have a look at it and she puts her face RIGHT up nose-to-mirror and doesnt say a thing.

So i ask her how it is and she rudely says '' i think it looks awful'' and begins to wipe it off her face. I was baffled, I thought wow Ive applied the most lightest natural foundation on you and I can barely tell its there.
So I'm like, right OK, what do you NOT like about it?

She continued ''it looks dreadful, i can, i can.... SEE it"

I didnt know whether to laugh or cry, I really wish ppl would get over the fact that if they are going to put something on their face, ITS NOT NATURAL I.E. ITS NOT YOUR SKIN.

How can someone positively say i want good coverage and then whinge that they can see it? Of course youre gonna see it with your nose up to the mirror like that. Step back and look at it like a normal person looking at you would.

anyway i asked if she wanted to try another foundation but she stormed off. LOL, 10 mins later... guess what - she comes back to the counter and apologised and asked if we could try again.
It was like jekkyl and hyde, she was a completely diff girl, more friendly and chatty and ended up buying select & bronzer in the end. I think a trip to one of the other counters didnt prove fruitful...

but why be rude, just say you wanna see how you get on with it or have a little think... i wont bite you if you dont buy?!?

I had the opposite reaction the other day...I had a nice lady that was looking for a really natural foundation. She said that she rarely wears makeup and wanted it "undetectable". I chose the loose mineral foundation and buffed it in over Strobe Cream. She says, "I can't see it." Now you may be thinking, "Isn't that what she wanted?" Oh, no. she wanted undetectable foundation that she could see. She was pretty nice about it but sheesh.


Well-known member
^ gotta love those people. my friend did a really pretty look on a girl today and she did the whole "i hate it but i don't want to say anything im just gonna look miserable" act. so i walked by and it looked pretty- honestly.. so i told her... then 5 minutes later they tried a different blush, my other friend was like oh that looks nice.. the girl looked at her and looked away.. (we're getting bad at censoring ourselves over here... my friend was like "oh yeah- YOU'RE WELCOME" haha)... then she tried a gloss on her and i was like "hey how do you like it" and she was like "it's too dark, i think it's just way too dark"... it honestly didn't look like it was a color, i thought it was clear.

oh and we were clearly starting inventory and closing up tonight and a mom and her daughter came in cause she wanted her daughter to try the makeup... i didn't want to do it but i was gonna until she was like "oh yeah she just got a facial at nordstrom (right next door)blah blah"... um... did you listen to anything they told you? no makeup dummy. so i pretended her hand was her face (really, just come back another day assholes.) they (aka mom) asked a LOT of questions, made me show them how to apply the makeup (on her hand) and teach the daughter about skincare. i'm not her fucking mother lady. sorry.i probably don't even have to tell you this, but they didn't buy anything.


Well-known member
how does this translate to you: "hi im getting married on sat. and i need wedding makeup"

appearently that means "i want you to SHOW me how to do my makeup, make me a facechart and then im gonna borrow all my sister's and bridesmaids makeup to recreate the look, but hey i"ll buy the lipstick, thanks for the 30 minutes free makeup lesson"


and then this:
sisters visiting from germany came in my coworker and i did their face and between the 2 they spent $448 all together, 10 minutes later walked back into the store and returned all but $165 worth of it!! my co-worker and i were PISSED!!


Well-known member
It grinds my gears when pro members are constantly and I mean CONSTANTLY exchanging, or returning stuff. Its like, seriously? You get a discount on it and we have testers out and you do this? ugh. I had a lady w/ 3 receipts of pure exchanges. She had the MUA discount and kept asking where do you put this, how do you make this stay.. thats when you know people who faked documents. Honestly I dont care just dont come and waste time and product.

There are some known Pros that people avoid because they will buy like 200 only to return all of it. Its a makeup store, not rental.

UGH!!! /rant.


Well-known member
I have no problem returning things when you have had a reaction too it. Lets be realistic...some things just break people out. However....when you use that line to get a refund on something that is almost empty then I have a problem.

