Chanel Le Blanc at a Nordstrom near you? Anniversary Sale exclusive

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Thanks, winthrop and elegant!

Now I have a renewed interest in this collection. I wanted to check out the quad and RT the other day but I forgot. Hope to check them out this week.

Icecaramellatte - I find the quad similar to Tentations Cuivree, except for the bright pink shade. TC is slightly warmer compared to this quad as it is coppery while this is more pink and plum.


Well-known member
Karla says RT can satisfy those who miss Turbulent. Are they close? I so want Turbulent.

Oh, ME TOO!! That's my big hunt in life hahaha. But I have to agree that RT may come pretty darn close (though I've never seen Turbulent)'s quite beautiful, and very easy to wear!!! I find it easier to wear than Pink Explosion......

I'm now considering the peach lippie, but am also still getting the highlight powder - my SA told me they're 'only' getting 30 of them, so they're going to go fast, based on pre-orders. I'm down for 2, but may only get one. I so love the special edition powders (ok, powders in general) that Chanel does..............

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Hopefully they will repromote Turbulent one day. I didn't know the highlighter is so limited. In the past years, those highlighting/brightening powders that came with the whitening collection always took a long time to sell out. I dropped by the counter on my way home today and I saw RT and the quad. Didn't see the powder and the lippies, so I'm not sure if they are still available. I swatched RT and PE side by side and PE looked warm beside RT. Now that elegant mentioned it, I could see the violet tinge in RT! Very pretty!


Well-known member
My list as it stands right now is the quad, RT JC and Joyeuse. For those who have seen them, what are your thoughts on the glossimers?


Well-known member
I won't know until I pick my haul up, probably Wednesday (don't think I'll get out there tomorrow, but we'll see)....the white one I think is close to Galactic - not sure about the other one, but I have them both on hold so I can decide.


Well-known member
I've talked myself out of the quad. It looks too similar to Tentation Cuivree. Since I bought the Byzance and Prelude quads, I should be good with shadows for a while.

My list is now the 2 lipsticks and possibly the RT blush. I'm going tomorrow and bring my other Chanel pink blushes with me. I have Pink Explosion (which I like) and Tweed Fuschia (LOVE this) to see how close the colors are. I don't know that RT is different enought from PE or TF to justify getting.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I was in the mall last weekend and saw the displayer for this collection at the Bay. I guess it's another one of those Nordstrom collex we get here in Canada. I picked up Blossom glossimer and LOVE it! It's so sparkly yet sophisticated and goes with all the pink lipsticks in my stash. I wanted to get Joyeuse RA too but it looks similar to a lot of my barbie pink lipsticks. I love this types of shades so I have accumulated quite a few.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
IMO the 2 glossimers are unique. The white glossimer is actually clear, with pink glitters. I didn't try it on my lips, I'm not sure if it will show up. Blossom is light pink, with pink and blue glitters. Very pretty, I almost caved for it.

My list as it stands right now is the quad, RT JC and Joyeuse. For those who have seen them, what are your thoughts on the glossimers?


Well-known member
I was in Nordstrom first thing this morning to check out the Chanel. I came home with the blush and both lipsticks. Joyeuse is gorgeous on - sheerer than I thought and a very wearable pink. RT blush is very pretty. I brought my Pink Explosion and Tweed Fuschia to compare and they are all pretty different. PE is lighter than RT while TF is more fuschia. RT can look very bright but with a light hand, I think it's a lovely color. I did find it to be a little powdery but that didn't deter me.

The eyeshadows didn't impress me at all. They were very sheer and shimmery. IMO, the glossimers weren't anything special. I felt I had something similar in my stash.

Considering the number of people at the pre-sale, I'd be surprised if they have much left when the sale starts on the 15th.


Well-known member
So my worries were for naught, Rose Tourbillon didn't apply as cool as it looks in the pan. The Chanel SA applied it a lot more heavily than I normally would, but it's a pretty pink. I'm glad I picked it up. The SA applied the rest of the LeBlanc collection on me (except the highlighter) but it's much too pale/cool for my liking.

All pictures taken in natural light with no flash.

Rose Tourbillon

Outside: Eyes: Rose Envolee quad | Cheeks: Rose Tourbillon (heavy) | Lips: Joyeuse RA + Blossom Glossimer

Inside, natural light.


Well-known member
Got my anniversary goodies yesterday even though technically I wasn't supposed to.

I got the quad, the JC and Blossom glossimer.

