Control your brats.


Well-known member
I'm in a kind of interesting situation. I live in rural Japan, where caucasian females are quite the rarity. To these people, seeing me is like seeing a wild elephant (or so their reaction would suggest). Pretty much every time I'm out and about at the grocery store or on a train, kids will do any combination of the following:

-whispering while staring
-saying things about me
-grab their mom and say "LOOK MOM! A FOREIGNER!!" in Japanese.

Where I'm from, we teach kids not to point, stare, or make fun of people who are different (race, large birthmarks, disabled etc). However, I'm in the country where "The peg that sticks out is nailed in."

When I'm in a bad mood and just want to get my shit done, the last thing I want to hear is "OMG A FOREIGNER! WOW WHAT A BIG NOSE! LOOK AT HER BROWN HAIR! SHE MUST BE FROM AMERIKA!"

So many times I just want to tell them "Don't you teach your kids that its rude to stare/talk about people like that?!"
But I usually just give them the evil eye since saying such a rude thing would reflect not only on me, but all of my country's people and the rest of the western world.

Oh, and I get quite a few of the whispers and dirty stares from old biddies too.

Sorry for the rant, I just get really sick of it sometimes.


Well-known member
The only sick pleasure I derive from Heelies comes from every time I see some poorly behaved Devil Spawn take a spill down an escalator in a department store because they're playing on the nice buffed floor in their Heelies.

Personally, I think its a brilliant learning experience for them. Do something stupid, and you might get hurt.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead should write a book

And I would WITH PLEASURE pass it to those parents...

Is it me who is too old or when I was young, I never EVER talk like that to my parents. Ok, I had 2 or 3 friends in my whole life who were talking sh*t to their parents, like saying f*ck you and stuff like that... But me, I never did. Had respect for them.

It is sad to see that, but I guess our childrens wont be like that, mine wont... believe me! No way I'll be your best friend, you will be my child, and I will be your mother.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
And I would WITH PLEASURE pass it to those parents...

Is it me who is too old or when I was young, I never EVER talk like that to my parents. Ok, I had 2 or 3 friends in my whole life who were talking sh*t to their parents, like saying f*ck you and stuff like that... But me, I never did. Had respect for them.

It is sad to see that, but I guess our childrens wont be like that, mine wont... believe me! No way I'll be your best friend, you will be my child, and I will be your mother.

My daughter's teacher didn't know what to make of my parenting style.


Well-known member
I totally see what you mean

The same thing happened in school...
The teachers became friends to the kids, no more authority involved. No wonder why kids aren't educated like they should.

Here, its a total mess.
Right now the government came up, just yesterday, with a new ''law'' for education. But the thing is, we use to do that when I was in school!!! I just don't understand why they changed their way 10 years ago.

They said kids would have to read each day in class, have more gramatical tests, have dictation each day too and such.

I know its not a ''parent'' thing, but a whole generation of kids cannot right 2 sentences without making errors. And when you tell them that it is not normal not knowing it, they argue back with the fact that they don't care, ''it's just internet'' I can write a whole text without errors... Yeah right...

And what about those kids spitting on the floor, on private properties, stealing, doing weird sexual stuff at the age of 11... My neighbor's son and his friend went to the church 2 streets from our house and they vandalized everything!!! They got caught and he got grounded for the rest of the summer. I saw him beating his father, spitting on him and such

Monday, I came back from work and on my way to my appartment, there were 2 girls (around 15 years old) on the corner of the street acting like porno actresses o_0 And don't let me start on the way they were dressed. It was a shame! I gave them a look and they got mad at me!!!!


Well-known member

I have no problem with children but when they act out, I want to slap or trip them over. I don't really agree with corporal punishment but there's a huge amount of children out there who deserve a good slap across the ass.
Parents need to take control and be proper role models. Letting you're kid get away with "murder" isn't going to help them, in actual fact you're producing egocentric, apathetic and selfish human beings who lack independence.

I don't have children, I'm only 20 and I'm sure being a parent is hard but it doesn't mean you need to lose your dignity to a "CHILD".

Also on the topic, I really feel people these days seem to be lacking empathy and general people skills. I'm starting my 3rd year of university and there's still all the stupid teenage BS. One of my good friends has decided she's going to ignore me unless she wants something (how HIGH SCHOOL) especially around people, she's bitchy to me.
I'm scared to see what the next generation is going to be like as adults, if that's the way they act as "innocent" children.


Well-known member
Wonderful post Shimmer, I couldn't agree with you more! I can't stand seeing out of control brats in public while their parents just stand around like sheep and expect everyone else to "understand"...

