Bad Customers!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lainz
lol...nothing about this woman could ever be normal...or the people in marin county for that matter

Hey my dad lives in marin county!...and my crazy stepmother....who uses mac....I certainly hope its not her!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chaffsters33
Hey my dad lives in marin county!...and my crazy stepmother....who uses mac....I certainly hope its not her!

lol i hope its not her either (for your sake). are you from around here then?


Well-known member
customer: (looking at all the products on a little glass wheel thing.) What are these?
me: oh those are our foundations.
customer: (pointing at the darker shade foundations) Oh! What are these, the bronzers?

This happens all.the.time.... Yes ladies, we only sell foundations for white people. I mean really! The foundations are the outer ring and then setting powders,concealers, etc are in the inner ring. It's really easy to understand so the only reasonable explanation is that the people in my county are ignorant morons who love bronzer.

and yesterday this PAIN IN THE FUCKING ASS was arguing with me regarding which foundation shade I wear. after a minute or 4 i was like "yeah hi i actually know what i put on my face every day please don't argue with me." in the sweetest tone i could possibly fake.

i love doing makeup. i love doing makeup. i love doing makeup. sorry, sometimes i just need to repeat it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
I'm sorry to keep reviving this thread (I guess I'm too much of a pessimist...or maybe I have too much anger. I think it may be time to find a new job-I'm really not able to handle retail much least not at my location anyway) on Saturday we were stupid busy with makeovers-as usual. I was having issues with my eyes (they were all blurry & I couldn't see straight & couldn't really see color differences), so I stayed free from a makeover & helped all the non-makeover, regular customers. I had about 5 customers lined up & waiting for me to help them & this one girl was standing by the foundation. I said hi & asked how she was & told her that I would be with her as soon as I could. She (rudely) asked how long the wait for a makeover was. I looked at the time-it was 9:20, so I apologized & told her that we wouldn't be able to do her makeup tonight, that we had several people waiting and that I could book her an appointment for next week if she'd like. She shot back at me "Well, I'm going out tonight." I informed her that we were closing shortly and it was not possible to do her face, that next time she should come earlier-by at least 8-just to be safe. She just glared at me while I excused myself to go help the other customers who were there before her.

She proceeded to go over to my 3rd key, who told her the same thing, but then she lied to my 3rd key, telling her that she had an appointment & had been there since one girl took her (staying on an extra 45 minutes so there wouldn't be an issue with this chick). She did her face & then this chick was having issues with her eyebrows, wanting my co-worker to pluck & trim her brows (WTF?!?!). At this point, it was well past 10pm & Macy's was turning the lights off on us.

She finally made her 5 item purchase & left....and then around 5:30 today the girl shows up at the counter with her MAC bag in hand. I mouth to the girl helping her not to do a return & as it turns out, the MA that did the original makeover had written "makeover" across the receipt, so it wasn't even a question. We tried to get her to just do an exchange, but she started to throw a fit so as per Macy's policy, we, of course, had to take the stuff back, but apparently she has done this several times, my ARM recognized her & added her to the front of our appt book so that we know how to deal with her the next time she comes in (read:we don't do makeovers for her any longer).

This girl wasn't even my customer, but her lying & conning got me soooo angry I really wanted to jump across the counter & punch her in the face.

Yo some people can soooo stupid seriously.
Makes my blood boil when I hear about people like this. For that she shouldn't be going to MAC at all. I'm glad to see that you guys don't do anymore makeovers for chick.
She should've just been banned all together from going to that counter.


Well-known member
this thread is old as hell but i want to post anyway. lol!
i'm not an MA but i can understand their side of it. i really don't feel you need to work in retail to understand their side of it. i think a lot of it is just common courtesy and understanding.
i've read through a lot of vents from the MA's stand point and i can't really blame them.
i think the only time i went into MAC telling an MA that i didn't know what i wanted was when i FIRST started wearing it when i was 18 (ten years ago) i didn't know what i wanted and i told her that so she worked with me. and THEN i got a feel of what it was i liked, what i didn't like and so on. even now, i've had to switch foundations moving from a midwest climate to a tropical one and i told the MA's what my problem was in the beginning so they could help find what i was looking for. not to let them put a bunch a shit on my face just for me to tell them i don't like it and expect them to perform some mind-reading technique to find out what i like. wtf??!! i'm not fond of guessing games. lol
also, i've never seen the point in buying makeup and returning it the next day after using it. i love it too damn much to be trying to give it back. lol! plus it's gross! that's like bringing back panties! lol! i know the whole panty thing is nastier but it's about hygeine. and it's very wasteful. i mean, ppl that have returned it just because they don't want it anymore would be PISSED if they bought something just get home and find out it's been used. do they think that shit goes right back on the shelf??? hell no! lol! GARBAGE!

