Bimbos unite!

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Miss QQ

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^^ Yup we are halfway through 2011! It's actually great that it has gone by quickly, which suggests that we are having not an unpleasant time generally. Glad that you are having cooler weather. :)

shadow - thanks, yup it was quite pleasant and I like the bar. It's my first time there. I'm glad that there are many websites on pet loss so you can find support and have a better understanding. I'm always surprised that there are all kinds of community in the internet so we aren't alone in our experiences in life.

lou - great that you have time doing things you like yesterday. I have to chat up with your posts again. :) Yeah it is nice to go out for drinks, but like you, I'm tired and short of cash too. I usually don't spend a lot of money on entertainment, so that I have money to buy makeup lol.


Well-known member
Hey everyone! Good to hear what everyone's been up to :) Debi, I love your MallMATS idea! I would be all over that if I had any disposable income right now! lol

So I just got off the phone for a French assessment interview for one of the Toronto school boards which is considering hiring me. I was nervous, but I think it went OK! They just asked the most random questions - like how I would describe life in Canada to a stranger who came to visit. Then, halfway through, I started getting another phone call and I couldn't pick up - so I got all flustered in my interview - but I listened to the message afterwards, and it's for another French job interview at a private school! It's exciting, but I'm all over the place right now - I think I need to shower and calm down before I call them back, and I feel bad that I wasn't able to pick up the phone in the first place!

Have a good day, everyone! It's beautiful here - hopefully it is where you are, too! :)


Well-known member
Hey everyone! Good to hear what everyone's been up to :) Debi, I love your MallMATS idea! I would be all over that if I had any disposable income right now! lol

So I just got off the phone for a French assessment interview for one of the Toronto school boards which is considering hiring me. I was nervous, but I think it went OK! They just asked the most random questions - like how I would describe life in Canada to a stranger who came to visit. Then, halfway through, I started getting another phone call and I couldn't pick up - so I got all flustered in my interview - but I listened to the message afterwards, and it's for another French job interview at a private school! It's exciting, but I'm all over the place right now - I think I need to shower and calm down before I call them back, and I feel bad that I wasn't able to pick up the phone in the first place!

Have a good day, everyone! It's beautiful here - hopefully it is where you are, too! :)
oh wow! i am sure you did ok in the interview and that is great that you have had another call about a job! i am sending both you and Jerome positive thoughts!

A book review – the beauty edition - here is my book review on a couple of the makeup books. i am in love with the Rae Morris book - very inspiring indeed!


Well-known member
Jenn~lol I love my MallMATS idea too and in the future will put aside money for it. I actually was not overly impressed with the hauls and video blogs that came out with IMATS so far. Sigma didn't sell anything, there were some samples, but we get those regularly here at Sephora or department stores, as well as coupons. I did not realized companies like Clinqiue, Chanel, Estee Lauder, etc. did not have booths, so the only thing I was really jealous about was NYX as we do not have stores that carry that brand. I would love to give some more of their items a try! We also don't have ELF which looks like some nice items.

Lou~Can't wait to see your book reviews! I think I have that one. Can you tell life has been all about tarot selling and not actually bonding enough with my new goodies? Soon to change. Hurrah!

And how cute is this little angel? Watch out gurus! We have a new lady coming up! If she does this well at this age, imagine her at 15!"I love it! You have to give it a try!" and "liptick". I know I am in trouble when a 5 yr old can apply eyeliner better than me! Dummy Head! I want one! lol


Well-known member
Hi Lou,

Do I have to login to wordpress to add comments? Seems like... I liked hearing your thoughts on the books. The book that I keep eyeing next is Scott Barnes About Face. The NARS book is more of a picture book for inspiration I think, which is what I wanted (I've owned this book for a while now. ... the other one I read years er a decade ago is KevinAucoin's Making faces). What I don't particularly like in a makeup book is when they go on about classic ways of using makeup to "correct" and rebalance to achieve the "ideal" ie Almond shaped eye. So, what I like about the NARS book is it doesn't mention those things but rather accentuates the individualism and beauty that way - I just find it so much more interesting and modern.
But as you mentioned it is all NARS products but it also describes each colour so you can find a similar match in what you already own. I like to play with the book by grabbing a colour and finding looks that use that colour in the book and then recreate one of them. Sort of in the same style as having bananas in the house and then online cruising for recipes using bananas until I find one I like and also have the required ingredients in house lol!!!


Well-known member
Sort of in the same style as having bananas in the house and then online cruising for recipes using bananas until I find one I like and also have the required ingredients in house lol!!!

Love that comment! I don't own any makeup books (yet), but sometimes I do something similar - browsing through the net for inspiring looks and the trying them!

Lou, I'd love it if you reviewed the books about MU you're going to read, too! I'm always on the hunt for a good read. I'm particular looking for a book describing the history of MU or gives an insight into the cosmetics industry in general. I'd just love that. If anyone has any recs, please post them!


