Catherine Pics: Women of All Ages (cont. from MAC Chat)


Well-known member
Wow. Lots of heated emotions on here.

Barbie-I'm going to tell you something that I have told to my best friends face and her neices face. So consider this something like a big sister (I'm only 23 I'm not old), to a little sister. Keep in mind, this isn't just advice for this topic exclusively, but also for the future

I've read through this post and everytime I've read through it you've sounded like a bratty know it all. I mean some of the things your saying, have baffled me. Like this thing about a homeless person? SonRisa hit the nail on the head when she said What the F*ck? And how you're looking at it from a Marketing point of view-but then you say you're a minor, with a 3.8 GPA, go to high school full time (I didn't know you could go only part time?
), and are active in your church.

Sweetie, you can have your opinions but let me tell you real quick that just because you're high school teacher said something about marketing, doesnt make you an expert. I don't care if your parents have Doctorates in Marketing it doesnt make you an expert. How do you become an expert? Go to college. But when you're in college you will have to grasp-in order to even hope to get a degree in Marketing, a fundamental degree of Micro Economics, Macro Economics, Accounting (about a year or so), Calculous, and Finances. But you're still not an expert in it. You just have a lot of knowledge. In order to become an "expert" you have to go to Graduate School and get your Doctorate of Marketing OR have worked at least 20 years in the business.

High standards? Yes.

You are always welcome to an opinion as well. But as you have learned rather quickly on here your opinion must have something credible to back it up with. A website (.org, .edu, or whatever website you are referring to in this case, a journal (not like a dear diary one but one that is like a Marketing Journal, or a science journal), a newspaper etc. Not something your high school teacher told you.

You know it's great your GPA is so high. I applaud you and really encourage you to keep it up
Same with church.

But babe-I'm only 23, I go to college, I'm taking 18 hours this semester, working a 40 hour work week, and have a husband and a kid to go home too every night. I grew up kinda fast. I've learned that I don't know everything and most importantly, I don't have to be right. I've learned that 99% of the time if I just shut up and listened to people-who have already been through what i'm going through life is a hell of a lot easier. I've also learned not to discriminate against people.

I can tell you straight out, I could care less about whose right and whose wrong on this topic. But I will tell you-I am going to have to agree with SonRisa. I don't consider her an "expert" (Sorry SonRisa but you know what I mean I hope!) but I know she knows more about the MAC Company than I do since she works there, and I have found her to be a very valuable "friend" if you will online.

Barbie-you are going to have to grow up a WHOLE lot if you want to work at MAC and your attitude will have to change. I think you are very smart and have a lot going for you, but with the attitude I've read on here (and I pray to god its only an online thing) it will hold you back bigtime in the real world away from your parents.

Again, I know this is mean but I think it will be beneficial for you in the long run for someone to tell you this now.


Well-known member
I'm not too fond of the first picture, but the one with her in (I hope) vinyl red jacket is hot! But she does look stunning as herself, they could have featured her as a classic French beauty, which she is.

Perhaps it's a quibble with semantics, but I sort of thought the whole point of 'Icon' is that you've stood the test of time?

I didn't even think of the age thing - regardless of her age, I think they made a fab choice.

(from a 26 year old who looks like a 16 year old).


Well-known member
And the women I'm talking are quite common, at least in Southern California. They are 50 or 60 and have so much Botox they can't smile, they dress in teen styles that are usually 3 sizes too small, they tease their hair in a perfect 80's look, go to concerts get drunk and make idiots of themselves trying to relieve their younger days, and they swear 50 tons of MAC makeup on their face. All that alone is not what bugs me,it's the fact that they think they look incredibly hot when really people are laughing behind their backs. Thats not an attack toward MAC and everyone should have a right to buy it, I'm just saying that some women try wayy too tried. Theres something to the whole age-appropriate thing. No offense toward anyone in particular. I'm sure someone knows what kind of woman I'm talking about!

They sound like they're having fun, they love their makeup and clothes just like everyone here, and they don't give a rat's ass.