i haven't had many bad experiences at MAC but i guess if i can vent about the few i've had, the MA's can do the same
i know my main purpose is the product sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
say i felt an MA was a bitch to me. fine. whatever. at this point i know what i like and don't like. i'll just help myself


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
Ugh this one really bothered me...

It was mid-afternoon the other day and two girls that were about14 came up and one told me that the other wanted to get her eyes done because she was going to have pictures taken with her father. I said that I would love to do it and it would be just a minute, to go ahead and look at colors. They proceeded to try to talk to me about every 30 seconds and I explained to them about four more times that I was still with another customer and to please wait.
So I get things wraped up with my customer and go over to the girls. I get some stuff together to start on her makeup and tell her that we are rather busy and there are only two of us so I will have to step away once in a while but I will come right back to them and asked them if that would be okay, everything was cool. So then the girls friend asks me if I would do the girls whole face instead, sure no problem. The girl whose makeup I was doing was obviously very shy because her friend was doing all of the talking. I start to prep her skin and three customers come up so I had to step away. Then, someone forgot their credit card at the counter and my co-worker had to take it up to customer service so I was all alone and had to step away. I kept telling the girl that I was really sorry and would be right with her.
So she ended up waiting for about twenty minutes when her lovely mother comes storming up to the counter telling my co-worker how I just missed out on hundreds of dollars in sales besause I wasn't doing the girls makeup and now they were late because of me and blahhh blahhh blah.
So, I calmly go over to the women and say "Ma'am, your daughter didn't tell me that she had to leave at a certain time and I did explain to her that I would have to step away because we were very busy." So the lady tells me that her daughter asked me if I had time to do it and I should have told her no. So I explain to the lady that her daughter was extremely shy, didn't even speak to me and I told her that I could do it but it was going to take a while. That I was sorry for the confusion but I was not ignoring her daughter and that I did explain the situation clearly to her. The lady ended up apologizing to me but it was just such BS.
Why do people think that because they want their makeup done I should ignore every other customer that walks up during that time. Plus, don't freaking bitch at me if you apparently don't even know what the situation is. Ugh, people

i've seen customers like that before.
i went to one of my counters last summer and i got there like RIGHT when they opened. anywho, there were only two MA's there because two had called in and as soon as i got there the MA that was helping me explained that to me. i wasn't in a rush and i told her no problem. and sure enough after about 15 minutes with me she had to divi up her time between me and 2 other customers. the other two finished and left and this broad walks up with attitude written all over her face and just stands like 3 feet from us without saying anything but looking at the MA like she was just supposed to forget about me and go help her. the MA told her the same thing she had told me, very politely, but this trick starts rolling her eyes, mumbles a "whatever" and actually stays at the counter but has the most f'd up attitude. she kind of walks around but every few seconds or so she would turn back around and just glare at me and the MA, do this big ass dramatic sigh and roll her eyes again. bitch!! geez! it's not that deep. be understanding! and the MA was great. i could tell she was a little flustered by the customer but she still did her thing with me and helped me out with a lot.
if i coulda told that other lady to f off i would have


