Bad Customers!


am i a bad customer if i ask quite a lot of questions? it was my first time purchasing MAC products today (i had a list of what i wanted to buy in mind already so i was only there for like 10mins max?) and i asked some brush questions, and if she thought the foundation she just applied on me matched my skin, etc.

she didn't seem to be enthusiastic or happy, whilst some of the other make up artists were full of smiles. she seemed like she was taken off counter or something just to help me coz there was a long queue.. not sure
i hope i didn't do anything wrong..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hikari
am i a bad customer if i ask quite a lot of questions? it was my first time purchasing MAC products today (i had a list of what i wanted to buy in mind already so i was only there for like 10mins max?) and i asked some brush questions, and if she thought the foundation she just applied on me matched my skin, etc.

she didn't seem to be enthusiastic or happy, whilst some of the other make up artists were full of smiles. she seemed like she was taken off counter or something just to help me coz there was a long queue.. not sure
i hope i didn't do anything wrong..

you're totally not a bad customer if you ask questions. This obviously means you are interested in the products and really want to get to know how to use them. HOWEVER, if you question what the artist is doing constantly, that can become annoying. Now, if you are not comfortable with what the artist is doing with your look, ask them what they would do to achieve a softer look or whatever you're looking for.


oh ok. i didn't ask what she was doing constantly since i knew that would be pretty annoying if that happened to myself. i only asked for a foundation application to double check that i am going to purchase the right color (i popped in 2 weeks ago and another lady matched me to NC20 and i didn't have time to stay for longer so i decided to go today)

i asked questions like if the color matched my skin and which brush would be better for foundation application.

thanks though, puts my mind at ease.


Well-known member
*sigh* im not MUA but i definitely feel your pain with rude customers... starbucks employees are required to smile and 'just say yes' (one of our policies) we get cheated by cheap customers all the time. When it gets busy in there, it gets hella busy, and they see it... it doesnt help to yell at us from across the counter at all. At least you guys dont get the homeless and drunkards =[


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
I'm so sick of people who don't take care of their skin, coming to the counter & saying "I want my skin to look like yours!" and then when it doesn't, they become rude & accuse me of not wearing MAC. For example....The other day a lady comes in & says she wants a foundation that will make her skin look like mine. She is older & has clearly been a sun worshipper for many years. I apply moisturizer, primer, foundation, concealer & a light dusting of powder to set it. I think everything looks really nice & I hand her the mirror. She goes "It's not all nice & smooth like yours!" I explain to her that foundation can cover discoloration, but it can't cover texture. She goes "You probably aren't wearing MAC foundation & that's why yours looks so good! I bet your skin isn't so perfect without make-up!" Now she was just being rude & abusive. I explain that yes I am wearing MAC & my skin without make-up is actually pretty good because I take very good care of it. She goes "Well, I guess you are just blessed then!" Needless to say she continued being rude, but she still bought everything I put on her & left with barely a thank you. This is something I deal with almost every day though. Sometimes people really have unrealistic expectations when they come to the counter & then when things don't turn out how they imagined they want to blame the MA. A middle aged Woman who has smoked, baked in the sun & only God knows what else can't come to a make-up counter & expect to leave with her skin looking like the 27 year old MA who works there. It's just not gonna happen!

This is exactly true. I have dealt with the same situation verbatim.

Also I had an experience where a customer was the rudest!

She was passing by my counter and of course I greeted her and she immediately told me how nice my skin is. I said thank you and she said, " No I'm talking about ur color." She was an old white lady. I replied, " Well ur skin tone is pretty also." She turned around touched my hand my whispered, "See ur not TOO DARK, ur just LIGHT enough."

I was in the middle of a "When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong" moment (if u have ever seen Dave Chappelle). Do I curse her out? In the moment I just smiled. She walked away with a smile cause she thought she really gave me a compliment. And I walked away still gainfully employed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloopBloop
At least you guys dont get the homeless and drunkards =[

oh but we do!!!!!!! my favorite was the meth addict who was tweaking big time (scratching/ twitching/ stumbling, the whole nine) but wanted a makeover. we were about to start til her imaginery cell phone rang and she had to leave.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
oh but we do!!!!!!! my favorite was the meth addict who was tweaking big time (scratching/ twitching/ stumbling, the whole nine) but wanted a makeover. we were about to start til her imaginery cell phone rang and she had to leave.

I second this, I've had the homeless thing happen too. I didn't really even know how to handle it =/.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by smith130
This is exactly true. I have dealt with the same situation verbatim.

Also I had an experience where a customer was the rudest!

She was passing by my counter and of course I greeted her and she immediately told me how nice my skin is. I said thank you and she said, " No I'm talking about ur color." She was an old white lady. I replied, " Well ur skin tone is pretty also." She turned around touched my hand my whispered, "See ur not TOO DARK, ur just LIGHT enough."

