Bimbos unite!

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Woke far too early to a severe thunderstorm raging over our heads! lol Noooo. Not on a weekend! But I am psyched. That stupid lady that gave me all sorts of trouble saying a card from the deck was missing is now in trouble with the moderators and I have been released from all responsibility! Yay! I got her a replacement card from the artist in England, checked it over, photographed it, sent the photo to the moderator and mailed in on to the lady with tracking. She received it but has not said a word about it yet. So they are mad at her and said I am no longer responsible for any problems with that sale. Yay! I did put up 2 more decks, rare ones. 1 for 400.00 and one for 225.00, prices non negotiable. I said that on the original post. So what happens? Idiots start asking me to lower it by 100.00 so they can get it. Right. I don't think so! Moderator also removed their posts and gave them a scolding. And so I was frustrated with it all and never got back to sleep. Argh! Some people are so greedy. Both decks sell for $800.00 or sometime over $1000.00 on ebay and Amazon. Do they think I am a fool? Buy it at my price or don't buy it at all!! Aaaah!

And how many of us wish we were at IMATS? I do! I will gladly stand in line for 3 hours to get to MUFE goodies at 40% off! Sniff, sniff....Lucky ducks. Can you imagine the hauls people will come back with? Ooh, lucky!!

At school we wore dresses until it became the fashion right around Junior High to start wearing Levis cords. Jeans were not allowed for another few years. It was just a public school, but those were the rules. I actually like dressing up a bit for school. But that was before fancy designer names and no one tried to outshine another, so it was never a fashion statement or jealousy. Actually school was extremely safe and tame back then. The worst things that happened were kids skipping classes, smoking regular cigarettes in the parking lot, graffiti on the bathroom walls and the occasional fire alarm set off sending everyone outside. Then we all got brought into assembly and spoken to, people got caught and suspended, things were quiet for the rest of the year. Very tame compared to what kids go through today and glad I am not in school anymore!


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This is true. White gold actually is more of a greyish tone but the Rhodium plating is what makes it look that colour than we all know white gold to be. Rhodium coating is inexpensive and just part of keeping white gold looking its best.

Jenn- Good luck on your job serches for you both.

That's odd about your ring. My daughter is so very allergic to nickel. I have always had to coat the inside metal buttons on her jeans and everything else with metal with clear nail polish. She can't wear many earrings or much jewlry at all. Her blue topaz ring that was her Sweet 16 "Daddy gift" is white gold and either 14k or 18k. Also the diamond ring we got her for her high school graduation is the same. Her grandparents got her a diamond cross for hs graduation also. None of them bother her. She doesn't wear the cross but she never takes off her rings. I do try to have the Rodium coating redone every 2-3 yrs to keep them shiny and bright but also to prevent any allergies. You probably already know all of this but I thought I'd post this in case it may help.

Q. What does "rhodium" have to do with white gold jewelry?

A. Rhodium is also a precious metal. In fact, it's about ten times costlier than gold! But it is generally not considered a feasible material to make solid jewelry from because it is stressed and brittle, is very difficult to "work" properly for jewelry making, and it's price is very volatile (sometimes it's 5x as costly as gold, sometimes 25x) But rhodium is fabulous as a plating for jewelry because it is glitteringly, dazzlingly, white and mirror-like. It's like chrome, only more so, and much whiter.

Rhodium plating makes diamonds look bigger and better because it's so bright that it's hard to see where the stones end and the metal begins. Nothing sets off diamonds like rhodium plating does -- but it is only a plating and therefore it will wear off and require replating.


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@Jenn I just read your post and since you are reacting to your new and therefore inferred well-coated ring, I am wondering if you perhaps have an allergy to rhodium? Do you react to yellow/rose gold?


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Well, this is interesting. I am wearing my new Chanel e/s quad (Enigma) and while it is tremendously pigmented I am not impressed. No shimmer and very flat on me. It did give me a great smoky eye, but I actually added some pink shimmer to it to make it pop and lighten up a bit. I'm going to save a chunk of money not getting Chanel e/s because I am totally in love with my Dior ones...the Iridescent ones. Nothing can take their place! And still love my MAC, so this was quite enlightening for me! You just never know with MU....