I feel sorry for the people who are more interested in "laughing behind their backs" and focusing on them and judging them and sneering at them. Do you categorize ALL "types" of people? If I go to a concert, there might be disabled people, different races of people (obviously, as everywhere in the world), people who might be homeless in the parking lot.....we're all people. I don't judge or criticize anyone for how they look or what they're doing. But THAT right there is something I actually DID do when I was younger....and a trait that I despise. I used to be more judgmental, snobbish, less understanding and sympathetic. Now I suppose with life experience that COMES WITH AGE, and while I've always been caring towards people in need, I NEVER judge and make fun of people based on how they look or how they're acting if they're having a good time. I don't sneer & laugh behind people's backs. I've got my own stuff to attend to. You might get a laugh off of me if you were around me, and I couldn't care less.

There are numerous younger women here that are very classy, intelligent, fun and beautiful people. I hadn't known anyone's age or age range (unless it'd been specifically mentioned, & then I promptly forgot) because besides this branch of the topic about the pictures, it's never been an issue with ANYONE that I've noticed here, which has been pleasant.

Whatever age I've been at any point in my life, I'd have seen the pic of Catherine in the red jacket and not had ANY thought about it looking inappropriate or whatever. When I finally saw it, I couldn't believe that's what all the stuff was about. She was a model AND actress, and she is able to model just about anything, now or in the past.

Oh, and one quad I might get altho it only has one new shadow, but the other one definitely is mine! And I love the compacts. Now give me back my bed socks and flannel nightie...*creak*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by absolut_blonde
I can't imagine writing off a collection because you don't know who the model is! Most of the MAC models used are unknowns, so if you aren't familiar with Catherine, then why should that be any different? Colours are colours.

You know what? I totally agree with you. I wasn't really familiar with the past 2 icons either but that didn't stop me from going out to get lots of stuff from either collection! And I'm planning to get lots from the next Icon collection too. And I'm 17. So I think that barbie_doll_713 was just generalizing without actually taking into consideration that not all teens feel the same way that she and her friends do. There are so many teens and young women here saying that they love this collection so yes, I think she was just shooting her mouth off.

And the whole marketing thing...well, unless you actually are a member of MAC's marketing dept, I don't think there's much you can actually say can you because you don't have all the sales figures and info that they do.

So barbie_doll_713, you're entitled to your own opinion but I think you should've just been more considerate of other members' feelings because of what you said about aging and about how MAC is supposedly a 'young' brand but remember, one day you're gonna be that age too so are you gonna stop buying MAC?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
N_J_T----> what are we going to do with the dead horse? (your post 2 posts up)



New member
I really don't have much to say on the subject except that I agree with n_j_t. Let this die. or at least all the going back and forth.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by n_j_t
As an aside...I sobbed my little teenage heart out when Audrey Hepburn died--she was my icon. Still is.

Mine, too! I was only 12 when she died, but it was so sad for me. I adore her. She was an amazing and beautiful person, and a fantastic actress to boot.

If only there were a way to make her a MAC idol! Maybe they could recreate colors she wore for a certain photo shoot or something. That would be cool. I'd totally buy the entire collection.


Well-known member
You know what they should do with the likes of her and Marilyn Monroe? They should get a model and do a dead ringer for them in a classic pose.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
You know what they should do with the likes of her and Marilyn Monroe? They should get a model and do a dead ringer for them in a classic pose.

Oooh! Oooh! Mariska Hartigay as her mom, the divine Ms Jayne Mansfield.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by n_j_t
Oooh! Oooh! Mariska Hartigay as her mom, the divine Ms Jayne Mansfield.

. i'd be ALL over that... i LOVE mariska hargitay!! she looks a lot like her mom!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Juneplum
. i'd be ALL over that... i LOVE mariska hargitay!! she looks a lot like her mom!

Yay she does... she always looks so hot on the red carpet!!