I think things have gotten much worse since corporal punishment was banned. A swat on the ass doesn't cause any lasting harm and it can drive the point home that their behavior is unacceptable more effectively than any other means. Too many parents, teachers and principals are hampered by threats of child abuse, so they allow atrocious behavior to continue.

Parents, you are NOT your child's FRIEND. You're bringing little beings into this world and your job is to CIVILIZE them. You may think your precocious little brats are cute but they're not. Brats are not CUTE! Not only do you need to teach your precious little child the meaning of the word no, but you also need to teach them a few other basic facts:

Don't stare, point, scream, or chew food with your mouth open. You don't get a fucking present or a candy bar every time you go to the store. Magic words like Please, Thank you, Excuse me, and You're welcome will open many more doors than whining.

Don't waste your time arguing with your kid, a household is NOT A DEMOCRACY, but a MONARCHY. If you find yourself spending more than 3 minutes explaining to your kid about why they can't spend yet another hour playing their video game, it's time for a 5 minute time out. Every time the kid opens up his or her yap to argue with you, add another 5 minutes.
Teach your kid to pick up after themselves for GOD's sake! Even my 4 year old nephew knows enough to take his plate and glass to the sink rather than leave it around on the kitchen table.

A couple months ago, I was really horrified to see a 5 year old boy attached to his mother with a harness/leash thing. I shot her the dirtiest look, because it resembled a leash but sometimes I can see why that would be tempting.....


Well-known member
I love kid leashes. I haven't had to use one, but shit yes, in a super populated area? I'll tie something to them, unabashedly.

My kids know how to load and run the dishwasher, rinse their plates, make their own school lunches, vacuum the living room and hallway, do their own laundry, and clean a bathroom.
When my kids walk through a mall, we have a hands in pockets rule, and a rule that says that if I have to do more than step and reach, they're too far away.

My husband is definitely the 'explainer' where as I'm the one who's like...just...don't...DO it. Whatever it is, stop it. He's definitely the more patient of the two of us, I'll admit. Though, I am working on it.


Well-known member
I am so glad I am not the only one who feels that discipline has gone down the toilet! I grew up in a household that included spankings...but I know that's not for everybody. I had plenty of friends that didn't get spanked but they knew that if one of their parents gave them "the look", they had better quit whatever they were doing. It's all about respect.

Yesterday I was standing at an intersection and saw this family coming from the other direction, also about to cross the street. This kid about 2 years old was hauling ass toward the intersection, and there was traffic. I held my breath because the parents just walked behind him, oblivious. Surprisingly, he stopped just at the edge of the curb and froze.
If he would have been on the same side, I probably would have instinctively snatched his hood or something to stop him...and the parents would have freaked out. I swear I almost had a heart attack because the oncoming traffic would have never seen him...he was that little.


Well-known member
I hate those fucking Heelies. By the way, parents should know; they weren't created for fat kids. They were created for petite little girls, and small boys...The next time I see a 150lb. twelve yr old boy slobbing around in them, crashing into things, I'm going to say something to his mother.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by athena123
Wonderful post Shimmer, I couldn't agree with you more! I can't stand seeing out of control brats in public while their parents just stand around like sheep and expect everyone else to "understand"...

I think things have gotten much worse since corporal punishment was banned. A swat on the ass doesn't cause any lasting harm and it can drive the point home that their behavior is unacceptable more effectively than any other means. Too many parents, teachers and principals are hampered by threats of child abuse, so they allow atrocious behavior to continue.

Parents, you are NOT your child's FRIEND. You're bringing little beings into this world and your job is to CIVILIZE them. You may think your precocious little brats are cute but they're not. Brats are not CUTE! Not only do you need to teach your precious little child the meaning of the word no, but you also need to teach them a few other basic facts:

Don't stare, point, scream, or chew food with your mouth open. You don't get a fucking present or a candy bar every time you go to the store. Magic words like Please, Thank you, Excuse me, and You're welcome will open many more doors than whining.

Don't waste your time arguing with your kid, a household is NOT A DEMOCRACY, but a MONARCHY. If you find yourself spending more than 3 minutes explaining to your kid about why they can't spend yet another hour playing their video game, it's time for a 5 minute time out. Every time the kid opens up his or her yap to argue with you, add another 5 minutes.
Teach your kid to pick up after themselves for GOD's sake! Even my 4 year old nephew knows enough to take his plate and glass to the sink rather than leave it around on the kitchen table.