A lady came in with pretty skin and a near empty bottle of hyper-real. We pulled hyper real from the counter about 4-5 months ago because they are phasing it out. She said she bought it last month at a different location (<---lie #1. I know the location she said and they pulled product at the same time we did) She did not have a receipt or the box.We don't have the upc anymore. Sorry ma'am we cannot return that for you. She proceeds to explain that she had a breakout and that we should return it. We told her it was disc and we don't have the barcode to scan it. She then asks for a manager....yesterday was inventory so all the managers were off duty counting.

Now we were super polite she started to get snotty. She cut off my co-worker with her know-it-all attitude and starts explaining "a company should take back a product if it made me break out no matter if there is a sku or not"

Some people come in and use that excuse just to get there money back which is bad for the people with the actual reactions.

here's my problem:
The bottle was 3/4 u didn't realize that it broke you out the first 10 times you used it.

She still has to wait for a manager


Well-known member
OMG, first, i didn't understand why you were pissed at people who constantly exchange/return items, but now i know, you accept items even if they were used...
Here, we can only exchange/return items in brand new condition only. Except, in fact, for the allergic reaction, and even in this case, some stores may ask for a note from a doctor...
Anyway, people don't tend to return anything, because it's considered as quite rude, especially when someone purchases things after the makeup artist has given so much time and attention...
I feel for you ladies!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MelodyKat
I have no problem returning things when you have had a reaction too it. Lets be realistic...some things just break people out. However....when you use that line to get a refund on something that is almost empty then I have a problem.

A lady came in with pretty skin and a near empty bottle of hyper-real. We pulled hyper real from the counter about 4-5 months ago because they are phasing it out. She said she bought it last month at a different location (<---lie #1. I know the location she said and they pulled product at the same time we did) She did not have a receipt or the box.We don't have the upc anymore. Sorry ma'am we cannot return that for you. She proceeds to explain that she had a breakout and that we should return it. We told her it was disc and we don't have the barcode to scan it. She then asks for a manager....yesterday was inventory so all the managers were off duty counting.

Now we were super polite she started to get snotty. She cut off my co-worker with her know-it-all attitude and starts explaining "a company should take back a product if it made me break out no matter if there is a sku or not"

Some people come in and use that excuse just to get there money back which is bad for the people with the actual reactions.

here's my problem:
The bottle was 3/4 u didn't realize that it broke you out the first 10 times you used it.

She still has to wait for a manager

People who bring in empty bottles and want their money back or a brand new one are no different than the people who walk off with an eyeshadow in their pocket if you ask me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MelodyKat
I have no problem returning things when you have had a reaction too it. Lets be realistic...some things just break people out. However....when you use that line to get a refund on something that is almost empty then I have a problem.

It wasn't like that at all though. It was a bunch of eyeshadows she was exchanging and this was the third time she did it. When I asked her what wrong with the item, she said "Oh I just didn't like them" and I was just like well really we have testers, we can try them on you, third exchange and she is a "makeup artist" so I was a bit annoyed. I still helped her, and tried it on her and such. But I know she will return it because its what she does.

Oh well. It is retail after all.


Well-known member
I've been reading this thread and I'm just amazed, disgusted and a bit disturb with all the crazy stories I have read. Like how some lady wanted, no DEMANDED to match her foundation shade while there was a mad man with a gun, what the hell was she on? Seriously. I think that some people don't have ANY common sense. You see I don't have the patience to deal with all these crazy witches I'll have to slap somebody. LOL. I give props to the ones that can take all this childish behavior. I tip my hat to all those wonderful MAC MA's and all the other ones in the cosmetics business.