Well-known member
Well, this is interesting. I am wearing my new Chanel e/s quad (Enigma) and while it is tremendously pigmented I am not impressed. No shimmer and very flat on me. It did give me a great smoky eye, but I actually added some pink shimmer to it to make it pop and lighten up a bit. I'm going to save a chunk of money not getting Chanel e/s because I am totally in love with my Dior ones...the Iridescent ones. Nothing can take their place! And still love my MAC, so this was quite enlightening for me! You just never know with MU....
sorry you're not impressed with the chanel shadows! the quad that i have i am really impressed with. and i have another on the way which seems to swatch well. right now i am looking forward to the mac semi precious collection though! the mineral shadows look amazing!

Lou’s top MAC Mineralized Eyeshadows - todays blog post :)


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The colours are great and the pigmentation is amazing. Maybe it just looks to dark for this time of the year. Too brown/grey and smoky. Very smoky! But Dior spoiled me! I need to get into Nordie to play with swatches and see what things look like right on me! I am looking forward to some items from Semi Precious too. I forget the release day around here, though! Hmm...


Well-known member
The colours are great and the pigmentation is amazing. Maybe it just looks to dark for this time of the year. Too brown/grey and smoky. Very smoky! But Dior spoiled me! I need to get into Nordie to play with swatches and see what things look like right on me! I am looking forward to some items from Semi Precious too. I forget the release day around here, though! Hmm...
i try not looking at the dior shadows! i have a couple of their lipsticks but the shadow quints are all so beautiful! i find it best pretending they don't exist! lol! :)


Well-known member
Well, apparently it didn't stop me from going out and buying yet another Chanel quad, which is really bad because I want the Byzance too, but Nordstrom is not carrying it (at least ours will not be) and so I found a slew of other things, plus Bath and Body Works has a huge sale going on, so I went a bit crazy there, too. And picked up 4 nail polishes. I decided since I can't go to IMATS I would create MallMATS, and it was quite fun and successful! And the mall was absolutely mobbed which shocked my husband who thinks no one is shopping anymore. He needs to get out of the house more! lol

And ice-cream for supper. I am so full. But it has been a fun start to the weekend in spite of the storms and we got out and bonded for a change! Yay, because this upcoming week will be insane for him!


Well-known member
Okay, loving my Chanel RA Lover topped with Glossimer in Myriade! Deep strawberry red lips! Bright red or berry lipsticks also make my green eyes pop!



Well-known member
Debi you look so pretty in your pictures! that is an awesome combo on you!

Well, apparently it didn't stop me from going out and buying yet another Chanel quad, which is really bad because I want the Byzance too, but Nordstrom is not carrying it (at least ours will not be) and so I found a slew of other things, plus Bath and Body Works has a huge sale going on, so I went a bit crazy there, too. And picked up 4 nail polishes. I decided since I can't go to IMATS I would create MallMATS, and it was quite fun and successful! And the mall was absolutely mobbed which shocked my husband who thinks no one is shopping anymore. He needs to get out of the house more! lol
And ice-cream for supper. I am so full. But it has been a fun start to the weekend in spite of the storms and we got out and bonded for a change! Yay, because this upcoming week will be insane for him!
lol! well i ordered that quad yesterday and hopefully it will arrive tuesday or wednesday next week! it is so pretty and i love the imprints on the shadows. i also bought the lippie from that collection which will be my first chanel lippie too! i'm jealous that b&b is having a sale! we need that store in the uk so bad!!! and i'm pleased that you and hubby went out together and had a nice time. i hope this coming week won;t be too stressful for you both.

today me and nick are making more cupcakes! we are doing gingerbread ones with cream cheese frosting! yummy right?! :) lets hope!


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Lou--My daughter bitched and moaned about the uniforms when we put her in private school saying it took away your creativity and all. But it didn't take long before she got used to it. She would never admit that she liked the fact that she didn't have to think about what to wear the next day. She could choose the plaid or khaki skirt. Then there was no choice white oxford shirt, blazer with school crest and knee high socks in dark green or navy. They did have a short list of approved shoes to choose from that were basically the taditional flat oxford type but they had to be a specific brand and color.

Debi--I was in public school as well and I was all over the place with my clothes. I went from jeans and tees to cute dresses then to nice slacks and blouses. It depended on my mood I guess and probably who I was going to likely run in to that day:)

I would love to go to IMATS and I like your own version. I went to B&BW sale also. I loaded up on the sale stuff and had a $10 off coupon so I felt great. My youngest niece found out recently she is pregnant and she and the boy are both 19. Her parents are being very supportive which is great. I bought her a bunch of stuff to fix up and take to her. I even bought her one of their cute pink rubber duckies. They don't have much money for things that aren't baby related and she loves B&BW stuff. I'm going to pick her up a few maternity tops also.