I was in the middle of a "When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong" moment (if u have ever seen Dave Chappelle). Do I curse her out? In the moment I just smiled. She walked away with a smile cause she thought she really gave me a compliment. And I walked away still gainfully employed.


Originally Posted by calbear
oh but we do!!!!!!! my favorite was the meth addict who was tweaking big time (scratching/ twitching/ stumbling, the whole nine) but wanted a makeover. we were about to start til her imaginery cell phone rang and she had to leave.

Of course now that I added that smilie I'll be bombarded by a gaggle of crackheads tomorrow.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
oh but we do!!!!!!! my favorite was the meth addict who was tweaking big time (scratching/ twitching/ stumbling, the whole nine) but wanted a makeover. we were about to start til her imaginery cell phone rang and she had to leave.

OMG DITTO! i had this lady come in wanting her eyeshadow done and she was sweating up a freaking storm and she could not stop spazzing out!!! her friend convinced her they didnt have time for a makeover so they left and she just bought a paintpot.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by smith130
This is exactly true. I have dealt with the same situation verbatim.

Also I had an experience where a customer was the rudest!

She was passing by my counter and of course I greeted her and she immediately told me how nice my skin is. I said thank you and she said, " No I'm talking about ur color." She was an old white lady. I replied, " Well ur skin tone is pretty also." She turned around touched my hand my whispered, "See ur not TOO DARK, ur just LIGHT enough."

I was in the middle of a "When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong" moment (if u have ever seen Dave Chappelle). Do I curse her out? In the moment I just smiled. She walked away with a smile cause she thought she really gave me a compliment. And I walked away still gainfully employed.



Well-known member
I swear, every time one of my coworkers goes on lunch and I am left alone, the crazies come out! I am cursed.

How about this lady who is reeking of marijuana walks up to the counter demanding a smoke grey lipstick?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ductapemyheartt
I swear, every time one of my coworkers goes on lunch and I am left alone, the crazies come out! I am cursed.

How about this lady who is reeking of marijuana walks up to the counter demanding a smoke grey lipstick?

OMG! i had this lady come to me asking me for a gray lipstick too!!! she said she used to wear one that was shiny and almost a gunmetal mac...did mac ever make one of those? weird...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lainz
OMG! i had this lady come to me asking me for a gray lipstick too!!! she said she used to wear one that was shiny and almost a gunmetal mac...did mac ever make one of those? weird...

Yes, and it was called Jet. I had a tube. Too bad you guys don't make it anymore, I loved it.

Just because we want grey lipstick doesn't make us bad customers!!!

I have almost 4 tubes of that stuff.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KristyVictoria
Yes, and it was called Jet. I had a tube. Too bad you guys don't make it anymore, I loved it.

Just because we want grey lipstick doesn't make us bad customers!!!

I have almost 4 tubes of that stuff.

nooope...not at all! i thought it was funny someone brought up gray lipstick the same day my lady did. do you have pictures of this color? i'm intrigued.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lainz
nooope...not at all! i thought it was funny someone brought up gray lipstick the same day my lady did. do you have pictures of this color? i'm intrigued.

I don't have a picture of the lipstick itself but I do have a picture of me in it.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by KristyVictoria
I don't have a picture of the lipstick itself but I do have a picture of me in it.


oh wow that totally does not look how i imagined it. very pretty
i'll talk to HQ to see if they can bring it back


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
OMG when customers pull that "you tell me what looks best on me" crap and they truly get mad when you're trying to figure out what they like I mess with them so bad. I literally just pick out anything and usually it's a lipstick like Morange haha. When they look shocked I tell them "well you said to pick out what I think would look good on you so this is one of the MANY different colors that would look good on you. now can you tell me what type of color you'd like?"

That's a good one. More MA should do that it's a f----ing bad habit that these people have and if more MA do this maybe they'll learn.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lainz
oh wow that totally does not look how i imagined it. very pretty
i'll talk to HQ to see if they can bring it back

Thanks! I've been using the LipMix in Silver instead. It was a great color though. It was actually my first MAC purchase ever - I bought it in a MAC store in NYC when I was like, 13. I like it for a nice synthetic androidy look, since it's semi sheer it's not TOO freaky


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KristyVictoria
Just because we want grey lipstick doesn't make us bad customers!!!


You only become a bad customer when you swear up and down that we must have just discontinued it yesterday (which is always wrong with something that distinctive - i had the color and it hasn't been in the line for quite some time) AND you are calling me stupid for allowing it to be discontinued as it was 'the best' color in the world for everyone and we are going to lose money (as if I have any say in that process).