I also got Joyeuse but it is being shipped from another store and I won't get it until next week. The counter I normally go to (not the boutique counter where I had the issues with Byzance) sold out of their stock on Joyeuse in 3 days.

I LOVE this freaking collection. Especially the quad. Who am I kidding? I love all of it. Saw the highlighter powder. Very pretty but couldn't justify the $60 for that when I could get another quad for $57.

I was worried about RT being too bright on me but it looks beautiful on.


Well-known member
I was in Nordstrom first thing this morning to check out the Chanel. I came home with the blush and both lipsticks. Joyeuse is gorgeous on - sheerer than I thought and a very wearable pink. RT blush is very pretty. I brought my Pink Explosion and Tweed Fuschia to compare and they are all pretty different. PE is lighter than RT while TF is more fuschia. RT can look very bright but with a light hand, I think it's a lovely color. I did find it to be a little powdery but that didn't deter me.

The eyeshadows didn't impress me at all. They were very sheer and shimmery. IMO, the glossimers weren't anything special. I felt I had something similar in my stash.

Considering the number of people at the pre-sale, I'd be surprised if they have much left when the sale starts on the 15th.

is Nordies doing GWP? or as they call it client appreciation or something like that? last year I ot a mini lipstic, mascara, perfume sample, mini eyeliner in a signature chanel bag


Well-known member
April, I'm glad you love your goodies! Nice haul! I am getting the powder and another b/u of Joyeuse, along with the 2 glossimers. I love the quad as well. It is a great collection, no doubt!! I wear the blush regularly - it's amazing it can look like that in the pan and yet come out so subtle on the cheeks!


Well-known member
April - that is so great to hear! I agree its one of the prettiest color collections.

I got my RT blush & Disenvolte lipstick -both are just GORGEOUS!!! That is one of the prettiest peach lipsticks, & I just LOVE that blush on me.


Well-known member
Question for everyone who is familiar with this quad and the vanities quad. Are they at all similar? I love the vanities quad and wanted to get one with the winter collection, but this quad looks a lot like it in promo pics. Any help on deciding between these two quads would be great!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
elegant - enjoy! I bet the blush is stunning on you!

winthrop - very excited for you to get it!

Haven - they don't look alike at all. Vanities is purple, with red undertones, while this RE is cool quad with plums and pinks. I think both are worth getting if you like the colours. Take a look at cafemakeup's pics of the quad, I think they are quite accurate.


Well-known member
Thank you for the recommendation! I just know that if I wait to buy from the Nordstrom's collection, then it will sell out. Hopefully the winter collection will be in stores & on the Chanel site for a while. I have been on a "makeup bender" all month with MAC bloggers & SP, Chanel Byzance, and Chanel Fall collection. I will have to put myself on a temporary ban after this collection.

Speaking of this collection.... Does anyone know when it will appear on the Nordstrom's site? I forget if they typically put it up at midnight on the Thursday before the sale or later on Friday.

I did make a preorder at my local Nordstroms, but they have given me such crappy service. The MA who took my order told me that she would call by 7/7 to update me on product availibility (after the cardholders bought what they wanted). No call. I called last Friday to speak to her, she was busy & said she would call right back. No call. I then called back a couple of days later, and surprise she was busy. Still no call back. At this point, I really do not want to give her the comission.

elegant - enjoy! I bet the blush is stunning on you!

winthrop - very excited for you to get it!

Haven - they don't look alike at all. Vanities is purple, with red undertones, while this RE is cool quad with plums and pinks. I think both are worth getting if you like the colours. Take a look at cafemakeup's pics of the quad, I think they are quite accurate.


Well-known member
Haven, I would ask to speak to the department manager. There is NO excuse for that! You should also ask him/her what the policies are for hold items for the sale - sometimes I think that SAs make it up as suits them. I am getting my stuff tomorrow - I opted not to do the 'early' sale - and there are no issues with them holding my stuff.

I don't know why there are so many inconsistencies in service at Nordstrom - they really need to address that. It could be turnover, or just poor management (likely both). But in any event, you should never have to put up with being put off by that behavior.


Well-known member
A very kind Specktrette helped me with a CP for the quad and the pink lipstick, got both today and love them! I was scared that the lipstick might look too cool on me but it works! One of the lighter colours in the quad does look like it may be a problem but the other shades are fine :) I was getting late today so I could only do a quick look with the darker shade as an eyeliner with a thick coat of mascara and the pink lippie on my lips. I used the pink heart from the Sakura blush on my cheeks and it goes so well with the lipstick!

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