A couple months ago, I was really horrified to see a 5 year old boy attached to his mother with a harness/leash thing. I shot her the dirtiest look, because it resembled a leash but sometimes I can see why that would be tempting.....

I actually agree with 'kid leashes/harnesses'. They're wonderful for unruly kids that just want to run through the mall, etc..

Another thing about them...You cannot kidnap a kid on a leash/harness. SO many little kids get kidnapped in public places..esp. crowded places like fairs, amusement parks, etc. Some people think just 'cause a place is crowded, it's 'safe'; quite the contrary..more kids get taken from these places than anywhere else..All it takes is a minute for Mom to turn her back..and it's so you're tending to another child, paying for something, etc..and you turn around, and little Janie is gone...And you can't see through the crowds. Leashes prevent all that...and no need to worry your kid is gonna try to run off, either.

Just yesterday, I assisted a sobbing, crying three-year-old who lost her Mommy in the grocery store...It was a very traumatic experience for her...and for 'Mom'...she needs a leash!



Well-known member
Whew this soo on point. I have 3 kids of which my 3yr old daughter is a screamer but let it be known that mess ended real quick. I tell my kids before we get out of the car to enter a store that 1. they better not run, jump or shout like wild animals. 2. dont ask for nothing and 3. keep up and walk alongside me!! 4. dont touch nothing cuz i am not paying for something i dont want nor can take home becuz its broken. 5. all of ya will likely be much taller than me (my 12 yr old is 5'6) but i can still knock the hell outta all yall.


Well-known member
SO agree! You know what's even worse though? When parents expect YOU to do the job of disciplining their children. I've been in malls where bratty kids have pulled my hair/bumped into me, etc. and after I've looked expectantly at the mother (or father), i'll get the response: "Oh, well why didn't you just tell them to stop?"

Yeahhh, if I wanted to be lecturing kids, I'd have some of my own, thanks. I'm not shopping so I can be the bad guy when someone else's kid acts like a miniature dictator with grimy little hands. Frankly, I have better things to do (like going to MAC *cough*)
Ugh!! Great post, Shimmer~~


Well-known member
Your post made me laugh.
I can't stand Heelies. Parents get the look of death from me when they let their kids skate around stores/malls. Why not let your brats skateboard and ride their bikes around the stores/malls too? Heelies aren't allowed at my son's school.

I have a 9-year-old son and a 1-year-old daughter. My son is at the back-talking age and I don't put up with it. He has chores around the house and moans and groans while he does his chores but does them. I think some parents are afraid to make their kids do chores and are afraid to get after their kids when they do something wrong. My son doesn't hate me for it. If anything he respects me. He is learning responsibility and in the long run it will make him a better person/adult.

On the subject of the child leashes, I used to think they were awful but now that I have kids, I am all for them if you are in a crowded place. It is too easy for little ones to wonder off and there are a lot of whackos out there.

Some people have kids just to have them. If you are going to have kids, teach them repsect and responsibility. I love hearing strangers say what a well-manored boy I have when he holds a door open for someone or says please and thank you. It lets me know that I've done something right!


Well-known member
I love this thread,I completely agree with it.When I was a kid I got soap in my mouth if I so much as stuck out my tongue,and I also got spankings once in a while.A lot of kids now are unbelievable!!I have seen so many parents that let their kids do whatever the hell they want and that is just messed up.It's like hello who are the parents here?I hate those heelies with a passion-I wish they would just stop selling them.And also some of the kids that dress the way they do now-if I had tried even walking out of the house with say,a low cut top when I was 14,and I did try,my mom and dad were like no way get up to your room and change out of that right now and then my mom would take the top away from me.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I can't stand that either. It's like neglecting your children to do those sorts of things. I don't agree with spanking because I think fearing your parents is a bad thing but I do believe punishing the child then and there to make their behaviour consistent and better.


Well-known member

We once had "family friends" (that I've never met before that) sleep over at our house. And they had this one kid who was SO .. I don't even know the word. He just made me want to strangle him. He would spit at me, make fun of me, repeat things I said, even hit me! And it didn't happen once too, it happened THE WHOLE TIME they stayed. I seriously felt like slapping him but of course, I couldn't because I was "older" and they were "visitors." I was so fucking pissed, especially because I couldn't do anything about it but complain to my parents. (This was when I was about 14 or 15)

You know what, it sounds so harsh, but I'm for "beating your kids". Seriously. I was beaten when I was a kid, but only when I misbehaved. I thank my parents for it because I think it instilled the moral values that I have now. I always knew they were doing it out of love, because they always tell me that. I really think that a lot of kids these days need that discipline.