Well-known member
I have been reading the horror stories of bad customers.......all I can say is that if i worked retail I'd have to own the place because I would be fired within minutes of my first bad encounter. I work in a bar bartending. I do everyday what you people wish you could do. If i have a rude ignorant customer and/or they do something to piss me off, i do the 'ole ''no soup for you'' thing. I (with a shiteating grin) let them know I have the right to refuse service and send them on their way. And if they don't go graciously the doormen are always more than happy to get rid of them. If it happens to be that I am pms ing or in a bad mood or just dont want to deal with a moron and i am less than polite to them they usually know how i am feeling towards having to interact with them. I have had people come up to me and question my customer service skills...lmao....... I have also had people come up and say ''the customer is always right'' my famous response is ''not when there is alcohol involved'' I am the rotten mean girl at work and quite frankly i find it funny because i do pretty good in the tip department. I swear some people come just for the abuse because honestly the shit people do is amazing. As far as returns go..a girl came up and told me she wanted to try something ''fruity'' so i suggested a few things and she picked which seemed good to her. She took her drink and carried on. A few minutes later she came back with the drink and asked to return it as she didnt like it. As if. I told her next time don't ask someone to recommend anything. Now people ask me to recommend a drink and i dont. There are people that are shit scared to come anywhere near me.
Management questioned my ''ways'' to a coworker to which he said ''she is never rude to a person unless they are rude to her first'' and then watch out because i will rip them to shreds. I swear some people need to go on suicide watch after i am done with them LOL..and of course my regulars all sit around the bar snickering because they see the person start to act up and they know i will blast them. But don't get me wrong people I am a very personable customer asked me for my last name the other day as he feels we have a as a nice gesture he was going to will me one of his 18 townhouses he owns...figuring he didnt need them all when he was dead!!! With me you either like me or you don't...there is no gray area.
People always know where they stand with me because I am brutally honest and tell it like it is!! One thing I know for certain is that there is no way on god's green earth i could do retail because i am far too honest and well sometimes my mouth works quicker than my brain!!!!! So i give you credit!!!! I am so comfy in my job that i am stuck in my ways and i know in the "real world" my ass would be fired..pronto!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cutetoughgirl
I have been reading the horror stories of bad customers.......all I can say is that if i worked retail I'd have to own the place because I would be fired within minutes of my first bad encounter. I work in a bar bartending. I do everyday what you people wish you could do. If i have a rude ignorant customer and/or they do something to piss me off, i do the 'ole ''no soup for you'' thing. I (with a shiteating grin) let them know I have the right to refuse service and send them on their way. And if they don't go graciously the doormen are always more than happy to get rid of them. If it happens to be that I am pms ing or in a bad mood or just dont want to deal with a moron and i am less than polite to them they usually know how i am feeling towards having to interact with them. I have had people come up to me and question my customer service skills...lmao....... I have also had people come up and say ''the customer is always right'' my famous response is ''not when there is alcohol involved'' I am the rotten mean girl at work and quite frankly i find it funny because i do pretty good in the tip department.

There are people that are shit scared to come anywhere near me.

I swear some people need to go on suicide watch after i am done with them LOL

People always know where they stand with me because I am brutally honest and tell it like it is!! One thing I know for certain is that there is no way on god's green earth i could do retail because i am far too honest and well sometimes my mouth works quicker than my brain!!!!! So i give you credit!!!! I am so comfy in my job that i am stuck in my ways and i know in the "real world" my ass would be fired..pronto!!!!!!

Well, TO BE HONEST, i don't think your story has nothing to do with honesty. This is rudeness.
When i go to a bar, i expect that i won't have to deal with the barmaid's "pms ing" as you said... This is none of my business, the same way you wouldn't have to deal with mine.
And i hope i don't overstep on the ladies who were posting here but i honestly think that you're mixing up the stories that have been told here. They were venting because they actually have suffered from bad customers behaviors, but they stay polite (not because they aren't honest enough, just because they are hearting theirs jobs), and that even if they are "pms ing"...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shoegal-fr
Well, TO BE HONEST, i don't think your story has nothing to do with honesty. This is rudeness.
When i go to a bar, i expect that i won't have to deal with the barmaid's "pms ing" as you said... This is none of my business, the same way you wouldn't have to deal with mine.
And i hope i don't overstep on the ladies who were posting here but i honestly think that you're mixing up the stories that have been told here. They were venting because they actually have suffered from bad customers behaviors, but they stay polite (not because they aren't honest enough, just because they are hearting theirs jobs), and that even if they are "pms ing"...