I thought getting out a bit would cheer me up but I didn't stay in the mall after that. Sometimes I can get lost in the whole shopping thing and get my mind off whatever is bothering me but not so much Friday. However I do whole heartedly support retail therapy as a way to work through things, at least some things anyway.

That lip color is very pretty on you.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi ladies! Busy past few days, I have caught up with some of the posts but not all. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Debi - great that you are enjoying Chanel. And your grad photo is beautiful. It's great that you look young, no wonder you still look so young now! Thanks for sharing us your tanned look! :)

shadow - not weird at all to cremate you pet dog.

jen - the inglot pearl e/s look gorgeous, and so does the np. I don't have inglot here but now I'm interested in it and hope it comes here. mac is boring now so I have room for a new brand.

lou - Thanks :) I am settling in and enjoying my company of my co-workers. We went for some martinis after a big event on Friday. It was great, though I didn't stay long as I was tired.


Well-known member
Thanks for the compliments! I really like the lipstick and will have fun with the others today! The Chanel counter is addicting and even more so as the women working it are always so nice. They will spend hours swatching with you and never push you to buy, which automatically makes me keep going back! I also got a cool gift. In a nice red Estee Lauder zip bag I got something that looks like a MAC 15 eye palette, but when you open it, it is a huge mirror you can prop up. Probably one of the nicest gifts I have ever received from a store. I will have to pay more attention to the different freebies each line gives out when wandering through there! Lou~Enjoy your first lipstick from them. It will definitely be the beginning of a love affair with Chanel!

Chances that I will ever go to an IMATS is pretty darn slim. They don't hold them in Boston and NYC is too far to go to for something like that. So, I will do like I did yesterday. I will save my pennies and do "MallMATS" and have the time of my life getting what I want, playing with MU and enjoy the summer sales. Indeed, that B&B one is fantastic. The whole mall was absolutely mobbed yesterday, so my husband dropped me off and had to search for a parking space. That is what happens on a rainy day in summer in New England. We all shop since we can't cut our lawns! lol

Shadowaddict~When my first cat was put to sleep I was so sad, but also reminded myself that she was 17 3/4 yrs old and that was amazing. I could not ask more of her and as much as I cried and wish still that I could have her back again, I knew it was time to let her go and be out of pain. When my second cat was put to sleep I felt like life was unfair. She wasn't even 2 years old yet, so loving and beautiful, but had to be forced fed, and had a lot of health problems. I fell into a deep depression for almost a full year and was getting worried. Like you said, nothing helped and anything that took my mind off of her was so temporary. My husband basically ignored how I felt and that did not help at all. At the vets they have a long list of therapists who help people deal with the passing of their pets and I was just about to go for help when I suddenly came to peace with it all. I am not sure how it happened, except so many people had told me I did more for her than anyone else ever would have done. Others would have given up after the first year, etc. And the 1 year anniversary of her death came and I was at peace. I can say don't hold out as long as I did. This isn't regular depression or therapy for depression. It is about losing your dear fur babies and even one visit, one right phrase or word can make all the difference in the world. I know now that if I was ever in that spot again I would be sure to have a session with one of these specialized pet loss therapists instead of being in that depressive slump for so long, always hoping it will pick up. Sometimes we simply can crawl out of that dark hole on our own and need a helping hand. No shame in that.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Lover looks gorgeous on you! I have swatched it before but it looks so rich I not brave enough to wear it. Enjoy your goodies! My coworkers aren't going to the Burlington mall, sadly. I'm not sure where else they are going to shop, but this mall is not in their agenda. Never mind, I'll still give them my list, which I have yet to write.