Also I want to address that I have made returns to MAC and I'm regretting it now because I could've sold that on EBAY. If only I would've known that they throw the unused makeup. I just feel so bad now

Ok so I have gone to MAC and I have to say that I have gotten makeovers and I make at least one purchase from the makeup that they used on my face. I would feel too bad because that person took their time and put all of their effort into giving me their service. I have had great MA's who are attentive and pay attention to my wants and my skintone. I have established good friendship with those people male and female. I stop by once in a while just to say hi and I look around for a bit but I won't bother them or harrass them fo anything when I know that I'm not going to make a purchase that day. However, when I come back believe that I'm gonna buy something that I really want because I know I'm gonna use it. I just can't see myself waisting the valuable time by asking questions on a certain item that I know I'm not going to purchase. Some people have the nerves to demand service and I can't see myslef doing that. I see it this way I have to put myself in their shoes and see how it feels but a lot of the times there are those idiots that don't see it that way.
I have an example of that. I have gone to Sephora and I've seen testers where they don' belong or they're in a horrible condition that the next person can't use it because you don't know whether the person before you dropped it or has done God-knows-what to it. And I feel that these girls and woman don't care. I don't know it's just me and I really feel for these SA or MA because they bust their ass everyday for giving us their service. Again I tip my hat to those MA that have helped me and for those that help others and still have to put up with brainless people. JMO


Well-known member
ooh i had a total gem come to the counter today....she wanted to rebuy a lipstick she returned yesterday, cuz she decided she really wanted it and felt bad that we damaged out our stuff so she wanted the exact one she returned so we wouldnt have to do that. unfortunately (pfft) we had already cleared out our damages, so she had to get a new one (to which she felt completely hooorriblleee!!) so whatever the transaction continues and i ask to see her i.d...OHHHH LORRRDY. all hell broke loose because i completely insulted her and she had NEVER been asked for an i.d bla bla which i explained that there has been fraud since the holidays and i ask everyone for their i.d for their own protection. Well...she continued on her "i'm so offended" rampage, saying that i WAIT ON HER all the tiiime (um..once, lady) and she just cant believe she's being treated like this. So she goes up to customer service, gives them her whole melodrama (probably throws in that I looked at her like a criminal) and comes back downstairs to return the lipstick (because of that little "remark" I made). oh!! and she added "I dont know what you saw in me to ask me for my i.d"....maybe i saw a pill-popping psychopath with a bad facelift and nose job that is starting to resemble MJ with those aviators you had on.

i hope she falls in a ditch. severely.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lainz
ooh i had a total gem come to the counter today....she wanted to rebuy a lipstick she returned yesterday, cuz she decided she really wanted it and felt bad that we damaged out our stuff so she wanted the exact one she returned so we wouldnt have to do that. unfortunately (pfft) we had already cleared out our damages, so she had to get a new one (to which she felt completely hooorriblleee!!) so whatever the transaction continues and i ask to see her i.d...OHHHH LORRRDY. all hell broke loose because i completely insulted her and she had NEVER been asked for an i.d bla bla which i explained that there has been fraud since the holidays and i ask everyone for their i.d for their own protection. Well...she continued on her "i'm so offended" rampage, saying that i WAIT ON HER all the tiiime (um..once, lady) and she just cant believe she's being treated like this. So she goes up to customer service, gives them her whole melodrama (probably throws in that I looked at her like a criminal) and comes back downstairs to return the lipstick (because of that little "remark" I made). oh!! and she added "I dont know what you saw in me to ask me for my i.d"....maybe i saw a pill-popping psychopath with a bad facelift and nose job that is starting to resemble MJ with those aviators you had on.

i hope she falls in a ditch. severely.

i'm sure you probably know this already, but if she made that big of a deal out of it...she's probably doing something she shouldn't be doing. why can't people just be normal


Well-known member
lol...nothing about this woman could ever be normal...or the people in marin county for that matter


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wildesigns
God, it's just like doing hair...people always come in and say 'what do you think or do what you want (this WILL backfire a LOT, even with very careful pre-consultation)?', 'I want it shorter' (no shit), 'How would I look with bangs', etc...when the best look for some is truly a paper bag! It's not up to me to tell someone how they should/will look, crap. I do hair f/t and MU occasionally for events and I most enjoy the MU though I love doing hair, it's just the absolute ignorance and the way that sooo many people talk down to 'service workers' once they enter the salon that gets to me.

It's so wonderful when you get a gem that you can really work with.

Man, if you're my hairdresser and you can't give me any constructive criticism on whether bangs will work with my hair type or face shape, I would not come back.