well yes it does have to do with honesty......and in the real world i would agree 150% that my behaviour may come across as rude....
see for these ladies they get a bad customer maybe a couple of times a day....whereas being that i work in a place where i have to deal with drunk beligerant assholes it is more likely that i get those types of customers more almost every second person. I have a great job and I do very well at it and make good money at it. The problem is that once people get drunk they feel they have ownership in the place and that they can do things that is not acceptable...while some of these girls speak of having their arm grabbed I get to worry about someone trying to grab my ass. When i have a big lineup of customers i get to deal with the asshole behind me who decides he will throw things at whatever they find that they figure will get my attention. Disrespecting me commenting on my chest..making filthy ignorant comments because I don't perhaps find them attractive the list goes on. I have a very good repoire with my customers and they know there are boundaries that cannot be overstepped and in some instances have taken it upon themselves to deal with the asshole customers. As far as pms ing or being in a bad mood that doesnt get taken out on any joe blow...however if you are one of the brave superstars that thinks you can push your way around and treat people like shit...i will be the first to let you know that you wont be getting away with it around me. So perhaps i led you to believe i go to work being an evil cow.... such is not the case...i am a very fun person to be around.....but yes will admit- if you step over the line-you will have a problem.. now being that i deal with drunks my tolerance threshhold is ALOT higher than you know because it takes more than just being ignorant to get me to snap!! Which is the point of my post. What i was saying is that i deal with some really stupid stuff like a guy who smashed the pinball machine and broke it.......then got mad at me because I would not refund his money that he put in to play the game!! I dunno maybe in your case you would see that as fit to refund......I however do not!! So the point of my post is simply that in my job......not all bartending jobs..but in my specific job......i deal with some really bizarre situations and like i said if i had to work in ''the real world'' my reactions might be over the top due to what i am used to and i fear i would not have the patience to deal with that sort of thing and i would probably get fired for snapping on someone. That is all i was saying....LOL...I wonder how you would do working in my bar!!!! Everyone can say they would do this or they would do that.....i guess you just have to live it to know.. In fact who knows...maybe after dealing with what i have....these types of customers they deal with might seem like a godsend.......hmmmmm one just never knows!!!!!


Well-known member
Cutetoughgirl, can you please break your next post up into paragraphs and use some punctuation? It's somewhat difficult to plough through that wall of text and ellipses you have going on.

This is a thread for venting about bad customers, not one-upping each other on who has it hardest. Please don't get tangled up in semantics.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Cutetoughgirl, can you please break your next post up into paragraphs and use some punctuation? It's somewhat difficult to plough through that wall of text and ellipses you have going on.

This is a thread for venting about bad customers, not one-upping each other on who has it hardest. Please don't get tangled up in semantics.

thanks i will keep this short and not one upping anyone and i dont have it bad......i enjoy my job.....just stating that if i worked retail i might react a little bit more harsh than them so kudos to them to be able to keep their cool..

but now the more i think about it after what i do deal with...i probably would be just fine with the customers they speak of....who knows perhaps i will give a part time retail job a try. i might actually enjoy it!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Blushbaby
I think that's so bloody rude! If you're attractive, you're attractive, what's your country of origin gotta do with it?! It's not as if the stupid woman can fly to Mexico and reinvent herself into a hottie....lawd some people are just so idiotic! I take my hat off to you guys in retail. I don't have the tact or patience to deal with ignorant women asking dumb questions all day long. I'd get fired for telling a customer about themselves!

Nothing to do with makeup, but it happens to me quite often when people ask me where my last name is from. My grandfather was american, and they give me THE LOOK!!! Like I come from hell or something

Or they don't understand that I can actually speak french with my grandfather being american... What is wrong with people!


Like a lot of you ladies and gentlemen, I've worked in retail/customer service a long time, and gotten terrible customers. I work at one of the largest cable/internet/phone providers in Canada - I started on the phone and now I'm a trainer. I've worked at hardware stores, office supply stores, clothing stores, etc.

- I've had people assume that I'm an immigrant to Canada, because I'm Asian (never mind that I have no accent and my English is better than that of most people that I encounter).
- I've had them tell me how much they hate my company and how we're all there to rip people off, that I've scanned the item in incorrectly (because somehow, I'm able to change the price of inventory through telepathy - the money goes right into my pocket! Blast, they've figured it out!).
- I've had men twice my size ask me to lift a 75 lbs concrete slab into their trucks for them (more than half my body weight - my spaghetti girl arms must be deceiving in their strength).
- I've heard a friend get into an argument with a customer on the phone because he was insistent that she come over and fix his toilet.
- I've had customers screaming at me because their bill is overdue and their cable/phone/internet is about to be cut off, and it's somehow, not their fault (it's certainly not the fault of the customer, who 'forgot' that Christmas happens every year and that their bill is 3 months overdue, and that perhaps she should not have left her 14 year old son money to pay the cable bill while she was in England).
- I've had them threaten to complain to my manager and get me fired for my attitude and poor customer service.