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Invading thread:

But I watch this girl on YT called Funnypilgrim (can't understand a word of what she is saying but I love her anyway) and everytime I watch I think of Susanne. So, I'm like you know I haven't seen postings by Susanne in a while and just wondering where she was at? If there is controversy or the convo is too hot, no one has to answer but sometimes you just miss people from here and hope they are all right.

On to Inglot, I am a fan huge fan but not of the DS or AMC. The glitter has immense fall-out and I here people saying, no it doesn't. I'm trying to figure out what magical brush they are using because unless I use Fix+ with the DS or AMC, I still get fallout just not as bad. Now the shines, pearls and mattes are out of this world great and for the price, killer.


Well-known member
Invading thread:

But I watch this girl on YT called Funnypilgrim and everytime I watch I think of Susanne. So, I'm like you know I haven't seen postomg by Susanne in a while and just wondering where she was at? If there is controversy or the convo is too hot, no one has to answer but sometimes you just miss people from here and hope they are all right.

Funny, last week we girls in the German thread talked about Susanne too and wondered where she is! I miss her, too.


Well-known member
Lou--great way to start the week with commpliments.

I also enjoyed your book review video. I've heard anything Kevin Aucoin is fabulous. It's so sad his life was cut so short. Also I heard about one called "Jemma Kidd Make-up Masterclass" " ' that has great reviews on Amazon.

Jenn-- Yay on some calls for jobs. We'll keep our digits crossed for you guys.


Well-known member
Invading thread:

But I watch this girl on YT called Funnypilgrim (can't understand a word of what she is saying but I love her anyway) and everytime I watch I think of Susanne. So, I'm like you know I haven't seen postings by Susanne in a while and just wondering where she was at? If there is controversy or the convo is too hot, no one has to answer but sometimes you just miss people from here and hope they are all right.

On to Inglot, I am a fan huge fan but not of the DS or AMC. The glitter has immense fall-out and I here people saying, no it doesn't. I'm trying to figure out what magical brush they are using because unless I use Fix+ with the DS or AMC, I still get fallout just not as bad. Now the shines, pearls and mattes are out of this world great and for the price, killer.
oh there is nothing controversal going on. Last year Susanne had some stuff to deal with in her personal life and she needed to take some time out. Things seemed to have settled for her now but she is just taking her time and enjoying herself :) But she hasn't forgotten us :) she does message me from time to time so we all know she's ok :)


Well-known member
oh there is nothing controversal going on. Last year Susanne had some stuff to deal with in her personal life and she needed to take some time out. Things seemed to have settled for her now but she is just taking her time and enjoying herself :) But she hasn't forgotten us :) she does message me from time to time so we all know she's ok :)

That's good to hear! Maybe you can tell her that we miss her the next time you message her?


Well-known member
Has Littlepickle posted recently? I was thinking we might have had news of baby Noel's arrival

She has had her baby and he is adorable. They are still settling in so I am sure when she has time she will pop over and say hi. I think right now she has her hands full of fun and first experiences. I know if I were her makeup would be the last thing on my mind right now! lol


Well-known member
She has had her baby and he is adorable. They are still settling in so I am sure when she has time she will pop over and say hi. I think right now she has her hands full of fun and first experiences. I know if I were her makeup would be the last thing on my mind right now! lol
Thank you, I'm so pleased to hear that he's arrived safely :)


Well-known member
She has had her baby and he is adorable. They are still settling in so I am sure when she has time she will pop over and say hi. I think right now she has her hands full of fun and first experiences. I know if I were her makeup would be the last thing on my mind right now! lol
yes the pictuyres she posted on facebook are so cute! he is absolutely beautiful! :)


Well-known member
Yes, he is adorable and all went well, but I will let her tell the stories and news of her wee one!

Today I am crampy. 2nd day in a row, which might be a good thing. It probably means I will feel fairly good for part of the holiday weekend, at least! No idea what we are doing, but maybe some touring or something. All depends on the weather!! I am trying to play catch u on here, but I am so tired I just want to crawl back into bed with my book. I need to rewatch your books video, Lou! I love MU books and have three. The one about eyes, Bobbi Brown and Kevyn Aucoin. Next time I visit B&N I plan to hit the beauty book section and have some fun! I didn't even realize they carried so many of them, so really glad about that! Still trying to sell off some decks with little luck. This is the July 4th weekend and people are using their money for vacations and such. Just not a good time to sell. I can't believe that in a sense we are in the heart of summer, or almost. My nephew leaves for India in about 10 days for 1 month! He went last year and had the time of his life, so glad he has another opportunity, though it is always a relief once he gets home from anywhere overseas.

Other than that things are quiet here today, except for my husband going crazy with work. But I am keeping myself comfy with a fan and the A/C and a good book!
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