New member
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
No you aren't. You've quite clearly shown that you've missed the point entirely. Whilst you and your teenage friends may not buy this collection, it will appeal to an entire section of the makeup buying community that MAC are also aiming to attract. Y'see MACs target audience is everybody, which is where the All Races, All Sexes, All Ages bit (that you so casually dismissed) comes in. They want to sell to EVERYONE, which from a business point of view makes perfect sense. And while you may believe that the majority of MACs customers are young people wanting wild colours because that's the impression you get from Internet groups, you're wrong. It varies a bit by location, of course, but the bulk of MACs business is from people wanting more subtle looks, and regardless of what you think, plenty of older customers shop at MAC. Ask any MAC MA if you don't believe me. In fact Son_Risa posts here and she works for MAC, so feel free to ask her.

Think about it, why would MAC not want to target the older demographic? After all, teenagers in general have nowhere near as much to spend as more mature customers. MAC would be pretty silly to ignore them, don't you think? And they are just the people this collection is aimed at. This collection will fly off the shelves. The older customers will love it and I don't think MAC will be in the least bit bothered that you and your friends aren't buying it.

i'm going to have to agree with u completly. in a marketing perspective they are trying to broaden their range and not too many people are closeminded to not buy a color they may like because someone older is wearing it. my mom wears mac, yeah she doesnt wear bright ass colors but maybe if MAC came out with colors that she liked better, she would buy it more often, i think that's what MAC is trying to do... and i think it's smart!!!


Well-known member
It's funny...when I think of MAC, the first thing that comes to mind isn't teenagers OR older's DRAG QUEENS. LOL

I think the whole point of the Icon collections is to show that everyone can wear MAC and look good.

Now play nice before I have to get my belt


Well-known member
Originally Posted by n_j_t
Oh lord, y'all! I respectfully suggest we let this go. Because the horse? He is dead.

As an aside...I sobbed my little teenage heart out when Audrey Hepburn died--she was my icon. Still is.

Ditto... like a wise someone once posted many years ago:
"Arguing on a forum is like competing in the special olympics." or a brick wall if you'd like to be more PC.
You've all got valid points I'm sure but we're all entitled to our own personal opinions whatever they might be. Let it go.

Oh me too
I have all of her movies and a few biographies. I absolutly adore her over anyone else.

Originally Posted by Cruella
It's funny...when I think of MAC, the first thing that comes to mind isn't teenagers OR older's DRAG QUEENS. LOL

I think we can thank Ru Paul for that

I feel like watching Too Wong Fu & Priscilla Queen of the Desert now

Classic Beauty

Well-known member
I love audrey hepburn! I tried to model my hair for homecoming after her's in breakfast at tiffany's.

I love all classic hollywood actors and actresses.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
I mean Christina Aguilara & Pam Anderson were hot sellers because young girls want to look like that.

That's not something I'd brag about. Or at least if I was going to brag about it, I'd learn to spell their names right, ROFL.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FairladyZ
Oh me too
I have all of her movies and a few biographies. I absolutly adore her over anyone else.

I have most of her movies too (My Fair Lady was tough--I love her, but HATE musicals!), and a biography. My favourite is still Breakfast at Tiffany's, but Two For the Road was, IMO, one of her absolute best performances ever.


Well-known member
Just like ya'll wouldn't dream of wearing colors promoted by Paris Hilton, I couldn't dream of wearing colors promoted by a 60 year old!!

Oh my... LOL! I love Prrr, even if it's Paris Hilton's fav lipglass! So why not Catherine Deneuve fav shades?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by n_j_t
I have most of her movies too (My Fair Lady was tough--I love her, but HATE musicals!)

If I recall correctly she was very upset that they didn't use her voice for the singing in MFL. Actually that whole movie was an upsetting experience to her.
I'm not much for muicals either, but whats ammusing is that Funny Face was the movie that first turned me on to her
Only because I love Fred Astaire & ballroom dancing. I really want to take that up again since it's so much fun, but it costs so much $$$!