Well-known member
Hi ladies! Busy past few days, I have caught up with some of the posts but not all. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Debi - great that you are enjoying Chanel. And your grad photo is beautiful. It's great that you look young, no wonder you still look so young now! Thanks for sharing us your tanned look! :)

shadow - not weird at all to cremate you pet dog.

jen - the inglot pearl e/s look gorgeous, and so does the np. I don't have inglot here but now I'm interested in it and hope it comes here. mac is boring now so I have room for a new brand.

lou - Thanks :) I am settling in and enjoying my company of my co-workers. We went for some martinis after a big event on Friday. It was great, though I didn't stay long as I was tired.
that's really nice that you went for drinks! maybe next time you can stay longer? i miss going out for drinks after work so much! me and my guys should do it more often but usually we are all very tired and at the moment we are all quite short on cash!

it is so hot and sunny here today - i love it!! so many birds outside and kitties from the surrounding houses keep lying out in the sun! it's great! i also feel good because i spent a long time writing up blog posts and filming today :) i did a tutorial inspired by a music video too - i just hope nobody laughs at it because i do have very cheesey/ young tastes in music! lol! :)


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by ElvenEyes

Shadowaddict~When my first cat was put to sleep I was so sad, but also reminded myself that she was 17 3/4 yrs old and that was amazing. I could not ask more of her and as much as I cried and wish still that I could have her back again, I knew it was time to let her go and be out of pain. When my second cat was put to sleep I felt like life was unfair. She wasn't even 2 years old yet, so loving and beautiful, but had to be forced fed, and had a lot of health problems. I fell into a deep depression for almost a full year and was getting worried. Like you said, nothing helped and anything that took my mind off of her was so temporary. My husband basically ignored how I felt and that did not help at all. At the vets they have a long list of therapists who help people deal with the passing of their pets and I was just about to go for help when I suddenly came to peace with it all. I am not sure how it happened, except so many people had told me I did more for her than anyone else ever would have done. Others would have given up after the first year, etc. And the 1 year anniversary of her death came and I was at peace. I can say don't hold out as long as I did. This isn't regular depression or therapy for depression. It is about losing your dear fur babies and even one visit, one right phrase or word can make all the difference in the world. I know now that if I was ever in that spot again I would be sure to have a session with one of these specialized pet loss therapists instead of being in that depressive slump for so long, always hoping it will pick up. Sometimes we simply can crawl out of that dark hole on our own and need a helping hand. No shame in that.

Thank you. You are so sweet and your furbabies had a loving caretaker in you. I think my vet has a list of therapists also. I may check into that. I have also been spending time reading some of the pet grief sites online. I think it's great that there are these out there for people who would otherwise not seek help or reach out. A lot of the people on these sites are very helpful with their own stories and comforting words and there are professionals in the field that have posts and articles also. They don't make you feel like you're an oddball like some people in real life that say just get over it or it was just a cat/dog. I was surprized at the number of sites and links there are dedicated to pet loss.


Well-known member
MissQQ--glad to hear you are getting along well at your compny and with your new coworkers. I'm sure it was nice to go out for drinks and socialize a bit with them even for a short time.


Well-known member
Thank you. You are so sweet and your furbabies had a loving caretaker in you. I think my vet has a list of therapists also. I may check into that. I have also been spending time reading some of the pet grief sites online. I think it's great that there are these out there for people who would otherwise not seek help or reach out. A lot of the people on these sites are very helpful with their own stories and comforting words and there are professionals in the field that have posts and articles also. They don't make you feel like you're an oddball like some people in real life that say just get over it or it was just a cat/dog. I was surprized at the number of sites and links there are dedicated to pet loss.
i had no idea that there were so many places and people that you could talk to about your pet like that. i think it's brilliant. because you are right and so many people treat you like you;re weird when you describe what kind of relationship your have with your pet. i feel like i'm bonded more to Dylan than some of my friends. he always knows when i'm sad and upset and changes his behaviour. he knows when i'm in a silly mood too - i swear he is really a person on the inside. i'm not as bonded with Annie - she is more Nick's kitty and you can tell she adores him. She still spends time with me - but most of it she spends with Nick.

i hope everybody is all set to have a great week! i'm at work and have already had a call from my area manager congratulating me on a good week last week - that never happens so it must have been good! lol! :)


Well-known member
i hope everybody is all set to have a great week! i'm at work and have already had a call from my area manager congratulating me on a good week last week - that never happens so it must have been good! lol! :)
Congrats on the nice praise from your manager, Lou! That is always an excellent way to start the workweek! My husband is now deep into the end of month/quarter stuff and should be entirely stressed out by lunchtime. The sun is finally shining and I we have more rain tomorrow, but rather decent temperatures for most of the end of the week, which will be nice! I am all for cooler summers! I can't believe we are at the end of June. This year has gone by way too fast and I can't catch up!! My reading is sorely behind, too. Still no takers on those two decks so might toss something else up there. Not sure. Not much left! I will miss the steady income, but I won't miss the stress!! Hope everyone has a lovely week!
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