I've never been fired once and I've never once had a manager tell me that I've ever given poor customer service, or that I had a bad attitude.

I train Customer Service Agents on how to deal with irate/confused/frustrated customers, and here are a few things that I've learned in the past 10 years.

You can't choose your customer, but you can choose your attitude. Yes, you will get people who are bitchy and confused. You'll get the screamers, the complainers, the scam artists. You'll get the attitudes and the dumb looks. You can't really control who you get at your register, your table or your phone -but you can choose the attitude with which you deal with them. You can be pleasant to them and kill them with kindness. You can use the "Mom voice" when they start yelling; speaking in a soft, low voice so that they're forced to quiet down and listen to you. You can look at it as a challenge to make that grumpy customer's day a little bit better by making them smile. Service with a smile!

Take accountability. You can take accountability and apologise, even though it's not your fault, and you can choose to not blame the customer, your coworkers or yourself. One of my favourite lines is, "I'm sorry that you feel that way." It acknowledges the person's feelings and validates them, but it's not saying that you're taking the blame for the situation. However, you are making yourself accountable and credible.

Validate others. Haven't you ever been so frustrated that you could explode and no one would let you speak? Have you ever had a poor situation at a store and some rude customer service agent just brushed you off without hearing your side of things? You can let them rant and get everything they need to say off their chest before you start to calmly explain things. Validate your customer by listening to what it is that they have to say - sometimes, people just want the chance to be heard.

Likewise, if you have a customer who is displaying great manners, let them know how much you appreciate that with a thanks or a smile. I had one gentleman come to my counter while he was on the phone, and actually say to the other person, "I'm sorry, I'm just at the counter, can I call you back?" Then he hung up and apologised to me for being on the phone! I was so impressed that I thanked him for being so polite and rang him through quicker so that his other party didn't have to wait. Reinforce the good behaviours.

Be empathetic Put yourself in that person's shoes. People are going to be touchy and sensitive - you're dealing with one of the most personal things in their lives - their money! Especially in this economy, people are concerned with money. Imagine what it would feel like to be in that person's shoes and try to use empathy to relate to them.

Behave with integrity. You are a representative of the company that you work for, and regardless of whether you love or hate them, you are still a representative. Yes, you are supposed to be customer focused, we've all heard "the customer is always right". My addendum to that is "... unless they're wrong." Stand firm with your company's policies, and realise that you can stand firm against a bully of a customer Don't budge if you've got policies and procedures backing you up. If you're a manager, stand behind your people, don't undermine their decisions. They were hired for a reason. Validate that reason.

Realise that some people are just... assholes. You can't please everyone, and there are some people out there that no one can please. They were born as jerks, and they'll always be jerks. It's not your fault and it's not anything that you can necessarily fix. Don't worry about it. See the point below.

Don't take it personally. When that customer leaves the store or hangs up, they're gone. Let it go. Take a deep breath, get a drink of water, go for a nice dinner or a drink after work and rant with customers. Laugh about how crazy people are. It sounds funny, but my mom rants, and then sprinkles salt outside of her store to ward away the bad energies from that customer and to purify the area. Me, I prefer to just rant and laugh. Whatever works.

One day at work, I had a really horrible lady in my store, who was just rude for no reason. She put me into such a bad mood for 5 minutes afterward that I didn't want to be around anyone. Then I thought to myself, "I've had 200 amazing customers today, and 1 horrible bag of a lady. Why am I letting 1 lousy person affect my mood, when 200 great ones couldn't? Why would I let 1 single person, a stranger, have that much power over me?"

My boyfriend doesn't know how we can do it. He's never worked customer service/retail and he doesn't know how anyone can do it.

Did you know that good customer service/retail people have the same mentality and skill set relating to interpersonal interaction as nurses? It's just that we don't go to school as long, and we don't like the sight of blood.

We've all been there, and we'll all be there again. We'll all have the good, the bad and the ugly. The important thing is that you keep on smiling and know that you'll always have people who are in the same boat, who can share stories with you and pour you a drink when you need it the most.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by unalicious
- I've had men twice my size ask me to lift a 75 lbs concrete slab into their trucks for them (more than twice my body weight - my spaghetti girl arms must be deceiving in their strength).

You weigh 37.5 pounds?


Well-known member
I was in the MAC counter in Florence today, and I was talking with one of the MUA(Anna <3) about the e/s I wanted to buy. After I choose two e/s I told her I would look around for something else and at that time this old woman came in, wrapped in that big fur, with glittered sunglasses (it was 6 PM and it was dark outside LOL) and a very thick make up...anyway I'm not discussing about her look (but it was funny the same XD). She started to ask with hurry and bad manners to Anna "find me an eyeshadow, I want an eyeshadow!!!" so of course Anna asked her to tell her a little more details (bright colours, neutrals?)...I mean, MAC e/s exist in tons of colours! But she was still yelling "Find me the e/s, should I tell you how to do it?? You should know it!!".

Well Anna was already serving me and I was watching skincare products and brushes with kind of a lost air (LOL I didn't know what to pick!). The old woman seemed to have calmed down and she was looking for e/s by herself so Anna told her "I let you watch a little with calm, I'll come back in a minute" and came to me to suggest me some things. In that very moment the old woman started to shout out " Hey, where are you gone!? What's the name of that blondie shop assistant!?? She was with me and now she's gone!!" and when she saw Anna was with me she started to shout that she wanted to be served because she needed her and that she was so unpolite to leave her alone like that! So Anna told her she was following me first, but I told her to go because I saw she was starting to feel very unease.
Another MA told Anna "I'll go" and the old woman "Yeah, I think it's better to leave her where she is"...WHAt???

Then she was paying and also had something to say about the change LOL the manager repeated her "you gave me 50 euros, you spent 33 I'll give you 17 right?" this continued about 10 minutes, she didn't want to understand LOL, and in the end the old woman finally accepted the change and said "and for my undereye coverage??? Do you have something??? But I don't want to buy" And the manager just said to her, after all this, "Follow me madam, I'll show you something and then give you a sample ok?" with a big smile on her face (the old woman answered "right! I spent 33 euros and you didn't even give me a sample of cream or anything!!" OMG)

I was really astonished...well I know that the old woman was probably a little (LITTLE?? XD) insane but the thing that really surprised me was that big smile after all that mess, and the kind, polite shop manager that told her "let's look and I'll give you a sample"

MAC MA really really surprise me...I worked part-time in a clothes shop and I saw some crazy people too, but I think I wouldn't never have stayed so calm in that situation, she was reaaally annoying... I had one more reasons to really appreciate how you work and how kind and professional you are! Keep up this great work


Well-known member
ugh i tried to kill an older couple with kindness today....the woman wanted lazlo products...and being that i do NOT work anywhere near the ernlo lazlo counter, i know NOTHING about it. I explained the lady that, but told her i would help her to the best of my ability since no one was working that whole bay. i got her her stuff, and she said "i need samples, i travel and i want samples. Lazlo ALWAYS gives me samples."

so i bent over backwards trying to find stupid samples, but of course, we didnt have any. She would not cope with that fact, and said "we came all the way from florida and the mall there had every makeup brand in the world, and they all had samples. now we moved here and there is NOTHING!" Her husband then proceeded to throw the money at me he was paying with.

Fine. So i got the change out for him but placed it on top of the receipt on the register while I bagged the products for them, but realized there were no shopping bags and i told him "i'll brb, i have to get a bag for you," to which he responded "WHERES MY $10?!" I said, "I'll give you your change once i get the shopping bag"...(then I added internally, 'chill the eff out'). So I handed him the change and receipt, and he of course tossed the receipt back to me, and I gave the bag to his thank nothing..but "oh be a sweetheart and find me some samples."

FINE. I got some chanel and kiehls and said "this is what I could find for you." She said, "well, at least you tried."

please keep in mind i was smiling the whole time.

old fckers.


Well-known member
really...really.. with the samples. i mean i like samples just as much as anyone else but if there is everevereverevvvver a point in my life where i feel the need to demand a 2 day supply of a product that i never even had any interest in in the first place just so i feel like i'm getting something for free, well.. i don't even know... but god i hope that never happens.